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Show A Home Paper for Home People Second Year No. 18 Telephone 700 1.00 AN, I 'TAIL Tl'KSDAY, ICCE.MIii:n 27, .rr-- DEPUTY FIELD HAPPY IfITII ASSESSORS Relief Societies Take Lead In Making Distribution of Well Filled Baskets Band Flays Selections. 62 West E. QUINNEY CONTINUES LEM REMEMBERED TOBENMIED if, i. NEEDY HERE VX',2. r 4 FIRST TINKER IN SCORING : BUDGET AS If! L8GAII DIED jPLAY AT CEDAR! PROPOSED UP temimleI ON COAST TRIP FROM LONDON At the regular meeting of llw toCache county commissioners morrow, deputy field assessors for making assessments for 1933 will be named, according, to Assessor R. S. McQuarrie. Mr. McQuarrie will present the names to the commissioners for approval. The list selected for deputy field assessors will meet the approval of the new commissioners. William Worley and A. W. Chambers, said Mr. McQuarrie today. The new field deputies are being named at the present time as the law requires the work of assessing to begin on January 1. There will be very few changes in the field men that handled the field assessing last season. AGGIES HILL Center Edward Quinney of Piggly 4m- ? !M. II. Fames h:td been Resi- - A change has been made In the Clerk 13 Mohr Lists Items gly had little competition Iter ah State Aggie basketball dent nf City Since 1861 Which Show Trimmings of scorer during the foul dule on the coast lour hk in Ixtgan Second weeks play except from his bwn Nearly $10,000 from 19.12 starts December 29, according to Ward Chapel. brother and team mate. An explodon turned Grant. Chicago Budget. Coach Dick Romney. The schea Under the direction of the Lo grain elevator Into ai The needy of Logan and Cathy Quinney slipped into second. pluce Mathew Henry Fames. 92. the dule game with Santa Clara has The public hearing on Cache gan and Cache LX) S. stake Relast S'lhlng furnae today, killing one Valley have again been remember- by scoring eight points In nd tln 8mllh ln Cache county, been called off by the Santa county's 1933 tentative budget will a lmsn Perhaps second who,Iirst ed from London by a man who lief societies, over 100 baskets were th. wees. a.oww ins was who has made his home In Logan Clara officials. be held Wednesday at 10 a. m. acnuking tonight. distributed the among Sunday Luacuvc curing uie wees The Aggies took a short work- cording to County Clerk C. V. Eight others were burned some ' slnce 1861 dled 8t ,he hmne ol and who at the present uivuBu . Logan 10 needy families of Logan. The bas Mohr. The proposed budget for pr1,led ankle anmtIn-wit- h of them rescued heroically from his dauBhter- - Mrs John Mitchell out at the Dunsante, time has business connections, Monday and 1933 keta contained food .clothing and has been reduced $39,214.98 hu fcad over centers by a imminent dealh, as 200,000 bushels at Riverdale, Idaho. The body has today. It Is the Cache Valley Banking jed expected that they will from that for 1932, fe mar8te- which was There was ijbig of wheat, corn, barley and oats been brought to Logan by the leave toys for the children. They were company and the Utah Mortgage Wednesday for 219,78130, as compared with Lindquist morning Mortuary and services Loan Corporation. A one hundred change in positions among cen- went up In flames and near-b- y distributed under the direction tf will be held ln the Second ward Cedar City, where they will meet for 1933. dollar check has been turned over ters, when Nielsen of Hyrum Jtrnip concrete elevators, containing Mrs. Lulu Y. Smith and Mrs. Besthe Branch Agricultural college Mr, Mohr said. In nearly every to A. A. Firmage, chairman of ed from fifth to second place ,and more than 1.000.000 bushels more, chapel sie O. Ballard, presidents of the Mr. Fames as born on May 17, the relief fund by F. P. Champ Rust of Coca Cola scored heavily acre menaced. Thursday, From there they go lo department cuts have been made ' Cache and Logan LDJ3. Relief to a minimum, and ln only two of the Utah Mortgage loan Cor- enough to go from last to third Walter Brazel. 28, was killed as 1840, at Dagnham, Essex.England Long Beach, where they meet the Far-ne- s Increases are shown. departments societies, respectively. Hancock Five Pointers poration. This check was authoriz- place. Hale of Coca Cola increas- a blast hurled him through an and with his parents, John January 3. The and Ann Fames, came to The next ed by Thomas Oldham of Lon- ed his lead of allguard s by Jeer- elevator door, Jury and witness fee has four truckloads Approximately night they the play J. 1860. His father died don, The funds are to be used ing four points ln 'i nursdays fame at Lot Angeles, U.S.C. at been Increased by $147 because of Charles Duval, 39, scale Inspec- Utah ln of toys, clothing and foods of while crossing the plains. one case where they will do the most good Finlinson of Aces Cafe goored tor for the board of Los Angeles January 5 and Pasa- Jurors wereln which a total of E3 trade, was various kinds, Including several Deceased Is survived by the fol- dena drawn, and then the through the relief fund organiza- heavy and now rests ln sesoifd trapped at the top of a tower Majors January 6. Following hundred pounds of sugar and a case lasted nine days. In the other lowing children: Mrs. Mitchell; this game, tion. Last year a similar contribu- place, while R. Hull failed to score and will return horn . His they probably perished. body John Fames of Preston, Idaho tion was made by Mr. Oldham end is now in third place. ,1i quantity of flour, was distributed could not be found, searing heat Romney la still having a hard Instance, the board of health reand Mrs. John W. Crawford of time Christmas morning. ceived an increase of 190 because and , It was handled FORWARDS through m picking a forward combinaconi.nrcllns! A sister, Mrs. Matilda tion to The Logan Elks, Instead of Mayor A. G. Lundstrom's relief Name Team Ga. G. T, F. K the runins. They believed he vas Logan. the season through. of the state board of health not carry no arc There Washington Smith of Pocatello, Idaho, also For that reason ducting a separate drive, turned committee. bills for the years they E. Quinney, P.W. ... 3 21 3,1 43 catapulted into the all six forwards presenting Chicago river survives. were due. The bills are allowed to their supplies over to the Relief distractions tonight in the capiG. are 18 3 P.W 37 6 1 walls alien the Quinney. taken being on the trip. From gave way and sent Other tal! Tis Christmas. societies for distribution. 2 13 4 u3 23 a torrent of blazing grain Bennion, Tex. present indications, it looks as accumulate. President Hoover is sojourning flowing also helped civic organizations 3 14 5 1 29 over the bank to sizzle in the icy Vanderhoff, L.T. Following is the list of departthough Joe Lambers and Conley brushing with the gathering of articles for far to the southward, Watts will be tried out ments, with the 1933 appropria3 13 4 2 26 water. Johnson, C.C. aside for the nonce the nation's families. the needy tions and reductions, as will be 2 11 25 Westover, L.T. The loss was estimated above The Logan senior high school problems; casting for the elusive 1 A.C. at the public hearing, 7 9 Hervilla, 4 presented fish once he which but $500,000, philosophicalprobably short of one band, under the direction of A. with the appropriations first and 3 8 11' 5 21 million Hughes, M described as equalizing all men. dollars. The elevator itself T. Henson, drove through the cUy ly A. Bird, M. the reductions 3 10 2 1 21 was a wooden second: Cabinet officers many of them County structure, built ln The Madison Peterson, H. in bob sleighs, playing Christmas Rexburg, Idaho 1 7 4 4 13 1903 commissioners, $3900, none; county elseare their the Ice Cream holidays taking Fe Santa by Hollow, Bobcats won their first victory of railway, music. Both the Cache Valley clerk, $7148; $176; county treasurJeffs. Tex. 2 5 13 7 17 w hose freight Logan Canyon yards skirt it. It General hospital and the William where, while those remaining seek the season Friday night when M. er, $8481, $187.50; county assessor, 3 8 1.0 18 contained Bird, M. the solace of their own firesides. Dec. 27th. expensive were machinery, defeated Memorial the Logan high Maughan W. hospital they Budge .2 4 8 S 13 however. 6435, 525; Government a workers have county recorder, The comDear Stratton Editor: Grain school team, visited by the band. The band three-daThe Logan Stevensen, A.C 1! 544230, $23; county sheriff, 2 5 7 12 . y down 8810, holiday, which closing leased are Scouts too not the who pany, team busy, granary, front a selections several in had defense very played strong 2 4 S 2 10 said the Sorensen, C.C. Sandringham, Eng. Tests of 500; county attorney, 1457, none; of departmental and loss was with other stand grain things please by a protected of the home of the late Cleve" the machinery hard battle. At the D. put up the future will be met unshaken," miscellaneous, 2 5 1 0 10 925, Nielsen, H. 285; election by insurance and that some dam- and consider the following: half Madison held a seven-poiDibble, former band member, who Washington. 1 Crooks ton, L.T. of King 4 2 expense, George none, declared 3000; jury and is England the of Christ. It With out You are of school have now birthday been done by for age might died two weeks ago. lead, of the Logan Larson, H. Ryan in a message from Sandringham witness, 1187, Increase 147; Irri3 2 2 8 heat to the million it came a burst Of springtime team was or more the remainder of the holidays and Other entertainments' during outstanding player and H. Petersen, L.T. house, the royal winter residence gation and drainage, 140, none; 3 4 8 bushels in the concrete elevators: to weather the away wipe this Cache dirty (the big high-poivarin the Christmas were held man, with 22 to his Nelson, A. C. here, today. and grounds, 2 2 4 3 7 buildings .. snow that has lain upon the 3387, more Game is Refuge) interesting The flames seemed to roar up credit. Snedaker and Peterson, for ious churches, where special Alone in his study, seated ln an 312.96; board of health, 1265, InJensen, H. 2 6 -- 2 2 ground for a week. now than in the summer, accordwith wards for .the Bobcats, played a, an spontaneously given. In most of the explosion, 190; juvenile court, Whitehead, P.W. . -- ....3 340, armchair, King George delivered crease Thg tumult of prohibition legisfli; were of dust, in the upper ing to my observation. wards, Christmas cantatas 160;, county. surveyor,.. $,544, $15; 3 2 4 1 5 apparently Olafson, C.C. lation which has torn party ranks good game. a Christmas You can to now I there and alT go message" the fire of the structure at 9T30 a. Logan lineup: Ryan, Itowallis, Williamson, W. part being given. 2 2 0 0 4 department, $852, $947; county asunder, the Impending change cf m. A succession of fire alarms see exactly what is going on, the people of the British common- agent, $2355, $240; crop and pest the bitterness of administrations, brought 75 pieces of motor appar- story written in the snow tells weaUll hls address carried Inspector, $1900, $850; bee inspecpolitics all these were thrown Peterson, subs. , . atus to the scene, and two fire what the predatory wcld ni0St tion, $150, $50; sale of estrays, the 10 aside yesterday for three days of by a11 animals ar do!n tllcrs Madison lineup: Woods, Snedatugs aided from the river until none. eIabc-t- 5, hook-ur- n e rest, and prayer that another BeIes cI 11 is probable that no scouts in yet the elevator walls tottering Christmas may bring deliverance County road fund, $20,000, $5000; any other city have such favor- - attempted in this country. It i threatened to fall on them. 4-- H Interest and sinking, $61370, $3880; from the perplexing troubles of 3unk' subs The tug Graeme Stewart nar- - able conditions for wild things aj estimated that 20,000,000 per.iie poor fund. 519,50; 52500 dependent America and the world. heard ills voice. rowly missed being engulfed by the we have. Downtown streets were virtualmothers, $10,000, $2..; state road out Pick other Four-club work was organizany city r:ay west The wall jsu collapsing when, warned message follows: $7300, $18,900. , what see choose have and ed in 26 counties of Utah during ly deserted today as capital dwelthey by radio to move to a safer place, one cf the marvei The countys redaction in the 1932 with an enrollment of 5372 lers enjoyed their festival period it found itself mired in the Chi- got to entice Boy Scouts off the Oi modern I am enable a election expense of $3000 is at to acthe science hearth the family due cago river mud and unable to back paved streets. boys and girls, according to D. of turkey carving, the fact that no county elec-a- ll Of course most all cities have this Christmas day to speak to P. Murray, state club leader of the companiment Another tug was called to away. set off by the spangled lights and are schedud for 1933. Now that the old year is fading my peoples tiirougi eat Urn its aid and ' only a few minutes parks where a few game animals Utah State Agricultural college decorations of the myriad of trees. into ' behind a high fence, larg0 reduct:cn in the after- - the fireboat was pulled off are locked-u- p and the new twelve-mont- h extension service. Th! history I take as a good cm pire. it Tuesday comes a different story Of the number enrolled 4,481 the riverbed the walls toppled and they are indeed forlorn lookperiod is at the door, the The national pause will end at farmer and his wife a ing creatures and not Ike our fat ed its present have over. " completed their projects to make V naturally at a perfection tomorrow, technically, turn to taking inventory haVC Thirty-foan average of 83.2 per cent com- midnight were in sleek and sassy deer and elk up time when the empire is linked and employes on and the next day governmental making plans for the future. epairs the building when the blast touch- here on their own home. a closer union, for its offers u pletion. This record is largely due To assist the farmers of Utah ed off the fire. Mct of them were Tlie main reason I am asking immense possibilities to make the to the well?defined plans of' work matters displace tinsel and stockas the focus of millions. h their g able to escape to the open, sev- you No. 2 scouts to look over this union closer still. drawn up for the clubs to follow ings program Both house and senate, whose for 1933 the extension service eral by sliding down ropes from situation is to see for yourselt how of and the efficiency of 917 volunIt may be that our future wil windows. Emil Bueling, 21, low- fast the deer are being killed by lay upon us one more stein tes,. teer leaders who sponsored the members took only a breathing the Utah State Agricultural colfrom Friday afternoon, will lege has ered himself, hand over hand, the lions, coyotes, cats and wolves, Our past will have taught us how work In the various communities spell just published a simple, resume their deliberations on yet adequate, farm account system down an of the state. cable. Patrick if this thing is permitted to go to meet it unshaken. For the preProper methods of admirably adapted to the needs found Since 1923, when there were 673 himself marooned on it wont be long until the deer sent work to which we all are curing meat on the cutting and Garrity farm were enwill of the again. on this disappear until year, average person. club members top of a tower and ran around equally bound is to arrive at rea- discussed and demonstrated at 41 The new account book has been work has increasrollment in frantically to keep out of the What I would like to have you soned tranquility within our bor- meetings in 17 counties of the revised from the oldedition which flames until a fire squad shoved scouts do is go up there during ders; regain prosperity ed by 4,699. During the past year without state, before 1879 persons, has served hundreds of men and the club girls prepared 50,762 up a ladder that barely reached your vacation and see how many and carry with us November and the first during part of deer the lions are killing, and then those whom women so admirably during the him. dishes of food and 14,127 meals; the burden of the December, according to Professor figure out how many deer it takes past years have disheartened or past two years. Before the new canned 21,245 quarts of fruit; Harry H. Smith, who completed to feed one pair of lions and overborne. edition was sent to press a caremade 17,626 articles of clothing the work under the direction of assumBudfive for kittens their ful check articles. was years, made of the old acand remodeled 4,365 'My lifes aim has been to servL the extension service of the Utah Hyrum sprang the biggest suring that the lioness has kittens as I might toward gets were kept by 2085 girls and prise of the week by completely count book of the agricultural those ends. State Agricultural college. at the age of two years and from Your 1521 books were read. out playing the high scoring Pig- economists and necessary changed loylaty, your confidence in In most sections of Utah, farm two kittens to were four each 327 and made owned to meet year purebred Club boys the requireme has been by abundant reward. butchering and the gly Wiggly outfit, while Coca Cola curing of meat not the kill the lions ments that that two years of experonly and 157 high grade dairy animals; did the thing that hasnt been I speak now from my home, from on the farm is practiced rather deer for food but they kill for Just ience in the project demanded of 700 purebred and 126 grade sheep; done for five to my heart you all, to men and extensively, years, won from reports Professor Swen Holjeson, 83, pure cussedness, you will see thuwomen w cut Smithfield 113 hogs and 105 beef animals; off b snows 8nd Smith, but crude methods are ofon Mendon its small court. the authors. ed at His home here Sunday at for yourself if you spend some both Some of the 1340 turkeys. In addition, desert or sea that only voices out ten used in improvements Teachers, winners of the league 10 a. m. after an illness of two time up there looking things (Tver. cutting. Much meat of the air can reach them; to spoils in the cure boys and girls were enrolled in last year took another set back found in the new book are pointwhich result Is eeks with You will deer find A have out health that asthma. ed clubs. as follows and crop Prof. forestry by those cut off from a fuller life by largely due to the Walter from the up and coming Aces Ran-dolMr. practices used marks was born in 24 counin the teeth its U. in conducted Holjeson only M. neck, was 0 0 1 0 Fuhriman, extension economist: Allen, H project or infirmity in killing hogs that are too Cafe team. Texaco and Wellsville blindness, sickness "A more adequate and better ar- Van Kampen, A.C 16, 1849, and the carcass not been eaten, Sweden, large 1 0 0 0 September ties as part of the regular those and sotheir to this day for handling on the farm. It celebrating game due postponed a son of Holjer Peterson is and except by magpies. 1 0 0 0 ranged financial summary with Lilyenquist, H program. County and state conwith children and grand children. ahnost impossible under farm conYou may say, We do spend Mary Larsen. He emigrated in 1891 space for entering five years re- E. Scholes, C.C 1 0 0 0 tests were conducted as a means To all, to each, I wish a hap- ditions to cool out hogs to Smithfield, some of our leisure time up there directly sults, a summary sheet of effi-- NN....PPCA 1234 1234 1233 coming of calling attention to the value py Christmas. God bless you. which weigh 400 to 600 properly where he had since lived. His in that big open space, and we pounds. ciency factors for five years, and of adequate food, clothing, rest, It is recommended that hogs that wife, Mrs. Marie Mortensen Hol- are well aware of what Is going a blank diagram for plotting the Broadcasts Musirecreation and sanitation. more Tax Commissioner Here weigh than 250 pounds jeson, died about 15 months ago. on, but what can we do about farm. The milk production record Martin should not Heistand of Logan apbe killed on the farm H. P. Leatham, member of the Mr. Holjeson Is survived by seven It?" page has been revised and simPony for His Sons peared on KSL in broadcasting sons and daughters: Mrs. Hilda Utah state tax commission, was a but selection should be made from know when a where Listen, you a and milk plified the record card some very fine accordian music The two sons of Ted Lewis, Mrs. Cena Hansen, An- lion has made a kill, so that you visitor in Logan today. He visited those that weigh from 200 to on Christmas Day. Mr. Heistand Thomley, 225 pounds. drayman, Reed 8 and Wendell 4, drew have the evidence to show anyone the court house and called in the Carl Holjeson, Smith-fieland were about the happiest kiddles Professor Smith appeared ust at noon and was various offices, who Alma asks reports that for proof. Write a letextending greetings Holjeson, Gunnison; ln Logan on Christmas day when permitted to play several selec- Mrs. Hulda Butler, Kamas; Mrs. ter to the State Game Commis- for a happy and prosperous New keen interest was shown in the secproduction and sale of crops nas tions which were appreciated by had meat-cuttitheir learned daddy they demonstrations Selma Datwyler, Logan; 30 grand- sioner, Capitol Bldg, at Salt Lake Year. been simplified and .more conven- his ured them a Shetland pony. The Weeks: results: Logan friends. the lectures on curing in all and nine and request him to have his men and children, cf greatgrandowned one iently and arranged was Ace's the formerly Cafe, 56; Teachers, 40. the communities where adequate pony children. work on the predatory anllnals Home for Christmas meetings space provided for recording the Here for Coca Cola, 39; Mendon 18. were held. by Glen N. Earl, manager of E. In all he Holidays used 39 hog Funeral services will be Conduct- here before they destroy all the D. W. Chugg who is employed at sale of individual crops." W. Elliot and eompany. Hyrum, 44; Pierely Wiggly 29. carcasses, 16 lamb carcasses Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Spen- ed Wednesday at 1 p. m. In the deer. the sugar factory at Ogden spent one and These books be obtained may 30. 43; beef carcass in his Mendon, Hvrum, cer Yours very truly,' demonstraThird ward Christmas Day with his family in from county agents or from the to of Randolph, have returned Smithfield LD.S. Texaco, to Sweden tions. Wellsvlll, postponed. to Going Logan spend the holidays chapel, with burial ln Smithfield ROBT. CRO Providence. extension service at Logan. A circular which outlines with their relatives and friends, . City cemetery under the direction Alvin Atkinson, son of Mr. and the is making Christmas Stories proper methods of curing meat Mrs. C. E. Atkinson, of the Lindquist & Sons to Talks Students Arives from Northwest Home o nthe farm has been from Coast Mrs. V. H. Tingey and Mrs. Val Here from Seattle preparations to leave for a misWillis Hansen of Brigham City George Nelson, wrestling coach Professor Smith and prepared- by Wilford Hale, son of Dr. and sion to Sweden in the near fu- Palmer of the published- by wife and Asa Merrill J, who returned the past week from at the U.S.A.C. has returned from the extension ' Attorney service. Anyone who ture. He will leave for Salt Lake association of the Junior hteh Mrs- - A. W. Hale, is home for the came from Seattle Friday to Here from Cornish the Australian mission Portland and the northwest talked where desires a copy may ask a on January 9. He has made reser- spent Thursday at the school and holidays. He is accompanied here spend the holidays surprising their of Cornish was during last week to a group of he wrestled three bouts since agent or bs wife and family. Mr. Hale parents, Mrs. Laura R. Merrill Alfred Jensen write "to the Txteten vations to sail on the Manhattan told Christmas stories to the 7th business Junior in the county He returned office at Logan and High students about the Thanksgiving day. i1 attending school in California and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Watkins. transacting ask ter ctr grade Literature classes. sailing vessel. seat today. customs in that land. home via of Sacramento. cular No. 52. Former Resident Makes Contribution of $100 to be Spent Where it Will do Most Good for Charity. K'iflorl iVIIieU In Grain Blast ..v sehe-Funer- al tli 180,-666- Capital Observes Quiet Holiday Logan Loses At Rexburg Friday Eve Scouts Get Good Suggestion From Lover of Nature King George Broadcasts Yule 53 Message 32-3- 4. nt 13-2- 0. nt ,2 . 19 10 play-groun- d, ft . Report Shows Increase I n Activities ; game-an:n-al- s, ad - ; . ' Farm Account H em-!tio- .. ur reSd Demonstrates Meat Cutting record-keepin- ot Upsets Mark Weeks Play In Local League H g, Aged Resident Of Smithfield Died Sunday a, 4-- H c- d; ng : . Parent-Teache- rs jfr |