Show big increase in Busi business fless the management of the union racille system hae baa been confronted luring during the year 1916 with the problem ic of 0 keeping pace with the Us tro blendous Hien iLen dous growth of the business la in the tha territory which tola this railroad serves much of 0 the increase in business descended esc ended suddenly upon the unica as aa a result of 0 the tha european war ar in the tha same manner as aa it descended suddenly upon the other industries Indu fit CIL the country at the tha outset of the sudden part in business the management of the tha union found itself confronted with the fact act that approximately 10 COO 0 of the tha box cara cam owned by the tha system were being held up at eastern terminals because the consig consignees nees wore either unable to deliver the tha frel freight clit on shipboard or to provide the necessary warehouse ware housa fact facilities gitles ti sto that the cars care could be unloaded this made it necessary to utilize utilise the re daining equipment to the greatest creat cst degree of efficiency ency with the result that during the month of october 1916 2916 the average dally daily car movement tor for all cars on the union pacific had bad reached a total of milca T the he average dally daily car movement on the tha railroads throughout the country Is only twenty six all miles the increase in business handled la Is shown in the tha following figures from july let 1916 to december ast 1st 1916 there were cars of 0 loaded at the various barlou a stations station on en the union pacific Rall railroad road an in cranse of ce cars over 1915 during the tha same name period the union pacific received from its western con s ga 42 cars 0 t freight hr oi 01 nettien an car afren 61 more 0 re t than h in 19 1915 1 and the rall rail road delivered livered dc to its pastern eastern connic alons cars of freight or more than in 1915 and during the tha same period received from their east ern era connections cars cara of freight was cars more than in 1915 and thy thay delivered to their west ern connections cars care or cars more then than in 1915 As a further example of the suddenness ness with which the increase in business developed the following tol lowine figures are re interesting from july I lit ct to Doc embe 11 1 1916 more are arb of what wh at ari handled than during tho the sma brims in 1916 1915 more cars of oats 1291 more cars cara of mill products cars cara imore bore of potatoes potato 1475 cars more ot of cattle 1427 cars more of hogs 1034 cars car more of coal more bora ears cars of 0 general merchandise or a total of 17 more cars of these commodities alone were handled from july to december let than were handled la the year previous from july 1816 1916 to december 1916 the union railroad burned tons of coal or tons more than during the same earno period in 1915 and used gallons all ns ot of water during the month ot of october 1916 or gallons fallens more than during the tha same month in 1915 in other words an average monthly consumption of water aa great as the entire city of omaha including all of its industries during the year 1916 approximately were spent tor for maintenance of way and structures 40 miles of new side track were built two new coaling stations were erected two new turntables turn tables were built an electrical interlocking plant was installed at the denver union station nine new depots were built tour four new track scales were built nine now water tanks were erect erecter etl seven new stock pens were built two new shop buildings were erected 73 miles ot of the main line of the kansas alvi division 3 ion with sherman gravel 94 miles of the kansas division main line were equipped with automatic block signals 2154 goo were spent for new equipment such as aa superheated Super heated switching locomotives steel wrecking cranes coaling cranes stoel steel pia drivers snow plows steel under frame tool cars etc and orders have been given for new quip equipment ment for 1917 such as draht and passenger Pai locomotive cars auto cars tank cars barcafe and mall mail cars motor cars C coal oal cranes jordan spreader cpr ader crane for bridge work american ditcher dotcho r etc which will cause an arn ol of tam to |