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Show DAILY UTAH STATE FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1905. JOURNAL. HOoooomooooHeeemoeomoooH If one will stop to roiisiilfi- lur hurniful result of sleeping v it Ii .m open mouth it ought to he the of correcting the habit, urlie a contributor to the Medical Talk for tne Home. This Is the cause of all snoring and generally harsh utnl squeaky voices. The in uncles get dry and parched, rigid and contracted, so that their elasticity la lost. Nothing so hurts the tone of a singer's voice as tills evil. The tonsils become enlarged, the palate rigid, muscles thickened, the longue stiffened, etc. All the germs afloat in the room 'find a lodgment; contagious diseases are more apt to caught: consumption more surely to be taken. The nose catches all germs and destroys them. This is a provision made by nature during all contagious exposures. The throat does not dn this, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WANTED. but passes them into the system with a multiplied growth. It Is better to THO. MALONEY, sleep on the right side, with a pillow WANTED Men to post signs, advereven with the shoulders to relieve the tise and distribute samples. Salary Lawyer, head. If the will power Is not strong -(13 per week. (3 per day for exRefcrvH iM jt.mkriiptcy. 442 Washenough to break the habit of mouth penses. State age and present em- ington A mv I n,i. Phone. 16, Ideal breathing, a handkerchief should be Dep't. Company, ployment. tied around the head so as to keep the 37 Randolph street. Chicago. J. D. SKEEN, be it mouth shut- should Anyhow, Attorney at- - La w. done one way or another, and the habit Rooms 49 and 50, First National Bank WANTED An experienced girl for building. completely broken or cured. Ogden, Utah. Good pay. Mrs Cheu, housework. 818 24th Street. NOTICE. ARTHUR E. PRATT, Attomay-nt-Law- . Eodes Building. AGENTS WANTED Can make from The board of trustees of the State E. B. 3200 per month. $100 to ALFRED W. AGEE. Industrial School of Utah will receive Reasoner. 2220 Lincoln Ave. Attorney applications from qualified persona for the following positions, 813, Ecdea Building 2208 Adams. WANTED Roomers at One Instructor for printing office. E. M. CONROY, M. D One Instructor for sloyd work In DEL MONTE ROOMING HOUSE. 368 manual training department. Over Carrs drug store, comer Rooms with or without board; 24th One male teacher for boys' school. street and Grant avenue. also rooms for light housekeeping. Twenty-fift- h One female teacher for girls' school. Mrs T. Mortensen. Prop. Ind. 'Phone One disciplinarian, having charge of JOSEPH CHEZ, 686. the male Inmates and responsible foi Attorney and Counsellor at Law. in not when are their discipline 41 and 42 First National Bank Bldg they lothe school room, at work In the shops FURNISHED ROOMS Pleasantly OGDEN, UTAH. well furnished. cated and Enquire of the manual training department, ot Notary In office. W. U. Telegraph Ogden Tea Co., 2514 Washington. at work on the farm or In the garden. code. Bell Phone S42-Independent The particulars as to duties, salary, 337. to either FOR SALE. bsd be by applying etc., may the superintendent or assistant superHENDERSON A MAC MILLAN intendent at the institution at Ogden, One thousand five hundred shares of Attorneys Utah. Co. (Utahna) Unique Amusement Rooms 14 to II First National Bank All applications must be in writing, Block for sale at ninety cents. J. J. and together with endorsements, bo Brummltt. Building. mailed to the undersigned prior to T. D. JOHNSON July 12th. 1905. C. R. HOLLINGSWORTH. FOR SALE Furnished or unfurnishLawysri ed residence. 1080 Oak street. Secretary, Ogden Utah. Rooms I and 9 First National Bank Dated June 20th, 1905. A BARGAIN Furniture and carpets Building. of a flat, modem, AS8E8SMENT NOTICE. R. P. HUNTER lease cheap for cash, or will trade for real estate. Call or address: Public and Conveyancer. OF THE OVERSTOCKHOLDERS Notary Palace, 250 25th St LAND MINING & MILLING COMRoom (, First National Bank Bldg. ATTENTION! PAND, MISCELLANEOUS. DR. D. N. SMITH of the board held in At a - are looking for help, don't look. Put an advertisement in these want you m.-.n- IF , ' Officers SnurtbU . President nt ..Vice-Preside- " Treaeurer piptctort: C Littlefield. . gmurthwaUe. E. A. W. Browning. W. Qwllllam. Jhn nk Jl Cann0n' eer. .Manager ADVERTISERS! copy muit bo In the TO . 325 ? Mcond-cla- matter M No-- Jl at the poetofflce at Og- under the Act of Congress 1 inch !! WOI. ,,'n t atreet Twenty-fourt- h ijj Cloaed on p. m. Sunday. of Subecription! Term FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. A columns telling what kind of help you wish and settle the matter at once. to-w- lt: ..I ano month Sufi! hree montha Br Dftfl. one py wA -- W I.M yelr :::::::::: SS:SL mo. Kpj H udvance : in - SSf'uSptiona tuyabie ln advance. do not receive their caure for complaint U notifying this office Fiven Seward will be paid for lnfor-ittothat will lead to the arrest and unriction of peraona ateallng coplea from the prem-4 yin state Journal Rnbecriber who MTI or have any M of lubocrihera. Tolophonoai ...... .Beil, Sunnemi; 1 8 1 ring ....Ind 664- -1 ring BoD, (14 I rlnga ....Ind 6(41 rlnga editorial Room m meeting labeL igden City, Utah. June 19, 1905, an Chiropodist corns and bunions reassessment of half a mill per share moved, Ind. Rooms 2308 Adams avenue. was levied against the capital stock ohone 855. the corporation, the same payable Immediately to Joseph Goddard, secstreet Ogretary. at 930 Twenty-thir- d JOVIAL SIR WALTER SCOTT. den City, Utah. If not paid by July 25, 1905, the stack will be advertised Llghtieme and Gay and a Fine Old as delinquent and If not paid, with costs of advertising on or before Aug. Icottloh Gentleman. Slat 1905. sufficient shares thereof will tnrj oae may be aald to know the be slid at public auction, at 330 Twenty-thutkor of "Waverley" but George ird street at 8 o'clock p. m. ol 3mI of Edinburgh, who baa been Inter that to pay delinquency, cost of day. rlevod by the Dispatch of that city, advertising and expense ir sate. JOSEPH GODDARD. tujoyi the dlitlnctlon of having talked to the mu In the flesh and of being Secretary of Company. probably the sole aurvlvor among tboie who heard Sir Walter Scott declare hlmielf the author of Waver-leyWave That RJse and Fall. it a public dinner In the assembEvery once In a while a wave of ly room la 1127. public sentiment sweeps aefoss the "The announcement did not come country, aa definable In Its movement (Bit u a lurprise," eaya Mr. Croal, and character as any other real and tor it bad been hinted that Sir Waltthing. Generally speaking, er would reveal himself. I can ret- physical this .popular feeling finds expression ail the (oppressed Interest of the In suggested legislation or constituptberiag throughout the dinner tional amendment Any student of Fvcr. It wu In reply to the toast American history, viewed from its pocf Ui health that Sir Walter admitted litical and legislative standpoint the idt lmpeachmenL 1 can remain-be- r knows that an examination of congreshie doling words exactly. They sional records presents a panaroma, 1 am the sole and undivided o to speak, of great public movewthor of Waverley." Needless to ments, culminating sometimes in acy there wae great enthusiasm. The tual legislation, but more frequently ttapany rose en mans and I thought subsiding without definite result It roof would come off." Is a good thing to clear the political Mr. Croal adds, wae congrat-oand social atmosphere with these upan round, "it wu a gay night heavals. Stagnant air Is fatal, and utmoat pre- - even a cyclone, with all Its accomconviviality trouble. Is preferable to an whether he recollected the panying so heavy that It has lost atmosphere of Sir Walter Scott, Mr. all Its Washington Post vitality. "P'led that he did ao vividly. u lightsome and gay and ed the real Poisons Apple Trees.. type of a fine old Soot (wtleman, chatting animatedly Having taken a dislike to his daugh7 one of the law lordn sitting next ter and her husband, Louis Rung, of He nde a Basle, Switzerland, poisoned 300 apple and, young though 1 trees In thoir orchard with arsenic. JT, "ed away a last Impression The next time they made a pie those who ate It nearly died. Rung con,.Undly social disposition." cour,e of the evening Sir fessed and was sentenced to fire years "Plimented Charles Mao-- . Imprisonment the comedian, who wu present, W hU success in the role of Bailie Jarvie MEN AND WGkti.; Mackey waa ember-!TjMr. Croal lNWfSfctuln distinctly re. dichsriJnBsBBwUou IrrltetUos or uIocrMkun Tln: Who irould ewnlli1 Bombnoc. of Dentist 11-- 59 Fliit National Rank Bldg. if " - flrat-claa- a after-speak- er d I wrould get auch the 816,11 S?!V,0W' Sir Mr. Walter. a K. m EEMWCetamCa. r unknown Bailie," Jocu-"- j a Si. J I" bbsobi Pklslw. and sot Real 5. four-roo- BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS. Furniture Vans and Storage. Office, street Phone No. 12. 413 Twenty-fift- h HOTELS. LINCOLN HOTEL. Centrally located. Rates: $1.00 to $1.50 per day. Special rates by the month. WILL 330 M. OTTINGER, Mgr 33d Street ABSTRACTOR. F. B. DEVOTO, Abstractor of Title-Bon- dtd and Licensed. 369 Twenty-fourt- h street HARNESS. street m m 410-1- 1. A. m WENGER 33, First National Bank Bldg. liHl Fas. Mall Overland Limited for Blufft Omaha, Council MONTE COMMANDKRT NO Kansas City Denver, K. T. Stated conclave second and East, dally Wednesdays of each month. So- No. 4. Atlantic Express for journing Sir Knights courteously InDenver, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Kansas City and vited. F. W. VO LI E C all Points East dally... F. E. NICHOLS, Recorder. Arrive. No. A California Express P. ELKS OGDEN LODGE NO Council Bluffs from 719 Lodge and club rooms second Omaha, Denver, Kansas floor Masonic Bldg, 9419 WashingCity and East, dally... Limited ton avenue. Regular meeting every No. 1. Overland from Omaha. Council Tuesday evening. Kansas Bluffs City, A. G. HORN, E R. Denver, and all Points J. 11. KNAl.'SS, Secretary. Bast, dally No. 9. Fast Mall BROTHERHOOD RAILWAY TRAINMEN. OGDEN LODGE No. (A Meets every Wednesday evening al 7:30. C. E Slalna, Master; A. L. Hows, Secretary; E A. Munsey, Collector. EL 8. a 3:00 p Jit. 7t20pj a 3:45 aotti 3:30 pjit. 3:00pjn. OGDEN UNION NO. 171, ORDER OV NORTH OF OGDEN. WASHINGTON Meets every TuesDepart 3 . day evening at oclock In A. No. 9. Pocatello and Butte hall. H. A. SIMS, President 1t2Sajta Express dally WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. Ns 7. Fast Mail for Pocatello, Idaho Falls and 12:05 pan. Junction City Lodge N& 31, IndePortland, dally 11. ExCache Ns Order Valley of Odd Fellowa, meets In pendent 5:20 p.m. L O. O. F. hall every Thursday evenpress dally Arriva. ing. Waiting brothers cordially InNs 9. Fast Mall from vited to be present Portland and Butta C. P. UTTER, N. G. 7:00 son. dally WALTER RICHEY. Secretary. Ns 1A Cache Valley Ex- a 10:35 press dally OGDEN LODGE NO. ajn. KNIGHTS OF Ns 10. Pocatello and Idaho Falls Express dally Pythias, meets at Castle halt Utah 0:00p.m. National bank building, every MonSOUTH OF OGDEN. day evening. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. J. C. Delmore, CL C.; Dspart No. 4. Eastern Express.. 4:10 ajn. L. N. Meld, K. of R. and & 3, .... Ns A Portland, Butts and Pocatello for Salt Laks 7:30 a.m. City, dally street No. A Local to Salt Lake halt comer of Twenty-fourt- h 8:30 ajn. and City, dally Washington avenue, every to Thursday evening at I pi m. Visit- Ns 1A Cache Valley ing Woodmen cordially Invited to at10:40 s.m. Salt Lake City tend. William Doyle, C. CL; E Auth, A Limited for BeK Ns Clerk, First National Bank building. Lake, Provs Nephl and 1 3.40 p.m. Juab, dally 10. Falla Idaho Ns Portland, tad fntafa Caarfiauhto Iiticei. and to Balt Pocatello, Lake City, daily 6:30 p.m. Consult County Clerk or tho respective Arrive. signers for further Information. Ns 0. Butte and Pocatello Express from Salt Uke City and Intermediate ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD WE ber Camp No. 74 meets In K. of P. de Phone, Ind Noi A Dspart Atlantic Mall for Lake City, Provo, all Points East.... 7:46 ajia To Salt Lako City Intermediate Points . Buggy Harspecialty of ness. Call on George, where you will get your repairing done right 413 34th 93. peacsb Shupe-WilliaCandy company, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. C. H. Myers - vveia MW nM order of tho hoard of directors made on the !5th day of April, 1905, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will he sold at the office of the undersigned secretary, rooms S and 9, First National Bank building, Ogden, Utah, on tho 82nd day of June, 1105, at the hour of 13 noon of said day, to pay delinquent assess- defendant The State of Utah to said defendant: Tou are hereby summoned to appear before the above entitled court within ten (10) days after the service of this summons upon you, If served within the county in which this action U brought otherwise within twenty (30) days after this service, and defend the above entitled action; In case of your failure to do so. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint in said action, which was filed In said court on the 30th day of May, A. D. 190A To the sheriff or any constable of Weber county, greeting: Make legal service snd due return SOUTHERN PACIFIC Depart No. A Pacific Express for San Francisco and Intermediate points, dally. No. A Pacific Express 'hrough to San Francis dally No. 1. Overland Limited.. No. 30A Mixed Train, Ogden to Montello.Corinne and Kclton. dally ex8:15 s,m. cept Sunday Arriva. Atlantlo No. A, Express from San Francisco, co, ments thereon, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of sale. T. D. JOHNSON, Secretary. dally Location of office, rooms I and 9, No. I. Overland Limited... First National Bank building, Ogden, hereof. Atlantlo No. A Express Utah. from Ban Francisco and D. Murphy, Judge of Hon. J. Witness MONEY LOANED On any security Intermediate points dalsaid court with the seal thereof, this ly Largo sums at banker's rates; sslary 30 Ih day of May. A. D.. 1I0A PARKER A CO. No. 20A Mixed Train from DAVID JENSON, Clerk. loans. Service quick and confldentlaL Cortona Rock Springs, Castle Gate. Diamond Montello via (Seal.) Western Brokerage Company, $28-- 4 and Cumberland and Kelton, dally except Coal 84th and Wall. CHEZ. JOSEPH Attorney. Esq.. Eccles Blddg. Both Phones. (Date of first publication June 9, 05.) K. Ho No. 6. No. 2. ,,., GEORGE E. CROS8, Wholesale Manufacturer and Dealer in Harness, Saddles. Collars, Whips, etc.; Blankets and Robes at cost Make m terms ittOP Depart Salt and No. 11 and 0:00 ajn. dally No. 14. Salt Lako Special ..2:15p.m. No. A Atlantic Limited for Salt Lako City. Provo, Leadvllle, Pueblo, Denver and all Points East 2:50 p.m. daily No. A Atlantic Express for Salt Lake City, Pueblo, Denver and all Points 7:00 pja. East dally hereof. Arrive.' D. Hon. J. Witness Murphy, Judge Express from of said court with the seal thereof, No. A PacificPueblo Provo, Denver, this 31st day of May, A. D. 190A Salt Lako City and all DAVID JENSON, Clark. 12:05 a. m. points east dally (Seal) No. 13. Ogden Special ...,11:20a.m. A. E PRATT. No. 5. Pacific Limited from Plaintiffs Attorney. Salt Lake City, Provo, Denver and all Points SUMMONS. 11 .30 a.m. Eset .. No. L Pacific Mall from IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT Denver, Pueblo, Lead-vlll- e, within and for the City of Ogden, Salt Lake City and all Points East dally... 2:40 pjn. county of Weber, state of Utah. Bo for lion. J. D. Murphy, municipal Judge No. 1L Local from Sanpete 7:00 pjn. and Valley precinct Justice of the ALLEN TRANSFER CO Albert! Allen, Prep. . r Beefy. fendant The State of Utah to said Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear before the above entitled court within ten (10) days after the service of this summons upon you, it served within the county In which this action Is brought otherwise within twenty (30) days after this service, end defend the above entitled action; In case of your failure to do eo, Judgment will he rendered against you according to tho demand of the complaint In said action which was filed in said court on the 28th day of May, A. D. 190A To the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber County, Greeting: Make legal service and due return 54. m Five-roo- k. h. p. lo ba. iT'rm E NICHOLS, m. Be-for- ce brick on Wash- SALARIED PEOPLE The money you need and find It hard to get can be Cheap If sold soon for supplied you quickly without seon easy or endorsement, or knowledge curity 7. Four-roobrick. Halt pantry of anyone. We treat everybody new frame. Good and bath. Newly furnished. Grant alike. Seme terms to alL Payments foot ,ot Near to ault your own convenience. Your car Una avenue. For sale with or without furlift. Tenne to credit once established at my office, niture. A bargain. rjlt you can get money at a moments I- aveMadison notice. Call and get my terms. No rick, iot crner' nw trouble to talk It over with you. nue. Fine location. Bargain at $3,500. fcet front 75. Terms. D. D. DRAKE. 0. Seven-roobam. frame, cellar, Eccles Bldg. Phones: Bell cornw on Twenty-fift-h Office open Home: 499. St hade end lawn. Madison avenue. 500-31.500. from 1:10 s. m. to (:S0 p. m. Bargain at $2,800. 10o Three brick cottages, Adams on Monro. MONET TO LOAN On city and farm avenue. $L(00 to $3,000 each. Good property. HUNTER A KENNEDY. New lawn and shads ington avenue. cash. terms resl-Cel- Ur F. a. v. McIntosh, K; - H. OGDEN CHAPTER NO. 3. R. A. M Regular convocation first Tuesday of each month. Visiting companion! cordially Invited. Paper-- MONEY TO LOAN. U(ht- T0m modern brick W. M. Hangers, 0nt or ooiKinoes. Estate Snaps MACMILLAN, Becy. 03 sstriD- or MB! la plain wrapt, by aapriM, prepaid. M S1.M. or I botUr U.70. U rosier aaat os nyi R- - E NICHOLE Points hand-ma- some 1L F. NOTICE. Facial Massage, Hair Dressing, r Manicuring, Electric beauty treatment Carbonate Hill Mining company. LoEdith Bolce. Room 73 Opera House block. cation of place of business, Ogden, Utah. OSTRICH FEATHERS cleaned, dyed There are delinquent upon the foland curled. MRS. THOS. JENdescribed stock, on account of lowing TeL Thirty-third and Pacific. KINS, levied on the 35th day ol assessment (36-April, 1905, and assessments levied previous thereto, the several amounts 12:50 ajn. BUSINESS CARDS. set opposite the names of the respePoints dally cting shareholders, as follows: Estate of Jessie M. Wilson. Credit- Ns A Atlantic Express ARCHITECTS. from Salt Lake City and ors will present claims with vouchers Intermediate to the undersigned at the law office J. A. SMITH, 8:05 a.m. of George Halverson, Esq., at Noa dally Utah Loan A Trust Building. 403-4Eccles building, Ogden City, Ns 7. Pocatello, Idaho Falls F. C. WOOOS A CO Portland Express from Utah, on or before the 10th day of Oc56 and 67, First Nat Bank Building. tober, 1905. Salt Lake City, dally.. 11:35 ajn. GEORGE W. WILSON, Ns 1. Fast Mall from Salt Administrator. 2:45 pan. Lake City, dally PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. (Date of first publication. May 31, 05.) Ns 1L Cache Valley ExFOSTER A HOBSON, Painters, press from Salt Lake Decorators and Sign City, Provs Nephl and ALIA8 SUMMONS. Writers. All work given prompt atJuab, dally 5:15pjn. tention at right prices Bell phone No. A Eastern Express .... 7:05 pjn. IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT 773-Ind. 231. 377 Twenty-fourt- h Within and for tho City of Ogden, street County of Weber, State of Utah. Hon. J. D. Murphy, Municipal Precinct Justice EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Judge and of the Peace. Willard J. Bhurtllff, EMPLOYMENT BUREAU moved to 878 Twenty-sixt- h plaintiff, vs Clarence H. Myers destreet Ind phone d Jllty TIME CARD. WEBER LODGE NO. , F. A A. M Regular communications first and and third Thursdays of each month Qualified Masons cordially Invited. Thirty words only 25 cents. j UNION DEPOT ...... ........... |