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Show 1 i i , CE3IS OF THOUGHT MISCELLANEOUS. SAN FRANCISCO Provo TRADE. FOR SUNDAYS STUDY They asked Lucinan, (lie fabulist, from whom did you learn UTAH SOUTHERN manners? lie answered: From the unmannerly. Saadi. -The reat happiness of life, wrr nwpw r TTHi A 't &! I find, after all, to eonsist in the regular discharge of Mime me- On and after July 20 fi, 1871, chanical duly. Sen H.I.EU. PIANOS! When we rear! we fancy we could he martyrs, when we a procome to net we cannot Mo word. nr. Hannah voking Is there no solitude out of the cave and the desert, or cannot the lieart in the midst of crowds feel frightfully alone? Lamb. A great many men some comparatively small men now if put in the right position, would Ix-a- lie HAVE-STIL- ORGANS!! MUSIC!!! RAJLROAD. SHERMAN FRANCISCO, AM) RAT AIL liRAIXIt WHOU-.AAL- IN SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC A L MUltCUA MUSE. ClIAl'IN. Only in our easy, simple, spontaneous action are we strong, and by contenting ourselves with obedience we become divine. t rl HARDWARE a a yj) 1: ra xv r , To TI1K ADOVK Til WHERE WE GUARANTEE THE c. in- competency, but reveals its secrets to the competent, the truthful and the pure. Goethe. Because a total eclipse of I will not therefore Insist that there must lie an eclipse in America c rxxo Ml tXXMMMT CXXKXKX? CM MX On thl. fCHKit. are made of lh all They are 7 OCTAVE. bot material, TREItLE IT gh;;5 5 5 5 C. .w. r. S " 5 5 nrm,r,, CXM 115 j;sI J If I, A If IJ Y L. ITNO 5 3 rible than death it is then the truest valor to dare to live; and herein religion hath taught us a noble example, for all the valient acts of Curtius, Scaevolaor Codrus do not paralllol or match that bne of Job. Sir Thomas Browne. Seek not to Isolde yourselves; Imprison not your sold in sterile contemplation, in solitary pmyer, in pretending to a grace which no faith not realized in works can enable you to deserve. Yott can only save yourself by saving others. God asks not what have you done for 'your soul? but; what liavo you done for the brothers Souls I gave you? Think of these. Leave your ow n to God . and Ilia Law. Labor unweariedly for others good. Such is the holiest prayer. Mazxexi. Mans use and function is to le the witness of the glory of God, and to advance that glory by His reasonable obedience and re- suitant happiness. Whatever enables us to fulfil this function is in the pure and first senso of the worn useful to us; therefore, whatever sets the glory of God more brightly before us.. But things that only help us to exist are in a secondary and meansenso useful, or rather, if they be looked for alone, they are useless and worse; for It would be better that wo should notjexist than that we should guiltily disappoint the purposes of existence, CITY PaT All kinds qf Marketable a Produce taken in exctangeSi Agent :o; for Utah County for One Dollar per annum. Each tssne con Lina valuable reading, and over SI WORTH or NEW MUSIC. Send your address with ft, in postage stamps or currency, to SHERMAN & HYDE, Sv Fneactsca PACIFIC COASTIACENCY FOK , ' THE UNEQUALLED FUILST A BRADLEYS Avill &c., Buskin. The, enccen Snperb Instruments h.ire irbirved a unparalleled in the history of Piano-for- t Manufacture. Th-- y are remarkable for Great Volume, and Sweetness of Tone, ami Durability. purity aul ' To- S.il r. & ROGEE flTV, U lr. .T. the celebrated BUOTUFRS XTr A U( AbU) MITCIIELL e THE ONLY NEWSPAPER IN t DEVOTED WHOLLY TO IE' MINING Ayi Commercial Interes o THE 'BJlIIST WAGOITS r IT IS All PAP ILLUSTRATED CIVINC WEEKLY Well Executed Od 31 hi lug Towns, Ron: tain Seen cry t , -- o- IT IS THE PAPER FOR MINER MECHANIC ASP INESSMAN, AND SlTH A WANT LONG FELT IN : TERRITORY FOR A The ifiwt IV.lr.tde Instrument. In the market tor church and parlor. Over 2H.000 now in use. SHERMAN & HYDE, san fkaxcimnL dunx, A cent. Vi to The warrant on these wnpori being i ne. & c. THE CELEBRATED geser.il agexts, JAMKM Call and Examine. Prteea Ihe Tlniea. COLORED. &c., HEAR THEM! TRY THEM!! ebig . BUY THEM!!! Reliable Statistical Jcu ARE SOLD ON THEIR OWN MERITS. THU BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. SEND FOR No Wagon ever sold in Utah has given better satisfaction in every respect. THEY AIIE MADE EXPRESSLY FOR OUR MARKET. X. C. M. I. Kat Ktore, ACcnt, Provo City. maria 'li M.l. (J H TWEEDS, SATINETS, MITHH BLACKS and SIIITEYS, Wagon Repairi: In all ita hiarchea, promptly iiw. LINSEYS, WATERPROOFS, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE FLANNELS, rLS4XD Utah Mining Gazel BLANKETS, 5, ETC., ETC., ETC. SA TKFA CTIO. V G uAR A XTKKIh HATS. FLOWERS, A Bring on jour Wool; Patronize Home Manufacture, and enable us to supply the public with a superior article of cloth ftnd yarn. M. TANNER, Supt. I1 Ste ryi pre-eminent- SALT LAKE CITY PRICES." SIIINO and tSUMAIty in Clolli WHITE AND - TO CALL ATTEXT10V her new stor'k of Spring arrived fnun the East, comtiMimr , Inttst styles of lo pnil JEANS, DOESKINS, KERSEYS, ! ( XTriSHFS WOOL. AND CLIPPER PLOWS, HARROWS, WHEELBARROWS, -- r. MRS. L. E. .lOAFs Fln SULKY supply always on hand at Sur U.v I) Agents for RAKES A full VC LADIES EXCHANC PROVO Y A U1V the celebrated ANDMOW-ERS- M.i STOR Iain St., near Court IIou AX EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND TO SELECT FROM CONSISTING OF SCHUTTLEU WAGONS, AUI.TMAN A CO'S SWEEPSTAKE THRESHERS, BUCKEYE REAPERS A sit AVliol CHnle. FAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY, -- Z. C. ILL I. Olf 'nv.a X WEST BRANCH, o JONES, C 111 WOOL!! TURNER eentKjiorlli. loi sr "ood 000000 OOOOOoOO fall also; and because snow-flake- s CXMXMXH) Iiefore my own nose I need not OOOOO believe that the gold coast is M xxx I snowed up also. Richter. 000 (X) I have oWrved that he o who affects elegance merely because another is elegant is apt to le vulgar. And hence much of the luxury of our great cities, though, splendid in itself, is course it Ar o and obtrusive in effect, liecause It does not Indicate a correspondent Keeps constantly on hand a large and human culture. well selected stock of To write an Indian poem a must he you pantheist at heart, slightly deranged (Mipcuouland GENERAL MERCHANDISE, an habitual visionary; to write a Greek poem you must ie polytheist at heart, profoundly pagan Consisting In part of and a nnturdist hy profession. That Is why Urine ha9 spokvn so DRY GOODS, well about India and Goethe GROCERIES, abou t G recce. Ta i s e. Suicide Is not to fear death, PAINTS, OILS, but yet to be afraid of. life. It is "MINERS SUPPLIES a brave act of valor to contemn but where life is more terdeath; ETC., ETC. ETC., r J't 300,000 lbs. ! $400. tXMXMKKXXT s ? AGRAFFE .V IV T 1 : 1 and are the only FIRST GLASS sold at XV xxxxxxo . S. OIL A if CANDIES AND NOTION Iteceive.l n If ret.1, snp, ofGnod which we wills,, Cheaper than KTfr" o4 kcknowlrded by Musinul.s to be the Test Low Triced Instruments ever o(f red for sale 1- -3 OO z & A II Y o oor TOBACCO 'xkt jk. isr ru I. IMh SHOES, ENT, MILLINERY It ONI SHOD I) Y. WOOL! JAMES SHARP, Materalism Is an apology Gen. Freight nnii Ticket Agent. for ignorance. It has hut one FERAMORZ LITTLE, maxim, that everylmdy Is deat Knpertntemlent. voured by the Sphinx. It is celebration of surface mid despair of r--r sCj. knowledge. IIautou There is no trifling with nature; it is always true, grave and severe; it is always in the right, and the faults and errors GKOCERIES, VK II AVK LATKLV OFKNED A TAILORING ESTABLISH i SOI, CLOTHING, gjioc eries, :o: V Dealers In BOOTS, PAIXTS AXJ) OILS, All at lied Rode Prices Jbr Cash or Grain. or Iatvuge, apply to RIDGE. ST 0 III; XV THE DRV GOODS LINE; ALSO S. Milton has carefully mark- Is above my own head IN HOME ENTERPRISE. SUPT. ed in his Satan the intense sel-- . flash ness, the alcohol of egotism, Nos. I, 2, 3 & 4 will be run Hall). which would rather reign in hell For il Information concerning Freight COLEthan serve In heaven. the sun AM) EVERY VARIETY SEND IN YoUIt ORDERS AND SUSTAIN rowing. Montague. . and Durable Summer Dress Goods, FREE not so much w hat I am in the opinion of others ns what I am in my own; I would bo rich of myself and not by bor- NE W. FRESHWATER found the ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS FROM THE MINIM AND AS WE INTEND To WORK UP SOLELY THE CLOTH MANUFACTURED AT THE PROVO WOOLEN FACTORY, WETAX SAFELY XVAKRANT ALL O ARM ENTS I'.vsCAL. It defies Ihj PROMPT I have often said that all the misfortunes of men spring from their not knowing how to live quietly at home in their own fall to our share. SELECTED STOCK OF LATEST STYLES AT LOWEST RATES. EimibO.v. rooms. "'Cheap Orders from the Interior prompt!) fill'd. mantfactcbfrs or the MISCELUNEOUS. Institution, NEWEST S.TYLES OF PRINTS, IN ADDITION Musical Instruments, Luthers "and Columbuse. ON HAM) A CAREFULLY L Among which will ,s Cor. Kearny and Suiter Sis. Mercantile ive -- O- & HYDE, r SA Co-operat- SPECIMEN CCF SUBSCRIPTION RATfS- One eopv, ' onr year ix month- monUi- three ctd - I |