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Show Till; SALT LAKE Till HUNK, TUESDAY MOKMNU, TLLKUAHY 21,19:0. ros N 1 roa REAL ESTATE SALE Improved and Unimproved bav A A MDI grgrt irlo lor llu U'tra. lo equal tins Oft hrrtwwl, PeHi I'umO 99, prk there U m A TOP-g- largo - hr flrar beat; paid. ouly HALF ON rant PAVED STREET. 2 story brt k boma: lower finished la oak; 6 tadrunma, hot water full basement; double garages paving tag tan U given at ura. Price $9990.99' 10150 00 NEAR THK CAPITOL. FOR $4000 00 5 rwu brick, $300.00 ah furnace; lot l4-xlubuut la txccileut near cuodiuon. 7 lb mndrm cxrapt kill car bat; $6900.00 rOR A NEW nrxfi ALOW, Oa pavtd alrent ; $ roma; I Mroomi; living la finished In gum; built-l- a features; hotair boat; all Una paid. I 'll A NO II-.- . EXl For a o:, ll'f HKAT. NEAR HI'V- $3X00.00 IHHVV. $40 00 WONT1II T AX EM KNT & IIOOX, HBIl K. HOOEHN 4 (. EPT II E A I ON HEV. KV1H A.NU HEXEMLE-Nr- A r..h, btlaam $11100 on t h 7 ; , ,lr,.4 t brick, tttotlrm .tri-f- t m two tamllln H,. hr.i; ; 0 room, oa trouod floor ami $ amall rooma apataira, oa bib bouUi, 5ib $500 a walkiii eliirk-- $r fuaa$e. $.hjU $d000 balaoco moothlr ; ,rooia toll-- t, wator ami llahta; aic.j oa bib bouib, diaiaoca. J a moaiii. , oraxt a company; XX of our larya list OU-- ' 4 .a 2202. Boston Bldg $4 Acrcee f sad summer klWhen; large guod cumlillujt, W t atUa Lxerllaat value. small payment down and $50 a month will put you In metoa of a heated ea hth uhafaptial brhk Houih and 1t Ueat, ha Urge let. with Uwa, chicken run and rnrpa, good garden a put, clue to car Una. 005 hums. $4,200.00' ft $3. 00. 00 5 atrtctly modem home, lorat H between lit. io4 2nd South ea Ilth bast. Large tot with lawn, fruit tr PlTe-roo- Urri eeMage, Uovd clove street. Ond hra NKe la; tu yard. $5,300.00 ni4e d0 Acres Id Acre mem buagalow; shaping porch; near park an ftih Kaat , hot air bast; hardwood floors, flaa yard and excellent buy. ftalab: gum bungalow; bardweod floors; French lot; A K. location. Oment vnh. This la a Wvcly boms. $luuo.OO cash. beet; 401 402. Was. 4032 4033 TUB BEST This farm baa st) tbs water one caa ta uuxier North Jordan rsual nil fenced Ua a frame hUMi tinwt Burs iir cfhef out with adbc i F.tnr atr-in alfalfa, bxiiUliaga. in pasture, baUtU'e beet land S're 1 luap If takeu st uuce Family trou bie cause, $4 Acres Corner elal estate Farm and Arrears FINB FARMS B IiYVtHIi AND TAT f 3 IN 1j;b IV I MO TWO N Phs The beat ta vestment m sirtk It lrriv 40 arrva lo brit k prfMdS I tah halt biro and buy at IjjVv full laWv, with fftunty, ahw vaivr ngtit f tu ias i.uj, Term. ulpuivar, $ 41 icra eoutheaxt Bait Lake Pltv. water r git, 5 boiifv gxMl barn, ma lituo ahv, cw, nMihnrr, hay ad and "ud term aud rvauonabt dwn patuvalgran. tue tight price for the proiwrty. scree, south of Salt Lake, with fine 9 room hrt k bue, finning sll, team, row, chicken, pigo, fans machinery, at IJxaju. g4 rta hts, New three Located In Tay)orrlle, room house, sheds. 80 shares f tab Fait Lake canal. 23 acres atwve the t tab bait Lake canal all ouiuuef fai towed. Lsn be Irrigated. AH DI FFIN A STO'tR fOMPANV. Raxait-Buk Bldg. Bptoadld Tills I a choice acreage, 4o acres firat class land, 20 acre in pasture A dandy frame house, eight bead of bormm. six milk cow. First class water right, granary, cellar, barn m lulling store. This luiaied at Oakley, lul), Good water right, near pared street Must eHI at once, abeds, elc. t I thu.00 of beets lakes off iaet year, beside other crop. OF I I, AND IDAHO. fJl&OOO. rswi bungalow, with sleeping porch; maple finore; full basrmvot; largo yard, south frontage. A ral Fine tenus. (Excellent bargala. locatkua. B. H 60 Acre doors. and Acreage laocated on Htate alreet. Fine Irwm frame bouse. Now. title la cheap. $7i no duwa. Lwlafne easy, liie, Ku'cllest $3,100.00 4 rama buagalow, nice Incatioa. In full good shape. Siaeptng p$rt Waassent A real bargain. Tsrma. $3,730- a1iet bungalow, soatheaat; aw., A good buy, $17mi to baalle. gd. good rnmn sftaiMk, Firms and Aciespo roa sale REAL ESTATE Ue. f) tHa. walktug dUtauce. Uw4 ttttms. BALE D. BARNES,' yaH, $2,730.004 ram, neat rettags. garage, with cement driveways. This acresoed in front porch. bar place is la good repair and to If au a st pries naked. , b, fuiiutt: tah, strictly modem P. B. bungalow, located h, B. ms large rot Vtev lot; baa 5 large bedrooms, lviu rtiom, panel diutog room and built la large buffet kJtihen, full ce'feature, ment basement, hot air fuiaace. $liM) cash, $d3 a muatu. raah, frano: unpin efiertugs 0, $I50(V Fine , uu Jut $U3A 4KS3. sml- madera t blora o(t 5th all tuiU ia Aveaue, ! t. bl.ia St, roa SALE EEAL ESTATE rnm slt-iw- Uiraipd lixft Ws. hu. r( ba.L $2100.00 HCkiO-w-- $.VtOflO UK nrnn 22 bo. tw. i DO W V, $40 00 HOVTHI.r. HllOVi ritVK. HTIill'ILV MOlitRN, (IV NIMH JEAbT. rlNE LO'l'. OARAOB. Thoae roa BEAt ESTATE Improved and VulmproTod Unimproved For a fire room cottage, enfdetely lsi- a t.. Rbwlwra heal, iarge lot, with lwu, fruit fxupt,J ut rehoit $3,200 ganlca nut, chlckea l$cn; let u etiow you Mua; wnall pay aieui duwn and balerne Uh rvau 00 bOL'iii. $0000,00 fatuic, baiatu - HEX KN sice bm.rlie, u hi: tAitr. soi iii or i.ikkkiv UllltOl-AMlWNAlANr, anvl 4oi 403 B ston Biig. PA, n, 1 10 HO MOXTHI T WFI L ILT rriBKOONI BKU K All'll-RU- ,1,0 HI in 3i0.(-.V- I, roa SALE REAL I STATS !. barnoi 33JO, AND THHFR ROOM FRAMR. Kit 1 It.Ji irt TttKNn MU (I entii FAKE. loriuu A beautiful bungalow; tiia location ! Ideal; baa ft room a, a'rutly modern. (an ha pur Chased fur baa than coat of building today. W.. K. AT FAIR TALI 1FTII Lah r. ,HlUUU I AMI. I.DD1 Ull UUMII. A OX First South Wt!V NOT? 1NV. (O LslAlC I la l'raaesaioa IIOMK Improved i mi Ktv mu nuir iKLit, FKM II NKAK MlA $1l,UO wb want ax offer bungalow on 1h nratb heath; rarner Ini, suik, 8xW rU; rnom, hot air host, AT FI, Ft moo. faring oak floor. In nUrut condition. can b given at once. twill, UOVbN rOMI'I ETLLY FlRMbHED. Rroutifui bonra H Federal fir. gut. Can b iiaanl Owing It far below origin! ptm Illness, Ui vwuer la Laving Uit city. On t.lrORr.iin 0 Jim In loll, IU.AL ItTKHSOV , iv federal nui;nrs sled tuncalnw lot ; a'rit'tly b had until Juno 15 the ell lit' own IK fsdng south, FOE SALE Improvd tnd Unimproy.d BIUNEAU UU.I. BARGAINS. W REAL ESTATE SALE l'J EARTH. Batto casaty, priced Look 'EA1TIV if ad writs This Is one of the beat farms ta Bnlt two shares of )ke conn tv. Thirty water. I tab Silt Lake canal It baa a full lias of implements and all are team, harueea. new wagun, it) trw; ton of bay g'ws. Four-roobuse pump will. About 11 milt nut Do Idaho, has the best, lowest oa ho market tt today. term. lVrre farm in Baltad with plenty of horses, coma, tuck, and equipment of mat htnery. He and talk with n ttkoul thi farm. You bo plvsxed wltb It, , The flnevt today. tho famous Last River ee ysur map. on for listings. Good CoMaXg, Lake ether sure will acres nesf flag srhrol, mecth.g boMe, In Balt lJk rouotv, whk hib riss hrlc k huii, tbir. chicken right, a coop, anachinery Only IdJhai. some down parment. balance $ snsumuy. i 6 per rest, one rf the best buy in the - trr. Ton maxt ace thia farm te fully apprrvuio what a snap It ts, 30 tore. a4r ch 40 scree in Riverton, water right, parily Improved laud. 2 roam ruatie liousp. chi ace coop, alee six room, strictly mMfra pig pans, siorag geiiof. $dUMU 4 Way isrms. rhnler brick b'Uigaiow, touted an Fifth $0,000.007 room bungalow, near Cast H 8 ; LOST BITER RFALTT COMPART. ox or most beautiful homes Bust drive, Ofbf'oaMe Liberty park. ThM 30 acres la Routh Jordan, fine water right, , hardwood' heat; garage, everything Oa tha eaf beuch. corner hit. T&xlSO; $ large bnae was t st completed by the swner 12 acres alfalfa, balance plow toed, fine eil. Aron. Idaho. This home to 70 Acres All fence! wltb wire; ban 40 shares of modern; $ bedrooms. room a; strictly njudern: bungalow style. Tula Iwe moutbi sgo. lias large living room Be us for pries and terms. They art right. ?IM1.00. at officially appraised Now vacant. water, near good school, about home will bear tovtatigatiun. with buiitln mantel aud boolccaea, bout h front Hood valoe. mile and half frma paved street. BUILDIXO LOT BABQAIN8. beeullfut lighting fixtures, select fun-Wou- d acres la Lost River Valley, Idaho, fvd $0 Bay consider oni traUf . $3 J.70 . 00, OX TERMS. finish. French doors wltb piste $1$ 000.00 8 room, water right, 45 acres alfalfa, hiaue floe firebrick home; acre of gronnd. THIRD BOrTH. KBAR I2TH EAST, a flaa Fra a S mom h"me, with between Hung room and dining house glass grata land, the most of it fall breakfast room, sun room; billiard 30 Acres Thia le a' dandy proposition Four-roogTl sad ibis home la bungalow style, built of brick, lot, Uto chraMt and tu--.t rom: buffet kitchen, while enamel finother buildings, A snap if Ukji at sure, hu, oa room, with Mk dancing floor, M totok huee. good .well, some tha oaat aide. port. h uo three aide; cemtot basement; cor Oolr $1400. Fori ish; two large bedrooms, one with built-i- n beat. IhHi borne ts scar out buildings, other etc. arable, lineapor aer lot; Sc car faro quick aala. Nothia, la ibta locatioo 90 acre cloee to Aberdeen, house, well. 40 dreaaer; clothes cloeri with piste Farm federal Heights sad la beautiful Eighty five share of water. for Rib fca.t, n.,r bih South, seres slfalfa, balance' fine grain bind, $12 VM). glase doors, nice bathroom, full cement la home, ua on and well fenced new, before Fit mala a tall 00 CASH highway. $250 lot; onlr $750, oa or coal anl PERKINS CO. REATTY hot sir furnace, W. Will basement, take some Balt Lake property. H. Way the lat, as the price goes np then. teen acres alfalfa, ail acres la fall , borne at ca.b. 5th Bant, Will give yon proaraairai of a 15 fruit room, siiower bath and dance ball lota, REAL BARGAINS. terintf oa the Ualaucu. Half cash. Throe wheat, balance plow land. foot drop; partuf all paid $1200, Wilt trade for a email 2713 South State. with maple floor, large tot, good gaburses, twe cows, fifty chickens, three tensa or cnui. farm. Lot 6uxl65; Urge bam; bouae modern We have scores of other fine properties eo 15 acres of rage mith cement floors and driveways. laud, good water, H milt turkeys, plows, harrow, wagon and from state road;good our liatiags ta both Utah and Idaho. Tril ua Owner is leaving city. WiU sell except beat. See thia property, or call an and 4.raom house and outbuilding; other farm machinery. Price right. h3324 OTHER CMOirs LOTS oa our Ea.r rarawt U1 uke you. wo what reaaooabla terms. want, w can supply you. We are I 23 Arm Ihi baa modern home except heat stock, bay sad cbk kens Included. Pries $4uuu. the bigyoudealers . Flaa. lit fnrnti end Have tia a beauty; baa city water. Farm j $15,000 week GILMER PARK BUNflAI-OW- . For sa eight-room- , this room of swernl fuie faraig fur 5 new bouae. water modem $5 acres, Al disputed strictly rigkt; has 40 snares foot of WEST every water, CLORR BIDE, I.V Ov WERT our clieata. corner tot, peved oa to school. and porih. breakfaat f room a. inclosed alecpmg COOK does timi barn; TEMPLE, Btnck, good bungalow, M large to NOTE. acres in alfalfa, cultivated; NEAB TTH bOIIH mom. billiard room, fire brk-tnaotel, bullt-l- ! Trooai fraaio, street, terrace lawn. Home consists of Included, prks smalt family ortbard. Near car line, implement,to bay and chickens . , DI FFIN A STONE fONDANT, parily tuoUcra: only $2500. La.y laundry la cash. Easy terms. Templeton Bldg. feature, hardwood finish; garage, etc. Wasatcb $700. living room with beam celling, niuaic $UM; school, also die street, paved high GJ7 Dooeret Bank Bldg. $500 Built Inclosed Phone Waaatch 2Ui$. $30 dowa, built room, ia mantel sod bookcases, sleeping porth, basement; muatbly. at bool. Come trict In It and talk 4 three year ago by tu present owner, wl la French doors between liva acres near lo town. plats glass good big Industry; over and If Interested will take yon brick on Rth Wowt parltif, soar Srd This five-rooWill sell furniture, if deroom now lo allfornla. beaatiful h714 sad music room, alas between ing tittle brick bungahouses loud water right; oa car line, to see It. You will be disapBoath, $2200; fioo down: If modem sired, with the bouse. Price $4500. dining and living rooms. Panel dining low, with sleeping porch; located eo lird rou SALE BY 08 N ER. pointed in this wonderful chance ve.. Just off 15ib East. Has hardwood floors, room, ok floors, largo buffot kitchen, tberpt beat. 8ft acres of reul good alfalfa and brat land, THE GREATEST TALUS 25 acres, rich valley and. southeast; good 2S miles from eith tile floor. Tub and show or hath built-i- n firvplaco and full cement basement. A beautiful bungalow, strictly mod Ieita; sli irrgable, wtto part PETERSON R, E. 1ST. C0 . with tile floors, gumwood finish. Four Can be bad for $37WX 4111 make a good water For $3300 00 ftUNi.OO cash, that we Have ever water right; all fenced. Uat been built about right; frat of water rsa be obtained at era, pebble dash coping, fire brick, horns. four lirhted to well with Thin 8320. brick bungalow, near tha Holy M But Founb South. yearn. bad: bedrooms, Owner ia an aged lady and must sell at small coat. Wit) c)l tl.te property at sacrifice. large If your you wb opportunity, eciuaat full but air beaement, walks, In bnvu of uni tho $9UV and wnal a neat Lttio bungalow. ctoihee ctoaeta. plate glaae mirrors , Atom hospital? la wait mg distsac Addrea F, O bo loft Eureka. br.Mk tah. furnace; eome fine young fruit trees, once. Price $5500, rlnwt donrx, full cement basement, with vocally; modern except furnace, lias bookcases oa car line tad paved street; If you hoej ' FARM BARGAIN loq aerra all under cultiOa West min ter avenue, near 5th Bast, we hot air furnace, cost room, fruit and good sued lot, in living room; garsge, sod 6t bouse wafeF acres, good a want right; canfina couutry boms, yoa vation. J1 scree under big ditch, raising allinker brick garage, bave a five-rooand billiard room. modern cottage. Has been with drive- CITY PROPERTY outbuilding; good soil; eioee to school, church falfa. not beat IL grain, putntoea sod sugar brat, btntnr cement fluor and drive ay. Ibia ia newly decorated throughout sud has an excellent and storo. Price $12,900; batf esab. Easy terms. good dry farm, 99 arret plsoled to fall wheat, Terms $3000 caab, bslasce buffot kitchen. Lot 33xltto loot with I lowing S Acres OX FIRST ATE., home. fine atA modem borne, lees beat BUNGALOWS, ia la line Hhnrt I, ins raitonad, sear good 47 A double boose, all first mortgage seven per cent. per well, $0250, With term. MHr.to- mM. Midvale, Utah; itato toad town to Between C and P street tractive, annoy place; good bars and aoutnaaaicrtt Idaho. H.a good houro. cent.) to ms oa each aider strictly- modern, with fur- $4500 $300 down sud $300 per annum, and Waratch. near paved street; oo etc. A good place, but mut outbuilding, wall, barn, crop, Oa nace. 1 bis property la U be sold for $0500.00. Highland drive we bave a beautiful five W. U. PEREINC REALTY CO. room modern bungalow; large tot fare oo car. We must awll this place be sold. Priced reasonably anl god term, room strictly modern $15,000 For twe good, substaatiaL eight-roobouas AU laics paid, This h(V343 bungalow. at oacc. lease B. RHUarda, goj Fait BiUg., Balt lake oak floors ia nil the rooms, has modern brick home. located three I has beautiful $4000-6-ro- oa strictly modem. Close la; dandy -- rUty. bJ7J blocks from Main. East aids " $4730 00 DV TFRM5. "' " w- 40 Lnctwl southeast. tot; Rlmtoa. (Md t A GRANT BEBEB h., ,t I COMPANY. J. modem built-i- n features. loeseiall Ihers la a full I street, sli ssaeasmenta paid. Farm Lands for Sale or Trade bungalow, with steeping porch; hotI 5 acres ta .ti "k1cultivated; lr. era cement homes lo are detail; ia Into rooms modern off whith at every basement, Looted partitioned air beat; all newly papered. $8000 S rontss; hot water heat, oak floors sad alfalfa, balance grain, or beet land. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL DEB w: 8. Gleey, 599 Bcott building, fug m!l both Rented and bringing in a good In-- j coal, fruit, laundry and furnace rooms. The . finish. 150 South Uth East. Now vacant. There are 49 share of water for IrFine brick garage. Strictly up worth beat Is hot water, and the tot is boxiOO feet tonus or city property. Pboo Was. tme. The ground alone will be for ' tv date. No buildings. blocks from Main and Extra good rigation. Light Small Irrigation project or a wonderful larrs isan a garage, chicken corps b5-ln a few years and amount Ihern asked the DO YOTT WANT alley. 4 to ia and it level. location. Broadway, splendid ani, sr Nefarm ranch Irrigated trees. All and la a fruit Terms Aaaesoments, proposition, site. I arranged. A 10 acre farm for $4500.00. on easy term Including aparlmeat vada; the data is made, the pipe line ia in BEAL TIKI L country homo, with 37 acres of perement, art paid. Pries $4750, A room frame house, coops. sheds, etc.; good $10000-1 Aero brick' rooms, strictly modem, and everything With a room 4 orchard land, at grrat bargain; splendid Ingood house; fins and the ditches are made. The winter rang $21,500 Thia Is one of Balt Lake's most rx water right. Will trade for a boma la tha city a home should be. soil; with cbickea house; not far out, ia unexcelled and unlimited. Investigate this. come property; eighteen utiles north of Balt Oa Fifth East pavement we bave a beautiful llusivs homes It to located on fine or for a larger farm. Owner leaving stale. Call Hy. Lake. 22. aa W a offer this wonderful on chance for Booth rooms with flvs oa East and double Temple, bungalow comer, 120x165, sleeping HOUSES. IX IDAHO. of the finest irrigated projects available. The b.Hjift next to Federal Heights, pared streets, porch. This horns has hardwood floors, birch WANT A 8MALL HOME 25 Ua ia of rest value at per of presall of price enly trees, and the latest batlt features with beautiful in finish, plenty tract. 11$ mile j $50004 rooms and 2 claimed fa aleeplnf porches, grounds, In exchange f r a choice Cattle Ranches 40 Acres Thirty three and one half shares of ent. lawn and shrubs. This home Is strict- and hot sir furnace. Ws offer this home with from street car; all V alfalfa, good water right; I Terms strktly modem, hardwood floors, built water: honee; good well and ly modern, has built la fixtures, buffet terms at tbs very tow. flgura of $47oG fur neat 3 roopi home, good outhuildioga. a very la features, roomy. This la a fine cotdown. At $1500 Oakley. Aa excellent farm la middle CUh, 480 acres. outbuilding: kitchen, with every convenience; alee quick sals. fine Jersey cow and eome rhhkcr. This place tage home, about five blocks from the Price. $5500.00. . 125 HEREFORD CATTLE The best farm bogus and the brat oat build323 bookcaet doi, with mantel and built-ito worth $4J0.fk). Anyoo haring a borne la university gate. rausuaily well kept of say farm to the slate. Work horses, Oak floors bed. oa ings Near Booth 9th Halls with Liberty park, pavement, disappearing alee town, the city worth that price ran nude a trade, or up, large shads aud fruit Acres wire Fine 2900 brick sheds, corrals, bouse; sad five-rooseres, cowa, to n4ar railrattle located with make machinery a bedrooms we range, fins dairy everything hardFour bars large bungalow, with trees. This place was built right, throughout. we will sell this chicken farm ua easy terms netting fence, warm spring water. np s complete Irrigated farm. The owner will road and in firvt-l- a hot air furnace and aU buiU ia cattle atetiun. wood floors, 40 large ctbtbcs cloeeta, each with private Farm barb above to tcree $ bog a fenced; set-ifor anwire, This trade list e la slfalfa, lend. city Improved property. tile for terms. ftalah, first-clas- s $50UU, with tub and shower bathe, features, grain PRUNEAC-HIL$4500 INVESTMENT CO. borne; sleeping porch', 240 acres la cultivation. near the state road. The price I sere of good pasture land, all fenced fur fins room a bath. with place V maid privato tuba, Terms of acre 2400. 543 Mala Street. Was. ground; fjono cbicacu coop. Hunch aU fenced and crosa-feneefeeding purposes. screened ia sleeping If yon are looking for a borne, see ua. We $6 Acres $7 shares of water, fine boms and right and the terms are good. nursery, Paved street, on hard. This to the Urge ' bthNU Gxd ranch house, implement, sued, orchard and garden, winning the atprise porch, Urge Norwegian cedar clothes I have a large lUt to show you la all parts of her rea dandv orchard. horse $11,500; Price, cattle bare, biackmaiiu aiiup, etc. bouas alied, closet, beautiful lighting fixtures, city. Ws writs all kinds of insurance, Priced for quick aale. cup la 1U19. unable payment down. 123 head of JIKBER J. GRANT A COMPANY. Following goes with ranch: DUFFIX A STONE C0. finished throughout in birch and ipi- Terms. 35 horse, poultry, hogs. 60 iou Booth 22 Wasatch of Waia. 2262. rattle, Was. 2548. $07 Deseret Bank Bldg. garage, fireproof hogany; large BO Acre We bava many attractive farm at "V 60 buxliel uf gram. Tin ranch join hoy. fie with private bath, chauffeur's COOK room, A NOTES, ua 641 Let about Acres to untie .talk you slip this one. 8 room good brick run 5 can Oakley. where ufj N5525 rauge, of bead beatyou room Five out of 1G0 homes we hare for sale. Be $2606' Dont oo la basement, good laundry 133 Acres too possibilities there. rattle if deirod. Urge tot; close ia; barn. House Pri for everytlng la fore buying, cat! ua; we have what you want. Terms home, This home can't be beat, SIT Templeton Bldg. Wasatch 9709. ing plant. modem. 51 Acres Owaer $50,090 will max terms. Writ to to build good coat down would $1UU from Pament flu.ooo $35,UU0 and assy and today. ter tea. Terms arranged. b035 160 Acres Very choice, improved, irrigated land, TOTNO MAN. get back te the farm. You'ra for further information. too valuable to youroetf te ring a clock sad A DAIRY AND CATTLE RANUfT. YOrNG BEAL MIIR with A l water right; located aouth-weESTATE CO 5 rra. p. b. semibungatow, strictly modern Mr. for Boarto. Ask 511-1- 2 B0 of B lack f not, ta beat farming work tea boura a day fug a starratios wags. Head of Mikh Low aad Cauiw Phono Was. 524. McIntyre Bldg. $0 and a bargain; near J and 4 lb ave. $JuuQ, Bead I carefully; to half beet mile 1.6113 dump district; Me lock! caab, tad. $25 per moaUi. 5 room Mv 46 acres 44,Vacre for beets. reedv and cstne 6ft dairy located aw. D. BARNES ranch, TO HOME BUILDERS, INVESTORS OR CON$2300 60 dowa, and balance running along 23 miles Mrom halt Uke. loft acre la bay and bungalow with lawn and trees. Good new bungalow; hardwood floors, Phono Was. 4032-403TRA CTO RS. Bldg. at $ per rant and 6 par coat. years Two fine nee, for gap well balance land meadow, culisary built-iroom sad grain Gh1 pasture. buffet, enamel bed dimug WILL BUY UriA&ae of which ia a large potauN hottra, two large bartin, granary, imloom and kitchen, cement p6nh and steps and 522J 8EB BEAUTIFUL MARLBOROUGH PLACE. acres; 80 acres to alfalfa. Laad aU plement, shed; 11 cellar. fenced sod Granary, tool aud wagon shed 200 cement driiewav; near $lb East and Ramona cross-fencenew and fenced First-cla house, 10 bead horse Kara for combined, water right. Following goes with m. $4600; TERMS. basement: big barn, ranch: Special low prices and Inducements to con-- 1 FOR BALE. Place all hardwood floors, cement shed for cattle and hogs. , and Investors. Never garage, bog sited, cow barn, machine shed, Lot of OWNER fenced end croae-fencehft head of milch eow LEAVING AND MUST BACRIFICS. tractors,willhomo builders and seven and al. p, new bungalow; hardwood to tbs of Water line havs you buy again machinery. opportunity net fencing. ( loan to town; good complete right. Ltaee work horaea, bogs, poultry. loO rattle, tons of hay. floors, gumwood finish, bookcases and colonnade, Balt Lake City ia oa the A HOME NEAB UNIVERSITY. Seven-rooproperty oo cheap, Juat a re a te 0. M L. R. JL The price, $35,990. school and neighbor. brick house, near Third Booth evo 8 mowers, aide delivery rake, hay loadgrsio, btde driwwav and garage. Near 13th Last and a boom. eetate real of Finest close great d loa Tenth East; oonable down payment will bandit this ers, pushrake, hay derrick, plow, cream seppremises; bouse la restricted residence section ta the city, lo- Bryaa. $02;0; TERMS. $11,000, MUIR A YOUNG BEAL ESTATE CO., wonderful bargala. arator and all Imsll tod. 69 permits on forouiit and equipped with modern coa- cated oa 9th , .East old 10th and 11th I Bldtbrand-ne. . . , .between furnace. Fbawe 512 513 reserve. Price is $37,000, including every. est venlences. 5284. Bldg. , Mcl&tyto including L ( and porch, 2 Ktorr, strictly modem, NEW, AND A BARGAIN. Aero Very choice, partly Improved laud walk, curb and gutter, awsr and vMadam thing; $10,009 dowu, balance to yearly paynear (Mb ave. and C st. $65u0. curb sad gutter, Call with all modern Improvements, u paid $3UU0.0Q. street sancssmeata land hM3ft water full for all xrith tho ments kt I per cent Interest, light sowar, sidewalks, shade trees, parked and paved I . h32l 300 acres to cultivation; 60 acres yet Hyland -6 rm. new bungalow, strictly modern, alt water, lights and telephone. Ninth atreeta, Brand-nebe broken. 'to fATTLB RANCH. bungalow built in features, near State and Oth One acre of choice gardes land with good irEast or Wands mar car lines psaa too ground, j A dandy barn just A mndera, . Juat completed. fireft, L. Located at 30th Booth and Sec R. 80ft sere eatlle normoch, located ou South. $6000; TERMS. FOR BALE BY OWNER rigation nght: tioraea of with room; ranch. Adjoins unlimited finished, brick home of 6 rooms; hardwood tatim plenty K.j A dandy chance for a working man DONT FAIL TO GET OCR PRICES BENice ood East. loft also overhead. and lfl hay, 100 acres to seres rowi: hay 60) grass range. floors; hot ater heat; full cemented ewa DUfFIN A 8T0NB C0.$ home. his to build all mod era and Price, $2659; $469 cah pressed FORE YOU BUY. well of fine water for culinary use, and gram, lou acres pture. Black soil. Full wala new. clean aoighbur-booI basement, 607 Deseret Bunk Bldg. Was. 21Mkx brick home: full cement basement; furnace $2$ monthly. 12 acres of thia land last year proter right from river. Good sat of ranch buildLot 46x150 feet. Near BROS. LOAN hW4 beautiful lot and surroundings. HOFFMAN TRt'ST CO., heat; 4400 of alao sacks duced large spndu; 8 sere Complete at East Mill Creek, about ings of AU fenced sod cross-fenceN street and ftth ave. Now ready for occu- - 23 Mast lat South. Waa. 2232.1 of grain sad alfalfa. .This one acre Improved set Implements gras with the ranch. yield to J mixed or $5500-00any-. bunds beiag bearing fruit, balance Liberty paney. Prico 4 room cottare, near 5th East and Pth Booth, farm ia also located southwest of Following goes with ranh: and well fia-labland. Beautifully Aa appointed Mr. excellent wafer I H as of firat value gardening Inquire right. payment. thing MT2 whuh ia walking distance. 1,ood chicken coops, 19 head of Hereford sad Durham rattle. 5 Blackfoot, Idaho, close to town and house, barn aad outbuilding. la every detait Hanaon. burtxy shop, $69 South Main street, Trice, $5009. station and beet Terms, $360 cash. l'rice, IJlOO. horses, 17 hogs, 190 tons of hay, 399 buliela right near loading g.V251 j or phone Wat. 8170. NOW AND COMKS THE of grain and 4hft sere relinquishment, 109 acres dump. ELEGANT AN OPPORTUNITY. 5 room modem brick cottage, a dandy for a j MY Onlv $75 op PRICE AND TERMS. modern bungalow; built-i- n tillable, aud good springs; for $45,OOU. Owner equity to PER ACRE railroad man. Price, $25W CASH AND YOU $300 cash. buffet, bookcases, fireplace, full basement; 3ft acres of fine farm land, one mils north will make good terms, with 6 par cent iu terete ASHT0N-3ENKINCOMPANY, OWN YOUR MAKE TERMS, Will consider a goml on 436 Sherman av deferred payments. j reanouable terms. Hyland of Riverton, with $0 shares of Utah lake lrrt 1 4374. modern brick cottage, oo the ave b293S Call or writs for further in12 acres ia alfalfa, balance brat apartment house. water. ration $2 Mato Street. nues. BUY IN IDAHO. Fine garden tot, 10 rods deep. BEST form slion. $3150. bouae aad shed fur S ELL and grain land. BUILT brick home, oast aide, Bevea-roo- a, Terms, $350 caab. beautiful brick bungalow, situ . stock. Trice, $225 per acre; $760 cash, balstrictly modern; full basement and furnace. a ted to "Now In tha Time to Boy. near high school, on paved 1270 Acres Bheep or rattle ranch, 63 flea from ance on eery easy tsrma. aouthaaat, b2067 9667. Call Was. owner. d modern eottsge oa acre land Balt Lake City, near good, live tows Gumwood street. finish aad quarter-rawe- d MONEY FOB HOME BUILDING. on State street. A dandy place to garden a ia J. R. SMITH REALTY CD., ACRE also and of la and railroad, located la tha to' land fruit and berries; GATEB-rOoak floors. Colonnad REALTY opening between large 203 Hooper Btdg., 2! K. 1st bo. St. and a good boma. $750 caab dowa bandies cosy 3 room bouas. basement and pantry, to living and dining room. heart of one of the brat stock region Phou W asauh 669L - No. COMPANY, French doors between 16 East 4lb South. BATE DEPOSIT BOXES FOB BENT. a of Al cooditioa; electric lights, water la bouas, I jiring this. Was. 2933. state to the Utah; perfect par' room aad music room. Largo plate-glas- s ' h6912 httV.4 froot and back porches; located to Bountiful. window., naklcf tbcw loom. dise la summertime, and a money I(,ht ir,. 1449-acr- e BY 6636. Waa. farm OWNER 300 $1900. acre counbuttt locaof Boxelder in maker beside. fine Only newly bungalow, southeast g677 full of sunsbiM. Mantel, bookcase, plats rail, FOR BALA from Tremoston miles $4 100 acre tion. and and Oak floors and gumwood fouab. id ty, luiiea alfalfa timothy. plow Pries, aad China buffet fixtures attractive ftOK SALE mod. brick bouas; fins lo light A fins stock or dairy ranch of 56ft acres in give This farm ia all tillable but 40 to railroad. ra can be culttvat $4300. land, 75 acre ilurty tbi homo an air of distinction aud refmo-mea- t. cation. Will sell at a bargala. on or beLtor is planted ia grain southern Idnbo; 120 head of cattle, 20 head of ed; about 450 acres excelffint graE acres. One-hal- f Three bedrooms with many windows, M term. Sea Mr. Myara. 114 E. Broadway,ray horses mors Implements oeceaeary for running Hk) 6 It room baa plowed. aad alfalfa, fcioderfl col taco, lot 3x10 rods, a railsmall ranchhouse, barn and ing land; sleeping porches for warm weather. l2? same aa rui place, good buildings; only five hmira stock sheds; 8 teams, 8 seta good bar. hr.ms oa It, implement sheds aud barn. I wili from . Terms. road mans boms. $3200. . clottae closet, linen closets. Tils floor-Balt lake work to 24 of horaea. City. For further Information head 80 AREa. clear, - la turn Three Boxclder county, and Large 2 steel .2 mowagon plow harrows. aeaa, set-t- o to tub and Buffet bathroom tog 22 12th Balt or kitchen, Lake J write East, hU9 phono City, Take good bms and implements too numerous to mention. $14J0 equity to good contract. wer. harrows, cultivators, rake, bin In Walker newly built bo a ja low in every detail, toclading Ironing h54i6 aad $19,999 dowa wfli baa Hvlaud 2837 H. clear heme or double house to exchange. Ad- - i coaipleteCalifornia Oak floors and gumwood finish. Place. der; to fact, everything to run the All at $50 per acre The cooler. All Ua rooma men- aA40 b,rd die it. Balance at 7 per ceac Thomas Greaves, loadOWN A HOME. bull Jr... y.iu Tnimne. fire-co.- 1 beat cloae-m- , ranch, -tew bungalow buy ou the marrakes, including hay Vn.mel. In Homesteads bit. tloo1 Back U2733 Treatoa. Idaho, a few For ate. MAKE I YOUR RENT RECEIPTS er, ket. days only thia BY OWN EH Pace, $5650, Tvrms. brick cottage; clot in; porch iuclesed to brick work of house. No tx e PAY FOR IT. ranch ia offered for sale at the big- FARM oa cement road, 7 Hi acre best gardra GOOD relinquiabuieets to noerraideet paved street; modern except heat; nice yard. II posed wooden purchea. Full cemented basomenL A room Last week we had B houses in Egll court for I flowers; homesteads or 649-scmodern brick cottage, walking d fagest sacrifice ever beard of. Owner grating homettaada; brick bouae, barn, terms. room, coal room, floor drain, over- fruit with easy poaeasiou immediately; ground to I tab, H. WUluus near moat railroad. sold be imme2ui Nee kershaw, ta nee. You must see This la a close in snap. state, leaving n)e;now we have only $ Eglt court run II 31 7 e. Rth South Wa. 1564. 59 and fruit chicken coops, granary hl516 ied furnace. Monkey beater. Roughed la tree; fSU6 north from 717 East 7th Boutb Let hb show you this ranch. asparagus, strawberries, Nra. 3, $ and I kZ tins Monday. iLnndpv tiilw diately Prico, $3000. black aad red rasp- bbfg. Waa. 4363. Easy terms. Kaaemnt nlaatere.1 WFLI. Bl ILT brick, modern exropt heat; 424 I btick -- cottage, and wa era frai? acre of Those oca Bountiful of 329 acre; oo residence reLOMKSTEAD hay. berries; fencj pastedAHiawScITl oTJn.M 1009.00 will W.ll 150 c.h, Li- D. BARNES. Ask for Mr. Tall, ag thm .way .1 11400 o.,-h- ; H558H Ch.p. K 1. G-- 0. 92 Addrea e869$ Tribune. quired. (. GATFK-HJREALTY COMPANY, lit. In payment, of 17 50 per month. To h.ndle. It .111 py yon to M. tbi. 0wnr full. This home la complete to every way. FOR BALE 635 scree farm iaad, aU fenced and Sale Farm Department, No. 15 Cast 4th South. build one of I ! Bandies For Wasatch 0UL cottage would cost you $2000. lout f twn. Box 334, Ogden move to. do but to a beautiful rock Truly Nothing houses aad cross feared; two small h391 1 Look tbeue place up at mice. phone Wmastch 4033 and 4082. 2 8 Room hoo, 1212 8 Pac. avenue. $1750.00 I home at a bargain price. If toteresied act chicken houses, maranch, Millard county; fenced; 190 2 . WEST BIDE BARGAIN. Boston Building. h606$ good rock bare; granaries, each; 10 per cent off for cash. Inquire own- - II quickly, GREAT PArRIFH EHplrtMttd bouse aad machinery; 590 Inches wafmir-roobrick acres cleared; buiidiug. water for culioarv No. 239 Nogth Nth WestTUi chinery . FARMS. h!349 f aU fine for acre brick home coat owner $2239.00; uur price t er, Paul Hein. Lincoln Hou. year; house; paved at.; floe surrounding; and fishing opa sprtug big ter; garden; consider trade. Arthur Beta, In orchard; $U5A; terms. Phone $Saf.2791; $1750.00; $200 00 cafh, $17.50 ier mouth. Try MODERN broom house facing city park; five: b37U or resort. Easy terms. Price oa application. E. 3rd tbHith. A CO., TORONTO 54993 h652i to build the hoH without the lot for $2250 00. Adrian Grimatid, Plegrra. Idaho. Tbs beauty spot of Bait Lake Valley. cvenmga, Was. P364-J- , t. ; $4800. 21$ minutes wnik from Main 819 A earns Bldg. For Bale Sherp Enche Waa. 8426. Waa. 5667. Waa. 1546 aad Was. 4464 M REAL KRTATE A INV. UO.( McLKLLAH Canyon toad. t FOR BALE 5 acres, mostly to A GOOD building site. 6ffvlQ3 ft., 17 acre. 411) Walker Bank Bldg. f69S h2lS4 choice fruit trees; BOUTHAMN PAtlFXU LAND AGENCY. Booth. 1ail Wat 1027 W house sod out h57P4 17 share af water. h6447 Nevada grasing land. $1.60 ty $2 59 per aero. buildings. Phone Hyland 8393. gl23t K. iOD. cioxe in. east, $20J0; $150 down, erohard. Sheepmen grating sheep to Nevada can Mr 11 HOMES. aoiith-ea13 S64L Call me BY mile Wa. Jonathan OWNER Orohard, $22 pr UfY g767 8 acres commercial APARTMENT HOUSB FOR BALI acre; apples. of city. For informs Uoa apply 154 2nd money. Boll: Deep sandy loam, worth $1000 per BRAND-NEBOUTHERM PACIFIC LAND AGEN'CV, modern fire brick bungaIN J ttEAL H0ME8 MARLBOROUGH 'PLACE. hKflJ modem for aonth An $5500.00 bungalow East. acre, exceptional bargala for quick wit. Eight 11 H W. Sad boath st. Brauti low. all built-ifeatures; garage. $5 Newell block. of Liberty Park east of 5th Eat; full apartment 1 span horses, wagon, buggy. of five rooma each. Well built Paved fill large lot. All aaneasments paid. FOR BALE One acre, 8 rooms, closet and pasrlftrt home e baaemeut and aleeping puroh; ud high else throughout: choice locatloa. J plow, l hertvw. baromeat. la water 1234 9th Fvat. house, g3918 garage, street, park would like to are well built homes, try. If you owner P O box 61ft. City, 15ft chicken. f6t&9 completely furnished with good grade Real Estnt6 At Auction. U. V T. 8b6, Blatkfw-t- , chicken bouas, fruit, of tha ao construction with t, 1 of row. Broom part alighted furaUhlnga; wnshiog macliioe, OWNER will t'H atrictly Jersey moyrn b4A')2 Idslio. of conveuie&cro--visi- t modern A and 6 mom bun-gal- residences which are model 1 acre dewberries, shade, linoleum, etlverware, FOR BALE hoove, rout lies it; also four vacant lots, M our beautiful MARLBOROUGH PLAUB. er Waa Price 6 IUM DANDY BrKGATiOW. II. O. Gilkerroo, Wasatch Owner, Ha. 9727-dtihet. In fact everything goes. at aud 10th ave. HDMB BTTH,DERr BETT1LYON fnw dolfew hundred dollar dowq sod h9794 $446 W. $5600, $2500 caeh, balance $35 monthly. Barua, houses for chickens, granary, duck eventogs. 4734, or rta. Hyland 1512-W- , WA IX PAP EB CLE AyTOq AtCTlOS DEPARiMfcNX. lars a month Juat Uke paying rent you caa pond. h4)26 or build to Icaro. will MI eolt 8T sell, perty 4b4Q. Was. PLA MARLBOROUGH to E. For aa idral Hie In Baft Lake. Moat picturesque Spot Call Mr, Baird at Was. 4283, aay time after WESLEVS M..I paper rlunlnf, Untin soil lease. 66x139 feet, oa Bute, homeaite, oa long-terrmo terms. MAR I.BO ROU G H PLA K, ( ItOOM brick bungalow. fnrlly modern; bot-a- lr 9 a. m. Monday. tovratigat ritK E. To remind you I fie like rootua 49 painting. corner letter. now abade full aad fruit Inquire for our next publto by baroment; List i.regnry to place. your property furnac; the the .finest restricted subdivlsioa Will consider small borne ia city. hm9 Gregorv place. new" true aa Darling. I Am Growing Ol(P" 52396 located to tbs heart of tha new residencecity auction. trees; Ninth av, and M at. A bargain at disHo well known aa 12 year experience. JU H. 37ft So. W. Cot Address $18 Vcrmuat bldg. Phona 1 BO lot on Beveriv at., Highland Park, plat 7 KM. bueg.. one end half stories, near Adams. Auctioneer. $4000. 7th 9lh East sad and 19th and MUIR A YOUNG BEAL ESTATE CO. E. H. trict between pot," HtUBfactioo guaranteed. Call We b3071 A, 50x123. for 1500; aU aaaeaaiaeat W a. 7H4MJ. paid. one block from Liberty rohool; hardwood, furnace heat, garage; is Uth booth street b3WJ Main st. Ly. Hy, 2119. Box 617, Jerome, Idaho, b446 511-1r Phone Was. excellent condition. Accept auto as part payMcIntyre Bldg. park. 30R BA LB One of tha uaoat atrictly modern H31 RhKbtihd prices ara light. Formerly with h61 17 ment. Tall owner. lie. 866 W. g68?0 upto-da- t bang Iowa lo Salt Lake a real modern, bseetneut and garage, $3830; 1aa. 8541 J, 83 7th Duvalls paper bouse. BROS. LOAN A TBC8T CO.. HOFFMAN home Mel-rohdl month G. and Hyland 214'M. down J. 8 r. per B. BARGAIN $.0 mod. brick, almost new. B, $19i0 53743 East. Owner. Hy. 8779 J 1144 Ramona ave. FOR BALE. h4lx3 JYPEWBITBBS $4400, amsU pa rural down. Was. 3641. lot eo Kmeraou Heights: make A REATTIFIL 22 East 1st South bL Wasatch 22 32. ALLPAlhH cicsuiiif . paisucg and ksiaomin-RiChoice alfalfa eed. sugar brat, alfalfa bay 5436 an offer; will trade for light auto. Hrland BY OWNER cottage, bargain for 53964 ALL make fur sale or rest. fVnte fee price done, tail Was, lam J. neatly under lands Millard 1207-R- . and e344T proj-' fanning Ceunty ave. 874 8th H4183 K37M list. Ihe Wholesale IjpewrUor Co., 1 $3750 Inquire conducted excursions from M A LLP A PER cleaning, expert cleaners, price ects. Pereoaslir South Vein p.MJ PhneW. 27rtt. D. BARNES. FOR BALE by owner, one acre of good gardes Balt Lake to Delta, Utah. Join oa. SPLENDID NEW HOME, 7 ROOVB. WITH FOR BALE 4 room brick bungalow, 5514 rrsroaabla (ail Rndrlck. Wa, 2846. 2 A room Wax. twe Boston ( with 164062. New iui 1 aud loroea portable. All HPEN Aoh.N GARAGE. Weal. land house LARGE Bldg. lat improved AM) FRUIT aad 4 LEAN Nil CO. Brat PAPER UTAH MELTILLE REAL ESTATE CO.. work; Price reasonable. other make fur sale, rent and repaired UthU TKKM. OfvT tF TUB HMOKE DTiTHIt , IN abed, located oa 5th East. LOOK T prices. H.ilaod 2548. f8l8 Tyepwriter kx. Co., 36 W. 2nd fta Waaft Trl Waa, 3796. ONDITI0 V ; IMMEDIATE apartment house. h5?83 606-- f Deseret Bank Bktg. Kt ELI EN UW.NbR lnq. at Y23 3th Ave Will take a Ford ear aa first payment os a Located to modem, beat the LEAVING residential 4836 H Y. very ef STATE. y!7i to W part ANTftIl and four-rooclean; new well and modern. You moat the bouae. Wslpsper prompt and six Rita, house, bant, flowing Income of atMnt fu.ooo per year. ' bAlWia bAtod 2tJ2. city; MiMHbla. Hyland 1956 W. aitjg NEW W0OIMitk. lypewriter Inspeeimo t 150x100 feet each. Inquire 856 Ramona ave. hurry to take advantage of this offer. Phone Owner ia leaving city and will sell at a sacri34 fa beifsn-romfrom 4VH9, N Mas Waa. 22 Balt OW FH R modern 1626 miles 9. BY 37 fice. or will trade for farm of Lake. Has MODft-R148 ACRLH. brlrg hooe Hy. agrat. 392 HireLs Ansde bidg. PMrr Cleaning to. eldest, geliaixe property. Tall canal running through ranter. House, barn, Easy term ts reponibia purebaaer. 274A and reasonable prices. LOT 48x165. s cross from Liberty park; 3l2k h4,f, 'w.vr.Ora rvhujit. riire4 ami tospected. brick; e. L, bath, lot 69x163 feet; by orchard, at tr.g reservoir, trac$3646 Fly land D. BARNES, Addreaa iK 1ft. cellar, granary, header, double takes it if takes at owner, at 929 So. 2nd. West at. Phone Hy gang plow, mowtor and plow, 7 v v l w ufr vTiTfc u b bTT I ., .. MM IROtiM irifwlera byiek; 2nd Rout h hrt. 9ih and 4194-J- . 52754 f99 Tribune. HOTELS er, rake, drill, barrow, disc piow. lurara rof ( In Typewnier Co.. 3 to All sa Eaat; clear of Incumranro; $X250; tr. 1fh 60 chtokens, g grara. 28 eow. $ A years FOtt SALE bungalow, hep, shingle eld, 96 $36,909 just room fine rigatoc. ISA home ia BEAUTIFUL ta! eav terms 85 ft, Wt 3o;ng, boungslow. Just off 3'b r4iu Main t. Waa 2 NBW BALT Lane hotel. f I2M1 caali. 11, Trire. iDduding off 6th are., mow being pve1; hardwood horse $60. Phoa district, an Uto rooms East boulevard; 11 bardMood floors; selected 1Waa. $u50. J. W. lawcctt, 14 East bo. Temple built-t- a Address 8.6 8o. W. Tempi. 7653 J- Tb BET LITILk Ho'iUL iu halt Lake City fluora, bmdtraaea; furnace, cement and 2 glnorod ia Bleeping flnUh: brat built in feettms' hot- b491I gumwood porrbes; but and v and euld wstev MULT; la CLEAN DDTE C felftoj bsaemest, laundry tuba, amall kit, $4.4NMo, 'LTATSOJ strictly evaiera; hardwood floor, built- - ' water brat; cemented basement; 36759.0ft' by rAtn . frra baths. 1 WD lot in High land park for mle cheap f. terms $4159.90 for caab par men of $? I), to feantre. untianaliy fin lighting owner. Hy 871-W- , 53V2 WANTED to rent For emb: 2ft ree nr more rtf LAivL tLtAMVl A L7tlMi tO. rta bal-- f 372 bo. Main st., just south of tbs pontofflre caxb, or will eli on terms, 7 hi home la welj built and has Wa. ftu v. Wa. 329 I.. W. Gibb, or Waa. 7vm, hatfa fire. 2u or milra clover, witma kn suit to slfalfa reliable, i -- h ciiM work H.t Uke h 6 brth. strictly modera; been well cared fr. Iirge fruit and BY OWNER h21 HAVE $2190 is eiuity on mv pise; weald roil AM knda uf haia sbie youandwait. full rarmnfed baromeat, Geeping pnh; also City. Hou, etc,, not esrantia! hut aught h LINt nd well kept laws, 44 Fast ft'irst Boutb 2&t shade tree BE. Ht1 f yi i w 91 AG RE4, good farm land, to Abraham, near aud men, fra at a fwJ diocount. Addraoo a. P. ibna'en- 59 Bountiful drel blocked W, Phone Atfdrrss are looking foe a substantial boms in front nod hack pore be ferns, near univer- Hsmllrd. u st 2' ri ronia. single rooms, 4ra and Ath; modern, Delis, Millard ro . Utah. F!rt-e- l U27I3 watr ron, 438 Last 3rd Booth. rier box 313. Bait 1 afcv ttF- j 5337 baths. 1269 IE. 6tb South street. a good d itr rt, call 38 as. 6284, ak sity and high school. m- - gi raus or wrofc the J9r beefa. by or f..r bpertol ngar alfalfa. . grain right; god hGtTft $3MMt FOR a fme. auiwtaatial best farm and wtcr7 Wasatch NT.'jJ. fo Mr. Dah berg. 5Mi4 Hy R76-Jfegiuh eottagiT Pi ee $Dl per acre. bal. bl7l $lea ? jil T trade ERfor 8cityseres, S This home hat 7 Stylo home us P street. property, p O Bo Mat. Phone Wa. 17'3, or wrir or crop permeot. bungaiow. with oak floors, oak IkM HLK house 4 and 6 rofa. fiod location, 5KW brick bmlt-ihut rooms, full bartlwood air ami will furnace, is tofurmafies a bring hot-air . Uke. floor, Balt . g'ai Vermont feature, ftalk and furnace, glf lake i Hv. hdi46 situated oa s big lot with gangs ami fruit CTiECKWRITEB clra in on eat side If 15 Tribune. h7?9 X35. ' 7r(tio. faTJ IUV R BrEUU.il T0NJI LT A including electric rang and linoleum, blind, ye'ir of'ra slse Addera ft kOuM Aa ideal boms for a family, ie, hi-- d Rift Wrat tro-o- . tri k hue DuGoing to I'OH BALE 4Ue acre vry Nt roil good build-le- g curtains, drsperira, U"dry store, etc. Must Lf It ft O K Eijrl farms sad 8ALB ft tret visas stock r. A E- - (UE K W Kr.LR AI.EM Y, I7J Buta fnirfl, f HI - i to acU. aud 4tk booth. Address Midvale, Box 874u (shforola aad very a ax tou tall 8'jib Bouth and 4lh East. Phone be rold ths wralu This ft s sacrifice a I. tile. i Was. Waa. Main l at. Fmu A. root of Idaho, F. ranches her h.u. ted matiune ad hr. Lsa is I by bvUs.e, Matt. $6133 W. 42k4 for appoiuiiacat. $1391 Murray 432. 554 M 411 Hy. 2164 W. 55814 2263 24 h street. Ogdea, I tab. , 47 makes fur ask. g4873 rm the FIN8 CORN LOT, fooM WORTH $2500, wltb a toil.t and watrr. Wo HOI HE with tl.o lot. ftro all paid; oo Hi, norihwe.1 cur-Fartn, -- r bib boath ami bib L.t T.roiA $500 dowa, balaaca nooUtl. fr.m; roa Hi. $12,000 Pee gt lr. at Itm 10 ut h r g, '' rl. oh lt J in bt W. l lt Eat6 fj. ricd, ch ev, cr i', t - |