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Show 1 "J Pa fhe ' 7 7 . Junction. . 1878. Fuidav Mounixo, Dec. 20, A"' Kom J,,el Gold m,y, BURTON ir.ir --If-l- PJftllfS MIPilfM A a Mill lliiil IIIJJII& i TAILOEING 11 NEW STOBK, DOOLY BLOCK, OPPOSITE Z. C. TO REMOVED THE BOSS! S 51. I. ESTABLISHMENT DEALERS IN GRAIN. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Dress Goods, Notions, I am by my own in the East, pre personal purchase with all they families to supply pared need in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Furs, Boots. Shoes, Care pets, Groceries, Glass and Queens-warinvite I retail. at wholesale or all to inspect qualities and learn Hardware, &c. Crockery, We always keep oa band a tiilemlid line of SUITINGS, COATINGS, VESTING!, OASSIMERES', English, French and Amorioan Manufacture. prices. WANTED -- CASH, DRIED FRUIT and PORK. JOSEPH STANFORD. d 1 Co's Celebrated Bridge Beech FOURTH STREET, OGDEN, the above building, Embroidery, &c, Ilosiery, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, 1 John Taylor & Son, Having; removed my entire stuck of Merchandise and opened out in from its WashingPROVISIONS. cently published a statement Flour, XXX, $2 00(5,$2 26 ewt correspondent ton " Graham, $3 had the magician, that Heller, Buckwheat, $8.00 " treated his wife badly, and that Corn Meal, $2 25 " broken Oat Meal, $8.00 a of died had the latter " $3.00 Cracked Whel, " heart. Among the former acqauint- Bran. $ 20 when -the time at Shorts, $1.40 ances of Heller t.cts bushel. his success Potatoes, 60 25 each. he was at the hight of Cauliflowers, pound. as a music teacher in Washington, Cabbage. 1J eta. 5 on. pound. in 1858, when he married his wife, Sweet Potatoes " Parsnips, 4 cts. who was one of his pupils-w- ho " Carrots, 1J cts. last night, in Philadelphia " stopped " Beets, gentle- Onious. " 2 o's. was a stout, middle-age" man, whose house m the Capital Turnips, cts. " Heller used to visit at theaperiod Snuan, " bushel. 50 carried green, por$2$2 He Apples, mentioned. & lb 9 CIS ' drird, tion of the Enquirer's publication Peaches, dried, 10 cts. lb in his "pocket. Oranges $1.00 f! doi ' m Heller, "I have no interest I'urkey, (live) $2 OOio$2 80 each. cts. each he said, "other than to see him Ducks, (lif) 60 85 cts each want any man to CLiokeus. (live) I'd as get justice, lb 15 ed) is dead (d.es wife not have justice. His 15 its. each Pieeoua, (lite) with a broken heart, but she is Bu ter 25 c s. lb The Old Reliable chil- doz living in Paris with her three Eggs, 35 els. dren,incomioriauici.uLuiu3.auv,t3, GROCERIES. and. provided by Heller himself, lb 14 married to cts sisters Sugar A, with her two lb (.;. Yl etc. American members former titled Frenchmen, " ' 11J crushed, For Wood and Coal, with all of the Latest Improvements. of the legation at Washington. " I, HJ " grmu'ate " Heller visits his family every year. Coffee, Coata Rica, 27 Rio, 25 You don't know Heller? Well, he's a caution. I first met him in Tea, pkgs, 25c pkjr lb table, 12Jo SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 1858, when he was in high feather Rice, China luc " in Washington. as a Tobacco, bright good- 70e "gl lb He visited the best families, taught " b ack goods 70a " their daughters music, was invited "andlrs, 20a and to Col oil. 40c . to Lord Lyon's receptions, gal. lb all others of note, was good com-- l Bacon, 12 Jo " Hams. 17) pany, sing and played superbly, Lard, cans, I65 lb Sole Agents for Utah and Idaho for i rodearonnd to the houses of his and pupils on his own horses, Two Horsii Plows, 10,11 1 and 12 In. cut. Don't Forget It. finally married Miss Kieckhoeffer, If you are troubled with nerroupness the daughter of a wealthy German tirei of life, fear death SulkieR, Gang Cultivators, and 3a banker, who was a great violin are disheartened, the as ip, of you out feci pons saying or nl nvpr himself, and liked Heller eafely conclude that you have the to visit him, Heller went on teach- may The or Liver Complaint. VIBRATING HARROWS, Dyspepsia ing alter his marriage, but his liver is very apt to become torpid as sed a separation. of lle year poifous arising wife's jealousy ca On which we invite Competion r in the Field with any others in this Heller's popularity in society made from 8tngnani water or decayingand vege are more numerous, are Utiun him peculiarly subject to woman's through iuhalaiion taken into the blood. jealousy, anyhow. I'm a married Unless the liver is strong and aciive.and man myself, and know how it is. furnishes a cupply cf fresh and pure th' Heller gave up music and went to blood to drive out the impurities,follow surety New York, where he took up his above men ioned a mptoms DRY and if not heeded," end iu more terrible ' present following, and began to diseases and death. White's Prai make more money at it than at Fbwer proves itstlf the Great Liver I music. After living apart from rie Panacea. Its action on the liver is Liberal Discount Allowed on all Wholesale Bills. com J h is wife about four years they were different from any medicine ever v truly wonder I reconciled. He sent her and her pounded. Its cures are cents & ful. Try it. Price tweuty-fivchildren to Paris, where her mar- and cents. For sale by our seventy-fiv- e ried sisters were before her; 'and drueeist, Wm. Driver & 8on. d274 ly OGDEN. I there he kept his family in good dOfily style. These facts I know. HelMISCELLANEOUS. a man to ler's to B treat his family badly. I know to . HALLSTROM & Co., .it,.. II. ORTII, him like a book." J.E.DOOLY, air' M Ogdtn City. Salt Lake City, FASHIONABLE . that of Of Ogden City, ia 60et. y bosheL Cora. 50.00 Barley. 6U75 " 0ti, 45 Woes.1, 60(rt re- . O wASC 7Jf US. & HIGGIKBOTHAH, Selling, ilaielphia Tunes. The Cincinnati Enquirer MISCELLJ.YEO ....par. Buying 01i of 'iS. Frit-a- Pfc fro" Tr. FINANCIAL, HELLER'S WIFE. Uc ' j Ogden Market Export. di0-2i- LATEST STYLES, Best U 'orkmanship est lTicc8 n Cluap 1 COOK AND HEATING STOVES, GIVE US & WLM. " tics tf REUPKCTKULLT ALSO A FULL AND LINE CHOP OUR OF HEATING COOK STOYES, BEST TO BB I0USO Orders UICHTER NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. GOODS AND GROCERIES, NATS and CAPS, And a d34 tr OEXEBAL I.IXK OF PRODUCE. una FIONFF.K 15 Dr. E. L. PLA XT, 3 B P. B. The Poetor ea b foond t Opleo STary . tnday,at his office In Um Anthnny House, form' y the Ulolie UoWl, ftom 10 a.m. to n.ot. dlllfl-l- y this 0 Ha a TU dieVrin frmi all rihn s Hall witb cuptb.p., iu.lf to all Id - N-- . Pass. t butcherin'l" ODELL & WRIGHT. Wholesale and Beatil Dealers in PROVISIONS an OBOCEUIES, "Ih your master up?" asked onrly visitor of a nobleman's valet. Grain. Flour, Feed, ' i es, sir," answered the valt with great innocence; "the butler and I VEGETABLES, FKUITS, Etc. curried him up about 3 o'clock. A bov in New TTuvoti cation for a uhort time by quietlv. GOODS DELIVERED n viu-worun tue To all parts of the city free of charge. 'take one" from a ufarmg pile of handbills LOCK m front of a store to a basket of oranges. - UTAH. O Gil EX, ''Prisoner at the bar," said the judge, is there anything you wish to ay .before, the sentence is passed upon you?" The prisoner looked wistfully toward the door, and remarked that he should like to say Dealers In "rood evening," if it would be agreeable to the company; but they wouldn't let him.. , t Oliver Wendell Holmes says: "The true girl h.ie to be sough t after." We should say she did. The article is SB getting so scarce they'll have to commence advertising for her pretiy soon, and setting private detectives at work to find a sample copy to Comer Wall aad Fifth Strtet, Ogden City, t'tah work from in the future. ' Shipping; a Specialty d3t-6- Geo. Ford & Co. HIDES, PELTS x7:ooij I No. Pass. w Wood's Cross Ceutrevllle p T 00 8 40 7 36 4 T 88 4 16 7& 4 88 CO 4 2 36 t 00 ( 40 Ofi "Farmington 0 cts F. Trains Leave t Knysiille ArriTe at Ogden 12 No. rnsm yaHn. In lh mm I hi unuia. p. the Hsmta la beld iOTftr dnv and uiii I and a radhial eer-ifc is sittr. durmbl. and nn..p. Seat itr ih.iU Cin:tit.re ItM. Fnnlealnn Truest T.n . rhlp.nna. III.. ANTI-FA- T LUMBER DEPARTMENT Cor, 6: a and Wall. . S. LEWIS, OPTICIAN, Of Main Street, Ogden. is in receipt of fine Block of Wew Uooun, eojorauius t 40 AND COLORS. OTIIff D.OW. GIi JBlSS 10 81 at Centretille 11 4 to 11 13 71 Arrive at Salt Lake 11 40 00 HENRY DINWOODEY, 15, 78 and 79 First South Street, JEWELRY WATCHES, And the Celebrated Which improTk, strengthen, DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTS, preserve the sight. Frenoh periscopic r s.ii t..v r.ite at l.4f a m.: arrlyine They are set with finf thM the in Og'len at 11.60 a.m.) tearing Salt Lake at i.tia lenees. and can be so adjusted in Oi at 8 20 ri m leaving .rrivinir in front of the rocus will come direo-lOgdeB at JbM a.m., arriring in Halt Lake City at icmce-abl- e more much W a.m ; learing ugnea tt j.m, ariiTmg m eye, making! bm o. pjit. and nsefulthan ordinary spectacles. Halt Lstxe vuj at '. -- n .'i Lt -- '. Mf'i 'i "-- i DEPOT FOlt GENERAL i . Them. ETerj Pair Warranted. Try ousjs.pisiolsTnd ammunition Mannfacfure. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Hare. SPECIAL ATTENTION ROOFING. GIVEN TO All Work Done in a Substantial Manner. etery patron. a4 Gas ,.til.i stever to renin what have lost." H promotes tiitrcstlon. liuexeellrd llool-)itltlfl,t,itKla. ami Is also a potent remedy for iu.unitUMi. hold bv ilniHlaM. ramuluut on Oucs-; SH'ltt oil reeetpittt itixui(t. IiOTANlC Br an Immense pmctlee at lite Worhrs v and luvalhls' Hotel, havlntt ireaittl luany tiiott- sssit'l casea of those tllscases peculiar lo woman, Il.ave Iwet, etialtled to perfcet a tuol poUrut aud postllve remedy for lltese disease. Utls natural specific, 1 have aamea K io deslate Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ' trt a frfd !tonj 'PPIff.""T,"'. ' ...H.VleatlnV U or- iU for thU elM sis a posmve, snfe. an.t clteetual remedy and Bnder cf.llseasea, ami one lhat will, atI alt time I clrcuVlaeea,act kindly. an; wtUtns: to stake i a attu as pnystcin; inv reiiulauon It will not disappoint the moat sanguine es.- a "ingle nivalin iauy ','1 1 c BtfrfcRINTlCNDKNT :b.i wmbjii ltMh;tl effr ailments for whlrh reeommend ef nd sell It under A 1'WITIVE CI AKA.XTM. (For liottlr.l see wnipp'ux coti'lllltms, pamphlet ... i he 'ttowtnte are ammiK mvw; ntv Favorite fiwrtptttm has worked cures, aa if bf mairlc. ami wltlt a .i..i..i.n..wlwf.m attnlnetl bf lowing, Leucorrhcc, Excceslve aov t'ainfnl Monthly l'eriols. Stmprewlons when fr-j( stnnatural eaue, Irrvcniarltlt'S, of tho Inpsns, or Falll:ip bematlotts, lntrrnat Ketrorerslon, U arinsr-tloIleal. Nervous Ueptvislon, lVblllty. IporeJcsjer. 'l'lircatttietl Miscarrlapre, Chronic (.oaajntlon, ln liitnotiKy I llLtmiiiallonand mcemtlonot the I trrus, M eaknew. iatr'tiB"a, or SP rllliv, andasFemale but It a " eure-a- n. 3o not eaud this mmrpaee, ll"P dutlraldT fulliil, a slal.c . i 'hronlc all most perfect nclne leases of H wlH not sexual ivsiem of woman. cnntllltwa. anv In nateor It doltarm. will en tneae atte Those who.lcsire further Information t OXSON- - S leeta tain oittaln it In Tin reon. 1 NlBDicxI. Aivis. a book of peer of of l.Sti. It treats nunuiHy KoVd to Feta.les, snd five. inucB Hie tt LOOK ON THIS PICTURE J. 0. I j corriXG If yo STEPHENS, a . AXD BLINDS, CORNICES and CURTAINS, Feather Vf at trasses, BABY CAERIAGES, W I exlargixo voxe. UPHOLSLSY, SCHOOL DESKS, want a Good Picture, go te ART GALLERY, STEPHENS' Work are aot Where all work is done In an artiatk maneer and done at rtaeonaWe rates. encouraged by di, but all work by me is warranted to gte eatisracuon Gallery corner of Fifth and tonnj Sfs.. Ogde, d255 ly. MID to Brvra. Steam. ' !t nlie Antl-Fa- tl iud tlteUelretl re'liieiiiK lite fitt from two to live poutwls I Itopa v vreea utilll t iii". ..i..j-.i.Anil-F- at ts an I ii..V. siret-t- , The term, however, Vnr all Information eoneerntef Fretgbt or Pie age, apply to JAMKS Buaitr, Oen'l Xicket and Freight Agent. - !., " ' JOHN SHARP, G. A. OHLSON, 3Xaia Street, Offtlen. all kinds of Is tlie jrreal remedr Sir Corrw A sti-F- at At.l-- !' ency. It Is pttrtlv Tesretalile ant perft'ctly harmlvea. It arts t.n Hie fowl in thcstouiat li. eersl.m ftil" fat. Taken accunllnir to tilnfUons. I will reduce a fat pnwn from C to B poaade a week. hrUire tlif nubile as a awes. In niacin Hit cure lor oit lty, we do so knowing lis ability to tle of testimonials, of hunilre'ls atlMtetl y cure, its which Hip fullowhis; from a la'ly In Colutnlras, Ohio, was duly i. a snninlf: " (Jfnllcnu'ii! Yourto Anll-lrdlrectlona ami 14 I took It according recclve.l. raT luif'l me Bve potttKis. I was so eiawu over ute mi! tlmt 1 twmedlately sent to Ackkbman's tlrua-ito- re a hot eeeond tic." Another, physician. f'tr tlie rltlnK for patteutfrcm Ttui Itleuce, B. 1.. aava, 'Kt.itf litittl. s have reduced her wciirtit trim lis, 192 rimiiuls to pounds, and IheretaapTHTai Iniprove-Ii- ii nt lit lit allh." A (tcntteman writing from lloe-lo-U u, or attention Without " snyss special channi reducetl mr fonr rtlct, m o hollies of Allan's Antl-F- al hole-H- le The end pountls." & of Itoe-so- it, Smith, hMiTH, Doourri, li uijilt, at Anti-Fha write as foltowsi Allan's a laily In oar elty seven pounds In ttir.-- o rittim-weeks." A gcotkwaii In St. Louis wrllt si Allan' Aul!-F- at ri'lttt!ed me twelve pounds In three weeks, Boun'ls since end alUJtretlier I have lost twenty-liv- e i rvn V w.ll! tts use." jjiessrs. encllltf . V. TO i...ntA wabbs a G'ntle- AutuFati or Allan's tub SALT LAKE CITY. Pasing Places. MIXED TRAIS3 WILL RUM King's Combination Spectacles. and SPECIALTY. STOVES AND TINWARE. cts 10 62 Wood's Cross GENERAL HARDWARE, OIL, PAINTS A Farmington fc OF ALL KiM)5, Pass. S Kaysville fllffilLlL GO OS Trains Leave Ogden BUILDING 2 No. 4 Pass. i . .P7 4, 1878, No. i Fractional Currency. r.ifUr, adapt. .1 Ih. hrAr, OBII. the tnp Mtssit ties Main Street. OF I7TAIS. L.I5TE gait Lake -- J new DEALERS IN Name of STATION. H - k.' I. CITY. MARKET liOW.S. L. D.Wilson & Co., CENTRAL On and after e At the next station an inquisi-- . tive farm" took a seat beside the man with noble brow, and asked MAIN SThEKT. OGDEN, UTAH, him about his vocation. Amelia Dtakr in held her breath and listened to DRUGS, WINES, LIQUORS GIAR9. the reply. It was this: "I keep a saloon and meat sho p! TOTS AXD FAXW ARTICLES. Prescriptions Carefully Ooroponnded. My wife sells be r, and I do my d3oti own Stors. Maiu Street, OiMcn. X) for Drf CunniBghaa'i d35-3- I - TrorristoM. . & ELASTIC TRUSS HARDWARE DEPARTME J money-gettin- m'-- A CALL'S CANCERS, FITS, RHEUMATISM, Chronic ami Acute, W0RM3 sad WORM FEVERS, eoDtult ALSO DEALER IN Merchant Tailors. P Altonrfosl To, IN ALL CASES OF SCROFULA, . EH he tf good-heirte- d CLOTHES MADE UP IN THE LATEST 8TYLE3. UTAH. IN HORTHKRN or Driver's d23 OF & - BANKERS, journeying to Chicago. On the comOgden a man was of City, - Utah seat opposite manding figure, massive brow,and Transact a General Banking thoughtful expression. Business. "What a fine countenance James! G1VEXTO ATTEXT10X PROMPT his I wish I knew occupation. Amelia." 'Maybe he'salawyer, "No, he's not a lawyer . There's Correspcndenls; too much benevolence in that face Hew York ffells.Faigo A Co., for a lawyer." lmn Fritncisco ells, largo Co., Salt Co a LftkoCity be Wells, Frit banker." "He may St. Ulli9 of Commerce, Cli c(to "Not a bit of it! A man with liank itauk. .'irt National Omaha National Brink, such a heavenly expression First Omaha )mahn National lJauk, London couldn't content himself with Kives 4 Allen, in life . His aim ISSBRiyCE REPRESENTED: is higher than that." riremaii'. Fund ItunrnBoe Co., 1800,000 "Do you think he's an editor?" Insurance Co. of Hartford, "An editor with snrh a fnrel An IIrtfoi-$J,800,000 ssets, of editor saying hard things about Amoriran -Central . ...tu Insnrance Co., tsoo.ooo a. Co., of Londoa, everybody, rid icuiing long dresses, Roy Fire'liisnr ,505,01 LaucaKinre io lueunmue wn u. and abusing his mother-in-law- ! An editor, cutting and slashing Imperial Fire Ius. Co , London, rai:ce Co., Lond'n, ' his enemies, skinning public men London $38,000,000 North'n Assurance Co., Lond'n, In.- (lo Livertiool' t indiscriminately, and mercilessly nu...n UipHAssurance Co. of Toronto, 'etcrn $1,576,000 - - slaughtering bis best friend for AasoU. Insnrance Co., of the sake of a three line paragraph! Lfccnjinc Fire Aarets $5,115,000 Vensj lvaaia, No, James, he's a philanthropist. He's a Christian minister, or a learned nrofe sor, spending his C. L. PEEBLES, life for the good of mankind. His face plainly indicates that he is all thatis noble, pure and tue." ''I guess you arc right, Amelia, I'll take your word and his face Ainci.E FET, . Leaye orders at Doo HIGQINBOTHAM, J. E. DOOLY & Co., of C.HOVI3, l'romptlr tff-Ql- R FOURTH STREET, Physiognomy. Thev were in a railroad car THIC km.ioM WHOLESALE of RETAIL, STOVES. Boots and Shoes, B utter and HJgffs BURTON cuuliuuo tb .llrewinc Ob aJiort or lung notice, or without kotiea, Rio PRICES LOWER than the LOWEST e T9 ARHOONC Where thry are prepared to famish, a! - I SOIf. & FRY RICHTER Plows. Clipper .1- CHILD, aTOlViaS CRESCRXT -, Canton G. Dealer in the Celebrated music-teach- " C OKOVE BUEVVE11Y! W. SUPERIOR COOK, JOHN TAYLOR CUPBOAEDS, &c, Wall Paper and Building Paper. it FX tf B.,.roJ sr iaisSill 4" V. ViXAH . tUTf' V " |