Show byla bylaws by la laws 11 S of othe I 1 the me meadow adow valley mining district at a meeting of tho the miners of the meadow valley mining Dib district triet held bield at tile the baim IV aplina at the head bead of the valley alley utah territory on the day of 31 march arell A D 1864 win hamblin was called to tile the chair and Step stephen lien shei wood appointed secre daiy tile the chadman Chai iman announced the object of the meeting to be for the purpose of organizing a mining bisti act 3 K N monc moved to adopt the following laws L aws to govern and control the mining operations of the district which wei e pas passed sed this district shall include that portion of territory sitt situated in the tel citory of utah as follows commencing at tile wann varl spring at tile the head of meadow valley washington county U ta T tind and running g due aue south thirty miles thence due cast th tanty itty miles thence due north thirty miles thence due west thirty miles to lo the abot aforesaid ebaid warm SPI edg ARTICLE ad tile the extent of a claim on tiny any quartz lodo lode or mineral veins vein shall ball be two huni bulli gartz died ed feet to the claim alon along the lode with a width of five hundred feet on each side of the lode including all its dips angles spurs depth width outcrops out crops variations and the minerals and other valuables therein contained bained tile the and locator of a lead shall be entitled to one claim extra for discovery I 1 ARTICLE ad no ko person will be permitted to hold moi e than one claim by location on any one vein vein head b by pu purchase any number of be held ARTICLE arn all claims shall be measured 0 on n a horizontal line and numbered 1 2 and 3 i f fi om the di discovery covery claim cla im either way ARTICLE each company must do one faithful das dabs work on their claim in ill each month after the same shall ha have c been located one year on oil a failure to do so the claim or claims v ill be subject to relocation location re by bv any other person prom ded however that if the co company are prevented ft fi om working by local I lection or ie bellion a failure to do so 1 ii I ill not foi forfeit feit their claims ARTILE all examinations of records must be made in the presence pie pi sence of the decol der or lis deputy ARTICLE welk done in any tunnel cut shaft drift water vv ater ditch or iv water ater in pim ivi lege in good faith shall be considered as being done on the claim owned by such or persons or company ARTICLE eveia claim whether by an individual or company located shall be recorded within ten das after date of location locati loll 1011 ARTICLE all claims for gold surface diggings in in this district shall be two hundred feet in length and two bundled feet in width ARTICLE lorn locators on veins of coal or iron iron shall be entitled to five hundred feet for e each ac h location and five hundred feet additional forthe for the dib discoverer coverer and shall in all 1111 other le ie aspects be subject to and enjoy all the and immunities of these lavi laws s ARTICLE 1 ml all locations made on oil water for mining ditch mill pi ivi leges or for it I 1 iga lion purposes purposed shall be I 1 inspected and the same be recorded ed in in the book or books of the district Reco ider and shall in ill all other respects ile be subject to and enjoy all the privileges and immunities of these lans lav s ARTICLE 12 whenever three hundred collais shall have been expended upon the claims of any any company in this distinct the i aund bo claimed by said company shall bo be deemed as belonging in le ft e to tile the locators or company thereof and their assigns and the same shall not be subject to location or deloca tion by other panties pal ties ever after except by an acknowledged abandonment by the company of the ground which shall be constructed to mean an all abandonment after IN ing idle for one year except in cases where claims are arc in litigation no person shall be permitted C emitted to N ote in this district dietric t lu under these F taws unless he licis is a claim holder bolder pertaining to mining and a resident of the district ten daj a pi previous en evious ious to the election A ARTICLE an special election can only be called by written notices posted up in at least tin eo ec public places in the distri district qt and r signed i d by at least one half of tile alie hotels of tile the dit dist alet iid said notices sh allbe posted up by the Reco rc older ider twenty das dabs prior to the election ARTICLE it shall be tue tae duty of the Ite recorder corder by the locator to give a certificate of the matts hefts and bounds bounas of each claim or number and a compensation pensa tion of fifty cents each igan there cahall be a district Pe recorder corder elected from among tile the dinels odthe of the distl act chobe duty it shill shall be to 1 le ecord cordall all claims plesent presented ed tor lot the purpose gin giving ing the name of each number and owner and receive a sum not exceeding one dollar flom fio meach each number or owner provided provid cd however e ve r that it shall not be lawful for the recorder to decoi mccoid d any claim that conflicts with a prior location the recorder shall hold his office for one year or until his is successor sor is chosen which successor can only be elected by a majority ity of the mince il of tile the district ARTICLE on motion of thomas thoma 8 box stephen n sherwood was elci ted Ite recorder corder f for or one year from this date maich A A D on motion abb meeting adjourned si sins a die |