Show WISH OF A goop GOOD MAN I 1 would rather when I 1 am laid in the grave that some one in his manhood should stand stando over verme me and say The theio lelies lies one who was a real friend to me and privately bained me of the dangers danger of the young no na one knew it but it he aided me in time of need I 1 owe what I 1 am to him or would rather have some widow with choking utterance telling her children I 1 here is your friend and mine ile he visited me in my affliction arid and found you my son I 1 an all employer arid and you my daughter a bapty home in a vit family I 1 would rather that such persons should stand at my grave than to have erected over it the most beautiful luied monument of or italian marble the hearts bicken utterance of reflections of past kindness avid and the tears of grateful memory shed upon the grave are moie valuable in in 1 llly my estimation than the most costly cenotaph ever re readied abed dr sharp bao ae an anecdote is related of general login lo 0 tn when ho he was a colonel at tile the commencement of tile the rebellion BI six X companies of his command became aggrieved 0 at something stacked aims and a ud refused to do duty tile the adjutant informed colonel logan of the difficulty who on hearing exclaimed stacked arms I 1 the devil they alicy have 1 then pausing a minute as lie he consid eted the emergency tic he continued well I 1 adjutant autant ill give lern cm enough of stacking arms accordingly if lie formed the remaining four companies in line with loaded muskets all and stood stood thern them over the malcontents whom lie compelled to stack and aims for twelve hours they want to stack arms after that without special ciders ja DR the alie last idea of paris says one of tile the cot respondents correspondents of the daily journals is a plan in alto of oatlie the whole of E europe drope riot not in maps or models but actually raised out of the ground Ag A garden ardenis is to be set aside for the modeller who taking mont blanc fifteen feet high eiph P as his point de dc depart is to raise in in just proportion around it tile the rest of europe pour the seas into their proper places and intersect the whole with roads canals railways and telegraphs A steam engine is to act the part of the moon and regulate the tides lasa B A thief having stolen a cup from a tavern was pursued and a gibat mob was wag raised around him A bystander by stander was asked what was the matter nothing was the reply 41 alilya ba poor fellow has taken a cup abo ibah |