Show ao job D woi lj 4 A SUCU AS minina certificates programmed PRO GRAMMES BALL invitations nill BILL HEADS cards circulars blank forms etc i etc ete IN GOOD STYLE AND ON reasonable TERMS bosc all orders adar sed s ed 11 to the publisher of the DAILY camp dougl is utah tei territory will jnet inlet with ith prompt attention atten tiou all must be to the editor of the DAILY camp douglas dauglas rutih territory 11 KS ilk en ED it is our authorized agent for the ilia tran transaction of business in S ill like city adico in tb the US U S storehouse amzin ct 0 MK ila L IV A cut t as our oar carrier dud and soliciting abent A eat for great salt lako lake city ij P FISHER 0 street is the tha only agent for the HO DAILY cwi in the city of sin francisco francico all ardts lor for advertising left ith him will ill be promptly itlen led to |