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Show avianc gaily 1.1f Mki s 4 tmmmmmA ii grjiortw. .. u HTW b fn and P, ' EBe'igln we! tired. oy heart ., lh head .te n a thus, wm csrved for w. And wt.h that m 1 be moM reprints wsrs Tbe turd types cf II inmod knit's a Imvm'i sweet Ilfs renssra Earth's With which rsrs Urd,.t&p bsart tied I VfM 4 J Ntt ' -- ... I ... - .- t! Ilf, . ( lffilkvtfiitttj i KINDRED HEARTS. OM ,4 kt b&t, Mdpi fsjttuhyr let tod h6n jVlanufaoturors of ' mncTj. Ff trstoA Learn whrtne on itftie touch Elds tbs sweet fountains flows ud by a ill conflicting power Fw, Forbidden here to tnet ' Kwh Wo woum make tMa Mfe of cots, 1' n.i. Too fair lor staght 10 fleet. , mStrt- Umant. maiu, !'' ..'..'GIVEN VTARNINO. Oar facilities fot manufacturing ara such that we can compete 'ball. j. factory East, Give us Wed In . J Satisfaetion go irao priea and quality. U. P. R. It. Ofllce 637. 13th street. Factory 10th atreet, A. N. TOWNE, Genl Sup'L T. IT. GOODMAN; Client Pasat and Ticket Agent, ftt m. jt Sacramento. From the Detroit Iters, My let. o About tw 6 weeks ngn lho marine columns of 111 tbo daily papers in tKi city contained umouncement that a man rtAticd Murray1 matf of this flcboonpr.VWuvcr, was drowned off Erie, no particulars of tho cao being Murray rrat"' Detroiter, and lb wjdQW and children nowj occupy a house bn Orchard street,.'.. The J a roily .were visited by u soifietil'.of tlro vosecl the other, day, who desired to givn them all information in connection with tho unftmttlrtate occurrence. Uo touted whit . mnoy . .will . .consider supersti-tkni- ai .but for the truth of the fact 'tlmt-h- o did relate tho incident, tloe doubting nro referred to Sergeant Dacnmnn, of tho police force, .uJux was present whs 4he tory was v1, tfrM to out n'pcrtcrv " .i w " t wn not to uliims or fan 'Murray gvi cie, was a thorough seaman, a kind lus-banand a man of. energy and InduAfmv1 rfr union fe. A ' f DEALIORM IN I given. ( w family without .. f t)wm wouM ever o" SfcbU'giit Oit none him again, dead ogaliy. On tho nigfit previous to his donfh,Murray had a dreary, nd.Ueadated.it to .the., captain next murft-in- g in ruth n ferlous wav that nrrventtHl all .. -- ft J4 ?' f Jt The Great PLATTE ., VALLEY 4 a j 1 F A ?i $ , 9 C W t r .,f ' it v, I; T C1UOACO 'PAOIPIO OOIL&Tl ,c:il j1 . . from all prlnclpa) ! era and sonthora 1 n . .... . n01STIG . II01STIXG MACHINES, ROTARY PUMPS, some Mosquitos. ILicad IPipess NVrouglxt , Iron 3?ipes, , Parlor nl br.t Orjtaif Of A fTATE FAIR, 16'J. V lr t'.r'at lurpiUo approabhed IJtv.ytwtd.. . .Siiditeixly Jt Luoke near him, and SOUTHERN' ROADS. millions of rooMjnitos covered tho deck of ASTERN AMO. tho vessel to tho .depth Mf several incite, while part of tho flock went through tho T' iTFTtirengh Tlckiir an1 all tlf'rnnitlr'n In rc esvlog ix,0io but theb(dtroms car., in Frc'uht obtalucil of IU'-jQ. Cu rr.u A (n., I Atfenu. Halt Lake City, or of Amenta 01 Uniou Idlyhangmpr to tlnrfpan. Corroborative ' vidence to Ibis ntonbhing tale was found I'actilvi ltoad. . In tho person of n ttdwn-eW, n, ftTUONO, skipper, who nTvswo,;,:'"Juuicdhe story, and who,, on n. r. coni par Lag iTatPs vfflVthe narrhtnr,' deet-tre- l 'dint two CLicmu. days afterward his ship.was boarded by the! ip same flock, and 'they all wore canvass! ; .A, b?et)chc. j J t 4 -- N. yeare. ROOT ROTARY STURTEVANT BLOWERS, ' ' ' raf SAW-I- I PLANERS MILLS, , ), GRIST ILLS, ' i .AND ' i t N J, BAUER ' ? - WM LINE ? o o li r jsr -- -- t 1 1 ' ( - . poitnsstrcsfci .who receive tho lar-ae- ij salaries aro thosFdr New Haven; CponM jw.; Mch trt ...hv 7 dnf.paiaJH,OOO.ayan. r tStatprlofmi dloyoun g W it Blstake. Mr. TOMam. Barty, of Leb Tcnn.,'islnhisninetysecoodyar Cad Is still good for 6,000 ems a day. AU J AND 133 t)apnvr n m meuch And dealers in Country Produce j i ' - j 4. I SOUTHEAST ' COUNF.a i CLAY AND SANSOME STIinKT?, f A s, SAN FRANCISCO. roll fn i z. rowsr.3 1 : a. co., Importers and ahfleralc dcalert s u- f. la DAILY . J COACHES, L. WITH Th r. rou'KRS, n. W1LCO.?, JJ. V. CCTTW C. C. WJU15XQ, Agent finest slrocrc if TnE - Sacramento, California. , COUNTRfj I tali. 1 sf j A1IEUICA.V EXtIIAXKE HOTCt FROil SANSOME STREET, f- Salt- I. akcN City Smdasni for Adjoining ,f - Che- - Ranh of Catifora'3) Extending from Sacrammto D" to Jlatlcck Street. TO f. yr SAN FRANCISCO. ne ORHIi: AVINES & ,l.-- . ?' n N'Umm r; .'t - .. .. - t x if a A A . & Son j EV1 and B. Sbonlnxn ELO D - . Proprlcto Ofllce at Well, ft Farg? - Co.s CORINNE. Cu.. a!9tf CAIIFORIIIA ASSAY;bfFICF, EOWS, ETC., Alaii Srteel SALT LAKE CITY, g UTAH. Maonfitetnrers and,Imporlri of r . . i t Bring centrally JocRtid It nlfri to ,,u , tnci and f.ioUirs suimi rlr tmlipenid-t- ' as to convenience, tfomroit sul ictn "'Y' !,t ' sll the wants of its oot rr .fit ii l cheerfully supHied; 1',b Ainertean -i ' a t f'naeh. with Hwl Lights, wl u 1 e and depots to convey pasaeu. r to the v. , ,1 (T1.MOTUV afltf i pmirl(tr. i - OlttEAKTS . TOST STREET, ' iroirss,11 N AROVE IvtAfl i 1 .'! i SAN FRANCIfCO. hv,w ITOUAt. arwfiirnlinrsat.diie'r hf.n: H , I have opened an - Office at the?s above ami w.P r laraih. 1U rooms. k named I . . now prepared to do elQu da of welt )ifa04 and Wy ; ilinnv-- ";-- '1,,,. I table exarUentf location ' . ' aay. . , of hon" ecidrsln ,'T ... of8 J from sh sinhoat peesina Oro received hy tqsll or etpress I triplet the '"''Ija-Pfwapuand bsyff etfrot . el Msayrd . and returns ma4gjthe fuliowliig j moveytmar boat reasonable, and trains to the hotel, dy. Terms 4 " ; ' ii. MEADKR. ehv.landings spltf . n ,.nrtv Aa--- r -- TIM HlnUSHSOBt AdEtlT( KiafhALL, 41 '' i y --r r'VA JifXU7w,.iA 050 H ron dwnn '"V NIiW YORK. M , St. CIUCAUa CD AV culmiffton J 1 firoh wesx of ktzbt djmcktiom dose Zac" nr i . Best hotel for' famUicS Cisco. , vl.itlnaHen P lee, 2per day. noio-l- y 1. POLLARD, lrr , ; rroir- - J f'-- - - Cliulco Anb liquous, 73 Front Street,- IN CtuiraU aufle t z fuicl; Quick Time. Ji 1 ! -- ! t J. r, .vnirn wines Good Stock,n ,, New, Coaches n tit ,i 4 t 1 z ; , i L . AGENTS, Gorinne, I, UOftON. ice List and - ,t trains, both ways, sf tb XI. cnnAco. eular. ti 'lU ;AND af ly Comings, Lake Strci t, , AND OTHER FIRST CLASS t t CREIGHTON & HUNR0, machine. In Chicaaoa large share of xho patror.a of the Wilcox k bibb, are thoee all have need other machines flrnt and ehsuaed them lor prmUr the VSilleox ft UiMmi, t'Jt-l.- v adding very greatly to their com for. aut jja)iineas. COS , 1 Sccrt tn: j.' I 5lf if s AKy.V ' . J. the-iik.- 1 &: r'T JOHN F.' LOIISIL Wathlngton Street, Chicago. Cornell, Ward ' UNITED STATES M A I LS .1 KIMBALL, & CO Xi:NA,BE ORGANS, At:.. SHINGLE isr, ;ii n it,, Th ' PIANO tho intoning voice with which they al ?me-share- ' r . rofij;np, atfdlhid alowjjr-I- Wells1 F&rgo A 1 o.s Express . AW ii ways speak in meeting 'tAnd Jacob digged v:t Y'V'f't,, ,i. . f 1 i i .y , ; t a well, ,apdsflt down. ..Tin Influential roan Corten dally fey Tlrplnls Citv, dhufidiatoly retired, into private life, but ho The coachM id thq cnnal for an thaL Hhna ati.t Frt inr.V-n-, Montana.- - I'aitntet ltu dkjjtgbt Weighty f j Is the Bet for F I'cr. Over one bundled thonnan jf theoc nioehli r hare twen enUl, and .lincwt a )u.lvely to fairii-a- t lke. This fact proree the A. merit of tho CARRYING THE ! XV. ( CITY,, HELENA, and FORT BENTON, 7 MONTAN A, ? r , , , a 4. A BUSINESS STORY. A good story h told of'a business meeting ftmottg certain Quakers nltout a proposed canal, when one of ,thq roost influential men .present opposed tho project on the ground of It being a speculation, ' This was' of course, unaniwerabVt'dut among tho other attraction .b went on to sayt ..When God treated the world,. if h had wished canals 'did would ha v built them: Upon this a . f: imroruni TIANO MANUFACTURERS, AND GENERAL AGENTS FOR .. " e afb strLK or BELTING, ETC. ING,. PULLEYS, b wliliji rnraldnea all the force of ot! " t cr i. f jn. In ure, nn.l the UDm IMO ' L riiwlve t j uintiko nmmst, t uh f. aa.t'y Hopeilor to any otlnr toiuiiouiKi . i use. A rirrnUr rontnlnlniTTi v till po-- der cun La etilalncd on j our Ortice, or of any of our Ak t , FtMILY SEWIXIIMIIXE commission MACHINERY, SHAFT- - WOOD-WORKIN- G I1 MORON & HILLEB, Mine.1. HATCHERS, v HERCULES POWBEK, 0 MILLS, U 5 1 THEYILLCOX&GRDS , PORTABLE I h j Py tlm MFCITANIf-- a TNSTlTTE and U BTAJK AOUlCULltlR' L HOOll V f. i IV pvriority of our jroduet ever alt ttL r We a au rail ttei.Uou to our I . ns-th- BLOWERS, STEAM BATTERIES, DIAMOND DRILLS, ' For taking Ores from any depth T - j Ore Crushers, Stamp Mills, Giltncr & Salisbury Anecdotes of Alexander Dumas are pass i tng about in the , European journal?. Onej f tho bent was told by Duntas bimelt STAGE AXD EXPRESS 111' lnt t?mn he wuj Jn . England. ; After hitf on a great success with tho Damo aux Cmf4iaM,t Alexander wrote U him as tho a stranger congratulating him on tho book, FROM nJ expressing a desire to make the authors I myself am a literary Acquaintance. man.VjAid he,.ia cpnluslon, and you have heard my name author of Monte Dumas fils wtw equal to the oc Christo, caslon He wrote Immediately in reply, Vxjtresidtig the great pleaure he would have TO in jinking the cormtHndnt acquaintance principally on account of tho high terms ho had always heard hit father speak of the au ' b6rofuMone Christo. VIRGINIA THREE iGOLD MEBA1 ADDUE83 J ; . i of tf 'i.'teifNW- A STORYBY DUMAS. 1 I J trarnjx ru d iu'o frlutorlor. 1h il'..hcr d t( i cotiuu.rr ulihir a jpw .'njg of tl titoc c i maftaTacturo, ami lr in i?-rwayu(urija:ty athrr Vowan In Marixt. We havj brtn awarded auccc.alvcly Wrat. soft cikcclab, ntvivn EACH IH.TUUilii C3 w - j lftatriuneut garranted for fir ery W. d nt ii I PIANOS Ever brounht to t I - "- ' j a. Jtacnt FIRST-CLAS- S SPECIALLY 'ADAPTED FOR THE REDUCTION OF THE tc f. .It SL . i. . Prices, from $I00tlo $1000. & JEIose, SMEIsTIMG FURNACES, i 4 s Improved I?ortal16 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD at Chicago with all the " Prcmiunu have beev awarded for Pest Organs. JD'tT RECEIVED two f4hr Modal for beatat tho MINh'LSChurch 45 Also, the lartfest Two tlallj trains in connect?" with trains nj s iV AM) RLASTL.r, f J - : .. - ARE NOW INCSE. Established Line. Make attro connection ;t . HA. IV- IPltAINClNOC, i PALACE, SLEEPING CARS BETWEEN OMAHA AND CHICAGO. i . Sf i 1 . found. acrERXOSnf ; Sold nntl SPORTING, 25,100 linx'c bce3 i AlIALVr. - Tlic 1 ? ., r ABE T of Crcat FolHeu and Ctnpl'rn Tone- - Ktprralon mW Uasilcltjr Manufacturer t aiulhave Co,uk:' of Tuct& on found - PUMPING ENGINES, AND WATER WORKS MACHINERY, rr 5 Old Captain, .Bbuiki, of Stan In eton, re- -i lates the Ibllmvfng nhnal karblo incident that pocHjrml while on the passage 4 .New York: sotnoytvnrs ago. . . lie. observed oite summer lftnuoH a heavy i cknrl' arhlng front the1 v "t ll t - ' and the captain 4 0. w. MEADE, a t Gi..'i anpi Vll T'1 on tucncA n .and Icft'hlm iUll .possessed of an I fuancis cwlton, Ga.i Tickt Abti, Omaha, ' uneasy sjjWt,... After tlieUglit was properly fikrd n ml the Itwkonf. stationed, 3Iurrny 4'ulVT WjP ftn.d.dpwu until . his watch was nearly half through, when tho wind fresh-- I Chlfilliro & Northirclpril RililtVilV enbd,- and the waves began to tumble thb I r iCHobnCC about,, In company jaith the took- ou t, tho mate topped on to the bowsprit to make tome change in a Jib sail, and in A Shortest Line between Omaha and Chicago. fivofruAit w: gone fulling into tho white waters without even so much ns a groan of a cry, Tho lookout did not realise the nop Old cident for a pvnnont, as the, pot was safe ven Jur Liao poorest seaman, . ami' when the algrrn-wat- f given it was tooiatefor the slight-b- it hbnttht tho unfortunate roan could be Fa.t Train, and Sore Connection.. fouq,do lie .was not. seen to . slip, and no rope or stay was broken. IIo scented to drop The celebrated right off the jib into, hbr grave, and tho budyJ though diligently searched for, has not vet PULLrAN DINING AND j -- .;314 California Street j E.VG1SES AND STEAM PUMPS, . EtlQItJES, ' . ! of thewind 'and ; . " be-goo- beort , LODCK PORTABLE AND STATIONARY A'H'i: I ? A TRADE TIIE CALIFOUM.V FOR PARLORS, fcIIURCIIES wave. t ClUes. The captain did n'otry to scout tho id(a "" er f V thabit:waj a singular dream, but he reasoned AT CLAkS HOTELS Flit van AND was thaffherS nothing in dreams, and asser tIOCSEi at Coavonient points on the line. EATING tbd that suck a dream was apt to luck as bad. Murray remnrkeci that ho felt it to and Drawing bean omen ofeViTnafatherHke. turned roll man's Palactf , g j. Sleeping his thoughts homeward, - and half believed room Cars Accompany atl Trains thetw was accident or sickness in his All ay long ho,, labored ,under a family. strange ratMt on freight feeling, and a score of times averted that , kV For through Mint and oth,r roint. arriy to something was. suroly going to. happen. lie roads but a pretense of eating hit meals," and j ji. bug wn son, General Freight Agent, Omaha. his conduct was so stmngothftt the crew I 1 f m3 k American Organic POWDER hvOKE. O iit j OMAHA, NERRASKi 0 ALIFOUNI TADK. SBSITfllO to Ekn X'raodsco Through 4 , -- - DOVOLAS STREETS, ; . pj t CURTAIN GOODS, IIiIaND N. E. CORNER ing on her. puft, euartjr, Ida, As he looked the waters seemed to 2Jhfh fTowi muddy, indjbd. thought he . was about tb tng out to thehelmmna to keep hef away for fear that hc was in ;ihoal water, when Direct communication rnado at the face bttJoAthis yirpse rd$e to tho ur "J five end.the open eye, 'glaaed by death.; TUT looked fullirrto hiv It wg his owri .facet (Die cofphnd on JiU clothing, rjt feature were like a photogrnph of himself, and he With Chicago and NorOmtotern, Chicago, Hock Island and J'aclAc and hi. Joseph and (Counhung to the rail npdsaw the wave to? Iij, cil iUuffs HaUroota, amt Mtourl . , about until it faded away in the darknes lUvr I.tnaof Packet to and drifting at tire will : AND V d i andtba - ; i Rail Rode to California A . C j: now rtinnioa dat!jr iaPO'ie'r train, formlcg In connection wltii tite fentral I'aciilo li.iuroiKl and f ' r I AH , p RUGS Ertts, Damasks, Reps, r ROUTE I y f ( ! oil clothIs, CARPETS!,! V i 2 w W -- -- -- t , ''jjphh JB. EDetwiler , RAILROAD. PACIFIC ?ats L j nir V with - , i |