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Show viier ahe said and brown," blushed. Thai was what she wauled him to have. Site hud culled him "Jin k." Ami ever since Jack' hud been her confident, her pal. her flanre. The long evenliis pussed more easily whvu she looked Into the large brown eyes aud dreamed of the time she und Jack might lime a home of their own. But. tonight, aiitiihcr empty Christeve. Imaglimilte Marlon with ina twinkling eyes, became mutter-o- f fact Miss Mortis of tbe otlice. "It's ridiculous! she scolded, Completely In love with a picture! I must lie losing my mind!" Vindtcullvcly she thrust Jack Into s drawer und sat down to inuko herself read and forget. Suddenly the door bell rung Marlon opened I be door cautiously. Then she A Picture for Christmas By Chrn Acc Hays fSiTr- r- 4IIUIX'IMAS eve Marlon her apartment f 1 wren tin- - ut holly In the Hint tiny tree with iHtlmed lights In the living p,m For three Christmases -- all Hlntie-Kh- e'il ilmie this. Elen baked a chicken lo well -- make It seem Christinas)'. she wasut hungry or Auywuy, homeless. Marlons smile was wistful mnl imIihis h liitie hitter. There was tie mie In the whole eliy to thure her Christ lima She'd winked up to a giuid jeh. but her business ncqutilnt-uneenil hud their own family festivities I low the alrls who worked her hud pl:tnnid and chattered for Ihe lust week I They culled Mil rloii Miss Morris" and were timid before her. Of course, she couldn't break the lee with. Mlnt only a lonely girl! Don't think of me as s boss Let me shore your fun." Marlon (mused, now, as she (Hissed Jacks picture on her tulilo. Playfully sho screwed up her face. Shed get him a present, of course. A a cigarette rase with Ids hut simple. That's the way the girls nt the olllee sounded. ' And he'd get her a She dropped the enlargement and hurried to rescue the pot n Iocs scorched for super. your JHrk hud been a present from herself. Her brother, lien, thousands of miles sway, bad sent a snapshot of himself taken with a young man. My pul and 1 lie's a rent fellow," Den hod scrawled across the back. Marlon had studied the floe face Id the picture and yearning born of a long unrealized dream of romance Stirred her. Finally when last Christmas came she had gullilly cut her brother's picture off and bad the other enlarged, tinted, and framed. The color of Ills eyes 7 asked Ihe A''fll unecd wlti-ilniV- gllSpClL When I a It Bruce entered he wondered why the attractive sister of tils pul stored nt him a If she could not believe ber eyes und sank weakly into a cliulr. . . . Here on business. . . . Told Den I'd look you up." he lord a little nervously, "Shouldnt have broken In on your Clulstums a little perfect stranger 1 ah was lonesome. I guess . . . Marlon tnunged to any aoftly, I'm glad you came." And David, looking at her felt that, somehow, she was. There'd been lots to talk about. Duvld leaving lute, anticipated with actual eugenicsa the dinner with her tomorrow. Aud Marlon's heart snug na she got up early on Christ mas to Duvld eimie early, get things done. loo, and Marion, pinning a towel around him, let him help. It seemed natural. She and he had been friends In ber Imagination so long! The afternoon passed swiftly. In the evening they went to a theater. When they returned, A look at the tree before you go!" Invited Marlon. David stepped In for a look at Marlon. He flushed and glanced down. I I told Den If Ids sister was as attractive aa the picture he allowed me, I'd want to bring her back with me and" lie looked up IMenae don't think me seriously. cheeky. Ive got to return ao soon and well, shes better than the picex-pi- s un-de- lnltliils-ex-pen- ABle Sa v cm, riVs Tits ' J d mot tell y nts in in and rat plan. All Come as you r itleCfln,., dIht j ,eSh. r sive ture. A I . . minute later he held ber In hi arms. Oh, Jack I py confusion David's brown what her lips artist. Sheet Metal Workers ,,t0C4JV i5-cS- Gas and Coal Furnaces and Heaters 2460 Kiesel A ve. Ogden 0 GIFT ONE WILL ENJOY! 4p r make gifts! m cto 'a. fipi0h V, 4u cj, AND O- - T of the Best! . t- -. hi19 POrO r on. kij, At .4e Qv el h J STREET 4 ,4 SATURDAY! RKET tin 1 i yUr ft, - N o 4? 9 I '94 of H kV .:C9Hc fei Ogden Trade. $ y W' applies Boudoir and Slippers and id inners dldu't matter. TT policy ttch uh $ Roofers of All Kinds Tj fttmas hap- fjwi .wi Heating Engineers STY 1RICE gasped In .. JACKSON & PACE re. Murlun and then flushed. But eyes had read hers and Sioe i iberts I). i9 n WM si"Jr0' v:iv: m Wm m READ r The mam POST TO KNOW THE MOST Tan J |