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Show '. . '1f - . V.!. ' V: v., , , P.W177m1kRRIRVIP't"Plw4y1'..), I .1, - -- - YNA VONIMON491!'t 0,t..,..m.de xx ,to? It 4)) , - - - -. 106 LAKE CITY, i3ALT (" 46 1 , - : LI At1go .i. TTT.:1 UTAH ' att .. . . .4,..v VOE3 - f- 1 0,pt C) C , - - , , . ' ;dvernor Charges Pressure -' allinorilles- , - ,.. Is, '- IforitNewspapersi,Educators , HOME LIVING n CENTERNestled simplicity under tile ',Wasatch Mountains is the new University of Utah Home Living Center. , designed to aid potential homemakers toward better living for them- - Gov. J. Bracken Lee Thursday 'charged that 'problem was not crucial at an,. but was merely a sselves and their families. The building, a 'gift to, the school, will be :officially- presented June 11. It b located east of the Park Bldg., Ft. Douglas- Annex. The new center was built at a cost of $300,0001 ultra-moder- . . . , ., school "men-made ., , Prepare for r, ' ? 4 4, ,, : N.. . . Trip to Omaha:- - 'Speaking before the Salt Lake Ithianis Club, the chid , executive asserted that schools would not close, nor be badly I v hurt, if no additional state - ' 4, -: , tunde were madravallablke.. Stude-htsGeneral authorities of this, Gov. Lee Eharged he was Church of Jesus Christ of Lat..... "being pressured by the news-and the educators ter-dapapers Saints, led by President : Into 'calling O. McKay, Friday were David Mem-Homn to - raise taxes."T: , , ; preparation' . ,, if that was What- the people "Clondy skiet, occasional making for a trip that will take tfiem- Of the State wanted, the gover: showers, cooler temperatures and wind doesn't make an to Omaha for dedication of th; not 8aid 0 he was willint ; .. 1 idgal holiday forecast,. but new Mormon Pioneer Memorial .along. me-iu- me , I -':'., , Bridge. ', ,"If 1 am forced through Oro& that's what theTweathennan , I The strongest bridge ever' to ' ' propaganda from the :is predicting for Friday night University of Utah will receive an exciting Frank; Brówning, 'Ogden, former board sure ofand and the Missouri River win be , Saturday. to ichool the span people new 000000 graduation gift this year--t- he member, will be in charge of thel program.. papers -- winds - will - of the The dedicated sessionby President McKay Home Living Center. Special guesta will include university. offir ca11i special I 10 CertMOIllet that ire amloying,"-01damaging, for taitet Monday just -LettisllitVe 01 builLwith end Ma eiala and, eontributors te the building, center,. lifts moneY t. oxpoeted,--4- 8., .41.-.9.--,tordizziAL,thetiargRast Salt Lake City's high Friday more than 50,000 persons. ,'; ,... same time for increased taxes uals throughout thestate, will for in careers bi preparing homemaking., state parks like will be about 04. comPorod special Union Pacific train, turned over to theUniversity June & Acceptance of the center will be by Dr. A.- for highways, In special ceremonies planned for 71 pM-- z Ray Olpin, university president, and William the one on the shores of Great with a warm 74 kTbursday. , will leave Salt Lake City Satu it will warm, UP to day at 1010 am., carrying the - . r at Abe S. Bennion will make J. O'Connor, chairman of thaboard of regents. Salt Lake, and for a state health Saturday 89. Low Friday night General Authorities and severe -about said 1 the governor ' the speec13nf Jpresentation on behalf of the , : Special tribute will be paid to Sterling W. programs" XL will be about hundred other Utahns to 2 the angrily. persons who made'lthe building possible. I Dr. Sill, former chairman of the board and under i scene of the dedication. ' . 't,' ' ' A Bennion is president of the U. Alumni Assn. Urges Local Taxeó whose 'cadetship ttut project was Instituted More than 200 Sons of Utah " , Juldi member of the board of regents. ' school teachers the olit Page SI See of CENTER If the . . Pioneers and guests left Tridat I state are to be paid more ( by bus for the celebration. More - - . be said, the public neck money, 4 GOO than all are in ) gopersons ki essarily must pay more taxes. lug by special- train and bus to. He TM that the, school boards . attend rites- planned , Sundry of the state could get that and MondaY. levies tax the money by raising Also on Ahe train' Saturday 'Ai.101i0.0.:1.7',--.7:::-T':-:,-on a lower 1eveL2 e will be the a eappella of The Salt Lake City Board ..... choir- - of Brigham -- Young - Unk -could Education, he asserted, , 4 have called a special election a first scheduled event fix -- - t The memorial to on of dead of war month and the , get ago Placing flags graves authority:to LeGrand P, Backman. Pres". tho two-da- y . .. a... , celebretion will be services honoring those who have given their live for their raise' more money for schools dent', of the Salt , Lake City a commemorative s i service EL Public school teachers of Salt countrY1 will highlight Utahlobservance of Memorial Day with a local levy. And, he added, Board of ' took Education, Friday Winter Quarters Cemetery Sup i Lake 'City and County affiliated Saturday. , the district could have ,raised issue with Gov. J. Bracken .Lee at a pm., under the diree. ' day with American Federation the , lower tax more at a money (See, schedule of services on page MOD STUDIEolyn Jonuon; 'eft, and Joanne Bushe' over school financint , , tion of the First Presidency. I' of Labor Friday asked a $1,000 Veteran and patriotic groups man, residents of the center, learn to do by doing as levy than could be secured if At T30 that night a historical statements Backman's Mr: raise for the next 'school year. , the recommendationa of the came in answer to a ivarious observthey prepare, their own meals and do their own market- and public Meeting will pageant charge to A this resolution effect o -01 ,Commission anees , on Sch Survey :.Mg during tbewdayr, while budget; setup. by their instructora. Two volt made Thursday by the governor be teld in the Colt-' sea was T of meeting were adopted.adopted students will live: id each apartment for k many ramifies will also observe twvo04.4 that Salt Lake, City 'Could have Iseumtt,"depictinr LDS history e city, and county units of the !memorial Day Mr placing powto do want don't "But they s around Omaha.- ' 0, solved its school funds problem centering American Federation of Teach- ers on the ' ;,.::-of their loved be charged, "becalise they by holding a this," .,::-- , ::,election ' The will 1-v,,, ...l to gripes ! parade proeeed special Safety'Aw-6r4ers (A L) Thursday in Bryant ones. are afraid the 'people of their but did not do so because "they the bridge for formal dedico. Junior High ScheoL- -. and businesses Stores, So it. won't banks for district ribbon-cutthithey were afraid the people would tory and g ! - The teachers also are seeking ivill close Utah has been awarded out come to Me as go ter, .1ESrLi for the legal holiday governor and ask not vote for it." monies at 11 am. a new salary schedule with a and .,., ... parking Iwill be free on standing 'achievement awards KSL radio win carry a direct Sea LEE ea Pagi, 1-"As has hien Indicated by range of $3,300 for new teach--, downtown streets.- - Many resi- for driver licensing and school , I Gov. Lee, the Salt Lake City line broadcast from the bridge ers a bachelor with to' degree dents a , DST:OF-,..,NEI,Affre- l of , willtake advantage.. for-theactivitiesfrom-llducatioir-troutsafetyto of bevel ,1,111) year b9Ard Monday rim,,, teachers with the $6,000 lot-vetlong holiday for week-en- d Pay tor Military Camps - bild a special election of the am. There will be no local telt, 4 master degrees. Salt Lake C1ty's trips, and for most resorts in 1952, G. Ernest Bourne, execExaminers citizens to see-- if Utab's Board of they would cast of the event. t Resident's) cuitomers will get Creek field in Carbon County to schedule ranges from $2,670 to the area, Memorial, Day will utive secretary el the Utah have been willing to IMMO of fixed Thittsday a' Education 'Board the gipolicy Was of $4,392, informed of he Council more than half additional, near Provo. It is being built Safety 'formal Mark their opening. ' ving time, off With full pay for greater local tax effort for one Strawberry Time Nsars7 natural gas to be availai9e after by the Utah Natural Gas Co. said In Salt Lake City, obsen Friday. year In order to sustain our eduRobert W. Kolts, Irving. Jun- ances will at with 6 cm. eompletion of the new Clear begin 'Thor tiwarcti are , being 'given state eni'ployes- - called to sum cational program Mr. BackStrawberry picking is expect ior High School science teacher, the Creek-Prov- o transmission lifie placing of flags on graves mer training with-- reserve of& vian said. , to begin next week in Utah ed National Council was the of elected Salt by Safety president of servicemen. Disabled Amen. expected Nov. 1. , reserve ' reason , was such election The the Bureau of Agricuorenlisted to cers 1190. corps winnets national County, ' Lake Local in,the tut', City can Veterans Will decorate the The Utah Public Service $ee BACKMAN en Page B--7 ltural Economics noted Friday. of the Armed Forces: fic safety contest for 1952. Other officert'selected were , mission Thursday issued an Lawn Ceme Wallace L Martin, vice presi- ,gravesAmerican - order allocating the additional Post No. tery. Legion ' f , exN. Bernice Thomas, . 71 dent; 38 million cubic feet a day of 2 in City Cemetem American t5 ecutive secretary; William B. t gas which will be delivered 4o No. 63 in Elysian Post Legion J. Von Burial A gunman and his 'esampanion Robinson,. .secretary; Fuel , areas served Gardens, and Veterans Kenneth of Foreigntreasurer; Tippeti; - Wars in Mt Olivet Co. 'with 625 made off , after ; holding Supply J--; Harris and RalphHale, set'. . The orderiellocates 33 million up an attendant at the ,Stand-ar- il , , p Cemetery. and P. 5. cubic feet a day to residential Four are ratted for 011 Ser4ice Station, 104 W. chairman of the legisl- 10 cm. programa rE:. ; users, 25 million to factory, T. H. Gordon Circle, at 2nd South Thursday St., ativecommittee. tee,- - church and apartment Grand Army of the Ladies:of 935 The combiDed city ond countY house tonsumers. Earl btl'InberisotIT, 4832S: groups also adopted a resoluitt : , The new : tratISMISSIOn jine lnd West St., told police the two tion seeking a reduction in service at Ft Douglas, Veterans I twill carry gas from the Clear of Foreign Wars at City Cein& entered the station and asked classroom loads to 25 per room. United Spanish-Americatery, so cents 25 to him they. change said some teach. 11 Teen Agers Booked could 'get soft drink i from a The resolution mus- t- handle more War Veterans at Mti Olivet ert , now 1 - At least Cemetery and American Legion 11 teen-ag- e youths vending machini. than 4141 Oei'clAssrOCHTI. it Post 119 at West Jordan CemeWhen he opened the cash were booked in city jail for tery. siiids one of Robertson being.afterdisorderly Thursday register, -Capt.. Clifford D., Jolley, Salt police apprehended the men pointed a nickelplatede night, SECTION Lake d revolver at .him .IN City jet ace,- will be them near: the State Capitol speaker at Sunset- Memorial I while '.the other emptied the grounds. : More than 200 Sons of Utah Pioneers , and guests Friday .B-- 2 to13-Seryices Saturday at 6 p.m. In Sports Mosttifthem task their lore--. Memory Park, 'under auspieel' began a trek eastward, that will terminate where from 17 o 19 years old,, were . They were both described as Radio, TV Logs 1 B-- 5 to the of of' News Coun-Financial United J their Veterans the moat old 20 and 5 journey period lathennevin feet to their around perilous of the 'released 'par years custody -' 1 10 inches tall,: weighing about Comics' ents. Records showed the Lake Valley; Salt , re Speaker at the ceremony in -- - rests were made around mid 160 pounds. Both were dressed Obituaries Neb.,--whewill they Goal of their trek .will be Omaha, to 3 West Jordan 'Cemetery will be in blue jeans and polo 'Shirts. Action Ad. dedication of the new Mormon Pioneer in Monday partidpati state forme George Larson, Rivera-----;- ,,. Weather e , y Conte lying-- To Ruffle Plans, sio;-7-- last-minu- te . uverta 0 ultra-moder- - - Builf to train of .t, , U., t" ,be---1'n- , li . 4 - 6 (' ,i, k ' center. ' Board President !k-4--,...Els't;;0:;-0-0.- Scores Leo ''' ,',3 . td, ,,....... On SchoilStand, Ijik:W:latort:7:7 100-voic- ,,,, t -- , . 11 1A-8- -- Utah ftQcolves -- five-wee- -- - i,, - -- -.::.. TOtRECEr 1 d- eran ' -- GuDmen Ro6. Station of $25 , mer le - :'' geant-at-arm- - Healiall n Group-- W.II Participoto -- THIS short-barrele- - In Mormoni Memo rial Rit s 4 1B-4- ..:e,4 5 1, 3- -7 - B-1- -- SWIN ,TERESE6 s INUTODAY.-...- ' - i - BE'S NOT STUPID ton Mrs., WaltRohanlook her to a dance festival at Hawthorne Habblin which his older 'brother and sistet were aP, . he told 'pining...-- I can sec mother when the dancing 'started, but I can't ' - , .His mother held him up so - ' - skirt?" A"WOman 2expressed-amazethen- t , I- he,,, better and he said, "Is that him green and yellow dancing With' the girl in the ' cOuld see sitting tiert.to them turiled and that a Child 'so .young would know his colors so "That's ,nothing,"ile'Iold her disdainfully, , "I een even count from one to 20." - SIGNS OF THE TIMES , , An 4 about ate bring I , understand the titouttioc S , S. THIS AD TII 4? A correspondent! from Sauna, .Sevler Cotmtyst:waxed poetic whei describing-1A, :- . -- Memonal,Rites Set - hen - n to..11s-wilectlie- . , ,.,.F4A4ES1)11OrrEle.. ior 152nd - , 1 ot4 gr be ached': 4n4 4parrow1 are 'talking ;à-- itach- tend- , , birth the anniversary-of- , the SWEilONTMS ' in is amen stabbed which A.play Operc In the btek and, instead 'of bleeding, he sings. 1 ,5. 9 , . ' , - - , Wyo.,- as well is Ft, Laramie and Register Cliff, all scenes ' , ' of pioneer history. t Some 83 members of the Weber County Posse; 'kith their horses, are traveling to the dedication ceremonies in a special They will participate in the pageant Ind parade. ' The special train which will carry the General Authorities and others to Omaha will leave Salt Lake City at 10'30 am. and arrive in Omaha Sunday morning. It will leave Omaha for the return trip Monday. Juno'41, at 2 wm.v,. and arrive' in Salt Lake City Tuesday evening. - - $,-:-. 7 , " spans-the-Misso- Traveling In several huge buses, the trekkers will stop the first night at ,Estes Park, Colo.; Saturday at Grand Island, Neb., and arrive in Omaha Sunday... In Omaha they will attend memorial entices to be held at Florence (Wintef Quarters) Cemetery, under direction of the First Presidency of the Church.' Sunday evening the trekkers will Attend a pageant of more than 300 persionS at Aksarben Coliseum, one of the lart est in the !indwell. The pageant will redoubt the history of the area, includthat of Winter Quarters; Council Bluffs, the mustering in ing of the Mormon Battalion and thivstabliihinent of the ferry at the site Of the present memorial bridge. ' Many of the trekkers will paricipate In the Pageant, 'wear. ing pioneer and Mormon' Battalion costumes which they are clothed in for the trip. Richard A. Lambert, national SUP president, said the, group will lead. the paradCpreciaingtheLciedicationpere , monies at the bridge.. On the way home to Salt Lake City the group will visit' ,North Platte, Neb.; Northport, Neb., Casper and Rock SPrings,1- -- Avreath-placing monies. .. Following t)ie .memorial service, members of the Young fam, ily will hold their: annual re. union and eiettion. ,of officers at the :Lion Rouse. according to Brigham S. Young IV. The re, union is under the direction of Beggs, Y. Card., ,, .: , I ther, , Church leader. 'Members - of the Young family. association, atand frienda are invited-t- :,- - ",thhhhf" the boy whispered, t tart J. Glade will be the. speaker at :Abe . aervicesil which will e, ' arty Smith, m stipergiff nkiest As Hottli 1,41b; laid he scent into' the room of , hit eon saly the' otherritorning and faand b,m 1ookiig otvt the tvintiots4m.W hat are lost At , Menicnial services in bonoiof. Brigham Yotmg,- - second pre s id e ilt o f the Church.. of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, will be conducted Monday , at 6:31 grarside, 170 ,First forte-year-o- Sign teei.lo a 541 Lk. City.aivertising offge:- - 71 you coo keep Joar head!' u he all - . age done by a recent windstorm there:- ,He said damaged television antennae were "bang-.- , a 'Salt ing like broken flowers"--...WLake 'father asked his small ton, who is.cowl boy crazy,- who he was dressed up to be, the boy said "The tone.ltanger."And when the father looked at the little, sister, who was also wearing.her cowboy hat, and said, "And who's she?" the quick comeback was,. "The A man Who ihould Lonesome Stranger" know SOS the average husband lays down the all her amend- -' Jaw accepts - Bridgi4thkif n tepintandee---ofthe--America- Legion. - -- . -- , ! - , , - S UP, TREK OFFICERS.Richard ' A. Lambert. toPl. Horace A. Sorensen, right, and David $1. Evans prepare, to board bus for trek to Omaha. The three, who will wear' Mormon Battalion uniforms,' will 1ead-11-1 bre than 200 to dedicatloh ceremonies of the new Mormon Pioneer memoris Bridge. , ' , -, .0A.,.A., - . ;- -, , : - , , |