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Show I , , J ri ' 7 ' THE DESERET We Guarantee Everything We Sell. , i Hi f j . ' r t THURSDAY MARCH 30 1922 ye Sell and J offet-merchan- V These wonderfully luxurious bed springs aro sold and guaranteed by us. The.ir construction and crossed, tempered steel spring ties give wonderful resiliency and flexibilityihat conforms to the natural shape of the human body. Come in and examine s tomorrow. .Sold on the these Granite's easy weekly payment plan. ' Tfe 'Bedspring LUXURIOUS J For the Reason that it is all and more than its makers claim for it. LET US SUPPLY A ROME ' QUALITY DE LUXE1" For Your Rome all-me- tal wt Entry gamut Dt but k Jpnng itttt fit m tht ndt rail At iprtng. Lttkftrn ar Ujtmrgaaromut BtJ-- . SUGAR HOUSE. The Big Store Out of the High Rent District. The Place to Save Money. Spring Opening Sale Now in Full Swing. Wonderful Bargains. t;.: R e Ship ramanwai 'Average Bed aTorture Rack' v - the stair hs noticed an Indian soldier into- Whn governor's office the latter said. S you are the 'had' Agramonte? Vot bio!, I hope, said the general "Supple I were to order these Indians oatside to shoot you In the back aa you leaver Hasdliag a Troelsteeeme Gertrser You are an honorable man. govand would ernor,' said Agramonte BY HERBERT COREY. not do that Also It is a beautiful ITY of MEXICO, March 39 It la day. I would b happy If you would me home V an unbecoming a ay to start a story a company He thrust the black nose of an auIt is an tomatic about a fine old soldier The two at the governor. even more unbecoming way to begin men walked down the stairs, arm in all the chatted and arm. pleasantly is man who the a story about wav to Agramonte-hom. The si dr the ftneirt trtd soldier-eohaps No told the has himself story. Hut as an individual liv'ng today. 1 am Impelled --to preface the tale fione knows what hetnay have planned) In bank to do the ago Right years t letter! C, Montgomery Agramonte,b which Agramonte and many other old. and still going strong. tJ yeara all burst had their Americans money chauffeurs and the anecdote of the was a meeting at the American the chivalrous seconds hteb X find-l- u There club at which some wild things were the morning paper Ths two chauffeursr runs the story saidDon Agramonte calmedsaidthem be children." he "It In brief, decided to fight out their happened end thats an end of it quarrel with their fists. They did so Tome 1 have three dollars and a at t o'clock in the mornfng. and the half in my pocket, which is all have eombat j aa approachinga draw be-man ia frontof whose house they left tn the world. TH Jjuy a drink. lor war fightiog came out with a heavy the crowd and we'll all go borne" A galant old soldier . blue steel howitzer ' Thrust yourselves Into fhs breeze, birds said the man. 'before I you the ylly old mountain gitn. Shoots Priarlpal Through 'Heart fSr But as they started they did to leae one of the seconds, that the times had become sogrieved decadent that a quarrel might be settled by means of comparatively harmless flats, hot the other second s principal through the brrast When the L came up ho mas weltering fast" police . The moral of that arn is that this I In nan a conservative and respects ehangeWss country There is a law on the statute hoiks making an offense The penduMOSCOW, March 3 of the shedding of blood The taw lum of - la doe not apMf w the. Russian. Soviet--c4a- !i to Is be shd illegally A dripping ear to the this winter, far axilnglng. as ofiens've in the ee of the law aa .. aj slashed rib. Ho ihat the logical right as it once rang to the left, hut he norar'nK for the Tommunl-- t party keeps the key trivial off-n- .e n for th- - same h ,,an K., pufthn-r- t the works and accelerates Its j to t T has always ciung o knife and motements or retards them as It eees .When , it f) ptiTe. fit ,au! ,1LS "V" uubeeom-ihL,?- '. one year j bl5 " atorx aeoFrom a country where, ,t'rtL private wealth was considered a Mortgom-r- v hmr, Amn. !? ln,e, prohibition of liquor was a doultxd ,hl, ,, ' would have h.cn state policy Bird gamhUn was eome-- i r gnttrcy jr, find hM' time punifhahle hy death, Russia has t 'harerd to a land of open speculltlon. hab s jf thf' riu t ' lk d Dd AVhr iwh w h i re p, ofile drink wine leftallv and opr-i'hv and het.on horse-rarin- ? rq , 4r, 4,0 nl ti - i" of eMIrg m.ichinee from which 7 . ! ,, that ro a .! takes profit. jthone i i c k i ri Tlie.e are just a few of the changes erral Aa x v . . rron.t n h 'rC1' ,h' Kronstadt revolt last March nme - III . r hr''eoI'11 f Premier Inlne to Inaiiyur- Vire ihn w.,vtd I1V j promtet f t., tv nexw policy toward' xrUi r.! -- r ip Jfn , v: . etc a , of the ,j f,. rxpiialism government. 4 'd IMir u ng h'x n.-- the Ninth A 11 Russian txoxiet eret' .rlo-e- d a months ago with I" 4 rlmfia a of Lenlne s plan app-o- x ha taken Mr. ritM f r ar o.l with min' short cuts In an effort to !' h v fa g t hirer uithn a few months the con-d- r co e infirna tn ' on prevail nt for urfrv rs ri r ms 'tis'Mw at'ihe each morning to a. - r r u h 1 I t e rM furriiie It seem onifr yenter "vate hanks were prohfai 0 riul z I'd. T n, a few stroke of thej .Ife 4iT the t nmmlwar of i Ktnartee, and r f a t inka mnv operate at every VloM rlri u frr ' F'srje xtWf !, of poM and Jn e irti Today another r Brj; r rrrf c tr'! iitj in i!" making Jew-- r k.Vd a h of it ,r arvtnmg on could want nriAorjslgut or m dr. to 'nh It ar. s I, ol . U rtir.x fir radfoi At ri hr i(.f Uu ornr. to Mr the got ern men,ldi;fases" A rule ut f r ff tKttt -p rrrh ndqartere "r Of the Coreree, of th sort. a 4 , n r jrsd r. : -the Freni 1. Oi'ed !te, cmj In t afrfm.plmh th Io relJrn to nm It I ri, t on, i ti troops aid tnmlp da lr H the life of sack sordsman rod ou m fho tv,. v , & M'iiixite y th ,tuy rrihhing of Mans Dai d the 17 i thr irrme rf Itiixr T.d: ornmlssara swirling Ms fc.-rt:ti tn tlw r e h of -j def ano hinging1 song 1RU Agramonte obtained rr t him in single corrbat i ke rre f.f t of tjrid Tl two arm knight d their gun tn vatch the f ght e slashed the Cuban cm roack tfouph heukier but Agramonte Tnti a 3? lc cut a he Mood m hi alirruj s drMjtd tha Coaaack head down on h breast. OPTrowr III! It was a clean cut through the ru k By BOUGH TOM KirPLM COi Thsoa were keseje (Lay- s- . AY -hat twr to Irrrnw about nature Send any Agramonte CkrrJtd Lhe. dtAtU man A nead bu-k- v to headquarter and the citation which accompanied hi Igior, 1',ok f.or answer In ihls J of Honor tells the or He rooe 0 the charge of the I ght Brigade, and ha the " decoration and citation to show for It Whn LHrmaojr attacked in 3l7f he managed td get on the staff of General McMahon He fought in the Gar1batdan Vara o tndepe nriem c ami a cane which Gar.hsldi gac him is carried on Independence dav hr the Italian societ.es here. He, wgs an officer with Grant In .the Fnionrn and spent eight yeais in Cuba fights g ANSw LliS IN ThMHROW S1 NATURE NgTLS. Xor Independence. In 1$I4. when there tras some dis- AN'WKH TO rREtlOlilQimiOM. life to make position unpleasant for 1 here. , general Agramonte tea - ehlrkea aaakea karmfal i Americans organized m company for defense. The aboaf a iarat Aheo governor of the federal .district As aeveral of the Colubers are called eni for him. As Agramonte mounted "chicken" snakes, this is a little hard This is literally true says a well known pfiysician, "although many people ao not realize that the bed or really the bedspring is the cause of their discomfort. For generations people have gradually become accus- - tamed to this slow torture and so bear it. People attribute their backache their cramped muscles their general tired-ou- t feeling to their general condition. As a matter of fact, instead of a Doctors care, in most cases, all these people need is a new bedspring.' on- rd n ' OF BEDS. The 'Bedspring LUXURIOUS iM Warrior Who Rode in Charge Of Light Brigade Still Fighting - V- - Fine Showing We Pay the Freight,. Within 300 Miles says Physician .Picturesque Figure. is General Argamonte Story of ' His Career Puts Wildest of Romantic Fiction to Shame S trmdt-msr- tf Granite Furniture Co. w-- We also invite you to see Our , super-spring- h: j - Thats Why We Sell De Luxe Springs t? Recommend a This headline expresses the cardinal princi-- , upon which this business is conducted. We ard striving constantly to ' dise of a quality and character that will give our customers lasting satisfaction. With us a sale is never fully completed until the cus tomer is absolutely satisfied in every degree. Quality must be built into the merchandise we sell, in order that we may guarantee it to our customers. 'pie - NEWS c 1 - that people may, have complete rest, complete recuperation at night; a bedspring has been designed that is approved by physicians and hygienists everywhere. It is the Rome De Luxe Bedspring. It cannot sag, yet- gently molds itself about every contour of the bodv, supporting easily without pressure. e Luxe the body lies ably without a sign of strain relaxed for sound refreshin sleep. The De Luxe is so construct that it cannot wear or tear mattresses.' See the Rome De Luxe Bedspring at vour dealers. Its a revelation in luxurious comfort no bedspring at any price compares with it. Know it n by the Rome Quality the side rail It is the mark of iden- tification and certification of ouality on all Rome products. The Rome De Luxe is interchangeable fits other wood or metal beds. - It1 1 tbe BiDcPKiac, com-.plet- dy coil, woven wire or national bedspring is not fit for human beings to sleep on. It sags into great hollows whicn twist the spine causing backache, neckache, tramped muscles, and nerve pressure. Certain parts of the bodv are not supported at - all. Consequently these parts tire, and the sleeper tosses about in an attempt to relieve the strain. Naturally a night of such discomfort gives no rest. to i 42 WE3T BROADWAY So The ordinary gov-ern- or ' , Free by Track W ttkl 64 not the bed or mattrcM that makea all the difference.. trade-marko- o Kinney-Rom- e Company Factory er Soviet Statutes Matt Dmt accept a svbsUtutt. Di Luxe Bedsprinz, : Rtmt Quality Easily Altered to Chicigo - SaltLakeCity If yrur dtaler cannot tnpphjtu with a write us and wr will refer jtult wit can ut 3Jw&p7JyJlt70US Strip ox a Dt Lust Beotpuio -- ' Meet All Fancies DE LUXE! the Name appealed usv kecause Th Character tore is the home of better things. ' rnd 4 t i 1 h'f ,',r WE JN pun-she- h-- "ItYithe I BedspiunoT not the bed'or mattrtss. that all the difference makes ''1 iH x n- t A y ,t J- '''I d ' in bed spring construction. As one enthusiast says-Th- ere not a backache nor a crick in a Rome DeLuxe Bedspring. I t rbi i'll t V - rxti fefH ESTlGATEDto see if the SPRINGS lived up to the nd We is be- - lty h THEN WE STOCKED THEM and are now showing a full line' of DeLuxe springs which hive, both the manufacturers and our guarantee of full satisfaction. Let us deliver a De Luxe Spring to your home for a weeks actual trial then if you will part with it, well gladly take it back and you will be under no obligation whatever. v I offering to our customers only the highest grade merchandise that money and sciencecan produce. The Character Store. - Bjitroubs Mature 'fCIub it it kc- cause, in every way, it conforms to our. established policy of ?o t ' We recommend the DeLuxe Bedspring Igali.i on The last word Is all that the name implies. i ti tide lrflhM9f 1(. uni-form- -- f bmitk trai oq that every coil and spring is placed by hand, insuring that the finish was all we could ask, and the price-sucthat we could offer De Luxe Springs to Crawford customers at modest prices in keeping with our policy. ! f i The 'Bedspring LUXURIOUS frim-tni- i evatoeTeLz bu foundthat the principle of the extra long,' highly tempered conical coils, cross tied with elastic helifal coils produced a freedom of action which allowed the springs to exactly follow the contour of the body. -- whether the body was that of a heavy person or a frail child, giving a bouyant, healthful relaxation which we had always looked for in bed springs, but heretofore had never found. WE ALSO FOUND SfiSf , i is OMt lotcs 150-15- STATE STREET. 6 V HlgcSifaafa itfr 111 litg: n4 .flgrty records show them known In Greece and Itnire, from 4 wkenea they r brought to Europe, and finally Ton wight Arnfma. sir where any fowl are moat plentiful they are plentiful wherever poultry raisers find It profitable to keep them. 'i 4- Free Distribution of Cod Liver Oil by Americans Wins Moscow Gratitude ii wkhe eata. la l tne that If they Save one eye bine and n yellow, il la . algn e dcalaraaf "7 W can't aay poaltlveir. but our belief ts that caa thus marked ore often deaf. The blue eye is a defective Uclclha normal pigment, and ts more do than harm, by a good quently symptom of partial albinism. As we keeping down email rodent peats. aatd before, tne albinlem might ac3. I saw your paragraph aboat deaf count for poor powers of bearing, a a to nwr. Coluber obo!etu, the and MTlped jellow,. yellow-ra- t. houae make, doea' take a good many ta chicken and egg, but It ala many mice and rats. AH the Colubers eat prex and frearm-blood- or-aa- p. well a for an eye lacking the normal color which the other eye retained. I, la what part at the IV S. la the pea fewl meet plenttfnlf We cannot aay. Peafowl are introduced apeclea. from India. Cevlon, etc. but now thoroughly domesticated. They have been domeetlcatec are known la Judea when King Solomon was llv- - By The Associated Press.) 30. The "coJ MOSCOW,- - March liver man .fir the latest addition to the pictureaqup sights in Moscow streets, for which the American relief administration la responsible. After the fashion of the once famlllr milkman ha drives around daily with a huge cak mounted on truck, hi route InHud 1; l;; a a .th e .uuy .autwftes and chpdren s homes. RffTias no need to cry his wares for the customers nr on th- - lookout for him. and come with palls which , with hover a thought of thethmtpgirt for them ti "price, - no charge. , The reports of th- - relief hoxx everrmaP-n- o mention of the ch'hrens delight at the sight of the truck or of l heir grautudo to the kind Amerlonnn for this .particular form of the relief. ' ' " i Medeclneg and other supplied am dlrtrlbi ted to the hospitals and nure-ariin the same manner.'. The value of these supplies given outtptal dy the administration .throughout Russia la eec at 7,00,D00. ea 'News' ada ara bejteved. 1 1 - i . t fA t rt fan - - f m - |