Show indian difficulties the indian chasing alluded to in our last occurred on the of lust last month under the command of major stephen markham Mark liam the indians indiana were 1 found encamped near the mouth of salt creek after some gome firing by both parties in which C B hancock was slightly wounded and four or five indians indiana supposed up to bo be killed major markham Markh din withdrew and returned home on the of september win nelson william luke wm win reed and thor dark clark started w with ith two ox teams loaded with wheat to come from manti mand to this city they camped about daybreak of oct lot at the uinta springs just eist east of salt creek kyon kanyon where some indians killed them all and hor ably mutilated their bodies which were brought into nephi and buried on the aad dinst basl in a skir skirmish mis hat at nephi eight e g I 1 in n diaks were killed and one squaw and two boys taken prisoners on the ath fast john E warner and william mills mille were killed by indians 3 or yards above the grist mill near manti |