Show v until you arrived at the center of the Faith (Although gravity would gel weaker as you approach the center your mv tkm would help to keep you accelerating) As you passed this point however you would full slower and slower until you arrived at the surface on the other side (Although you still would be moving the gravity pulling you back to the center of the Earth would slow you down)” A few readers thought I was suggesting that motion causes acceleration It does not Instead I was referring to the relationship between force and motion as expressed by Isaac Newton in his first law of motion: “A body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to remain in motion at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force” It is gravity that causes the acceleration Wayne Van Lcrbcrghc a reader from Torrance Calif elaborates: “Motion is required to pass through the exact center of the Earth where the gravity force is zero but any speed is sufficient for that Only an object starting at rest at the center will remain stuck there” ' ' J&slk Vfaamr Dndtrnr fFmr The ILgdw Oewn On HIPITOR2 TaKM YOCO BAD CHOLESTEROL LlMTOH IS GENERALLY NUSMOXBS TO KOW LOWS WWLL TOLERATED (atorvMtatin calcium) in combination with dwt and exorcise was proven in clinical studies to reduce LDL "bad” See chart at right cholesterol by UPfTOR also significantly lowers total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL "good" Side effects are usually mU and temporary In clinical studws lew than 2 of patients had to stop taking UPfTOR because oil adverse effects V you take UPfTOR tel your doctor about any unuwal muscle pain or weakness as this could be sign of serious side effects LIPtTOR 39-6- 0V cholesterol And UPfTOR is taken only once a day at any tbne of day with or without food s' w TVE TIRED FOR TEAM TO Vi GET MV CHOLESTEROL ieiow 250 Since mv DOCTOR PUT ME ON LPimtrMKLOW 200— AT last! Today Imtor is Muscomm EMMIE TRAM AMY OTHER CHOLESTEROL have noticed that many intelligent people are fane of science fiction from Star Trek to War of the Worlds Even Stephen Hawking guest-starre- d on an episode of Star Trak: The Next Generation Do you enjoy science fiction? —Matt T Lake Wales Fla I Only you DOCTOB or healthcare provider knows HUPITOR is right for you Some people should not take UPfTOR including those with Kver disease or possible liver problems women who are nursing pregnant or who may become pregnant or people who are allergic to any of the ingredients in UPITOR It's important to tell your doctor about any medications you are currently taking to avoid possMe serious drug interactions Your doctor may perform simple blood tests to monitor liver function before and during treatment Over 4 million people have started using to lower their cholesterol For more information about UPfTOR please ask your doctor or UPfTOR pharmacist Information about brochure are also available by calling toll free UPITOR and a free Or visit our web site at - Please see important additional information on adjacent page have never enjoyed science fiction despite the fact that the late great author Isaac Asimov “gave me away" at my wedding (My father had recently passed away) For me there's too much emphasis on the impossible I like to read about the opposite: reality So I enjoy fiction that explores concepts like truth beauty and love— in short the humanities 1 : X RaeuRa il taro plooatc pnnireRaif dose raepenee ofutitao ef IP lo IP mgel UPITOR m hih ahoNMaroi panama ANSWER TO LAST WEEK'S Tha word was knavish Tha correct definition is i ' 1 s atorvastatin calcium tatDets The Lower Numbers You're Looking For vt ’ ' ' r t - ' If you Hava RUMtien or cotwnant lor Mh Hjri vo Savant who M Mad in tha tUmaaa Book ol WorM NacorOa Hall of Fama tar Hphaat IQ aanG It toe AMi Marilyn PARADE 7TI Third Ava Naw Vorfc MV KXHT Op you oan aanS to marifrwnpanadO com (piaaaa Inctuda nama city aiN atato) Dim to voImim of mail panonal rapllaa ara not poaaMla |