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Show tOL XXIII LOGAN CITY UTAH, TUESDAY, JULY NO. 112 1902. 29. RAISED THE SALARIES. Indifference to small requirements frivolous amusements. I know ISSTILL CHAMPION. of the gospel, starts ns on the road 1 shall be called an old fogy for to apostasy, hence a continual making these statements, but 1 Compensation of County Officers Increased effort on our part is necessary if know what all this leads to, and By Commissioners. are shall keep in the straight and II exhort you to provide clean, Jeffries Maintains llis Title and "Still wholesome entertainment for, yoijr Gathering of The narrow path. Regular Quarterly " and children and not' to go ont ELDER EDWARD S, SMITH Cache Stake. Holds The Celt. set your neighbors children a bad The county commissioners at President of the High Priests example b drinkinfif or their meeting on Friday evening, oki of condition quorum, reported the ... before them. . after mature consideration made .swearing that organization. I 18 m a Vvr in Learu to be consistent a substantial increase in the salar-- i your f as Large as Usual-Apo- stle good condition, Ti B.Jia.1 .ad Co, we said Not Quite he, had'rell!rioil U(1 Attendance be afraid iea of (lie county officials who will w0't you Mor-reent ll a conference Merrill recently, and there jtQ meet your record in the here serve during the next two years. I00 Work Fitzsimmons,' Until That a was Mem good attendance after. remarkably Before the action was taken, the Time an Apparent Winner, Knocked Out Lav Down Law Regarding ofMost the occasion. that upon ' At the close of Merrills board Societies. in Eighth Round by Two Lucky considered the ques bership In eaet members are diligent and faithful, remarks the choirApostle end the tion incarefully found was all It it phases. Punches. but there are a few wfeo do not live the congregation wassang disnrssed by that in nearly all the offices the up to their obligations and pro- Elder James A. Leishman.' work and responsibility is increas at tjie opening fessions. That of course is not the The attendance ing.and moreover, the cost of living of the priesthood, for the fault of the conference the has greatly increased, wages in all i Arena, San Francisco, July 25. of session of the priesthood will not bestowal . trades have gone up, and the com- Cache Stake on Sunday morning, save After fighting a battle of e g it is by magnifying it to us, in raise decided a naissioners that The hymn the honor and as rather small. glory of God, that salaries would not only be an act rounds, that was fraught with bril was of snng, Israel, In conclusalvation. we obtain Redeemer of justice, but one of wisdom Isince liant and courageous work, Robert and Elder H. K. Merrill offered sion. the speaker bore a strong low salaries tohTgEFBrfelted his . testimony. to much mean raise will not -- prayer lask elajm upon the' heavyweight uta The APOSTLE M. W. MERRILL the taxpayer, siuce m the offices knocked-J- . lie-w- asJ PRESIDENT JOSEPH MORRELL hi- - championship. ' the Clertrau dTiCcorder for of Jeffries oor - Jaine8 iefly exhorting those- pre-sefirst addressed the congregation spbke-ITwo Salt Lake saloonkeepers stance, the increase in ieesuveri , condition to their reFortwrihe" to a neighbors bring "Hegave were arrested on Sunday for sell- - last year will more than equal the land counted cut alter he had so of the Stake. 'Everything, he said, conference. Come and get a por- inr linnrtr nni.n lw Snhhath. increase in salary. Both offices badly punished the champion that was in very good shape, but he tion of Gods spirit . and be reare maintained by the fees they J jk waa a foregone conclusion among firged the Saints to not forget their freshed. Watch and pray, that tae in the spectators that the Cornishman ecclesiastical duties, dnriug the you may be able toresist the wiles Domemco-uoi- i to at Castle Gate . Anderson apposed Commissioner or.The The speaker the parents and neighbors had a must win Bleeding from a num of the adversary. busy season of the year. iucrease!J on ttn save the As- tbe ganizations are working in unison alluded to the work of the choir, ai d fight to rescue four children BC3sors 8ulary, and warned his Ler of gashes m the face, apparentIt is the desire of the church and remarked that singing is the fiom the buiniug buildiug. colleagues that the politicians ly weakening and clearly unable authorities that the names of from best part of all our meetings. cope with Fitzsmmois superior Wfiile in the act of "rushing the would make capital out of any rais-lt- o two to five young men in each Support you choirs, he said, growler the other night, Edward, iug of salaries that might be done. I skill, Jeffries delivered two lucky ward, who are willing' to attend for the melody they furnish, inEkker of Salt Lake was held up Commissioners Edwards and Allen punches as Fitzsimmons paused the B. Y. College missionary spires and refreshes u s. and robbed of fifteen cents, hence simply replied that they were con- - in his fighting to speak to him, The choir.sang, and Elder J. E. school, and thus prepare themThe battle had to enjov a beerless supper as viuced of the necessity for increas- - and turned the tide. selves for missions, be handed m Carlisle prououuced the beuedie-tiobut brief was were noteworU)y, nndj'ilt prepared best he couid. ing the salaries, and as soon ns possible. iindl live iu pugilistic history, ritzsim convictions, their' sa carryout Funston Brigadier-Genera- l SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Alluding to the matter of Latter-dtried once to arise from the ay He trust to the people approving their, tuous Fort with been Douglas. inspecting Saints allying themselves work o an.i runt, but sunk down again in The choir and congregation sang to . sav to the insinua- - jndpnt, despite the little but himself secret societies. President Morrell the . Iam simply doing helplcssuees and heard moment politician. hymn Praise to 1 he Man,'"1 announced that hereafter, no mem- Elder L. R. Martineau offered itl- - JL a when but I would do lor louuled out, , d. t0 discuss politics w tor Cache Co. what ber, of such societies will be fellowbefore he had apparently all the then choir The sang prayer. aU at or in 1 will' never fight the Phll,llu'8' church, permitted e shipped better of it. beautiful selection. The sacra-ftto enter the temple, Evan the battle-scarret said raent was then administered by j Professor again,,, The matter of the indebtedness members of the Fifth ward. Elder an extended and plea ot the ring, when, he had veteran . . was time Y home return will the in B. College, upon for half the sufficiently recovered to talk. The Hcrschel Bullen, Jr., was called abroad, jobn brick-layer- s and to the bait the and j the urged people great brought np, for but he was not in attendance, to conduct priee I paid, but I was afraid to fight was wou fairly, laurels. LIks the choir during to wipe out this obligation tabernacle during bjre kbem for fear 0f having a best man belongs the, ELDER SAMUEL ROSKELLY the present year. You are the most dangerous-maconvention next month. tumble-down- , instead of a store, a to be It is my delight said: alive, said Jeffries, in return A fire at Ogden in a building I feel the same way in regard to ELDER ISAAC SMITH the Latter-da- y and I consider myself lucky to Saint.. To me, T. A. Whaleu and G.VV, salaries for county officials, 6aid: Our conferences are the wonderful change that has been owned by have won when I did. ; did Capable men wont seek the damage to the amount t best meetings we have, and every effected in this county, since the perjjiu When the referee had counted thousand a and four office, if it pays but beggars pit Latter-daSaint should strive to time when I first teheld it in 1855, of between three Fitzsimmons out and he had conThe Standard office,- dollars. iswhere here., atteud for . them, seems miraculous. The hand of Below is given the list of - salar- - gratulated Jeffries, lie walked - to was damaged to the extent Gods spirit is poured out most God is to be seen in it everywhere, joining, ies for the ensuing two years, and the side of the riug, and flinging of $1,500, by water aud smoke. lavishly. and me one of the glove he bad drawn it encourages and those paid at present: Madsen, a Salt Lake laborer, I desire to touch upon the matter contemEph to faith Prest. from his hand to the right and the New strengthens my home at 2 a. drunk aud, of our contributions for, and care going got left, among tbe it. Salary other to !e declared Salary meal. Ilis wife hot a demanded of the poor. God has commanded plate in a loud m, e evimanifold Around us are spectators, aud he took Chairman Board of see it that way, that we aid and properly cave for didnt last his fight.. and he voice mercy be; fought dences of the goodness 400 ? 3G0 She escaped aud Commissioners her. at the needy, and has promised us ft shot ...$ a will we if .f'theAimbhty to ns; BURGLAR FATALLY WOUNDED. summoned the police, but upon Other members of the rich reward for so doing. I am look at them and profit by the but could not be Board of CommisBntte, JJont., July 27. A sorry to state that m most, of the . teacb we shall find their arrival Madsen tbey 250 300 sioners wards of this stake there has been burglar, who refused to give Tbe spea4ver dwelt at found, 1000 11 W and upon whom nothing was much dereliction in this , matter. Jome While hunting squirrel, with a Sheriff lengtfa upon tbft necessity' of 950 found whereby his identity could It is a small requirement of the ti e Saiut3 theirtemple 22 caliber rifle in the neighbor-- 1 Clerk atteudingto 950 lloO Treasurer be established, was shot and morgospel, so far as its effect upon work. hood ot Ingham, Whit McNiel. 850 900 wounded at about 10 oclock our resources is concerned, yet it APOSTLE M. W. MERRILL fourteen vea old, accidentally a hot R?rd'r 650 tally .... M is very important that we ..obey it, Fred.Aasemr...... touigbt, as he attempted to make wounded 450 his lie expressed llis and seriously itwi: desire to dwell iu Gods then avose. escape from the rear of the 2flO 200 residence of Samuel Trcloar, on had occurred lireeken, a miner, the nearly pe . what with pleasure pfcseuce, when we leave here. ball striking him in the temple. Snrrejor at the conference, and commended The West Granite street. Mrs. Tre-lo' die. man may work. its ELDER IV. WVMAVOHAN $G,G50 $5,660 beard the burglar at his work the stake presidency for Gen. now and led me to beby salaries the has inspection increase Total observation oyer During gave the alarm.' Hugh Ander' was tbe uext He said: My six a the of Donglas, speaker. Fort of Funston majority a $990 that great ' Our lieve son , a neighbor, . responded and, jaid, greatest desire should be for Saints are os Brother Liljenquist horse team ran awav with a caisson. The board also created a voting upon the robber refusing to stop, salvation in the kingdom of God. Haines, one of the district in Mountain Home district, fired at him, the bullet pcnctratinr said he was very found of every- Ridgeway Ve can attain it by doing right drivers, had his skull fractured and which is the northern part of his abdomen and bringing liitn to tbe Lord had forbidden. simply for love of right and truth. thing may die. Two other artillerymen Coveville, and named Jobu Biggs kbe f think we waste too much Our obedience to the Almighty upwere altogether,, seriously injured, and scores 88 attention, dead. should be aii intelligent, willing time and koWx rot. The natter of redeemiefl end from which we derive of men had narrow escapes from on things of a obedience, prompted by lov$ platteville, Colo.. Jnly 27, Thr refunding the $G0, 000 worth of beiDgrnn over. His precepts and at least a partial no profit whatever. Lord in 1902, the due of fall bonds will that badly mangled body of an unknown . d boy, Thomas county It is not the A I a conception of their wisdom aud saved members and man was found on the Union fired having was discussed, that we should become Edward Murphy, ofOgden, -greatness. now re to decided board socities set Pacific track two and a half miles little wad, the the secret gome dry glass, which in turn Our Fathers laws, are simple, of any of Beand from Louth awav of of here this afternoon. worth bonds, existence. Keep fire to his clothes and burned him deem $10,000 his1 in explicit, not susceptible of many bonds kVas and well remainder.Tbe dressed, fairly we have au organization so badly that he died within, a few ta refund the the and meauiuga, but clear to all those them, cards were bearing pockets hours. Hist mother, Mrs. John now draw 5 per cent interest, that is perfect, and ko enjoy that , E. --Tones McLean, that believe by renames Saints terrible commissioners portion of llis need of Latter-da- y the of.George witnessed Murphy, Marion of Spirit, that is the right of every 1805 rate U. A. Cameron, with these secret orders lor aceideiit and was go affected by funding them a lower Latter-dahad He Saint- to have. There ing Rock, Ark. whatever. that she. too, died, literally terest can be secured. 1902 was fix- - street. Little gvief must be continual effort' to do anvw purpose hi8 on a gmall amount of money The Tax levy ..for bl.0fcen heart, We must reform, jay brethren wn a few. right, if we desire to win the ed as follows; A resolution person, some tobacco apd ' and sisters. ' greatest reward, for Satan is not 3raills other srticles. Friesthood long Meeting, For authorities purposes Stales general Benson the by passed ' with promptings to For Poor Fund which makes unworthy ofBURNED BY EXPLOSION. Priesthood meeting The general Reject the small duties of life. Be ago' Fund the For Sinking pries holding wil1 men Zion of Vl2ilaut and ;m. of the Benson Stoke re- fellowship, ,r MeCurtain, I T., July 27. For interest diligent, t . Sato lOoVhwk-n- . at convene is gard sure. is Schools Tb,t For County' (Two men Were killed and two 1902. 2nd, August dav, others seriously burned by an ex-r . but yon mw I J elder J. z. STEWART II. strict, War. Lewis, . prcttv mills plosion of gas today in one of the Total the near to bd enforced m Alma ?oke next. He it Merrill, the Coal companys mines, theag-SanBopriu thought This is the same levy in, B. A. Hendricks, esSaint ULatter-dawest of here. 'lfa mm of every Latter-dashould mile one Saints y Stake Presidency. Jgregate, that was made last year, uld to always have with him and chew smoking, Portion of the spirit of God. STAKE CONFERENCE . . - - Present-Presid- . . t 1 i,.,. nt u ; . 1 . ( I -- n. 1 , i d , ' ! y ad-tan- ce. ! his-nam- ! U. ar . 4 . 1 three-year-ol- I in-lan- y - d I , I . . and-you- r -- 7i is y card-playin- g, e t |