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Show DECEMBER 9, 1994 aver But ‘Basketball ~ By Marcia Eyre Beaver ~ a2 strong and Smart defense “from he Beaver team sent ‘Enterprise home with a 15 point — loss. Individual scoring: Brittany Smith 3, Makenzie Gillins 20, heather Oakden 2, Natalie Albrecht 9, Sunny Myers 7, _ « * 3% fone Cedar City _ Beaver 38......Richfield 40 ; Beaverscs= Enterprise JV TEAM Beaver 61...Parowan and yery. = Accurate shooting FRESHMAN TEAM - the _ start. from _ Kristen~ McCall 19 Marchant Eyre 4, 16, ce Harris 12. Beaver 31...Richfield 50 Minersville Beaver 50...Enterprise 65 VARSITY TEAM . Beaver 50...Parowan 32 The varsity team played their first game of the season against the Parowan Rams on Thursday , Dec. 1. Most of the Lady Beavers had a slow start in the first _ half of the game, but they _ built up a lead and Parowan never came close to catching Beaver. Individual scoring for Beaver: Jeanette » marshall 2, Brittany Smith 7, Reported by Jenny Albrecht, Shane Hollingshead, Dusty White, and Roger Limb. This month (December) is going to be a very busy one. heart surgery. Dec on SEVENTH & Friday, 2 on Richfields home against Beaver's _ made players. Richfield spent alot of the game at the foul line -and they converted those - opportunities into points. It was a tough night for Nathanial Dotson Kyle Hollingshead Miranda McMullin Sixth Grade Kellv Blackner Joe hillock Besty Hollingshead Lindsey Baxter — Callista Cates Marcie Gillins Dallen Goff ~. _ December 5-9 at the school library from 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and at 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. on Friday. We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Will Be Joining the Dodge City News Staff - next Week with a Personal News Column for Milford. Welcome, Lobal : Ashley Wood New Gas Furnace, New Wiring, New Plumbing. 365 North Main Kolby Blackner _ $45,000. LAND: * 160 Acres N/W of Milford. West of 5-mile Dam on Hwy 257 - < 16,000. * 80 Acres 5 miles S/W. of Milford. Betweeti Milford Flat-and~ Lund Hwy. ~ $16,000. - * 80 Acres 10 miles S/W of Milford on Flat near new pig farm. © $24,000. * 200 Acres 5 miles S/W of Milford between Flat & Lund Hwy. * 320 Acres N/E of Milford on the road to cet Springs nie ate TR _ $30,000. _ $32,000. Geo Thermal. ~ * 440 Acres 7.5 miles S/W of Milford bee Milford F lat ay and Lund ea Marchelle Wright : 3.3 to 3.69. Bor Further Bradv Quarenberg ist _ quarter . ~ $66,000. eos Call: — RANDY MORRIS Shane Hollingshead Attendance. Kindergarten Jason Bailey - Nakomi Marshall Tyler McMullin Joshua Baxter and 1 Bedroom. 3.7 to 3.99 _ Beaver 73- biterprise 58 | Saturday night, _ Dec.3, Beaver went up against Enterprise in another game. _ non-region _.Enterprise has a strong girl's Jennifer Craw Floor, Finished Basement with Storage Room, Shop, Family Room Bt 3.3 to 3.69 Bt. memories. ~ Something new this | year is the — Santa's Workshop. It will be * 2 Bedroom, | Bath, Living Room, Kitchen, Dining Room on Main — Cherestie Bealer _ Lynn Dalton ~ team. Individual scoring for_ ., Derrick Dutson Beaver: Brittany Smith 7, Angie Eyre Oakden 2. Heather Cameron Gillins Makenzie Gillins 9, Sunny’ Reggie Gillins - Harris 1. Second Grade _ Juanita Hernandez Heather Hillock Christmas c HOMES: Stacy Marshall - Clint Phelps _ Beaver came within 6 points _ 2, McCall Eyre 6, ee Cody Marshall is Randy's Showcase of Milford Properties _ Beaver all the way around. _ Myers 23, Kristen Marchant The” theme Contact Her at 387- 2653 With Your News Items. Jake Albrecht _ Our Christmas Play is going to be December 21, ~at 7:00 p.m. at the church. E Megan McMullin Abby Thompson Fifth Grade Cammie Barton Megan Evans Third grade Avery Short _ _ __. Jered Gillins _ Travix Hollingshead _ Klint Blackner Caleb Cates : Highth Grade GRADE é EIGHT GRADE A- » in the final quarter but never ‘could shake the Wildcat ” First Grade We want to 3.7 to 3.99 . _ court. Beaver got into foul _ trouble early with some very _ tight calls from the officials _Garret Carter First Quarter Honor Roll Beaver 50.....Richfield 61 took Skyler Short™ 5 welcome her here. Harris 16. (3-A), Brady Quarenberg Janna Barton. face among us. She is Ms. Tess Oakden. She is filling in for Mrs. Hutchinson who is recovering. from open... 12, Marcy Williams Beaver “Fourth’Grade First, we have a new 4, Kristen Marchant 6, _ McCall Eyre 7, Kassidy Richfield Amanda Baxter ___Kalani Gillins Elementary Makenzie Gillins 16, Sunny Myers Cal Eyre’ Seventh Grade “Amanda Pearson _ Bonny: Thompson _ 3 ‘Hillary Eyre all was game this Beaver Girls Zachary Hollingshead _ Miranda Craw for another tough game ® School PAGE 6 Mark Bailey and Beaver knew they were in h a program, basketball . aeueca = : Dunge City Avins Perfect Century 21 First Choice Realty 965 S. main Cedar City, Utah 84720 Office: 801-586-1221 Res: ~ 801-865-1802 Cellular: 801-590-1924 | |