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Show ; I. 4B K tell the adventure to his particular friends, C A LD H & C A K ErLKSf, and laugh over it till the tears ran down his No. 37, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City. hoover ludicrous most scrape as the from the not far and cheeks, Not many years ago as into in all his college life, and as the only Agents lor the Arion Piano, Mason & Hamlin Organ known a at "ino Elmira got Citv of locality adminFemale College," the circumstances which one he. was let out of under an oath and Wibon Shut tie Sewing Machine. V "Ex." ; seems istered, weiare about to xelate took place It All kinds of Muiic and Fancy GoodsbVr jtlathat the principal of tie college accidentally ; THE HEX. Avnrlinhnl a nlait amoncr a number of Jus 7" VOUR HOMES. young lady student of drawing a youn BURNISH conferred 15. been has A. of gentleman up to one of the third story rooihs The degree gentlemen uik)ii Hannah E. Haley," by Bates College, "in, a basket at night," as no I would advise the Ladies who want to buy fin 1 su i tors were" perm itted to visi 1 h e i r eol I ego of Lewiston, Me. A Princeton, Illinois girl, died of grief Parlor and Sets of furniture to call and lady loves and see them alone under the i nto the fell hat new strict rules of the institution. because her spring examine the immense stock kept bj at eteil pat was ruined. ceoriHnglyiuid and river liCprinei the appointed time was' at the designated Miss Linda .Gilbert has become a liner " was basket the let when and down, n. DINWOODIY, spot, of the cloud of crime with silver, by found took the lover's place gave thosignal"twiteh" libraries for prisons. and commenced 'going1 up towards Heaven, ing At No. 31, East Temple Street, atd No. 75, iret A Sister of Col. Mosby, of confederate drawn by a trinity or two of angels. (?) ' has r been uppoi nted as clerk in the SouthStre l iJeiiiwo-tMrd- s JipJ lEeZangelSiMhitkm,: fame, lelterlTiiicc dead her terror on looking down, discovered-t- o Ti i EitE-- is no danger that Parepa-Ros- a rriniMisTnahanste VLLACK wilt ever beiipwrecked on the jocean, for 4iml anq&er man C's. frightened out of her wits, made the fact she is always safe on the high Has the best, largest and purest stock of confec 1 known to her fair Mrs. Rerlah hunt, of Randolph, Mass. , helpers in mischief, with the pertinent inquiry, "WJiat shall we do?" died, aged one hundred and four years. tionary in Salt Like cltj. Just the place for ladies to purchase. Whereupon one of their number, noted for She retained her memory to the last. .; '...iv;. frTv1 i n i t of m and iud coolness her presence ry ng N. of Ella Wood and her father, Dover, , emergencies, said: ) recently,- A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. "Hero! you hold on this cord ! Now, do ILwerosholJjyJIenryJewett, be wooed wouldn't ladv because the by him. just as I tell you, and I'll take care of the Norweg ian girls who have been doing Every Family should have & Washing Machine; man, no matter who he is or where he conies k itchcrt-wor- k - are a at in Iowa $3:i0 week, nd there is none better if as good we truthfully from.' ',' -fields at harvest to out the in ..work and earnestly consider, having had experience in and hiring Then, taking out her pocket-knif- e A COMPROMISE. MID-AI- R Lock-Stitc- h rr s A , Bed-roo- m . -- , -- 1 -- . . -- opening-! tj-s- he leanetlTOutTof-thewindo- frGnuiLto $; wy per-da- y A spigiitly girl in fort Edward, N. J., Vho are and in a low but firm voice said: who engaged herself to a young man "in you in the basket?" No response. fun," fainted on hearing that he had pub I say, who are you in the basket? Do lished the same in a local paper. Tiie trustees of the Chicago University you hear? I have a knife in my hand, and "unless you answer in less than ien seconds I have voted to admit young women to the will cut the rope." : , full privileges of the university, on the same "Why it's your principal, don't you know footing as young men. r'me.? lon'fr, for mercy'rsakeut thel-opeAx old woman lii Maine crossed over a further knife from it!" Keep your away bridge that was marked "dangerous" with- "Well, you are in a pretty fix. Professor, out seein sign, On bein g informed of a preuy nx mueeu, Hanging Detween neaven the fact on the other side she turned about and earth, between life and death. What alarm and recrossed i tr 7; do you think ought to be done with you? inrgreat A LiTEKAP.Y curiosity, "The Poems of A principal of a female college who thus of Scotts," is in preparation. endeavors at night to clandestinely reach Marj, Queen this Queen, collected from the roomof a lady student ought to be The verses of obscure sources, will be prefaced original and severely punished and expo3ed." With an introduction by Mr. Julian Shar- "Oh! I beg of you not to harm me, but let mo down again carefully, and don't let man. The WociiENiiLA.TT, speaking of women the rope slip." r in Germany, says that the further they Professor," saidthe shrewd beauty, "on v one condition only wili we comply with keep themselves from politics the more zealously " do t hey m i x themsel ves ' in your request." religious questions, and introduce into them "Name it! name it!" "You must solemnly promise that none of all the love and hate of which their nature 1 us who havo been engaged in tins little is capable. romance shall be disciplined for it, and that A prominent official in the Internal you will make no mention of it to a living Revenue Bureau states that if the female soul while wo are inmates of this college clerks of that Bureau were permitted to withjthe'imderstanding that we observe the compete for the vacant $1 ,100 clerkships, same solemu promise. What say you?" of they would be appointed to "I promise solemnly promise." the vacancies over jnen employed in that v "Very well. Hold up your right hand. bureau. You solemnly swear "that you will faithfully Miss Frances E. Willard, President of and observo that promise, so help you the Evanston College for Ladies, liai been keep iml!" I . --V , ' zr : appointed by governor Deveridge, Commis-sujn"I do!" ;;: for; the State of Illinois to the "Enough, girls. Ho has taken the mth. "Woman's Centennial Jubilee," which is Ijower away.": -The'piofesW'rwns 4he National Centcuiiial Anniversary. once more on term firma, greatly to his own Eleven thousand woiiien signed an relief and greatly, to the joy, no doubt, of the Mr. Disraeli for his general other party of the compromise, and ho lived g(xnl thanking oilices to the Woman .Sutfrajre move up to hisj)alh.. In after yeurs, however, ment in England. In reply Mr. Disraeli when time had absolved him from it, and he is so jersuaded of the" injurious says the lover whose basket he monopolized on character that eventful night hadf its the story g,xs, female of the present restrictions against participation in the fraucliise that he married the girl who on that fKfaioii was hoies they will bo removed by the wisdom so "ftr alove hiiu"-th- e to pressor T g-t- he ; ; : " two-thir- ds s ' er -"iv:; ad-lre- , -- Ued of Parliament. . . NT- .. - J: ; s3 working and taken pains in observing several kinds, a3 the Txleqbapii Washing MAcnir, which is manufactured in this city, and sold by George Ood-darto whom all orders concerning it should be ; addressed, "P. 6. Box 474, Salt like City." We take pleasure in recommending this Machine to the ladies of Utah, and advise them to yrove iti, superiority by purchasing' and using it. d; NEW CLUB RATES. Determined tbt nothing shall be wanting on the part of the Publisherg, to increase the circulation of the ExPOjrrsT and aid-ipromoting the object eon templated in its publication, by making it truly an exponent of the views of the women of Utah, tus- - ' tained by them, read by them, and iti columns enriched with a widely circulated expression of their thoughts, we offer the following terms to clubs, so as to prepare for increasing the value and importance of the paper with the beginning of the next volume, which a larger subscription list will enable us to do: 10 copies, 1 year, with ft. copy to the getter: -$13 00 up of the club 1 15 copies, year, with a copy to the getter 2G 00 up of the club 20 copie, 1 year, with a copy to the getter up of the club and a framed steel engrave injr, 12x16 inches, of President Brigbam 31 CU Young, selling price, 2 50 1 30 copies, year, with a copy to the getter up of the club, and a superior first proof, steel engraving of President Brigharu Young, handsomely framed, selling 43 00 price 4 (Jlubs can be commenced at any time; and additions can be made after the firttllet of name has sent. s ; : Money can be remitted by registered It ter at the risk of the publishers. V We hope ladies throughout the Territory,7 e?pcal- ly the Presidents and.Seeretaries of Kelief ucleth wfll endeavor to get up clubs, and that they will con- stitute themselves agents for the extension of tLu circulation f the Exponent. a '( I J i '? f 5 ; f i " . i J ; 5 - A Conscientious Pittsburg man promised his wife, the other day, that he woujd'nt drink another drop las long as he had a hair on his head. That very night ho had his head shaved smooth, and then got drunk, with a proud consciousness of v luaving faithfully kept his promise. - s ! ? " , : |