Show I I u N uiiio tIrt IlllNIh54 UOinU I o tluJty I1a ism I 1 I II irillln I I Tin IUIM iranliHi at iarflekl Men 1 I Jay wi a runeliif rarrrit she pul 11 IIMIUM MM UM IIMl woe tht I aMrMUInf of Hi anrlvlng tIonaon l llm plalturm UK mub by Hut oil nine land I II U lejrliil 1 vod IMilUH sJ dreere 1 by w piiweru the lUniTt 1 val Ihr l iHlil ikliKi sal Inltrchang of l pireltnr slat l reroll 1 vll ne heart ill I e dry ban niiHitig Hi en halinl IrlrranI i foal l a Iker case lu II 1lalliilliilneliilMeiil lee I runilnlltr I 1 11I11 l mi Ihlr bieaile a IwiulunM whllopllklMdn Imtli ill r i > iiiHiil nen11 the hop atxl 1 Wk > w the I vII Iliiiifrr Julyll Iln S lrloii Ihoienlir ol lie plallnnu son Vllfil Vilruir lorriiMi P sunup llmrii tj Cuiinoii Jaiuh Voilrr llrnrt W llruwn ul Unulih leimn t1nllnr nixl 1 Jihn Renal nl IniMiiKliiini nron Farr oOpJ u lhrgIIlllllug I cud l lliine Shuns 11111 if lUntl liuan I Uuillt ulfalrin 1 tlS Krndull ul MaiJrlun THHII lauaitl 1 o1 1oytin W II Valki iwph C I Hnillh 1 1irnri 1ouw John oil UNHI niriramntllriitr 1C0 ymuot + ONO lirru IUlr and 11 C A SIlM1 ol kunar The follow lug cur u Ivor didiMtattrnd but HID muimltltr will oroanl their WiUrt In I thrlrplar 01 irildrnrr 0 ors l iiliiiaii Hlrjihell CrlicyJohn 11 Norton Lull Rarrr hlloJohnton William Curler Samtirl t II I Marblo Ihoiuat Uoalwy irtirgu tlaolwsJ 1 Joirph llannitk hut Vrry lirtkir Cunrad Kliirrman Vllllaia I Vamv Toni ItappulvM I Rufus Allen Orurgn Watdlr 1 Wllllniu 1111 AndrvH hhiiiuway Chailtri huniHarCharlri II iinniiJorrph Cglell and F nIteory troll the Trlbutt we cllilh Wlm log lil vl early 1 day itlltv It taya Mud merest ccnlrrwl In the irllci ol ivnrrrilaye xhlfli nrrr nil illiplay ull lho wrt stile of the hat llion The bulbs of Ilte hliloihiil lurmentoee ore lull pulrrly ol I the Deiertt MIIIUIII lust many ol the must taluabli eoihu ulrabedoog lot trldru ollhla city or their urowniiiicMUieii The llloln It I a nmpleu 111 < it Hi tulle t TIN wagon liinhlch llrlxrC KlmUill riwl I lh plaint to Ulah In thin pluneer iniuinynl IHI7 Ihr vaifia la I now I usnrl I by I Philip liiiilry ol I thlnlly ielliirlu SIte vttpin uai nit In HUllbylli telrran hlmtell Oil isle oou I and and Ha maker won a Mr Murray of Mention New Voik A killed bultalo IA11 1 II belrl the oldest Uhahllant and n 1 psis o1 neck l okte Iliuwmiiiyji theuldeuwIse pinter II pin-ter and 1 one that brliugr < l tu llrlKham ounx All uldllnm homii Inliiilrv banner rplitliigaiiiaikrt tour with tint lute rlillon llnnia I MunulaclnrrAll Indi of 1sy I Taken liii jtUlluiii Ch Only Miirmiiii lutlalluu banner Hrierctmicrcurirni I > y mid 1 KlrlUnd i bank note Kit ranont IHIIM the lint knot that vrrnavigated llrrat Halt lakr IliiUKh madn ol Magun thin Tlm lost tie laid and l bite latt uplkv rlrn by llrliiliam Ycmrg January 10 HTO whrn thi < Union Ijrlfla llallinad hrlicnllod live Utah CtHtral woe ou < ilrtnl to Ihle city 1roililun lot l turd by llrlnhani Young whllerroiliiKll plaint Campkultlenjrne by Uiuan Mrlug ham Flint lurk gun plilol 100 saber oud ulille lu < t carried by HIhop II I Ietll IW oI lit II Morniiin battalion In tie JlexUun war Nauvn l giun army arcaiilrenienti and band drum Musket tool worJurJ by Hhadracli Honiiily lu guanl the Craplict Juiepli binllli used alto by Ik I original itonori MelixUon brought ivy tli ileneer ImiiJ ow mind liy llenr 1 Itlclianli lIece I ollh nnl ltrrul bevel ploulwl by Jin 1 Harriet I Young oil ol lo rnioP Young rho tree ti I still liw 11I1t and may be teen on llm root IdJ ol IhIIIIIu 1I0u1 Ihltlty rlw < loMglitlmtuai used by VIIIUli Carter plough Ilte lint hall cta In I Hall Isle valley July Iftli It wai oho tool fur the Soot furrow In I SIb Jctiig In lirimry ISti A jug 0011 Iy UtUrC Kluiball Key loNautoo temple fcnoiil and ooda horn carried lIy David W l4lleii when he was killed tt MliiourllnlBSe Levi llroadUnti ul II l I knits and fork alto two ebalri niiiilf by I him in IHM me l used by the pluuetr coiupiny JamriChralgh hugler Hvionl carried I by leueral UeorK I Smith In aIO < j legion Car uted by lirlglitui YOUUK In llte dupe of NUfOO Cople ol the Mountaineer Jam IVgupona her In IBdl The Celt telegraph key iu < l In kit I Lake City U conveyed Ihs follow 111 I roeuenger to Freildent Lincoln from Hricham Vmng tUli Ill not tedel bat It flriN fur Ihr INjmtltullvn and 1 law ol our cunnlry Itch Hint Iron upper door 1 ol Car tliAgeJailal the the lo ep1 oust 1 llrrum Smith wm killed oleo UM trfiliil I und by the latmr ides Ilsek l by the tnob SOfII won by leneial Jineph tm lh > l In Nmvuo legiun l It woe prneuledlu him ivy I Wtllord 1Posleulr line vlke peel ttteata 1 ul INIKr made Inthliby llollllAllo nrdlor llnshaiu YOUtl1t Mllw tunon owmd 1111 U 20 b kiiMn Atliley ami n Mlrhel 1 newt l by her III 1841 now o nmt by HIIMII A iimK bum I ul 1111 lt Watch worn hy IWtldrnl Jolin TI lr atlhvllwfolllMidMlli ol Joieph au1 1 lljrtlhi Mmlth In leJlholl loll The I Mulch It I iiwrkol III ln < lenll ni ul I the I I ballrti Hml by this lash Thr mllnet Ifoe Ililt rmitvnlr ai aide l L Jobn Taylor Uimilf Valet awuJ uy Vy Iy H N Willie ul Ialsl l soil need 1 by him and VIIMrd Stoles ha J Willie Jew Mailln aid Uuam 1 llihllln hen n Irunrl t tleinl awl 1 Jswe It Allie1 the Jlrvtnee idol l Ritt Meikrra ul gIJ s n Mnrmoii blush CallliMtila In Manli I and l > rll 1 ISM iHkir lu oil feet In ill rily prewnlf I lu the iniifum by Ile tall rrld > nlul lhf lull liauM Clewat Spinning n heel and tool ute1 hv Ill I ilnUL 1 M Mintull and ioltnu yirn roll 1111 Minllirrii Dlali S11kltsgullheTldrtl rnjlmeiit Nail ttxil leglotl AliiillenUiiint PAiilel WritIlk llmnl llm MIIIII nimmand i elk l nuns by Irujilii J iib lUmifr IInl1 I by Ilic lint iinnany I ul llm Ionrvrt I U iiiiilaliir1 his name of III men and a notation that thru i werraKiln 1 Ihs I Irttly Hue wonitn I IHU lilldiin trnly ttaeon our teal I uiiraiinon nlnelylbieu lioitre Illy Iwo ninlr 1 ilityilt men and ten vos The Unner Mai MUM by Tliumai llulturkami 1 li now united by hi 011 drmit Y ltu1lnrkuluaUllle |