Show Swlllna xlYo 1 lutelMuoul tropic who rralln the hill urtont part the WooI I liolji lu lrei 1 ilIM t 1 Ing the I holy In n normal ainillllon Sod iioltiliigilrang In tli niinibtrul illiMiea thesis Sariaaillla 1 It I able lu rule SI tinny trouble mult trots lui > ine 111001 l the Ul nay lu treat thrill li I though Ito I < Mootl llooill l < ariaiarlllit UtlaUei Wool UooCa I 1ilU am the lost allrrillnnrr pllli anlitJlgcitl prevent ctiiillpA thou 11s14 WIr or Wttow rnlnetcrfrar to tuck that L coulrin I attd trip noel Ilihr will trout 1 to the I hUago Union faclllu A Norltiwrttrrn I 1111 Quicken Hum rewritchangci Illloll UlMHjIl Tor lull lnluriimllcil call im or aJlri 11 lUHy i tg 01 II I N I HyiUu Minn 10 errs ague lIv yon iiulg hush 1 proil 1 Oil your house t oil dtMrt land or timber fill III ire nitric > II not Umiivandcuntiill will 1l t Hinlth 1 > nnly Clerk tool lr rlllr Inliir doing in and In will Ivll you lOW tiUHiulrnin tlu toA fill utrry print made u Tug Ttu0 job printing lacllllln lie rilclai < and wo guarautr gaud w orbs Jos Hartley I FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Null Stuck of Confectionery Summer Drinks Tobaccos and Vicars Ircshcst Stock and Lowest Irices In Coalvillc I WL DOUGLAS I IW 3 SHOE laTHC vu aUT I5 snrat0nwtctlLDCAtc CORDOVAN 3tyllfECAIfLIQihOllOa A Y 7 3 V POLICE S outs f U I2WO not I Ej t2L7J BmSaWHOE1 t24LAO I r t3Sz Jm 13 l SINS iii CDOLSOUC WIDOUOLA5 L DROCKTOIf MA3e Y0 r w L ertblut 1r t m el netH w1 K YratYM Iha erne ru hoes I1 wort4 ssu aid sea Yta ptta 00 t1 01101 bleb pig r1 adt 1 Wb 9ru0u5r1 l muds5 plea w ha tt O1 easel = m work to t71e easy alts o o1 w Etii it howls Dliei foi t6tevaui tvan I Wl asyber sulks Tkl DO obaumu If pour dcslrtbssuSaopptr705CClaa sotdb7 11 t tJ I y t t I fl I l I ti J I 1 Mr 7lg JH1c I Dyspepsiu Mr Judge Pook Toll How She Wo Curod iiKiiii from UtieiiU WI4 IHa Ut III lolm lllt Iran blue I II V tarn nut vl JuJ lXkKiliU > e tTr > < rf4l uhU < i nN l ruQUKl l wlUi Ue AlKKUfel I I Hf a dp oi ul irnu fur lb > uat 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kinds of U HUE B El IR TJ BUILDING MAT IAL axu MINING B TIMBERS E or Tlla Lowest TIIPli es T3 Rustic and T and G Flooring lied or White Iiue one or one and onefourth Inch FINISHING LUMBER AND LATH hull stuck kept at yards In Coalvillc S3TIeave orders In Coilvllle or 1coa JAS WELSH Prop I Glo blliher e a r SQOp S I I 1 Shop on Lower Main Street Hot and Cold Baths Everything First t Class Shaving Ticket llio for lioo JOHN SHERMAN Proprietor HEBER GUNN Sheep liispeclo1l SUlllmit CO 1ostoflice udiltcMS lloytsvillc Summit County Utah I HENRY SHIELDS ATTON Park City W0 tiiumiii A > winia MAGINNIS WEBER I tR1Elts gnus IV UI tuJ < n Itct Loo a Troit Oomnoy aultdia CODES UTAH hwj > COAL COAL COAL GRASS CREEK COUt Until further notice only POI tOll 200 Nut Coal pot Load 00 AT THE MINE Hopltin Williams HCHO UTAH To Settlers Have you made final proof ou your land yet W V I Smith Cojlvllle county clerk of Summit county will tell t you how you cu ave inoiuyiii 10 doing If you address him TLDlli L CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER IUui and Specifications 1ur iilsheil on Application UNDERTAKER A 0011I111 le llno ot Uiulcrtulini Goods AUXVCYW O NW 1 t A1i1D + SU IIIT COUNTY MJIIIIILE WORKS FOR CEMETERIES A HOME ENTERPRISE CHAS II WEST loytiville Snininit Co Utah n PEOA HOUSE FIRST CLASS ACCOdMODA ION FIRST ACCOtfMODATIOHS OR TOURISTS AND TRAVELER 0 Rates In Keeping With the Times Mrs Lydia E Walkers Proprietress TP3HOA Summit County Utah r o HAim TOUIL Und Altlit all II Attorney 1001 SALT LAICS CITY uTAlI Ani1 11 Utlen Miirreliie rd wlllirl lin IIIBIM > W iuki r lur riJIr ami tuiulib dliiim 1 f e ln land opus lor f ulir laiLiCMiriiAiiwinr W1LI lau Agrul anti Attorney Br I sits tool lust UulUlif ALT UKII CITT IIT4U Uururnetl 10 KUNIS l Creu asd7uedalrU Yb1Iopt ao4151 Pat sot buuwrcodtYt4lur Meorer It OuI1 Ornet Ornourt U nren ors I i frrirM tr Chad IhVN S Irma nom W eao0 C SNS modelww r was Jeurlp s i I tlo0 N drIMlpa I oiObl or nut r Yf 3ihrI UYrINol dUIII pIMtlaulaJ MN sn YI wtra Td r lM UU IV 1uaoune cora l 1f HOI lite Adilrra CASNOWCO 1 op earls 011 Wselrtsre O n n n n Cash Bargain Store DUALUU J IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Except Groceries COALVILLE UTAH h New Departure Wf toHisc to t ilo awir with the Credit Syitrm and well Strictly fur CASH OR PRODUCE At Prices Hint Defy Competition A CLEARANCE SALE In Mime of the line ue carry Call slid examine them Coo W Robt Young Wansnip TI3E TIMES H Job Printing Department I r = IS COMPIJ TBS C COAL Q A GOAL L mm ON HAND AT TIIE WASATCH MINE I1111 > 9 = 200 Stove = z 150 Tiu s LoiI L a cd Poh11JII tIJ yNu N Velar U I PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY X1HOME COAL CO |