Show JIIRU1TJClS Tbluiprlucuf IrrlKitlnn andlhi > bit m thud and ni aiuli to bring It 1 Into f Dral ill lhrouhoutth cx > iiutry li Ucoujlnjt < < Inure aud mom manlfrit I Tb dli > aldi l lll Ul Ibat miitluud hot wuthr > nddroub hays 111111 ilia to 111 farinatlon ol rat Irrltatloa raupadlci Ntbraika No ln I thin three Ald lIctuol tneorporatlou In 1111 offlc ol 10 HcrtUry of that Stal lait WMk Fariaira and Mirtbanti Irrigation Irri-gation and Land Co pany 01 North flail atI out with a capital cfW 000 The pilnelpal builntu will 1 to ccnitruvt a itrlc of aqnrducli and canal for lb purpoii of l walirlnc Ibo hnJ In and about Llucolo county I The Iarnmn Irrigation Company and the FumefrNd llurcuinU Irrl > llon Company am the natne bl Ibe otbor two Thilrobjict will U to uo the waur ol tIe Flail liter fur thli purpoi by muni of canal to and about Damon 1 C I0 I plle1 at eialy The espltal sloek t00p and 7610 epastlel7 It will oly U a qulM el s1wrl time when faiinri mpo ixl I1 I ahdliiu I n the BMhtar hew tb baTfti to e tbilr crop tbro iti |