Show Till JlIJIIIItTJOS Th Ilildinl hu aSliod tli ililn > thlodlu appropriation bill lurolo p and Ib prllulnary Up will t ill throw 011 about WOO < U takrn to 11 op acruol Indian irmvallon land TLe UnOl Utah willripiromtbopntug et thrr lard ean baldly Ilitnst5 I TtiT lbunul lUISIIi gltiilh fotlw let I U Hit I wl Ip til proc dar Tin lglilallon lolhililuK Ih Optll log et l lh rwrvtlon wai attaelo1 to Hi IndUn appropriation 1 1411 at a lUir tit utlfln l nir nur lining loon Introduce liy IWefnU Hawllni In Hi Han s a iparaUblll TLIld111 It dlrctrd apwlnt Ikrro nuililou m who duly It lUII U U > IU Uud ln > erIty 1IIp Uncoiitpaliii sad 1real wllk tlit Ilnlah Uli for a nllii quUlnif iJ Ihilr tight The ir fox mlMlnr M to rrrlv toni aalloii al tn 1r day 1 and ate anlhotlid loap I point a clik and flu 111 aalary I utbjKt to Disapproval of the Scrlrr dtlir llrior A sour or mr application fur ap lnuintto tI 115 rotiiuiliilon riblpi ar < alradf on flit at Wahlugton Tin appllcnt ar natty nil rildnliol Kaitrn SIIlhe only Ulonlun o far 55 known heist 01 Beauult and J Whttbad III Ulhm1 tb Kail era uii will tint lhs iliungut M iir and otue the Ill t D1rgsia lUwlltii In iplatiili lb > coin ol prordui to W putiiid Uld ytlrday that Ills couimlMlon 111 linturllitly Ibty wr appoint would roiauinc Hi wrath 01 sIbling linJiln Mvtally to lhUucompahiri Tb Uncuiapabgrai > tiod loiuch llol < tunl by a liaty ulrot lulu In 1H80 Aivon as the 1101111 bat Iwru mad 110 timmliilontr will 10 11511 Utli Ktrrttaryot the Interior and Its rin > lndroltblandi will lbs U ihroouDpcl Mr Itawllni Iblntillill will Lo ale cto1 willilu l it than a JU Tb cuiutuliiluniri will thin tinil lib lb Ululabilurth I rlluiuUhuitnt o1 Ibtlr ilibli Thl trIU 115 wru > lisl t tUVintah iMrnllou 1MJ uJ Ibilr till aulicil by ivcupaory mint tltluialibrd by Ih lIoY l tnniut Tbiy will doubtltii i > cl monry ron > sdJratlus1a44nlbn I 1nd8n M irtfiy Whn tb Itruii bay teen gtee1 uim Ile romiuiMlonin will t < ut tb Itiaty wblcli In Ikli 1e rust U 15111151 I by Conp1 Alliil Ill wllli r5tulre tluif and It may U I that two yeas will olapr l lor th 1lnlab land will Ihitwu oa |