Show Additional State News Dollar Devaluing Hailed as Spur To Gold Mining Industry of West January Exits MEDICAL HELP With Ground Free of Snow GROUP FORMS t 9 ' - M OGDEN—With exclamations of "hasn't this been the most wonderful January" and "I've never beautiful winter seen such weather In Utah” January rtiado at its exit Wednesday midnight with no anow on the ground sete in Ogden record ting an for mildness Snow has fallen during the month but it has disappeared almost immediately And there haa been rain which eliminate the possibility of a record for dryness In 1919 there was merely a trace of precipitation during January but the temperature-the- n fell below that maintained throughout most of January this year Jhe temperature has been far above normal during the month' as was the temperature during December and November' 'Organization Will Care for Persons on Relief Rolls OGDEN— A medical and dental service will be launched Thursday mornlnj by the Ogden medical relief nucleus of which is organization THuIlt around committee appointed recently to perfect the organization tt was announced Wednesday by J Howard Jenkins manager of relief activities At meeting Wednesday Bight In the office t Dr L S Mer-iil- l president of the Weber County Medical association it was pointed out only those on relief rolls may be accorded medical service Plana of the organization call for medical care to 'be limited to the borne- - with no hospitalization or Bursing charges allowed dor patients in hospitals On ’the permanent committee formed January 20 are Mr Jenkins "Dr S W Badcon county physician Dr Merrill Dr A W Petty pres dent of the Weber County Dental association Keith Wahlquist superintendent of Weber county schools Mrs J T Rushmer chairman of the subcommittee of the women's C W A LOGAN— Street Supervisor James division Mrs Ruth Mumford pub- Sorenson reports completion of the lic health and nurses' supervisor and C W A project in Logan canyon near Claude Wheeler representative of the city dam where the road was Mho federal emergency relief admlnls-"Iratlo- n widened and a new bridge put in Mr Sorenson reports material ’ Both the county medical and dertal cost $78821 and M R Hovey secre iocietles approve the plan of the Logan chamber of com “ Authorization for medical and den- tary merce and county C W A projects tal service must coma from the re- reports the total cost was more than lief organization through disbursing $11000 orders to patients Special orders Mr Sorenson reports that 291 sacks will ha necesesary for expensive den- of cement were used 100 cubic yards and tal work the relief office will pay of gravel and sand 39 bushels of lime fees In accordance with a uniform Total of fill was 7824 cubic scale adopted by all organizations yards yardage Rock masonry In wall totaled involved in the plaq 08 cubic yards and the fill in reservoir 470 cubic yards Following is the itemized cost for material: Cement $25638 lime $2416 lumber for bridge forms $12284 reinforcement steel bars $12310 coal $748 powder $25045 Mr Sorenson aiso reports that durPROVO— Supervision of the varl-euthe work 90 single hands were ing Provo city departments will be di- employed with 31 teams and men vided the same this year as last year It was decided - Mayor A O Wednesday Smoot will head the public affairs and finance and the public aafety departments which were headed last year by Mayor Jesse H Ellertson LOGAN—Work of cutting a hole Commissioner James L Snydefr will wall of the middle room of gain take charge of the atreets and in tha office for a window public improvements department and the sheriff's Commissioner Walter Whitehead started Wednesday the Cache counthe waterworks and Irrigation depart- ty commission approving the project ment and the parka and public prop- kite Tuesday The room has been without a window end it is expected erty departments W Conover former deputy it wilt be utilized as the joint county Utah county assessor and member of and Logan city fingerprint bureau the PrOvo city achool board was when it is established here named city aexton Wednesday He Sheriff Jeff Stowell Chief of Posucceeds Joseph T Giles who has lice M Carl Poulter and Patrolman Russell Knowles were In Salt Lake held this position since 1921 over fingerprint Henry Brown Of Provo was selected Tuesday looking equipment and conferring with R H as chief deputy wstermaater to Charles Penrodwho also has Wootton superintendent of 'the state served since 1922 Mr Brown has bureau of criminal identification on been an employe of the city Irrigation the establishing of a local office ' No equipment was purchased while NT department several year on the trip and it Is expected that N the officers will do more "looking -- gold development on a scale surpassing anything known in recent years in the opinion of Walter Bradley head of the California division of mines Payment of a premium for the metal could not alone provide the impetus needed Bradley said before the necessary capital could be recruited to finance the increasingly costly production of gold some degree of price stabilization was needed plus some assurance that the gold price would remain at its present advantageous level fop some time to come Both these factors are in a considerable degree supplied by the administration fixing the gold eontent of the dollar at 59 06 per cent of its formed weight and setting the price yel-lo- BUILDING CODE Road Widening GEK APPROVAL Work Finished iuick Solution of Jurisdictional Fights Urged by Roosevelt I Heads Unchanged s Work Launched On Police Bureau -- P' suc-cee- d -- Secretory of Trails Association — ground" to Speak 7 Besides the fingerprint equipment the officers giso are contemplating WASHINGTON Jan 31 MV-- A code tor the construction industry rated the nation's second largest in normal times was approved today by President Roosevelt and will become effective February 27 over every formof building from roads to skyscrapers The president In approving it renationquested that the al construction planning and adjustment board take Immediate steps to find a solution for jurisdictional disputes the interunion squabbles which in the past have tied up millions of dollars’ worth of work While labor groups fought over which one should do some part of the building work The new board will be half labor halt Industrial with 20 members under leadership of a presidential apIts creation with supplepointee mentary regional boards and other measures for safeguarding labor interests ended a four months’ deadlock over the code code-creat- Pioneer Aeronaut Scientist Dies NEW YORK Jan 31 Wellman 75 pioneer aeronaut and scientist died today after an Illness of three months Wellman was noted principally as having been the first man to attempt to cross the Atlantic ocean by air He and a crew of five took off from Atlantic City for London in 1910 in tha dirigible America but after 79 hours the airship settled to the water and the steamship Trent picked up the aeronauts Wellman earlier had made several attempts to reach the north pole afoot and by airship WV-Wal- ter Bean Growers to Meet tha purchase of some photography qulpment to take pictures of the PROVO— John D Giles Executive criminals when arrested Sheriff and Trails Western of the Secretary Stowell has already put moneyjn his Landmarks assoclatkm will bt the budget for the purchase of his equiplunchnoon at the speaker Thursday ment and the commission has eon meeting of the Provo Kiwanis authorized Chief clty Poulter to stand for Club at tha Hotel Roberts half of tha expenses Mr Giles will explain work being ' carried on this association how and by I preserving early landmarks of Saturdajrin Denver ut "DENVER Jan 31 100 members of the Rocky Mountain Bean Dealers’ association will meet here Saturday afternoon to discuss the Pinto bean marketing agreement formulated In Washington H G Mundhenk secretary of the organization said today V"' the west G G Wilson of Greeley vice presiwill preside at the meeting George STBalllf will discuss the dent Busj Article "Kiwanis Heads In a Hew which will be at the chamber of comin the January issue of the merce x In the absence of L W "Kiwanis magazine and Secretary OGDEN—The Weber county board Vanvleetxpenver president MundClayton Jenkins of the Provo chans-- - of education Wednesday at 730 p m henk said x - her of commerce will tell how the In the board offices The association's membership InIn Ogden will take ' club can help the chamber Ip Its work up a plan to reduce transportation costs cluded dealers In Colorado New MV-Abo- -- Slash in School Jt Cost Planne Lack of Snow Brings Worries to Farmers of Weber county school students about Mexico Wyoming Montana Texas and Idaho 20 per cent Board members believe school transportation costs comprising net Claims Youngest as much as that expend- College ed for county teachers' salaries can be Teacher— Days reduced by revising the transports tlon system Many bus contracts ex plre at the end of this school year and ITHACA N Y Jan 31 W--The it la believed a revision will be pos- youngest college instructor on record is Master Tommy who was 20 days sible next year The total per student school operat- old when he took his job at Cornell ing cost in Weber county was $7140 university and who today at ttye age in 1932-3- 3 while in Ogden city it was of 60 days is known as "tha $3602 The state average lor the Master Tommy is a baby loaned to same year was $8359 One factor making Weber county's the college of home economics to cost higher was transportation which teach girls in the- - "practice house1 for the present achool year! budgeted how to become good mothers The at $27322 or about $749 per student “practice house” is an apartment In which six to a dozen girls live at a time Each girl Is "mother" to the P-- T A Sponsors Move baby for a week The girls taka this - Visits to Schools course to qualify for teaching y one-fourt- h JUNCTION— An inspection was made on tha range between Thompy son creek and Monroe canyon 28 and 28 and shows snow meat- urements from four to 18 inches At ‘ the same elevation and about the 4tame dates In 1933 It was from fen Inches to three feet Duo to the limited amount of snow on the water-“ehelocal farmers are worried end "Wonder if sufficient water will be ' available to mature their crops Jan-Jiar- lr 18 Y U Orchestra to Play 4et At Utah Stake Tabernacle PROVO— Brigham Young symphony orchestra directed by Professor LeRoy J Robertson will make its first public appearance Thursday at 7:30 p m in the Utah L D S stake tabernkcle Unusual Interest attaches to the or ' Tganr "Sonata IrrB ' Minor recently composed by Professor Robertson ' which will be played Keeler of by Provo Mr Keeler recently returned from Europe where he scored an un- usual success: unlver-—'llty- -- JJ 60 For local Parent-Teec- h er association officers have devised a new plan of activity for the association this year dr for-- r small' group of parents each week to visit the various departments of Beaver schools The parents are to feel free to ask ques Uons and to enter Into class discussions After the visit the parents will write their impressions The-plan- Mt Pleasant Postal M Men Cleaner Girls Receipts Show Rise Arrange Banquet Dance - - MT TREMONTON-T- he PLEASANT— Postal receipts M Men and showed Gleaner Girls of the Bear River L -- iore than 10 per cent increase in D & stake are planning a banquet 1933 over 1932 and dance Saturday In the Garland The receipts for each quarter In ward recreation hall 1932 and 1933 respectively follow: Carl Cooke and Mary Dewey presiTint quarter $105872 and $111240 dents of the two organizations have second quarter (79744 and $107182 arranged an Interesting program third quarter $88260 and $986 50 Reeder Waldron will be toastmaster iourth quarter $138378 and $151386 Dancing will follow the banquet Jo tala $412251 and $488458' SCOUT DRIVE OPENS HEW MEMBERS INITIATED LOGAN— Scbut Executive Preston RICHFIELD— Initiation of 42 new W Pond announced a Stday recruit' members into the local chapter of ru- ing campaign started Wednesday in pture Farmers was held in the Richfield the Cache Valley Boy Scout council high actjpol auditorium Wednesday In keeping with the pledge secured The new members were by Walter M Everton of Logan from —morning presented with the official pins by the scouters of this council Mr John R Adams chapter advisor Scott Everton got the pledge of 425 scoutHawley chapter member addressed ers at the recent scout banquet The the 115 members present drive will last until March 2 4 -- iat the Mt Pleasant postoffice -- ' -- v I r A ’ Sudden death at tha Presidio San Franof Ollbert Prlel 67 native of Sprlns-vlll- e waa announced In a telegram received Monday by Mrs John W Ouy of Salt Lake slater of Mrs Prlel Mrs Ouy haa cone to the coest city to attend the obsequies Mr Prlel wae apparently In splendid health and was stttlna at the breakfast table Monday reeding a newspaper when he suffered the attack and died In a few minutes Mr Prlel had spent a larsa part of his life In the federal aovernment service He spent 15 years In the Philippine Islands as a postal Inspector For the past 10 years he had been In Ban Francisco at the Pre ildlo Surviving are hla widow Mrs Emma Molr Prlel whom he married at Provo two sons and a daughter Gilbert Jr Kent and Louise Prlel a sister Mrs Hannkh Davit Salt Lake and two brothers Garnett Prlel Sprnlgvllle and Charlea Prlel San Pran-clec- o cisco At the old produced at low cost value of $2067 an ounce California Logan produced nearly $2000000000 worth CLIFFORD OROTLL OBRAY SO Paradise 28 Lilian JEAN McCANN of gold and Bradley says only a little more than half its potential dePreston Idaho posits have thus far been recovered LEORAND JOHNSON 2 Newton Utahl Hence the potentially recoverable LOKtE KEBLEH 22 Cove Fort Utah gold still remaining in the soil of Based on the new price California BIRTHS the state on the face of Bradley’s fig- JOHNSON— Donald and Irma Asay John 72 Hollywood son ures still might produce some avenue daughter TURNER — Harry Raymond wnd Viols Harworth of gold riet Burkman Turner 6 Eaat Sixth South The large quartz mines have street daughter Albert Wesley and Myna Price reached a depth where the cost of DAVIS— Davis 1771 Redondo avenue son getting the ore to the surface Is ajone DENNIS — Donald Brandburg and Alta Pay Dennis 343 't West South Temple street a considerable item Two properties daughter the Kennedy and the Argonaut are WORSLEY— Alma and Klea Evana Woraley I 124 'Apricot street daughter more than a mile deep-Htdeepest MINZELL— and Melva Smith Sheron I purely gold mines on the North 2318 Seventh Eaat street aon PLANT— Leonard Nells and Hilda Dreckael American continent Plant 32 Eighth Eaat atreet daughter ' Jesse L Smith 4 BPAN1SH PORK— Harmon B Hales lifelong resident of Spanish Pork died early Wednesday In a Salt Lake hospital where ha was taken January 24 to receive MALSTROM— Puneral services for Vera treatment for a lingering lllneas Malstrom 18 daushter of Mra Edward He wes born here August 13 1870 a son L Malstrom will be conducted Thursof Charles and Frsnoe Bruanard Hale He day at Ip m In tha Grant ward chapel married Hannah Boyack In the Manti L D Bbfiop J Ephraim Wahlquist offlclat-l- nt 8 temple November 34 1887 jfe waa active Frtenda mar call at the flower In the L D 8 Fourth ward room In the mortuary 38 Eaat 7th He la survived by hie widow and all sons South Wednesday and at tha home 125 ahd daushter Robert I Hales tnd Mrs East street South (4th Thursday from Jessie Peel Magna Darrell F Hales Span10 a m to 1 p m Intermant will bo ish Pork Mra Myrl Davis West Los In ths West Jordtn cemetery under tho Cal and Harry H Hales Akron direction of the Deseret mortuary Ohio serving the past 1 months as a mis8MITHEN— Puneral services for William sionary for the L D S church Pruet Smlthen will be held Friday at He la also survived by elaht grandchildren 2 p m In the 25th ward chapel under and all brother! and alatera Wells Hales direction of Bishop Joseph McPhre and Mrs Minnie Bates of Diamond Prank Friends mar call at the residence 1081 Hales and Mrs Jennie Wearing Idaho EdWest 3rd South Thursday from 4 until ward Halea Spanish Folk and Mrs Carotil line Woodward Salt Lake Friday from 10 a m 8pm1 30 and The bodr la at the Claudln funeral home p m Interment In City cem-etc- ry direction Larkin mortuary and funeral arrangements will be an nounced later Order Puts U f4 Cement Burial Vaults Jetaa L Smith 75 former resident of C OLXB ROB Clair William Lee o r Ig I na dVtlVrV) waterproof Salt Lake’ and Garfield died Sunday of cement burial vwultt n N it w $397 J -heart attack while vlutlng with a dauah TOOELE-ClfWilliam Let ft aon of ter Mrs E D Burlingame of Seattle L Henry tlrand Vivian JOHNSON BROS Lee died improved cement burial Wash said word received In Balt Lake at the family home hereBracken vaults waterproof 1144 Main Hv 2509 Tuesday midnight Wednesday He had been visiting In Beattie following a three weeks’ illness from meninfor the past several months- - and had been gitis He had been 111 since Christmas but 111 slnte the latter part of August did not develop menlngitli symptoms until Mr Smith waa born In Farmington Id three weeks aco Tuesday: J 1858 and had lived In Salt Lakeland Oar-Hel- d He was born November 24 1929 and he for many yeara Prior tp moving to Is aurvlved by here his parents and five MothMjn-ae- ll Seattle he lived In Boise Idaho two yeara ers wnd sisters Don Lyman Charlie Lila Surviving are seven daughters Mrs Bur- and Joan Lee and by his Weather conditions January 31 1034: lingame of Beattie Mrs Ida Green of Salt Ur wnd Mrs Charles Bracken grandparents all of Tooele A moderately Lake Mrs Minnie Bird of Amerlckn Palls ttrong high covers tho Funeral services will be conductedln the BOUNDER— Arnold and Ethel Lena Gar- Idaho: Mra Rita Gibb of Canada Mrs Tooele L D 6 North ward plateau and Intermountaln region with ths chapelFrldav rard Bollnder 253 Weat Brooklyn av- Meryle Goodrich of Brldgeland Utah Mrs at 1 p m with burial In Tooele clily cem- iltheat preasurea over northern Utah and Leon Borup of Boise enue aon and Mrs Jennie etery Friends may call at the smith fu- Yellowstone Park Generally fair weather FINLAYSON — Qlen A a rdf n and Mina Wett-- r Terry- - of Canada7 five aona this high throughout the west alJesse Smith neral home from 2 until 9pm10 Thursday attends stein Ptnlayjon 84S Ninth Last street of Rupert Idaho Dewey 6mlth of Canada and at the family home from though there was a little precipitation In son Oreaon and Washington Temperatures ars Hyrum Smith and Joseph Smith of Mount til time lor the services Friday OUILD— Bruce William and Alta lone Miller Emmonds Utah and LeOrande Smith- - of mostly above normal A broad depression Boise 41 grandchildren Guild 280 B atreet daughter central over the great lakes Is attended and nine greatSEARCY— Eugene Roy Jr and Janet1 Wll grandchildren by milder weather In the middle and eastThomas Teany The body will be takfnno Boise Idaho ern states ion Searcy 10U Hudson avenue ion Idaho-- Mrs BLOOMINGTON SOLT— Dean Mason and Evelyn Brown for funeral an burial Sunday Teany Comparative data for Salt Lake City 88 Thomas 1856 Utah of at died Bolt 425 Blair atreet daughter pioneer Desreee Temperature her home here Tuesday of infirmities inci- Highest —Con and Veva Elisabeth Une-webPENNING 41 temperature today WASHINGTON Jan 31 OP)— dent to age n In this month since 1874 Russell Whiting Gertrude Highest Penning 1(07 Emerson avenue a was In Thom Mrs Denmark born a Lowest Isst night 2 An International gold bullion daughter Russell Oertrude 23 daughter daughter of Mr and Mrs Loren Nelson wnd Lowest this month since 1874 Whiting VeLere —John Alma and PEARSON —3(1 Nepta of Conrad standard is the way treasury exMary Holm Whiting and with her parents crossed the plains by 34 Mean for Stevens Ptaraon 150 Seventh East street formerly of and Salt Lake died at H&perla in 1858 For several the family Normal today 31 daughter perts describe the new monetary Cal of tuberculosis She was lived in Gojhen Utah anayears Tuesday — Grorse later moved to Precipitation Retta and RUSSELL Inches Reynolds born 10 lit Lake Balt 1811 and August position of the United States secPark When Utah the Bear Lake Total precipitation for the 24 hours Ostler Russell 1120 Yale avenue dauah went to California three yeara aco She Hyde was tion The citizen can't demand gold pioneered by members of the L ter 00 ended at m la survived by her parents D 8 curch the family moved to that sec- Total for this pmonth to date Wagner and Lydia Stevens at the treasury He could under PEIRCE— Earl tion wnd Mrs Thomas had lived there Accumulated excess for this month to '147 Peirce 275 Third avenue aon since Her husband J C Thomas died date the old gold standard by present1 KIDD— Kenneth Alexander and Florence Jesse Norman Brown here in 1923 Wall Kidd Maaua daughter Total since October 1 'to date 283 ing a gold certificate OGDEN — Jesse Norman Brown 34 Three sons and daughters survive Mrs Accumulated deficiency since 1 r —Georae LeRoy and 8adle La2 79 ROMRELL Oct The citizen can’t buy gold unfor the radio department of W H Mary Jane Fayler Logan J C Thomas Sun rlers at 7 38 and sets at 6 45 Februe Miller Romrell Masna aon At Bona company died professor of chemistry at the University of ruary 1 1934 and Bernry Archuleda Wrlaht less he has a treasury license to do MIEIRA— Lewla t 13 5 a m at hla home 758Wednesday and D P Thomas Salt Lake and WEATHER West Twenty-thir- d Utah street 71 South Mielra Temple YESTAKE!OBSERVATIONS so He could under the old gold Burton L Thomas Bloomington atreet following g year's lllnexi daughter TERDAY AT 8 P M MOUNTAIN TIME Mr Brown wax born in WlUon April 17 and Margaret 1898 standard BERTOCH— James ’Alton son a of M John Brown 8r Meid and Ann Bertoch ion Granger But the government will both BUCHANAN — Alvin George Dennison He waa married In Oeorge Woodward and Edna Sarah Holmes Brown Lake to Ada Hurst May 14 1920 He OLENWOOD— Alvin buy and sell gold 'Further the Louise Gannett Buchanan Farmington Salt George Dennison waa L D 8 Sixth ward He In active tha of George K and Josegovernment will ship abroad HAU8ERM AN— Arnold and Sarah Ellen was an electrlral contractor for a number phine Larsen tonDennison died here Tuee when it is considered necessary to Clark Hauserman 034 Navalo street ion of yeara but had been In charge of the day of pneumonia The child waa appardepartment at Wright’s store five ently In good health Monday but Tuesday THOMP80N—Allred Reid and Mary Smart radio settle international exchange balThompson 134 Herbert avenue daughter rears Mr Brown was a grandson of Cap- morning he became ill ances He was born here August 21 1933 STERZER— Walter George and Freda Re- tain Jesse Brown one of tha founders of He li eurvtved by his parents The gold so shipped will be in new Colver Sterser 52 South Seventh Ogden are the widow and three aoni Surviving aon Weat atreet Funeral arrangements will be announced bullion form not coin That is LEAHY— Daniel Henry and Virginia Gib- Philip Donald and Richard Brown Ogden later the father and 10 brothers and slaters Mrs the explanation of the phrase son Leahy 24 Eaat Broadway aon Mr E H Spencer Mrs L PEPPER— William Allred and Gall Maxine A J Cully "international gold bullion standStoker William J H and John M Charles De Armand Peffer 214 Eighth East street aon ard" LEWIS — Oeorge Edward and Gladys Louise Brown Jr Roy Herbert A Brown Malad VEOAS Nfv — Charles de Armand Joseph Lamb Portland Ore Benia- 73 LAS Orllflth Lewis 13 Third East atreet Mrs of Las Vegas for the past resident min O Brown Salt Lake and Mrs John daughter several months was found today In White Oadm WOOLLEY— Parley Clark and Penlne Viola ftn the Montana hotel a room AcTuesday 2 Funeral 30 will services be conducted it Wrathall Woolley 53 Third Eaat atreet m Sunday In the L D 6 Sixth ward cording to hli friends he ate a hearty daughter He was found dead a abort time breakfast home Friends call at of the Kathchapel may CARMAN— Richard Remington and Hla death was caused by heart dislater Mra John F White 759 Twenty-terine Elisabeth Oalpln Carman 37 North ahird daushterstreet ease according to Coroner Frank M Ryan Saturday afternoon and Second West street aon of Services until time and Irene Sunday Lloyd HUFFAKER— Stephen BAW SUGAR Interment will be In Ogden city cemetery 1828 Laks atreet Llndberc Huffaker NEW YORK Jan 31 (AP— Raw sugar under direction of Lindquist it Sons waa unchanged today but refiners who have HANSEN— Albert and Edna May Henstrom been holding off for the past day or two Hansen 558 Strlnsham avenue dauah- Isabell Blaln Allred ' showed a little more interest with sales reof at least 45000 bags of Porto WASHINGTON Jal 31 WV-Go-ld and Eva Duena Christensen Isabell Blaln SPRINO CITY-- Mr d ported lican In February positions and 180000 avenue aon 73 died early Wednesday at the resithat was worth $4029100000 at 3 Lee 1018 Bryan MOSS— Barr and Winifred Raa Wrlaht dence of her daushter Mra Nell Nyberg bags of Philippines lor February-Marc- h m today jumped in value by al- Moss 725 East Twenty-fir- st South street She wee 111 six year shipment at 8 25c Futures developed a steadier tone after She waa born at Carlyle Cumberland most $3000000000 at 3:10 p m with daughter May 1 180 a daushter early declines Iwith the market closing net county England the signing of the devaluation order Losan— Mr and Mra Melvin E Sorenson of John and Isabell Graham Blaln Her unchanged to point higher Bales were 8100 tons At one College son Mr and Mrs A W Jensen parents embraced the L D 8 church and net losses of 9 to 4 time the market showed by President Roosevelt points under tired long Junction daughter Mr and Mra after the death of her fathar the mother The tremendous increase 'In value Cache and liquidation scatered selling by commisand Mra sent three children to Utah with miaalon-arle- s Kenneth Thompson aoni Mr Mr and Mra Ouy and earns later with ecven email chil- sion houses brought the dollar worth of the coun-try’- Georgs Speth JrMr aon The reaction uncovered a few stop orders m and Mr John E An- dren crossing ths plains la an Olsen son: but after their execution the market ralgold to approximately $6851-00000- 0 drews aon Mr and Mra F T Alder In 183 STOCKMEN TO ELECT lied and retained all the early losses on Tata D lived in had Charlrs She Mra retchand line Mr Spring City daughter and trade buying against aalea in FORK-T- he Mr and Mrs 8 W Yonker ing Utth and had been an active L D I covering SPANISH ‘Spanish Exact figures were not available daughter: Mr the spot market Closing prices were at end Mra Merl W Brown church worker being one of the flret coun- tha best of the session Fork Livestock association will elect since gold purchased by the Recon- daughter Keith Mathewe daugh- selor in the Y L M T A and second eon Mr and Mr 1 Last March 151c bid: bid 40q May Mr tnd Mra Carl G Peterson twins counselor In North Sanpet L D B stake new directors Saturday at 2 struction corporation for about 0 ter 1 ftftfil 60c September 1 00c Decem- three son and daughter Mr and Mr Percy Quin-ne- y Relief society In the latter offlca she waa July ber ! 85c bid January 1 00c bid p m at the city hall Articles In the waa not Included In the presiaon Mr and Mrs Waldo Peteraon actlvt 20 years was Refined s unchanged at 430e for constitution and 18 1880 will be she was married to dent’s executive order nor was the eon Mr and Mra Adrian W Hatch ton theNovember late Blshopp Samuel Allred In the Salt fine granulated with a moderate inquiry amended Melvin I Smith ton Mr and Mr reported gold bought by federal reserve banks Endowment house Spring City— Mr and Mra Bernard Lake Two daushter survive Mrs MeD Wybera daughter acting as tha treasury’s agent during Schofield Nlelton and Mrs Eva Erickson Monroe— Mr and Mrs Orlen Spring City 10 the last two weeks The amount of daughter BUSINESS Mr and Mr Harold Slmonsen grandchildren DIRECTORY eight PROFESSIONAL and two brothers Joseph Blaln and James of this gold was not made public nor son LEADERS was the reason for its exclusion from Cleveland—Mr and Mrs E R Erickson Blaln Funeral services will b conducted In the '°Escalante— Mr and Mr T Arthur Kin L D S chapel Saturday at I p m the president's order to — Qualified at Cedar City ton Marlon and Sarah Junction— Francl You Better Serve E M Barbara Davis Aon Allen Mamum damhter ALTONAH— Funeral servlets for Mrs Barbara E Mooney Davis 01 who died at DEATHS her home here Friday ware conducted Foot Specialists Abstractor CROOKSTON— Iiabella Crooketon 40 125 In the L D S chapel Sunday with burial abdominal burns Janu-ar- y In tha Altonah city cemetery et food loans Expert DR A GOOD prop titles Sego avenue HANSEN 202 Boyd Psrk bide Mra Darla the wife of Warren E Davis W 20 404 6692 Hi omer Tbos 8 8t title man W 2679 82 chiropody treatment jl 8 51 Eut Jr was born In Rome Oa October 8 HANSEN— Kiraten Hendrlekton Assayers CARSON CITY Nev South street cerebral hem- 1872 a daughter of Mf and Mrj James Jan 31 Thirty-nint- h Furriers M 17 to In 181 shs moved Spanish ALONZO P' BARDWELL 20 yrs Colo orrhage — JanuarySummer 41 49S2 South PorkMooney (UP)— James McKay wealthy Ne- SUMMERS where aba lived until 1914 when she 25 yre Ut 15 8 W T Exp Was 49 Irene Jan-uarGENEVA C Hicks 'The Best In Furs at tha broncho-pneumon- ia moved here vada mining man and Bill Graham State atreet Box 152 P O Beat Prices" 828 Fast 1st 80 28 Mrs Davit with her father her son well-know- n Pacific coast sportsman WILSON— Hv653jj 152-- 4 Waa 119 Bo Temple atand Mary Ann Wilon SS days 1547 srwnddaughter and Reno night club operator were Lincoln avenue mitral lnsutflclency Jan- tended a gathering a month ago at Salem d 8 COWAN Mar Sample by mall receive Furnaces honor of five living generations prompt mention 180 8 W T Waa 4114 arraigned In federal court here today YOUNd —Clella McCready Young 49 Ill In Besides la survived by her husband HARRIS DUDLEY PLUMBING COl on charges of being accessories to the Sixth East street endocarditis Janu- her father who reeldessheat Salem three Auto Parts NOW aona Warren E Ill and Daniel J Davis Agents for FOX WARM AIR PTTRNAC--We swindling of three New York state ary 28 Salt Lake and Ray Davis Fillmore: two SOUTH Stats Bt Auto Wreck Co 123 are equipped to lnatall and rep all residents daughters Mrs Ruth Davis Bowers Nephl 8o State H 6039 ft 3200 8o State H makes furnaces 143 B 2ndflo W 1093 DIVORCES ASKED and Mra Mary Davis Altonah 14 grand63 We buy ft cell used ctrs truck The pair was released on $10000 children and one Rebuilt batteries tire all sizes makes bond each after arraignment before Helen Whyte Fackrell V Otto B B Fack Hearing Devices KelWallace 669 8o State Was APEX auto Wrecking Federal Judge Frank P Norcroas At- rell noniupport attorney all cars BATTERIES lor tin Batteries Elizabeth parts 494 Betts Snowley for all types of hearing aids Rosa from Ada Rost cruelty attortorneys for the two men said they UTO 8ALVAOE CO Oldest wrecking bouse Western Truss ft App Co Med Arts Bldg OODEN— Mrs Elisabeth Snowley Betts H OMeto Tn Utah 739 Bo Bt Cash for used car widow of Ellla Betts would Waive extradition and would neyOwen former Ogden Babbel from Harry R Babbel 82 resident died Sunday at her home In Los COMPLETE atock New parts for all cars ft Hotel Rooms Jensen voluntarily go to New York City to cruelty attorney Nephl trucks Mendenhall's 26 8 W T W 1 580 according to word received here Donald Cosgrove from Pearl Cosgrove de- Angeles answer the charges April 2 NEW SALT LAKE HOTEL 45 VI W 2nd So Mrs Betts was born on April 18 1851 sertion attorney J R Has In Norfolk Ensland She emigrated to the where folke from Ulnteh basin stay All Automobile Dealers They were alleged in indictments United States In 1871 and settled In Laraoutside rms Hot water Dally 60c up: returned by a New York federal 2 SO up mie Wyo where she was married They MORGAN SUPER MOTOR CO Authorized weekly with bath 4 up DIVORCES GRANTED to Utah In 1899 and aettled In West Ford Dealer 2189 Highland Dr Hv 2180 LAKE Hotel "The Homelike grand jury of having aided in swin- Helen Why ta Fackrell from Otto K Fack moved place" Room Weber where Mr Betts engaged In farmand or with without baths at ape-cl- al SchllM Mr reli apts H and Mrs John Callahan dling nonsupport JHdga Herbert Later they moved ing and atock railing Auto Radiator Repair winter rates 48 P O Place W 10302 to Ogden and resided at 2811 Adams ave of Rochester N Y of $140000 and Donald Wallace NEW UTE HOTEL— Lowest prices In the Cleaned and' Rep! Ooegrove from Pearl Cosgrove de- nua until eight years aso when they moved RADIATORS Mrs K H Beeson of New York City sertion Judge Allen O Thurman Weld ft Rad Wki 60 Bo W T W 8841 to Los Angelea f ACCDMMO-DATIQMr Betts died In 1927 119 North Main 718 Wsa Mra Betts was a member of tha Church of $177000 Auto Repairing of tha Good Shepherd (Eplacopal) and the $3000-00000- 0 The Weather 1 K S Gold Standard Foes of Vaccination Blocked in Germany n Who’s Who Nevadans Named IaN Yr Fraud Case V NEW SUITS FILED Pacific National Life Insurance company Phillip Pranklkt Huber Sr to rescind Insursnee Cheney Jensen & Marr Ten-Ye-ar Samuel Wood a minor by S D Huffaker his guardian ad litem vs Jennie Wood Walker Bank and Trust company on savELY Nev — Ten year of service ins deposits - Attorney William A HU were marked with an appropriate gift tonJ Palmer Sharp F C Savage and when Harry Tamblyn labor leader othere on contract 118881 Attorney Edwin D Hatch left the of the cen Ends vs Service county presidency tral labor council this week He had held th6 office from 1923 through 1933 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Zeman to B V Pack lot and la well known through the state William 11 24 block 1 I plat A for his labor activities Sidney S Mulcock to G D Sparks 1 lot 2 block 21 plat O New officers installed by tha coun- Edmund Kraft to Herbert A Bruen-In- s cil were: Charles Pedlar of Ely presiJr lot 19 block 11 Arlington dent John Beynon Eaat Ely vice Helghtt N Ray Mecham to L M Hlckok lot president C L Dreitzler McGill 9 block 0 plat A five-ac- re and Andy Anderson McGill warden J C Whiteley of the Salt Lake office International Union of Mine Mill By Associated Presi and Smelter Workers was a guest at Fuel oil— A better tone ha appeared the meeting during tha past tew days In tha market to trade oils secretary-treasur- er Trade Trends Boulder-Kingma- n Road Driver Women's Candies Lola Bay Cude Try WILSON— Mrs Lola Bay Cude 5 wife of GLADB Candy Co infer of flnectndles our Humptv Dumpty choc 232 6 5BH843 Edgar G Cude died at the family home here Tuesday night lollowlna a two months' Illness — Mrs Cude waa born In Montgomery ft ADAMS mfr tents canvas goods Texas on November 19 187 a daughter SMITH ft truck covers 235 Edison at W 154 of Joseph and Maggie Montgomery She Tent ft Awn Co mfr waterproof 1 SPURS 1898 In wag married January Longstreet covers tents awns 270 8 W T Texas She joined the L D- - 8 church In 1900 and wae a friend to missionaries In ths Texas mission field Bha came to Utah Chili In 1924 and after living two yearg In Balt Chill ft Tamale since 1901 BRANNINO'S: Lake moved here Retail ft wholesale 10 E 9 So W 711 Surviving are (he husband and three daughters and two sons Mrs Vadna Mat-soCoal 8t Louis Mo Mrs Madge Matson Rexburg Idaho Mrs Lela Kepp Arnold UTAH Fuel Co Judse B W 430 Producer and Edgar Glen Cude all of Ogden The Mount Ogden mortuary la In charge of Castle Oate Coal Stored Bunshlne of funeral artantements LUE S A-- 1 coal saok14Wor ton: klndllni logs flropfaca 87 E 7th So W 3917 Canvas Goods J Earnings Dividends Laundries tulld Surviving arg a daughter Mrs Edith TURPIN OARAOE drat clan mechanics Los Angeles tnd a son Arthur Betts all kinds auto rep 713 Nft2ndWcat Osden five grandchildren Funeral servlcet and Interment will take Automobile Tops Place In Loe Angeles WALT BLOOMFIELD Top ft Glass Co Tops W aa 4519 74 8 2nd E as good as new Anna Sterling Beal REL’S Top-BoShop— Auto glass and 38 OGDEN— Mrs Anna Sterling Beal 12 8 State W 4450 raws wife of Edward Beal of 1070 West Twenty-sixtstret died Wednesday at 2' 10 p m Brokers In a local hospital following an illness of 11 weeks RIDGE ft CO Brokers --Mining stock Mrs Beal waa born In Was3138 Dooly Bldg Williamsburg Colo January 1 1898 a daughter of James Book Binding and Vella Dunamere Baird She was mar-rleIn 1917 They In Rock Springs Wyo made their home In Wyoming aeveyal yeara BOOKS rebound Specialize In Natl Geo binding P P Schaffer 363 8 th E H 7193 and than moved to Helper where they resided until two rears ago when they came Business Colleges to Ogden Surviving are her husband her mother to visit two daughters and a son Marie James and U D 8 Business College Invites rou si 80 North Msln oefi Margaret Beal all of Ogden four brothers their school commercial rour for mu lsteripi and alstera Mra P P Weston and Mra Clinton Herrick Oaden Mra R C Sim-latCafes Cal Baird Balt Lake James Kady Lindquist ft Sons mortuary la In charge OAR BARN CAPE Under new manageof funeral arrangements 601 80 7th E Hr 179 ment Holm for marine fuel according Demand Is more active and interests prlcta are firmer n Pit— lronsentlment-tmarket euggeata general belief that no substantial piokup In buying will develop until March when consumeri will itart ordering auppllea for geeond quarter shipment Cotton goods— Further advances of tie a yard have been put Into effect on several constructions of print cloths according to reports from ttxtllg gelling quarters Copper— Buying abroad continual to Tun at a better rate In the domestic market Consumers here continue apathetic In aplte of predictions of an early asreemant on the Industry’s code Percale — Another advance of Vie a yard haa been adopted teneraUy by corporation Eliza The new price on 80 aquares is Rawlings printers 14 cents for doubled and rolled goods 12 PRE8TON Idaho— Eliza J Rawlings 74 11 Vt cents for 84-and died cents for M-7In Preston Monday night home her at 19 cents for 60-- 48 of Illness Incident to age She waa born at Mill Creek Utah April 15 1859 and waa a pioneer eettler a few years latef at Preston 8he waa married to Jamea Rawlings of Freatoa who' died many years ago NEW YORK Jan 11 (API— Jfet profits Three sons survive: James R Rawlings of the Commercial Investment Trust com- Preston: Eddls I Rawlings Falrview: Marpany for 1933 amounted to 17474394 com- vin A Rawlings Lewiston Utah: three sillers Mrs Jennie Gooch 8alt Lake Mrs pared with $5719775 In 1832 PITTSBURGH Jan II (API— Indicative Elizabeth Bronson Paul Idaho Mra Aiof a steady upward trend la the steel bust-ne- med Nellson Preston Funeral aervleea were conducted Wednesthe National Steel corporation reported today a nat profit for 1931 of 13 ItJ-4- 0 day In the L D 8 First ward chapel equivalent ta II 30 a share on 2154332 Burial wae In Falrview City cemetery under the direction of the Hendricks mortushares of common aleck The figure represented more than a ary Increase over 1932 when the profit waa 9192819 or 77 cents a share Ban BERLIN jan 3i W— Premier HerExtension Being Planned mann Wilhelm Goering of Prussia today decreed tha dissolution of orLAS VEGAS Nev— The road conganizations opposed to vaccination In necting the Boulder dam with King-maPrussia Ariz will be extended soon acThe police were Instructed to seize to word received here A conall tha property and literature of cording such societies All public sntivacci-natio- n tract for another 108 miles in addiactivities are forbidden in the tion to the original contract for three will be bid on February 1 future and certificates of exemption miles from ysccination no longer are to be This stretch of the road is the most difficult of the entire highway It granted except by doctors’ orders in will Include one bridge 160 feet long extreme cases and several cuts of from 50 to 90 feet in length The road now used leads ROOSEVELT DANCES HELD over high mountains Completion la LAS VEGAS Nev— Las Vegas and Boulder City joined in celebrating the promised by the end of 1935 president's birthday Tuesday night Two dances were given in Boulder Taxi Injured City in conjunction with a motion In Crash at Las Vegas free to to tickets all picture buying the dance A bazaar was given MonLAS VEGAS Nev—D W Eggers day night by members of the St Andrew’s Catholic church People of taxicab driver was reported recovLas Vegas gave a big dance in honor ering in a Las Vegas hospital Monday of the occasion from injuries euffered Sunday in an automobile accident on the Boulder AKMY OFFICE TO SPEAK highway OGDEN—Captain Edward T Eggers was Injured when he drove of the Thirty-eightinfantry into a ditch to avoid a jmllision with regiment at Fort Douglas Salt Lake another machine Hia car rolled 90 SAN FRANCISCO 91 fAP— The will discuss national defense before feet and he was thrown through a Standard Oil companyJanof California dethe regular quarterly dividend of 25 the Duces club Friday at 8 p m in window He' suffered brain concus- clared cents a share today payable March 16 to - - sion and chest injuries the Hotel Ben Lomond (stockholders of record February 16 h 4 New Dollar Puts U S Gold Value Up Three Billion did Labor Group President old-time- BEAVER-T- he LICENSES On New Kind of Logan Canyon jCity Department MARRIAGE 21 ARTHUR J THURSTON Metropolis Nev JUNE BTEED It Farmington JOHN P MONAHAN 27 Union! OLIVE LAURIIZEN 20 Union SAN FRANCISCO Jan 31 W— Set- 5f the precious metal at $35 an ounce GERALD M RYAN 0 Toledo Ohio C WADE 29 Salt Lake MARY ALTON C MELVILLE 28 Bait Lakes ting the price of gold in terms of dol Bradley said In California largest gold producBENNION 21 Tayloravllle VERNA lars will go farther than any other RICE 21 Balt Lake ing state of the union there are un ORVILLE CLAIRE O BAKER 18 Balt Lake act of the recovery administration to told millions perhaps billions of vlr JOHN V BRtOOS 28 Blaekfoot Idaho JOHNBTON 21 Blaekfoot Iduho providethe mining industry with the gin gold to be mined he declared but LA VON HEY WOOD 21 Salt Lake assurance needed for inauguration of there is relatively little which can be REID BARBARA- MOORE 20 8alt Lake Clyde Rawlins Coal and Wood SERVICE COAL Oo lor service 535 Quality Coal ROYAL LAUNDRY 25 Bo State Wa 2624 Quality and Service MURRAY Laundry Co "More leisure houra for women” 4200 8outh State Hy 6l2f Massage LIEF McMANUS Masseur Wasatch Springs Was 4907 (Men's Departmentlj Moving & P Storage HOUSEHOLD goods packed moved and A fireproof wareshipped anywhere house as clean a your house Long distance moving REDMAN VAN ft STORAGE CO Was 1483 FURNITURE moved to Denver Salt Lake or Cal by bonded experts Everything Insured no crating nec MOLLERUP MOV-IN- O ft STORAGE CO Balt Lake W1SS2 HADLEY TRANSFER ft STORAGE Mov- - Violin WM N MORRIS teacher of violin cornet Orchestra fura 200 E tt 573w! - Wae I- Optometrists W H CUBBISON Columblen Co Scientific eje ekamtuations Optical J35 Main Pop P O Was 630 Photo Studio SAGRIS Photo Studio photo line 174 VI Everything In tha Main Plumbing A Heating SANITARY Plumbing In Jiotwgter hg aye Heating Co 142 Plum A V Vwl ft Rupture Specialists HERBERT DEANE" M D No operation needed Akron metti Med Arts B w 3220 I Sheet Metal 8u-p- SoSrd WestW2650 CARVER Sheet Metal Works: chimney top or extensions etc 13 W BdwTwriaT Dancing Stamps PRIV lesions 33: trial 75c Woodward 246 8 Main Write for catalog W 6012 COMPLETE assortment of sumps albums book for collectors stamp Deseret Mon trot fox wait Cle JACKSON' Book Co 44 E on Bo Temple W 97 I also classes tap ballet W 1009 9 Dentists 4 Structural Steel Scott INDUSTRIAL STEEL ft IRON CO Iron an! DR HUDSON Dr J Thomas 611-1- 2 steel for all purposes: welding Bldg Beta of artificial teeth Beautiful 30 478 W Sold for sums SoW4062 durable Ufe-lla few yeara ago Now only 8 Honest work honest ONION DENT AL'CO 77" prices work guar 212 8 Main W 1120 WASATCH-77DR KEYSOR 2nd floor Boyd Park Bldg PREEN CAB 13 Bn Main Reas prices Was 3954 Taxicab Service '' LEWISTON— Funeral aervleea for Clyde Tools Dressmaking Ban Rawlins son of Horace A fcrhend forged mechanics' tool! ch and Arvilla Housley Rawlins who died at ALTERATIONS costs lirfed fancy costumes Tool Co 177 So State Hr 72M ths family home here Tuesday of pneuJfr n 8tromne 444 8 Main W 3TS3 monia will be conducted Thursday at 1 p m In the Lewiston L D 8 First ward Watch Repairing Freight Lines chapel with burial In the Lewiston City ' am Frt SURBAUGH'S Jewelry Store cemetery Good witch 604 The child Is survtsed by Us parents 41 W Fayetta Are Was ad ft So SUM Waa 921T repairing ls q |