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Show Page Two New Motor Law to THE EUREKA I l'L'Iil.lSIIKIl UT.KKI.Y REPORTER KI'KKKA, IMAM AT 1'iitilir Safety Joseph V. Dlldlrr emphasIZi-iif confused tilt; ltilists Sl'KINUVII.I.C, UlAIC X $ matter February 10, 1948, at the $ u aecund-clnat Eureka, Utah, under the Act of March 8, 1879. "Entered poet office u Subscription In raniT, IVr Year, $11.00; IVr Copy, 10c i Harrison Conovkr Editor and Manager Mrs. Kklle Coffey Reporter jS HsriONAt sovfinsiNO iiriisiNTAnvi EDITORIAL cGation I omcaoo SEATTLE un hw rott rtANCisco DaieCarmigde Helping Another Defeat Worry tlfllEN THERESA HARPER, New York City, was told that she had another's life in her hands, she was terrified. Who wouldn't be when that persoh was ones own mother? The emotional impact of that remark came like a thud of lead on her head and her Imagination. Tho doctor went on to explain that her mother had cancer, and that the only hope of a cure was in the help she could give herself in building up resistance. She could not build up resistance, went on the doctor, if she worried about her condition. Your mother has a 75 percent chance, ho said, provided she doesn't worry. The only way ahe can be kept from worrying is fur you to be absolutely confident that she is going to get well. You must never display even u vestige of fear, doubt or worry in your words or your actions. If you do well, Just th.it you have your mother's life in your hands. Carnegie remt-mlic- r This meant tli.,1 Theresa herself must not worry; that she inn:;' always put on a brave and smiling front; that her mother must see In r in order to have hope herself. Hope is eeiii v nju.s," said the doctor, just as all good things are as well as li.nl.'' hope-fullnes- s Theresa always had been a chronic worrier, and now she was frantic. She only needed to conquer ordinary worries of her own but she li.ul to eombat the worry of one who wasn't trong enough to combat her own. She had stood by when they brought her moth-- r from the operating room, but the moment she saw her mother's unnatural looking face she fainted dead away. That didn't seem to be the act of one who could rout another's worry, diil it? Strength will lie given you to do whntevcr Is neccsary," he had read somewhere. And she proved She turned and walked directly to her mother's room, with the biggest smile ahe had ever worn. She forced herself to see her mother walking around the park, downtown in the shops. She wouldnt allow herself to see her lying there in the bed. Soon the haunted look left her mother's eyes; soon her face relaxed into a smile. Did It work? Like a miracle," says Theresa, and every day I look at my mother and thank God that I had the necessary strength when I needed it-- nl it a r .wrtrartcsEswrvawrtr Chief Brand Lime R 8 HIGH CALCIUM LIMB CHIEF BRAND I Hydrate for Mills and Smelters .1 H O PLASTERING 11 a ii r. Mutur Vrhirli Safety Responsibility Ijiw permits no leniency for owners or operators who are involved in accidents and claim they were not at fault. "Many motorists are finding it difficult to understand, the commissioner said, why they must deposit as much as $11,000 security if, for instance, they were d by another panning or perhaps even rammed cur from the rear after they had given all necessary signals of their intention to stop. Nevertheless, that is the law and a little study will make its reasonatileness clear. "In effect, this is what the law really says: the oeralor of every car that is involved in an accident which results in death or injury, or property damage exceeding the acicdent $25. must reMrt within 5 days. Certainly no one will find any fault with that provision. It is a common habit of motorists to feel quite sure they were not responsible for an accident, and it is only eight to demand that the operator of every involved ear file a report Thereafter, however, the law allows a motorist 10 days in which to meet the security requirements before suspension of his operator's license anil registration plates must la enforced. If he had insurance at the time of the accident. of course, the law does nol apply other than the requirement to report the accident. If he did not, he may deposit sufficient collateral to cover damages for which he could lie liable. "Within that same period he has an opportunity to prove liis innocence. He can do this by persuading ull other persons involved to sign a statement him from liability. As a rule, of course, that is pretty difficult. He tuny also ask a court to decide whether he was respon- sible for the nccident, and if a final decree is issued in his favor within the 10 days the new law lues not apply to him. "Hut he cannot and must not xpect the Department of Public Safety to sit as a judicial body nnd decide his guilt or innocence. Only a court limy do that and security must lie posed, either in the form of collateral or a bond, if a final decision is not reached within 60 days after the accident If security is not posted, suspen sion follows automatically. 5- CONSOLIDATED (question: wild gifts to another man's wife? Answer: It is proper on certain are approFlowers occasions. a friend wife of the when priate has had a baby. Keep in nund that are pleasing to the pastel eye through long hospital hours. I km't send heavily scented flowers. Question: Is it ever correct to send flowers to a man ? Men sometimes need Answer: III sympathy too. When a man is you may send a novelty arrangement of flowers Incorporating several packs of cigarettes, a pipe or other gift. Father's Day is another occasion when flowers make a gift more attractive. InQuestion: May a gentleman his lady sort of what gown quire will wear to a dinner party or other social engagement? Answer: The most convenient method, and one which always is in good taste, is to have the question put by your florist. He will so the lady inquire discreetly, may have matching flowers for her gown. If the gentleman plans to arrive from out of town the same evening as the engagement, the same service will be rendered through the riowers-by-wir- e vice of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Ass'n. Question: Is it proper to use flowers in business dealings? Answer: There are two general situations in which are being used today. First, there is the case of a cort o express poration wishing thanks or send good wishes to a large group of people. At Christmas. or when salesmen are called away f r business meetings, flowers may be sent to the wives concerned. Second, individual salesmen may add warmth to a commercial contract by sending flowers to the buyers wife or sending a corsage to the secretary or a bouquet for the client's reception room. Quesluiii: Is it pixqier to send lion voyage gifts to airplane trav-- i .e - side-swipe- l jt V T,:-- 1 a gentleman v flowers-for-husim-- 60-ila- rel.-asin- TRAFFIC ritOHI.FM . . . Fuller Set. Roy Ibi.id ponders liow to tow auto to safety frmii flooded portion of Cape Girardeau, Mo. Prevent Tomato Blight With A Weekly Spray IAS, DOES IT i MEW During the last two or three years, a number of good sprays against late blight on tomatoes have come on the market. Ask your farm supply dealer which one seems to work best in your area, and then give those plants a regular weekly bath - that is if you want to be sure of a tomato crop. UU i j . pugnacious ,.,kT; literary K.kc at a per:,,,,),,.?,,11 . Pearson, you can and retort m your agree w,P, ss wire may through members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Ass'n for delivery anywhere in the free world. If you know the departure time of your fri nd or client, flowers for the lady will be delivered either before she hoards the plane or at the terminal city when she arrives. What kind of Inin Question: voyage flowers should cue send to friends embarking on an ocean Flowers-b- y . iALM UKACII, F,a. a 'If r " hH" u nieunt by a "Free Pic.v, GARNER, IOWA, I.pnvu "The inflation which is liftm , ' living costs higher and hl primarily the result ., i,,,'!, deficit financing by m. inent. in the opinion of t'li ,.,"' Every time the govtri,i11(.nl to the banks for funds t., mak deficits, the banks i,. f, J - the economy." M 10 l'"iiip an Of IICW ! n nicy ANCHESTER. Ulv. ni1 TK.NNkksfp TIMES: If all the wealit, in cheater were divided q u a i among its people. ,Mlh would have $1.6!9.76. Tins sound, like a neat amount of change for every man. woman ' 1 pot-fo- child in Manchester, but after i aii it doesn't amount to much If each person paid his jht capit share of the national debt, it Wouy take $1,166.00 of this amount. That would leave only $5:i:i 76. His share of the state debt would lw $32.00 which would leave Imu $.Vu.70"' voyage? It is possible t, flowers home from Ki.i.ipe? Answer: The best lion voyage ia compact and easy to liamlie You should request that Hie fliiwen Is arranged by the before they are delivered. Specify that chemically treated water be used to preserve the flowers .luring the trip. This is the only consiilcrate thing, as your ravel. ug friend, will want the pleasure of the blossoms all during l:e voyage. ri.-n.- 1 Earliest pattern textiles of the 15th century Egypt, acording to tin Hritannica. wer-line- PC. ia Kncyrk-ped- ia GGX3EB elers ? Answer: lie ordered . -- SHEIM? j You'll. likaTOur Sarvk j Copper stains below windows with copper screening can be prevented by applying a good coat of spar varnish every two years to t h e ENJOY YOURSELF in the hot ' Here's the pay-oscreens. held The nudists weather relapses. GU.WV. Never use hot water, Small closets which do not need a fashion show down at Mays it sets the stain. to bo used for clothes can be con- New Jersey. Know what landing, WHERE FRIENDS MEET sow-I For washable layon fabrics: verted into sewing closets. All the ladies were asking each other? can be .minder m warm soapy water. and pressing equipment ing What kind of skin are they wearFor at the rayon fab-- 1 stored here, including the machine, ing this year. rics: Dust an absorbent powder a small ironing board and an iron, over the stain, let it stand until Have small composition cabinets Above all then is no art withit absorbs the grease. Hrush off. to hokl thread, scrap materials, out rational thinking. - Henrich Then 8onge vith Car buna. Knor- buttons, trimmings and scissors, Mann. j gme or carbon tetrachloride. Crisp cotton lace on a nylon GRASS: For washable rayon blouse by placirg the lace between Flattery is known as soft soap fabrics: First sponge the stains' two sheets of heavily waxed paper and soft soap is 9d per cent lye. with denatured aleohol. If ace- -' and using a w:.rm iron. None of tate rayon is present, dilute 1 cup' the wax will go on the nylon, and alcohol with 2 eiips of water. Then yet it will stiffen the lace, wash in hot water and snap, work-- 1 Do you exchange slips of plants ing the solution into the stain. If with friends? An easy way to tram-stapersists, ion white maetrinl port the tender slips is to wrap i nly use bleach of 1 quart warm them carefully in waxed paper and water to 8 parts water tu 1 part place in an ei r,ity butter or lard vinegar. carton. They cannot be crushed, For rayon fabrics and the package is easy to carry. Sponge the stains with alcohol. Ifj acetate rayon is present, dilute tlu ItKCIPi: OF THE WEEK alcohol, I cup denatured aleohol Fork Supper Casserole with 2 cups of water. Then sponge tScrves 4) with clear water. 1 cup rocked pork, cut in liltF.ASK. First scrape or wipe strips off as much of the grease as puss-- i 1 tablespoon rhoppod onion ihle 1 tablesioo'i fat For wAsluihle lay 011 fabrics:! vmo'ar cup First ilisolve the grease with far-- : cup water or carbon tetra-- j bona. 1 tablespoon cornstarch chloride. Then wash in warm soapy 2 tallrspoors brown sugar water. He sure to use plenty of 1 teaspoon salt It w'ip on the stained part and rub' "I we firit Is eur lergt family la awn a Dadgi," driving, thay all began te swing ovar to Dodga. 2 cups mcUi-.- t green beans well between the bands. Smiplessj lay Frank Parralti, Waadbridga, Cann. "Bui onca Today my family owns 13 Dodga cart and 11 2 cups roi'ke.l diced carrots sham p to, oils ami lathers are: tha rail of tho Ptrrotli family law my Dodga, Dodga truck . . . and that' toying plonty for in skillet. fat onion in Drown Sevgood to soften grease stains. redo in it, compared It with tho cars they waro Dodga valua and dependability." Combine vinegar, water, eral washings, hw.rr. may be sugar and salt; stir into required to leu.ove the stains enonions. Heat. Add pork; cook 10 tirely. minutes. Add beans and carrots. For rayon fabrics: Sponge with t'arboua. F.nergme or Heat slowly in a casserole tor carl ton tetrachloride. Work from 20 to 23 minutes in a moderate the wrong side of the material in1 oven. ordci to push the dirt and grease out. rather than to ruh it into the a small cellulose sponge Ise light hrushing k In Keep the ki'.rhcn, as well at In the from the outside of tin bathroom into which you put small spot toward the center and spread or feather out the solvent around craP of soap. This keeps soap trays ciean a d also provides a handy sponge for quick clcan-ujobs. When you are about to throw away a garment which has several matched buttons, cut these off and place on a iirrc of string which will hold them all together. Then, If you need several matched butpay up to $1,000 more W ag wShavt soWct ton! when sewing, you have them and not get all the extra room, riding comtort In can all one piece and eaiily and famous dependability of Dodge count them. How to Remove I - ff I I le SILVER CLUB m . le "Why Our Family e oars! owns corn-starr- 11 CHIEF r ... that the state's new Kiii-rgm- e l ;i fur mu- I Vc Specialize in High Calcium Chemical FERTILIZERS Should iq 1 U S tie lay i Opinion Questions Asked GoiniulsMinner ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY I THE SPHIffX 17, Grass Roots Floral Etiquette Show No Leniency Printed by X August The Eureka (Utah) Reporter MINING 1110-r- p lie. Then pat dry with elenn dry clolh Or you ran make n paste by mixing coinst.ireh. or while tal cum with furhona. Eiiergme or r.iibnn tetrai'litnrlile. or other dry clctimug fin'd Spread the paste over tin spot When dry brush it e off I5epi-.iif necessary. The sol sent iI.m-not spread and is less likely to form i ling if used in this way. t Omi tinI gel . fui dull.11 011 IliJt . I I. 1 line Mile ni .1 nine . Mill vf 1 tmil gissl tin- - 1.11 Ini i miniums .uni llml;;e luggi'l ilnllar ion jtid Phone yur news to 10k on l nils I, limb' Naw Riding Comfort wjiiI a i,ii ih.s I, mil m I.im . . one iImi mic Mm iimim mile ,,im nullud nu WJIll l.nilt.llt. IlMI. ,l U.11,1 j, ,,,. l( lunn bmiip .111. j .i , Ulk ,1MlU ilnmiiv With In- - new Hislei- - llnllow Knit-- , biiuun ln.nU, nil Slid liuik linte ui.ign.ilU lllelt !mj. t.inie in Slid judge (nr Mmum-Ir Ilui mui mild ut up N)I llllpr (l, a ( lf, Jnd Mill not gel all to. .hi tiding imnlmi, des ud.i!iiiii ,. lisl.o Mm - 1 1 1 I The new t folk and Western coaling stntinr,, now tinder construction at West Virginia. will piovide storage for 2.ikM tons of fuel coal anil loit tons of slack for stationary blitters iulgnii-u- 1 s,-sgie- 1 Fttlinf Ii Blitvin tilrI tUr. Yiw lit mmlmt in hi ir' Iniili iyf rllmw ttmm. hral timm. m GEORGE W. FORSEY COMPANY i Sptnrf fiv. MisslC M phi cmO-- l I'.V ,1' nmir rvrnlliinc lx!1' S' 1IHHT Eureka, "J a l Utah |