Show provos mayor an example if mayor babkin was as public spirit ed as mayor holbrook of provo he would be continued in office until the creator placed a veto on his existence I 1 understand that provos mayor ie paying foi the lighting of his city out of his own pocket rather than have darkness reign where electricity should sputter and gl immar As I 1 understand it mavor hoi brooks action in paying 1200 oot of his own oursa for seventeen electric arc lights tor one year was not as an act of charity the mayor according to the story thought the city was able to pay for the lights ana should do BO not only for the conven ienco of the public but lor the purpose of maintain for provo a reputation aa a progressive up to date city the council thought differently and mavor holbrook i bearing the expense personally aa a proposition belie that his in the city will be sufficiently enhanced by the expenditure to reimburse him 01 course the great majority of the citi I 1 am acl appreciate the public spirit evinced by the mayor but a few campers there are who with owlish wisdom wag their heads and turning over the acrid convolutions in their own skulls seek for and pretend to find sordid motives for the generous act now let mavor baskin emulate the enterprise of provos mayor or for evermore hoi 1 his peace and shelve his veto pen salt lake argus |