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Show I ni9 the UTAH DAY EVENING, HOLD Sandwich Islands Items. -- From the COUNTY TIMES. (XT'. 1874. 1, 108 fitivlne. no Selling.- General AftnL hss bean appointed the Utah County anil is authorized to receive for stock, subscript ions and advertisements for the paper and We commend receipt- for the same. him to the courtesies of our friends throughout the County. Locul agents will please report to him. Mr. J. K. Booth irene nil agent for su,s(-riptio- Authorised AffuU. The following are the names of the Agents for the Utah County Times, in the various settlements in Utah County, as for as heard from: JOHN McKWAN. Provo Citv JAMK-- MARCH BANK. Morin villa. CHARLES MONK. Misutiah Fork ISAIAII M. COOMBS. lavson ....ELI OPENS1IAW. Santannin OEO. IIALLTDAY. Pleasant drove Wm. GRANT. Vmcriran Fork .....JOHN DEVEY. lpine -.- .ROBERT H. DAY1S. Salem '. ROBERTTILL. Goshen tion, v. See reward offered for pocket-boo- k lost, in another column. Another new arrival of goods sel. just received at M. Livingstons, ont President George A. Smith arrived by train from Salt J,ake City yesterday and returned He is looking as well and hearty as usual. Personal. ii to-da- y. Hawaiian Gazette, of Sept, 16th, wo firm sample of molasses, made out of take the following items: sugar cane, by Messrs, lmwis A Jones of this city. It is a very good article Ills Royal Highness Prince returned on Saturday and much more wholesome than most from his ten days excursion around tills Island, during which lie of that imported. Thoso having sugar visited tiie principal settlements, and cane had better take it to them ut once. was well received by the populace Worshipping Images. The followeverywhere. He made short addresses at Kaneohe, Waikane, Hauula, Laic, ing has beeu handed in for publication : and Waialua, the people having asSometime in the last century, a minsembled in the church at each of these in old St. Chads church, Shrewsister places to listen to him. suspected of We are happy to learn that His Ma- bury, England, being the worship ot images and favoring and His alive Cabinet to are the jesty pictures, was discharged. The first act importance of making another effort of his successor, was to remove ft to obtain a Reciprocity Treaty, and that Chief Justice Allen has been appointed painting from the altar, (of the Savior,) priest Minister Plenipotentiary to the Gov- which so annoyed the Catholic lie wrote and had posted all over ernment of the United Slates, w ith full that town the the following laniooii: (towers to negotiate a treaty. We have strong liojies that the negotiation will The Parson 8 the man, lie successful, more esjieeially when IaH him do what he can. strengthened with the information that Hed for gain leave his God in t lie lurcli ! the King will visit Washington dur- Could (Iscariot) do more? ing the pendency of the question, as we Had it lain in his jaiwer? have on several occasions recommend- Than turn the Lord out of the church? ed that ho should. His Majesty has The next day the parson, nothing taken a lively interest in this question, and is willing to add his personal in- daunted, issued the following answer: fluence, if necessary to insure success, Tho God I adore which i ooiuidercd mijienuive We Is mighty in power, are of opinion that a ersonal inter- The one only faithful and true; But that Ixird of yours, view between the King and the.- President will remove any difficulties which That 1 turned out of doors; President Grant is, distin- Had ubout as much knowledge as you. mayexi-t- . guished for sound common sense and But since you bemoan, good judgment, and we have a high That God of your own; appreciation of His Majestys judg- Cheer up inv disconsolate brother: ment and zeal in all matters pertaining although it seems odd, to the progress of the country. A v isil For was your God; If that of the King to Washington cannot fail can make you another. to leave a favorable impression there, The painter while his personal interviews with the Every variety of plain and fancy leading men in that capita) w ill most Job executed with ncatn cm Printing certainly assist the ratification of the and dispatch at this Olllce. treaty. OObs Cajv tmah ad-an- E Eli I' OE- - am: H'nrr. al Im- - ainU. YT. Chr, Oil fEM. Under- untitk- - nART- - tIMi Upper ingt o' ;sios ndt o? Wage , Tv for the zchifct ncruo- - aitt ht Sv-- Acuidents. A'esterday afternoon, Lawrences just west of Kimball store, a little boy was run over bv a span of horses and carriap, and had one of hi legs, broken between the ho saw the knee and thigh. Those occurrence say the driver was not to tares: Brovo to Salt Lake and Return - 82 50 blamo for the aocident; however, after P. Grove to 2 00 the boy was hurt tho driver did not - 1 90 stop the team to ascertain the extent of Am, Fork to - - or to offer any assistance. Lehtto J 75 the injuries should be Inquired into. 1 25 The matter Ikaporto of A gentlemen were young 1 00 couple to Sandy 75 thrown from a wagon on Third South Junction to 50 street last evening. The horses were U'otjonwood to Trains leave Salt Lake for Provo at trotting along briskly w hen ona of the a.nu, and Salt Lake for Sandy at 2:30 w heels flew off the axle, percipitating and bruising Tickets good from October 5th to the parties to the ground head and face. the about of them one 'riober 12th, 1874. Salt Lake IlcraUi. JAMES SHARP, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. TIT Who soils the cheapest fnmj-turcFERAMORZ LITTLE, towhf "David Cluff. Jl. Suporinterrdeht. Utah Southern Railroad. Conference trains will run daily during Conference, leaving Provo at 10:45 a.m. and Sandy at 9:30 a.m. and 1:10 p.m., arrive at Salt Take at 1 1 KX) a.m. and 2 p.m. :r jnpt. - , 3 j P-- - ' in I t. t It on Center Freshwaters store I e LOST. nPcrnoon, utxjiit i oi x k, ei;;.on ie- a o'ldi e.i etn'ijiu1 on Wei!, Kargo ,4 Co, to g'J I, oi Iu or nf Klea.t r J nrs; uIkmaIx dollar' m 1. revv-rd- ed I 1 Tib j AS P1MTUHARD M Provo ity scjil. C m f'i ISTI. , ROTICE. j a: Mill D new In full My yral i.u. M. Wan!. my rrMilnre in Mt NTnitt! itcron lm inz npplr-- t muko hio r!! t I cm . ut (jmir'i-r'I'- or one ripe ailts I n,.' f vm-ktt- icM from tiUtnci. u thn-- up f 'hoit nr!u,. r iir Hinmkiiiz MiUIID my null ifl ur . n l il. A, ulT. notice: I To All ' horn It Sn.t' ( tiactTii, Vc, underrtgred citizens ef tire Ce ted Mtntcs or Anrer.ea unit prartical n.i have, till- - duv. In me ting ihts, h'..-edoreaulz 'U, soil the boundaries of a Mliiinv I'Dir.d, to b m reaiv-known a, the ITk sprlnp D Fork V GrcHiai;: the o -- trh't, situated bctvreen AniCrieaii t:ta!i Canyon and Pleasant Grove Canyon, of Cii'h, United Stw.'-s ot Couiity. Terr.tory .VnrericH. to-- It : Cotnnicnclnir two nubs w. st ot the Western Terminus, of Pleasant Grove Canyon, moitli a.du' ruunlnt; tlienre due East, to tlie apex, or Summit, ot IfimdO of Mountains hast, them.--; due North to Anrerlcun Fork Canyon, the nee due West. Ion point parallel to of beslnnln, (lienee due Syuth to the place of berlnnhig: coverlne an area ofabovit five miles Manure. Snld u'i Do TVrl IftS'c I 'nil o ! rltorv of Cte ns (Giiendod by the Act ..I Comia-ssMav luth, 1S72. Saul Distri;t to lev In full o)i ral!on from and niter ilii-- i dale. W. G. KTFRUFTT, ) und others. Jl RKMIAH GIB-OIf. II. WADMAX. rieasnnt (a.ve Utnb County, Utuli Tt r.i r , UiKUsL 28UI, DTI. II. H. WAHDMAN, President Mild Ac liic secretary of the I urkv Iloy Mining Compoiiv, Pig spring set Distrier w v e Dl-tr- , . r N, r- J 1 lF?LlCSTI3!t FOR PATENT. i J NINTH DAY. 0ened at 9 a.m. apH-are- . i . Sept. 30th. The jury in Court tlie case of Martha Stevenson et. at.. r.. in Court, Wm. Bringliurst, and, by their foreman, Mr. Thomas Iieesley, rendered judgment in favor of plaintiff, fur seventy live dollars. Mr. Milner asked a stay of proceedings, to give time to serve notice for a new trial, which was granted. Tht- - ru-- ontol,t,iiis r.,. un, resumed. Mr. Loveil uddressml the jury, followed by Mr. Milner for the abplaintiff; jury retired; after sent ten minutes, returned, and rendered verdict as follows: No cause of action. The Judge then gave notice, that on the 19th of October a session of this Court will lie held, for the purpose of drawing thirty names, to serve ns a petit jury at the November term; that in view- - of the great cost, ftp grand jury will be draw n for that term, as the present one will probably do all that will lie necessary till tlie February term, 1875. The case of Don C. Roberts cl. al., v. Thomas Wilson et. al.; trespass; was called. Attorneys for , ami Coojic-rare, Morgan, plaintiffs Robertson & McBride; for defendanU are, Ashbrook, and Marshall A Royle. Tlie cause was, by stipulation of attorneys for plaintiffs and defendant, brought to hearing before the Judge of the Court, jury having been waived. When the cause was railed, attorneys for plaintiffs moved for judgment on tho pleadings. Judge Morgan tho motion by a long and exhaustive argument, and was followisi l, by Mr. ltoyio and by Mr. who ably resisted the said motion for judgment. Judge McBride closed tho argument for plaintiffs by an nblc and elaborate argument. The Court overruled tho motion and put the parties upon trial.. The issues Irietl am as to whether or not tho Coreso and MounApple Ginger. Two pounds tain Tiger, ro one and the same, or or other bard npplos, pare, core, two distluct mines. The arguments and cut them Into eight pieces, put lasted during ths entire day, nd them Into cold water whilst doing this through the evening session. to preserve their color; make the syrup Oc(ober 1st. of throe pounds white sugar, a little TENTH DAT. w ater, and. four ounces tincture of Court opened at 9 a.m. Fome erparte ginger. Put in the pples when the syrap motions were disposed of, when Ibe is boiling, and simmer very slowly un- important mining stilt Of Ion C. til transparent. The pieces of apple Roberts cf. al., vs. Thomas "Wilson c(. should ho kept .whole. U will keep al.; trespass; was rrstinred. Some lit- for a vesr. tie discussion enpucJ asto which party, d y lx.-in- apx.-.arin- 1 How-shi- ne . whndi and snme j'njirrs. findcrwli! are oi va'iir to t he owner. The tlie hinin. by leavin snitalily ut tin' IHLs Iftlee. s n : . . -- !uin jm con-taini- iin W.dmsdiiy i ,urt , street, ts'twecn Mr. am! Holdwnys placP.oii , Wi st Main Slrci t, one pocket-lunikNcvonlv dollars In U. M. currency ; also a Tax Roct ImIVm some Provo Cafioh leaves llic Miioc nt me Titlnm; Offi in tins city will reed' a t tie a bene r ward. N- - THE JEWISH PEOPLE. a In recent issue of the Utah County Times I noticed a short article that treated very forcibly upon the growth and importance of tho Jews, showing how that nation of Godschos-epeople, though scattered abroad among almost every nation under heaven, still maintained their identity, and with that identity traits of character, and genius that made them notable members of tlie society in which they moved. Your article went to show, and living facts corroborate, that among the Jewish nation there is exhibited the clearest Judgment, skill r.nd Ingenuity fitting them for places of prominence among the strangers with whom they stay, commanding respect, and acknowledged superiorly, against the wishes and natural inclination of those who have to yield it. Although they have been scattered and peeled, persecuted and despised, yet by the blessing of the God of Israel who has not forgotten llis covenant with them, they amass immense wealth and hold, as acknowledged, the purse strings of nations. Now Messrs. Editors, seeing that tlie I Jitter-daSaints claim to belong to t he same family as the Jew s, the seed of Abraham, should we not make manifest the same tod traits of character, and gain for ourselves Hie same honors as the other part of t lie family of the faithful. Tho characteristics of the Latterday Ss.ints are in so many respect similar to tlie Jews, for like them we are an entirely sejuirate and distinct Saints people, for tlie Latter-da- y whether in T'tah or elsewhere, among every nation w here the gospel has been received, no matter what faith, creed or jiersuasion they might havo belonged to previous to joining the Mormon faith, are from thatmomcntcompletelv different from the other jiortion of mankind, and are sot apart as a peculiar people. VV ill not tho spirit of tho God of Israel i f allowed to work upon our hearts and minds, produce satisfactory results, w ii it not fit and qualify men for all the important duties of life, rais up in our inidst, clever and cunning artificers and workmen, as it did in days of old, men of skill and ingenuity, proficient i n all kinds of workmanship. And seein g tho whole1 world at large claim no f with us, should we uot strive i.o assist each other and have within out ownselvcs tho means of support, not that we should treat w ith unfriendliness tho proper intercourse of honorable men, but as the rest of mankind fore us from them, doe it not become our imperative duty to produce within our own borders the wherew ith to support life, and make .our Jives and homes agreeable and happy. Pilgrims Rib-sto- $20 REWARD. i Communicated. We received a letter from Elder John jtfT Everyliody goes to Livingston A. West, dated Laie Oahu, Haw aiian fora No. 1 cigar, who keeps all the Islands, September 14th 1874, from choice brands. sel2 which we glean the following items the visit of Prince Leleio-hok- u concerning By reference to our market report to Laie, during Ids tour around adit will be seen that prices have Oahu: for fruit. and a vanced little dried grain We expected a party of fifteen We hope, for the benefit of our farmor twenty with the Prince, hut when ers, that there will bo a still further they arrived there were, besides his in prices. royal highness, twenty of his particular friends and thirty soldiers. We welSUSTAIN HOMEMANUFAC-TUllby buying tho handsome, dura-bio- . comed them by the usual salute hurand oheap Boots and Shoes made rah which rang from the assembled at the Working men' s 90 Main Street, Salt Lake crowd. After going through the usual lty. The trade supplied with leather, routine of introducing the party parFindings, and Kit at very moderate took of a sumptuous supper. Among se24 prices. the dignitaries were Mr. G. Cummings, Chief ' Officer; Mr. Mires, Primate SecTits weather still continues very Mr. Judd Master of Colors; retary; pleasant, which gives our farmers a Hon. Henre Kalianu, a member of the to wood get up splendid opportunity and supplies for winter, and we are Privy Council, Mr. Wood and several others: pleased to notice that our eltizens are After supper was over by the request taking advantage of the fine weather of the Prince, lights were arranged so as in drying largo quantities of fruit. to reflect upon tho lieautiful green yard The Report is True that H. in front of the house where the native sells F IT It N I T U R E. dancers took their position and went Binwoodey WALL PAPER, FEATHERS and the various styles of dancing, BABY CARRIAGES very cheap, es- through the natives, accompanied by among pecially to the dealers. Nos. 75. 77 A 9 1st South Street, half a block west of music. Z. C. M. I. comer, Salt Lake City, I conversed w itli the prince in relamay 16 tion to the Book of Mormon, and the We acknowlodgo the receipt from rise and progress of tlieChurchofJesus I jitter-da- y Saints, which he Mr. W. F. Itaybould, hook and news Christ of to much listened interest. After with dealer. Salt Lake City, of a large bunfollow ing day at the redle of late papers, periodicals and mag- breakfast the of the Prince the people assemazines. From the variety received, we quest in bled onr meeting house which was Rhould judge that Mr. Itaybould keeps well tilled, where he addressed pretty on hand everything to suit the readthem for ten or fifteen minutes, taking ing public. for his text, K hovulu ka Lahui (To in.. crease the multitude.) After His Highptr Another Reduction. On account of having an unusually large ness got through he requested me to stock of Summer Clothing yet on hand, speak, which I did, putting iny trust and to dispose of thorn before the season in tho Lord. I told them that the Book is over, we have made another reduction In prices which defies competition. of Mormon was the word of God to We guarantee to sell onr goods twenty man on the earth, aud it gave a history per cent, less than any other House in of their forefathers, and if they w ouid this city. Purchasers can call aud sathearken to the words of the Book, not isfy themselves of the abovo at L. Goldberg A Co., many generations would pass away, Wasatch Hotel, Salt Lake City. before they became a white and delightManufactory, 84 Leonard Street, New some people, and that they must be York. mayl4 true to themselves with a close observWh have received from the author, ance of the laws of God, in order to Mr. John Codman, a very neatly got- carry out the desire of their young ten up work, containing over three Prince. After the adjournment of meeting hundred pages, bound in cloth, enWe the titled the Mormon Country. party were soon in their saddles have not had Brno to givo the work and galloped off with cheers and wavmore than a casual glance, but should ing of hats. The party seemed pleased, as well as judge, (hat aa far as it goos, it is very "lair and ourselves, with the visit. impartial. New Advertisements. j j jf Sandwich Tslands. under the circumstances, should pro- sent, their case first; when Judge First Judicial District ok ini; Cooper, who announced that he had Territory ok Utvii. been selected to conduct the case, j P. II. lion. Emerson, JudrerrtMldin?. staled that they would proceed with their side. 1'rovo City, Sept. 29, 1871. i Mr. A. G. Rutlierlan 1, Recorder of eighth day. Tmtic Mining District, was called and 1:30 p.m. sworn After tho testimony of this Court resumed its session. Some w it ne.sS, the grand jury appeared in; little discussion ensued between the Court, and. hv their foreman. Mr. attorneys upou offering their instnic-- ! Mou(v j, rented hcwral bills of intiona to the Court; when Mr. Ashbrook w hid, thov retired. addressed the Jury for twenty-fivTil .lllnilll,vd that the petit minutes; followed by Mr. Milner lor jurv w ouUi until the 19th the defense, for about one hour. is74. and that the fol- Striekland closed for the plaintiff in mi n.lim,, j.lrymcn were excused address of over half an hour. An for ..rm: vt: Archibald Anderson, elaborate charge was made to the Jury, W. Witt, John U(,liry u Slt.v,.IVs alter winch they retired. Bartholomew, and John R. Sturges: The case of W. J. Stewart is. (. Cook a)s( A1,.xanik,r all.j John Irons, huv- et. at.; assumpsit: was called. I Mend-antill' been previo.Lslv excused on ac- present with their witnesses; count of Mckuo.NS in their Jmniiios. was non- plaintiff failing to niqx-arsuited. Ashbrook for plaintiff, Dana , "U)r resio(ing a deputy U. S. for defendants. Marshal, was hroimhtanto Court, and, Tlie case of James Robbins rst, after llic indictment read by Erastus Uurtis: assumpsit ; was taken Attorney Cnrey, pleaded. Not guilty. up; Milner for plaintiff, Lovell for de- lie was ordered to rial in tlie Bum of fendant. Several witnesses were ex- live bundled dollars, to apjw.r at the amined in this ease, which is an act ion next term of Court. brought for the recovery of three hunMr. Bolivar llobcits was called and dollars. Trial had sworn, dred and twenty-twfierthe examination ei lliis before tlie Court. took u rccesaforone Lour Court witness James Robbins vs. Andrew Neilson; and a half. assumpsit; attorneys the same as in the above case, was called next; jury of Health and Wealth. There is a five empanneled. After examination great difference Ix'tween tlie two temblessings, health and wealth, of Mr. Robbius, Court took a recess till poral wealtli is most envied, but least en7 p.m. enjoyed, joyed: health is frequently snwrior-it7 p.m. but the least envied; und tlie of the latter is still more obvious On tlie opening of the evening sesman sion. Mr. Milner moved for Judgment when we reflect that thetilspoorest health for would not part with by default, in tlie case of James Rob- nionev, but that the richest would bins vs. I T. arisen, which was granted. gladly jurt with his money for health. Referred to tlie Clerk to compute the Provo City Market Itrport. damages. IRoVoCiiv. OctoU-- Ul.ivrt. Tlie case of Robbins vs. Neilson ree'vt sumed. Mr. Robbins and Mr. Neilson Flour per bu Wheut " each called aud testified. Mr. Milner Corn ' addressed the Jury, when the Court Hut' Harley adjourned till Wednesday at 9 a.m. Apples per It, dried. pple 2ml fjmillty Prior to tlie adjournment, tlie Jury in Peaehei r. led the slander case made an apjieal to the 1i aehes Inti ve.. u uiiarb-is...- . Court for something to eat; which was Peaches Plums !er It, !rlel. pr:o..i-- ' humanely considered.. bv the counsel (,lierrb-- i r n., uri- U pound of the resjiective jKirhes, and, m cliarge juU,Ti ,.r p. of the officer, they rtq aired to the Ex- cclsior House and replenished tlie in - Beef M'linm ncr man. W'V.I tOlKT IKOCEEDIMiS. after-noo- n tTATIOSR. HALT LAKE. fE Molasses. We have received a very Mar-hal- states Band Orrirr. sai.t Fakelira!L'rrv, 1ST t. V sited . hiH-i- I , Sept. 't It is hereby given vorii-rWm. iVince. Benjamin M. Samuel Andrews I and Ed" ard Friei u Ikai INjsI Ulitec uddrim ' I. lah Uouiu v.L't.ih lerntoiv, ix Provo Citv, and u. I'. Wlotiord, oiHuitalo, New Yojk, bv Ids Attorney AVm. Prince, of 1iom application city. jfun.-a1-lor lie- have msde Minine -- Ier - a I.K-n- :, Clatin. Sparrow Itinlnt (oinp.my (irrmnniii land in Provo situated on sail Place of Bitxim-sspriiiel'-ulr-ThL lull . L Nota-tab Mining D.slrict, uouuiy, sj;,t-rf Mifornni. in tlie - ur- -' d. lmaue-n- t uhaii tie- f ,1 low !n.' ritory. and more fullyon described flic In t hU oltlee. ut plat and field notes on ac omit of A described It : on the Fifth .Vie day of .Mift t , 1 icvlcl Mod m.nmg claim D lourteen lsthe - v- r.d Mirreuiii-- - t oppocile the Ure--Th- 1KO i I In lena't ti by one hundred Shareholders iih of the anl twenty w. ilo. feet m vvidl h, and i hns .non.iTi IV, s! two hundred Nam'-- . V. hunir- l aiul nuUi T.w iV ( ertilleate Miare . Am t. , tunnel. f,x.i ireuu di.'s.i-rig, I no I' dexcrllu-as n. of tl.is inn l"b fol low--l.omineiicini; al -l'O ho luniicLiunmiig north T.i I.Vvvest varlall- n Ge.iryc Helm, Trii'Ds-.-- . .'.t-- tt hO1 la, IV ca'l two hundred gwl led iil it Helm, Trustee., B Inn liortli !iF f V p.ne to n I of ia.ui, Geon;e Helm, Trtisb ' la-A 1( si t 4 f Inches i y G- orae Helm, Triisteto idmii'; t he it round IO I t ne sixty ho loot iiini-ls. nex. in'o leone Helm, Trusl.s I I'M Jl .s ' and 2 h e! out of the R.ound mill ki il L. s. Helm. I list h 71 .7. No. . lot corner N. h, thence south Plinmherlatn h ho vo J. v.. Triple... iy east seven hundred and live ;;u'.j I1 I HI Is a 22 A. It. se.at feet, to to!) of nrecijilec when there I i to I I'jO I B. Scot posf FIlicliL - tiV Ylpches set I fool pine h - d inches Into u jnh- e.f ruck, nd 2 fee I A. H. Sstl 2 1.0 . II. Scott hi posed idsive tin- rock and jnark J vvifia-s?ho p.,1 cornel- No. 2., suidiwrm r No. 2. hi A. K. Scott ho I'1 ina sjtuat'-- from said witness jvo-- t south . "n V. IV Sco't s at d and 7.1 mill distant MIX 77 F.iehard t .irnell .. 2i 7 S' r M)rt.oii ninel 'i.Aij fist. This BiehardUarm-tli hi is so irooi)itnuss t) re iiderits survey 1m-- 2 n.) Itlelmrd Uurnell to ev.aiilish corner Jiosl U. s. JO prarln-MhKietiaretUarnell h IO 7, No. Parnell " re Now turning to psist and cornr r No. I I,o ItiehardParm-lh 'and run south Irt IV wes otic biiiidre-i- i I'O liiehurd (.'arm i'AI h mi'l twenty !2uj feet to pine ped 4 lnein Bleliurel ( nrnel DO tie lies Into the M. J. Donovan ho; hy 4 inehex mi 1 fo4 il I Hu'J JO sd ground and M..I. lHjnovan. ground mid 2 feet out of TO II) S. south 73 1.7 marked F. .7, No. 4., fft Joel Kuv 70 'hi i.VN. flfty-eljt1. five hundred mid Frank Fnuu h InO or P 272 pice where them D s ptn-lo- i Sheldon Fill li 9jiost i Inches by llnch-.- ' set I fool C Inches Firii II. .h'"n p.lot) 7.1 Into it pile of rs-k- , and 2 fet ex jwwed aluivi-12I aiban IF Ilowev125 7 the DK-- nnd marki-- witness poet to cor-41. H. Blanehrtrd m r No. 3., said corner No. 3 mtmilcd P. It. Bliuodiard 7t d from said witness feist south 73 VV cits) Geo. YV. Moppiii 217 end dlxiHiit clhl hundred mid forty-tw2(7 71 Kav EIInlK-t1' t so ho This lalti-- jeirtlon sl7, EllKhetli Kav hsi 7" as lo its .nrvi v Inipr.o hi Ellrutw'h Kav ... .. h to ho 71! Nii. V. sel is,rm-37, js)st ijeide Elizabeth Kuv IIH. ! j The houndarj- lim-- of this nnning elnlm 7 Kav- F lizulu-tl- i 10 i are- - rurffi'-hi deserltiol as follows, bml would Kav Kl 1(0 so described in tin forecoirg 27 It. It. Brown li) have of AU 3f 27 this notice, were 11 practicable to It. if. Blow n jiart i ItO s run Its) the them whole distance, 1: hspin-!- i H. B. M'Hire ho nlnit at joxt No.l. and run south 73 l.V S. It. Monro list Fourteen hundred Hihi! Fh-- to cor per No. ho S. B. MoonIl inn 2. marked ('. S. 37, No. 2; tlit-insouth S. R Moore - 2f 2 l'O h j 10 4 west (Ini hundred and twenty frjt'l s. It. Misire ....771 20 37 31 to feet E. No. t 2" s. No. j .3; corner 3, marked Isaac in j on 3o thence inirlh 73. l.V west fourliisi huntlre-3(i 317 !ane Onvnn lot lfi! Ps-- to rorni-- N. 4. mark'd F. N. 31't r HenilellM S. I m-It j 37 No. 4; HI I I'O north lrt 47 ensf one hifn-- h JaneP. Wheldi-dre-mol twenty l2nl fs-- lo corner No. ' F T. J. Welsh ho T2 L". 8. 1(W) tx tr ir . marked the place of ho '(!' Wllllnin Ap no loo No. 1, contiilnliiK an iire-of iVa.) aen-s- . 317 Itialotj.li Puli I ma n if 37N loo The Fnib-- slides iiiIiicimI monumen: Pahlman Kudolj-no li to which lids survey U ennetfed. consists '2.' Rudolph puhltoHn 0 inches by (I inches loo of a suare iine 72(1 E. W. MeGraw. ho veil into Fif crevice Ufa 100 nnd 6 fei-- Ions', i 18 J.O M. G. Griffith If loo limestone rock, layimr on ihe ouartzite M. (. Grl filth 3 jisi formation and marked t. . 5t. M. No. B . M. 1. Griffith h "4 )HI M. G. Griffith loo from winch the lilscovery Tunml of the ..:iH li ' Ppar.-oh M. G. Griffith- M2 Mining Plalm bears north 1( cast and d'staijt one hundred and seventy-If- ; M. O. Griffith 2G i M. G. Griffith four (174' feet, and to corner No. 4 nortli 34 h 4.V west Rr.d diftaat one hundred 1(V M. G. Griffith and li MS i lro! leet. . . G- - W. Moor 216 10 elirhiy-si- x 50 ' The fforattiren-- - ftf 4hs - Kcirrow In Accordance wh law, ard as iCi Claim ii rccorifcd la Eoii. F, order of th Eoard of Directors, mad ft oa 0f ev.isirjc rrcorcs of Tuh County, pao 4. o manr the Flflh day of August, Ii-Tf.a only Location near this mine 1 a nf e!d Fteek. as mav raised pH of reck, desifnnted ae the FlRE- shsreei'encb prreel he pi tv sedd ' jinh. p e' t , t Ihc office of ,h- Con. pan. ,t n lio.S c nf row MininK ffia.tv, nu. t,:tt.e;vl coui'i .y cast, and d! :cur huidred ac: day of Octt ber, '7, t tho hour of two oclock p.m., of said day, to pay ia.d dc-- , twenty ii.b I oi lrtra ;te tahi Flscovf-- y. Assesment thereon, ITieref-- order tt ahov to he rrtl fLc) ,rllb covg of Atiwe-r- wit g and cipi f rf sale. in H r Utah m m : liuis, a err J. V. T!FI pubffV.ir-- ;;i . - , . , V 111 id. CF ITT7.7 - . Sun Francisco. jd7 at P.ol-eru-- , Daw-sun- , (.on-tout- i i J; l -r -- liun-M-im- cs f'-- -- , in--i- s dlv-ovei- s 1 - i ( ilp-i-.e- j - 1 i 11 . h-- .( f - -- I -- e l i l l I j flu-ne- ! ld j 1 J : Ji -- o r -- - s -- r 1 N-e- j i 1 I thi-nci- - t j j 1, t 11 7.1 .22-- : " o-.- j , tat t i -- or,t.rfir.!. Cuiif-T-ciH- . . !- -.', r.L ill lo |