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Show - Temple and East T Maple Strreta, Halt Lah City. Utah. Dorau of South O WMImt-IuI- Manager mm BtBSCRimoN PRICKS: yryr ............ J lr yrygr all bulas illrm and all rliu THE DESERET NEWS, .L Utah. MIL per Carrier, pir pr Saturday News par Pr Bml-Wk- M !, cOTimunlca-ilaa- a Salt Lakn City. Crrapndae and sthr reading paattar for publlratloa sbsuld bo ' fcddraoaad to tho Editor. m AW " TUMP "TdflfTMW rktcog Offleo. ltd itleMgaa Art i. r. Mridnaiy. Roprraootatlvt. Katorod at tho poatofflea of Salt I aka Otty a ooeond elaao matter arcordlag March. III. do A at of Coagr BALT I.AKE C1TT. APRIL IS. 1S12. THE n.ACT. CAthfc. of tho Rail lok branch of the Utah State Peace society krill in all probability be. held this year in the Jewish Temple. Rabbi Freund tahea treat internal In theae gathering and he hat, we nnderatand, suggested that Mosaic place of worahlp lor tha snnual gathering: These meet tn pa hare been held IA various churches, in tha Tabernacle, the Jewish Temple, tho Pint Congregational church, and tho First Metho-'dlchurch, and speakers of nearly all denomlnationa have been represented. The meetings have been a factor In the jboUbllshment of Christian fallowahlp fnd food will, aa they ought to be. JTho iMh of May is the dale of Ute meetlrig this year. We hope them will lie a food attendance. Thera usually $. And the Addresses delivered And the music rendered on thorejnceasjgtjg, " Af'i W&rth whtlefcaartug. . The peace cause is one of the meet The sntiuol nacc-lin- -- et . it t t feeling pity, sympathy, land leva. Calamities five him an opportunity to cxieicU these dtvtoe attribute btrt they do hot create them. Nor do they develop creative powers in any being hot previously endowed with eucb t powers. The truth of this Is apparent when the status of animals to consider ad They. too. have had A strenuous light Lightning, floods. famine pestilence, and. in addition, the relentless enmity of man havo pursued thorn too. but they have developed ho r restive powers, nu heart, beyond the very Itmlted capacity of each particular species Entire classes of animals, physically owl PS mfuL .. fcava Jtec to calamities that have overtaken them The history of some swvag races tell the same tala. Notwithstanding the light against famine, pestilent'. and advenes natural forte, as well aa In war, they have . degenerated and sunk deeper and deeper Into savagery. until tome civilixtog force other than those that cause calamities came to them and lifted them up. It la the Gospel of the Redeemer that is the civilising force In the world. ns-tUi- et A BIRD DAT. it T sooner does one learn to know the her. nut thrush of our canyons than ha tnderstandr tha lforce 'of tha poefi reasons for desiring the protection of this and other birds: That the halcyon song of the hermit thrush Is its prayer to heaven in tha evening hush Ir. his seraph mood dost he eing to me. Or his mate, enraptured on yonder tree Or does love of l.fe into music rush From the inmost heart Of tha hermit thrush T That la the kind of argument which, after all, w believe a til go home moquickly lo the consciousness of theLet the schools lead by mcul- W people reuwory iasrvsis eating the beautv of bird ways, and the people will not he tardy In following. Let us have and observe a bird day. -t becomes automobile rhen ituik In the mud An Immobile it oa juris, nays the attorney general of that atau. They may Jtt on the lawn under a bower of roae 4 wfcloh la bettor. If Colonel Rooaeve.t hasnt Asttol to fight, aad be nays that he hasnt, be fat putting up such riul Imitation of a fight that tho pum people cannot toll tho difference. what to th dif" . ference! s Andrew Carnegie that Ellha Root --to th wises: man la America. It may be that he is but Mr. Carnegie by saying so sn s that he Is not the wisest men .n America. tu-.- 'tfayorBlankeaburg of Philadelphia bos forbidden the exh.-tnjIn that city of moving picture thirling tha sinking of tha Titanic, in hit order be said, I think It to about the limit for the ; ; v -ti- - song-bir- d. The Initiative, as wa suppose, rests with the 8 tats Superintendent of Pub with the "State Superitnendent of that in Alabama 'Friday, May X, baa been aa bird day by the ed Superin-IffiBflftnt-o- -- r ' Our EntircLms pLStyli3h.Dre5sea One fourth Off disaster. a The mayors action il meet with the hearty approval of the whole American peopla. lie to to be commended for th want to course bo baa taken conimerciallao-suc- h ene- A professor of naval architecture at written to Peopl suffering from spring fever Cornell university, ba can cure it by working In the garden. te Chairman Smith of the senat which to Investigating the on checks A good many or th diaawter. dectwrtng that If any grubttc Kerrsotx' Seem to be worthless mistake or bad Judgment was shown pn tha part of the officers after obserA sound bank always conduct a vation of tho Iceberg. It was that th It before trust Investigation money belm waa swung to port, instead of snakes a loan. driving the vessel headon to th berg A square blow on the bow would An ounce of radium to worth any have caused far lees damage, he fays. number of ounces of prevention and A bow could! square Mow mi th pounds of cure. scarcely have caused more damage. What and judgment u vent ton Th presidential some great learning professors have! campaign to Cast developing into national twain storm. PRIMITIVE CIVILIZATION. Wouldn't Pandora heve, hoj,gur-Dribed- ! New Tork Evening Post. wjtai to coming out in this In the Kharga oasts. ashaUow end (1st ptatodenttol campaign! depression In the Libyan desert, about Tf poopf' lived more in accordance 1.S0S square miles In extent and lying with their Income generally they wrould 139 miles west of Luxor, arcbaologtota live too In accordance with style. and anthropologbrts have been making a close study of a people which to A ahoowtring trust has been formed to be more closely related to the hi Now England. This isnt the first inhabitants of ancient Egypt ho any tlm that Now England has been element tn the population now reel, dent in the Nile valley. It to not a very high grade of culture that Dr. Alex Banator La FbUstte persists in pro. Hrdllcka, reporting to the Smithsonian will that be dieting get th persimmon institution, finds these descend at Chicago. It to a fin example of ante of the old among A painful Pharaoh optimism. living Is scratched out of the Bolt by means of constant Irrigation, and the Th Jolly done" to th latest dietary problem among the majority of Inhabitants to extraordinarily simple triumph. Tbs marmalad rice in rice time, barley In barley waits may b sxpsctsd soon, and after time, and dates In date time. They live that tho canned corn can can. In tenement of dried mud const ruction. roughly planned, and giving the Th orchardtot Is far mors Interested mi rarest Ion of cliff dwelling. The popin bla fruit truss than in bto family ulation. numbering something short of 19.900, le of poor physique, unenterpristree.1 H can support a family on th ing. and harmless. There to in the former but only pride on the latter. oasis waroety any serious crime. The people do not Ilk to fight aqd do not They do not beet women or The Whit Star company disregarded kill. When anything to stolen, the safety of the Titanics passengers children. wfllrh la Infrequent, s flag t put up as for the earn reason that the trusts and a sign that the property has been placed In the protection of a sheikh, a dead combines Ignore tftr peoples righto holy man. In or near tho place where th object was stolen, and this will ." often toad tho thief to return the Th aromeu of California may not Our Entire Line of Striking Coats Off One-fourt-h io 200 Spring Suits, the Newest Suits aym-Kat- Off One-thir- d pro-oo- d. Wll meadowlarks song war to be studied for this purpose, they might suggest to our com posers the best and most characteristic motives for thetr distinctively western composition Thus Mr. F. Sohuylor Mathews of Cambridge, artist and author of works on art and nature study, by systematic, not. taking and observation has been abl to produce about NS cards wrlth different specie of bird their notes and music resemb- XSTlIZATTi' M prop-erty- le THE MEADOWLARK'S SONG ty 452K"" Wei May MtTIJSEK SATlRDtr. ' - la 1 rpe e JUST FUN -- v 1 f- .!. -t ) ;i y , w 5! Tonight Crest Itesd Coseert KfifUl PRICK. Th bom of th 629 Mi pip ores BALK TODAT. Prices: Orchestra. and II 60; dress cirri lery, 6Sc, ; balcony. g l TONIGHT and TUESDAY nnd Soas 1st Shubert IIm.) Offs Louise Gunning The Balkan Princess The SeasoBi to th i $3 gal- COLONIAL r i In Peeve.' READ THE Teeater UABAIIjIF J to mtor theatrical STAGE AND FICITREq Coldfi - and coals sever run If you together. use Bock Springs Coal ril the time in the' furnace you never need fear the childrens taking cold. We sell all coals but we Peacock guarantee Peacock. Swafger Mo rial Comedy. Petes to to fx Central Coal ft Coke Co of Wyoming. dfi West Second Beam Street. Bell r.achanga 16. ULUISS fUTCESS CETTIST 122 Yi SOUTH MAIN. This Week. THEATER Many normav aw an asm awns jessib muLUMVUVO W6TIOVS rtSVTtIO cutcts WIIAOR MOTREIS XF.W BOLD 1X0 axo bimrx SIKGKL. 6SD MATTMBWB Ulint bum Matinee daily ' . TM Sente Every Evening A Goad Beal. 25c Crowns and Bridge Work Gold MAX FIGMAN de-tr- oy Vil CVy of th Children. As Whamsed by CIIANTECLER BEAT Sear TODAT on-ti- re fellow-crcat- v Th Rostand's Mastery tec ot air-gu- ns ft BtoSs Street, MAUDE ADAMS on ' UlKfillSISB 1 Charles Frohassn Presents for-Jna- rd -- REX THEATRE -- es - DRUG gTORK Iff AT SOUTH MAIN ST BEET U3-U-1 Our bird day in Utah sHhuld come In May, If any shall yet be designated ling their fngm, painted upon them. for this year. There Is a statute that Sometime tho motives of bird songs Is Intended to protect the native wild aro almost identical with those of musical composers. opea and conspicubird, buf R I "I hav no doubt." ous failure. said Mr. Mathew "that Chopin got The destruction of tho the motive for his studs, opus 26. No. birds goes on almost as fast aa It aver S, from th nightingale. Having once did, and tha statute is freely and nogot h Inspiration, cbopin was able to finish off tha pises." After rloa toriously violated on every band. study, Mr. Mathews discovered that all The cause of each persistent infractho specie sing on tho pentatonic seal tion of tho law Is plain enough neither tho primitive seal that nearly all th the o (fleers of tho law aor the poople folksongs of many countries bar been la general have the faintest Idea of tho written on. He also finds evidence of the fact that tbs first Impression of n necessity for bird protection. Thors Is bird song to not only the tasting Imno specially appointed service to enpression but is tbs only one. force theee statutes, and no law has KNOWN BT THEIR VOICES. yet been discovered that has the peMr. Mathews maintain that,th culiar power of enforcing Itaelf. Even study of bird musie will bring about among the few who know that the n better understanding of Mrd life by birds, especially the game of an kinds, the people, since tbs acquaintance of birds la made largely through the ear. ought to bev protected, none like to He believes that the subject bad a proeecute thetr neighbors; and Juries great future and that Interest In It are inclined to make a fare of any would result In complete protection for real enforcement of laws of which they He states that on may set a Mrd metronome to the singing of a Mrd aad have not learned to appreciate the hen. be will find that the bird keeps perfect eflt. fa eome Instance this condition t.me although they often do not sing has lad sportsmen to try to perpetual true. their favorite amusement by savins METHOD OF MR. MATHEWS. from extermination the birds which "But it la th musie of the Mrd I as suitable for their pur. they regard Interest mysslf in, said Mr. Mnthsw . By Dc. J. H. Paul, Professor of NsfUr StuJy a! Uafvsnsty of Uhl pose, and they hav united their efforts "and not the song. I will teU you how in securing some sort of enforcement 1 proceed la the study of thetr motive. I do not put down th song after hearof game laws. . 1 most thoroughly Editor Deseret News: of appreciated It. Instead, 1 make snrv of th first our feathered vocalist may be en- ing Saving the birds In order to kill them Sir: Tour unanswerable argument joyed by any attentive auditor who three note I Ustea again to bear the U not a very high motive, to be ears: song repeated and I write doom the for tho protection or tho Weetern will allow hlmoaif tho dollgbt of baton-In- g notes as I think they sound. Then I yet It has done some good. Neverthewith real attention to th morn-tn- g reminds ms of th state-momeadowlark may get tha fourth not wrong, but 1 less. the pitiful remnent of our game serenade on of of th finest Old listen again to mak certain. Proceedye. bird export of Ur. Henry birds shows such means of protection musician of th earth. For these ing along thsaa lines, I took --for th Btates of United the Survey, Biological wo ar (iorlous strains to he entirely Inadequate. The people strong and so upper hole toward th end of th song bird to probably fitted with a delirious sweetness this of that tbs sang that and once I am sure of them 1 can get as a whole must be aroused to a sense they ar bird musie on the probably unexcelled, if the others mors easily. Then I look of their duty in the matter of bird pro. tbs finest of nny equaled, by tbs notes of any other bird at my notes and wait for th btrd te gtobo. no matter bow celebrated In song or teetlon. Tho increase of Insect pasta, again, so that I can compare them story. And th meadowlark la quit' sing AX EXPERTS OPINION. to aeo that they ar alike." aspeciaiiy of those brought la from that should Unwining you hoar him. The differentiation of the music of ether countries, make th protoctiaa Mr. Oidys made this remark while like tho thrush or tho th species Is entirely dependent upon hike! with tha writer ever which prefer the solitude ofnightingale, of birds Indispensable to profitable taking woods aad th arrangement of tho tonal coneopte; tbs meadowlark comm near to that to. whether agriculture. Include the fcOln near this city; and he to hillr human habitation and pours tbs slmpt monotone orthey tho rhythmic To bird thou, w must look for qualified to express an opinion on th forth his musie with generospause or th fixed interval or combinaalllos In th continuous warfar against subject, being an authority on bird lor ity at our very doors. prodigal Nor to th bird tion A key of ouch miulcal principle Insect pest and if they ar to play end a noted Imitator of bird singers vory shy. th 'THE CIVILIZING FORCE. notwithstanding bloody which one will be able to gat at the even the same re la tl vs part In the fuby to which It persecution has to this: In trying to identify ture, a they have Ip th past, thsy That a native bird with such a repu- la still being subjected by been and spec! A writer In th Church Militant exthoughtless a species from alj other birds you may should not only be pgitected but deter- tation as tq th quality of Its music or vicious or gunners with by view boys man owes the that presses to mined efforts sbouyl be mode to Inbe assured that the song of tbs species should b Shot down by gunner for sad flippers Is unique, and never la any cans would (atasirophe his deielopment from th crease their number and make thetr mere should or that it Indeed, NEST pastime, It ba mixed up with that of nay other more MARKING!1 and effective. lower to tho higher stages of civiliza- work What specie" on birds happen were birds ex- ever be harmed or menaced by any one, fins This tion. "Lightnings,' ho say, droughts, terminatedwould to known A book sod their musie by no on can forstoO with aa you Mat, a disgrace , to our clones as fituruella ro-- absolute magns neglect. tho author to in tbs city library, and floods, .famines, pestilences hav certainty, but It to mors than pretensions to good sense nnd a sorry r.w midd'e name of Implies, consulted large be with to proax by these' may. almost certain -- that comment lentleasly pursued u. and In coping likely nay, it ' In .fipg , Dom.j'wght'ito-re- n upon our attempts to or bird interested In either bird-lif- e with these mans creative posers have within a limited time not only would frichetr the female length, Inch song 'Those who may be curious to 'the 'natural' resource of our shorter: the bill 1s from an an agxtouUuso beemwc Impose been developed, Theaa. Inroad Mm to successful, Inch to know th origin of sente of tbs most aible, but tho destruction of tlm grantor land. Meadowlark tn particular should aa Inch and a quarter long tire apt beautiful musical phrase fight, and In fighting them he has part of vegetation wrould follow. It to win disvalue lo instrument with which it probes the cover their thetr for saved be music, therein that, amplified with varibelieved that a permanent reduction la agriculture, and their high bird quali- sod fo-- the cutworms and beetle grown. .' rrotecting himself against ation bird songs have bean employed of our bird, "even If no ties. which serve to Interest and these, he has betome masterful He the number the young plant; by soma of the world's greatest please larvao that comactually exterminated, will the poet, musician, artist, and tbs and this bird to almost the owes as much of his growth, perhaps, specie are be safeonly followed by disastrous poser to delight true music lovers for Inevitably guard we have against these concealed aU to the disasters which have threatened consequence" National Geographical people' generally , time. , and dertructive pest Tho upper parte and pursued him as to any other Magazine. ITS VARIED SINGING. .! spa mainly brown with cauee. I am not sure that any writer ba whits srd black streaks and bar the Since, however, tha native birds of here that h , Anil not only i lie Indebted to catasheavily barred; outer rr? FOR nearly all species are rapidly diminish- noted the well known infact tall real here mainly white, showing two octave meadowlark tings trophes for the development of his ing In number, and sines sevsaal kinds the The bird w ill discourse for aw hits in a plalnl in flight, especially as th Mrd "creative powers but fir hi Inuri as have already been exterminated, w rather low key and with a somewhat nils 1: a semicircle as it Doctor Tour temperature seems to nearly always well. Destructive agem ice, we are to'U fear mat our cuntemporary has not brief refrain, then H will raise the doe j let before alighting. . Th hav taken a drop or two." oodr ,rt are yellow, with a Mark pitch an octave or more, and changing have given him gentleness and pin It riat.d the cue wrlth sufficient patient Can t I do the asm doc,n the chest and black spots tor? wit! again pour forth, with crew-- 't the Baltimore Americah. the suffering or Some that has slrrel The of the enormous losses addedtheme, er and brilliance. Its tn- - on th- - a free bulletin pow by the the sympathy of the many. Calamity lias to agriculture now suffered of Agriculture, entitled reason Imltable melody. The first or low Depar.-ren- t by Wife What y a referendum? kept men from becoming hard and has of the ravage of Insect- - gtoS 990 969 Pitched song is briefer by some twu or Fod of the Meadowlark and Ot1ol, Husband me' I don't know icls the enormous service which mads them sheltering and tender in a annually, according to careful . whether its a soft drink or part of 'Td render to agriculture I'1;' disaster every heart mates should suffice r,ng to Induce prac-wlt- h udg. great similarity In these two I rave found the meadowlarks nest an aeroplane And withal men everywhere and commercial main theme, yet each hat a distinct lay on the ground. Just at the roots sympathy and sorrow Of a a If a of seems own. j oacb sometime Asain. lump of grass which arches over Dubbleigh Tc. I aa going abroad, catantrnph is dubi In particular, to push tha matter Individuality of Its italmost worth while to reveal as It doe of bird protection to a successful ra- these main themes to delivered, at - thtre ar from thrs to six egg but g w I changed my mind, you so that variation certain but ited with tunes, sp . with know. various shades th heart, the sympathy en! the pity suit Bird protection ral phtriottam there to a considerable variety in the of onwn and Mis Keen w eti, i gn hope you got a purple. From such ; and la the most whole-souleof th nation." d Is K outburst that available form that th Short and evident that If Mir. useful bettor oo in h chans an: delightful bird were tothis Thor to a modicum of truth in this movement for conservation constitutes the birds chief be really Tnssqapt cap take Alternating with the main repertoire to nroieete a a song fee few observation. Calamities have acted on quick!) decades, it would numerous and would confer pernliar, fiute-l- k twittering, quite under which b be mao as a k mail Is ss busy Tet. strong as the economic argument similar te that nttered by th ground '; rther and untold benefits "ThrtjgH-rifh-quU-lty upon our been spurred to exertion In the Interest for taking care of th native birds 1 squirrel, but deeper In pitch and more v 'da and tardens. "Te replied Mr Cumrox. "Hr. ons and as a result shown to be. we believe that there to musVal in qunHty. Thaw there is the of NOTING THE SONG. busy of tho who can't maaag ' - w hav. hatter .road theater a much stronger on, and that to by aa sing1 call note, which Is also vfbrent te gather bmrv without torideotalty a friend stinging steamers and appeal to the humanity and .lIghthOuqeft,unstnkable "jetted someth to tM otf. Finally nho It a "Washington star. ihq plMMnt antlant tbs Mrd of mnste to write v all kinds of aafety appliances, buttn my of th people. Lot th schools has tbs habK. When It rivet in musicalronjposcr notation th songa of th , y e - f take a triumphant com- meadowlark, and b . that calamities have made man capable P th work, and all th peopla will re- so wing, of uttering ed to do "My proceed aad I am a reed-likftnto-l'lte e of and a Be reported, however, that the entertainer." ald Hobbs. of fsettng ptty and sympathy or have spond to the appeal which can b mad bination . .note which It abort le forth to its 1 know P laved on any mnalcal -- IndtodT him from becoming hard" is hardly tr. them wife your through the children. All nor- mat In a sort of jorout abandon aa the pur heavenly quality Is puMIc. but j jig got know appeared that Aorrect, Th fact ls that man. mad you mal persona become intervsted la the if wholly satisfied that God s In Ms fft the Mrd Jons so that tbs rongs ver did. ? . , heaven, air right In Ms world " These cannot be th Imag e God, U capabto of beauty and romance of bird -non I t. In i Kt satisfactorily lit,. bom and enreproduced IK; and and other songs of th best known! this vnsnner; Nevertheless, If . the tertain tbs baby.Wuck." r 3 Aiulis applauded by spectators in with dynamiters and m ardors. W am complaining of tha high coat of living and seem to ba unable to Rnd the cause of It, Let there be ' ace, nnd both the nnrest end the fSuaqs of If will gradually cos as. To Illustrate. We pay at present About 49,009,000 annually for war not Including the intoroot oa the National indebted nass for wars. bup-prtha nations of tha world should (IN to "learn war no more" but to 7av an International court, then we could reduce the army nnd envy, pay K the war debt and apply 1600,000.000 a jjrer on highway construction, trriga-Jl- . damn power development, educa-tion, art, etc. This would give employ, tnent to our laborer! and the money and rrork done would Increase fha national wealth and resource Thera would be en abundance of the necessaries of life for ail and therefore - no cause for unrest and agitation, in stead Of 32.1 per cent at present avail-Abfor tha benefit of the peoplend 7.4 JKT cent contributed aa aa annua pea-alfor the luiury of war ead war bur. Jflerts, wrf should be able te carry a system of national enlargomeat wnd contribute te the welfare of the an-Vlon and It! peopla what cent uric may mot accomplish while public education nd internal Improvements beg for arid armies And navies bold ihe right of way. I Tbit is the peace cause fn a nutshell, applied to industrial conditions. It aims . t the adjustment of the national ei--" penaea the lowering of and the mcrease of natlonal resauroeo. Wa ieel ,lt deserves the support of every patriotic man and woman, and we know it hen the warm support of all who have given it aa Intelligent ' 4 propr.tora of moving picture shows to How sn a man who lovea hi mies have any enemies? Quite s number of Judg-- s bo recalled for a second term Values in Our Suit & Cloak Dept. Money-Savin- g com-mu- We recently suggested the designation of a "bird day" for thia State, for the purpose of proving 10 the people that they must leant te protect all the native v. lid birds or they cannot avoid the disasters that follow. Any country that permits the destruction or eg. termination of its bird life, faces In another coshortage and famine. lumn of this issue Is a strong plea by Dr. Paul in behalf of the meadowlark, that applies also to many other native Edimalioa- - of- - that Sts Jmpotjantjbcfqtt, Jhq . worldLAodAy It gouebes not only international relation, sad that two arbor and bird day bare but the Individual interests of every been designated for 1M3 by the Govertill sen. W art passing through a nor of Iillnote Friday, April II, and difjperiod of unrest. Claes stands nr. Friday, October 26 to meet the In the northern and Jwyed against class. There Is bitter ference la seasons trite and sometimes murderous aa southern parts of the State. i - DESERET EVENING NEWS MONDAY APRIL t herae 1 Plate $SjOO Painku Extraction 23 ALL THIS WBRK AND GABB1CK PLAXUlt IN THE SUBSTITUTE Wrw ' Prices Flam re1 Greatest taaveSy. 36 te 16c , . aad Itswigof Nxl Wsebr Mr. Plgmaa tn Tb Marring f Kitty," sad aa s eartaln ratasr. Mr Martha Royla Palmer- skvtcl Tbs Danger UtaaL" . Maas. Tbwreioy CENTS Examination FREE. AH work guaranteed. ,122ft SOUTH MAIN ST. Bell 2057. Houra 8 to 8. Sundays 9 HU 12. f Ind. 925. ! i Western Foci esti-gre- at j Belt Take Kereest Theater Item seifs Go. , . Agent for - 1 KingCoal ne-'tu-l. fr -- ! hs J? nmnr not, lastrw-mem.-ls- a - i 3 ,ty BULUVAN-OONBIDni- B Greater Advanced VsndevUlo. LA FETITE REVrE" TC3AY IM I JO M, 'Tilt Devlin ru A 'Merritt Is d Co. mm best rao won - " Eva Ray U 73 So., - Main ' - lam "t r - l r - Tclsj henss 719 1 D.J.SIiirp r.iar- - " |