Show DIRECT ELECTION MEASURE AGAIN DEFEATED R IN SENATE for second time the upper house of the utah legislature goes on record against I 1 on D election of united states sen alora was repudiated tor for the second time this session by the upper house O 0 of f the state legislature on february 26 thirteen senators being present and voting on the house resolution becom mended by the state affairs and fed eral relations committee this reso lution la is the same as the rideout res alution previously defeated nine senators voted against the res alution and four senators in favor of it aff affirmative irma tive kelly olson rideout and smith negative cottrell craig Fc eckersley kersley Edge heill ferry perry iverson lunt wight and gardner senators absent were booth funk hansen thornley and williams the general taxation measure pre pared by the special tax commission Is doomed to defeat in both houses of the legislature it if the report of the special joint committee considering these bills is adopted senate bill no 34 which proposed stringent penalties for the person who moved anything bought on the install ment plan and which was character iz iced d as a measure to make criminals of a large part of 0 the population was killed in the house on wednesday more funds for high school purposes in cities of the second class will be provided through the passage of sen ate bill no raising the maximum tax levy for school purposes from 6 Vs to sa s1 mills the bill providing tor for closing saloons at 9 0 clock and all day on legal holi days came up in the house february 26 and was promptly relegated to the foot of the calendar another bill to be bejil placed aced at the bottom was the mini mum wage commission bill eckersley s memorial to congress asking for federal aid for industrial education and declaring for a national government university was adopted in the senate without opposition the cond tion of dr jane W skol field member of the house of depre senta tives ill with nervous tion is reported favorable it was admitted however that she may not recover in time to return to her leg islat lve duties provisions for better registration of marks and brands are made in two senate bills passed by the house on february 26 one of which makes slight advances in the tees fees to be paid the state auditor for registering the brands mrs cannon s bill revising the state regulation for architects and outlining the duties of the state board of archi lecture failed to pass the bouse house by a vote of 15 to 18 the house members of the appropriation pria tion committee went to provo on I 1 february lebr uary 26 to look ner over the state mental hospital before deciding on the appropriations for improvements allowing district judges traveling and living expenses the latter not to exceed 2 a day is the purpose of a bill introduced in the senate on february 26 by the committee on judi c ary the present lavi aa does not allow these expenses monday february 24 ams the th last day for introduction of bills in the senate axce except t by committee and there avalanche was an avalanche of late measures senator eckersley introduced a bill to establish a branch of the state agri cultural college in sevier county and making an appropriation of 10 tor for the move senator booth introduced two bills aimed at the suppression of 0 houses of ill fame one prohibits such houses ard the other would permit of prose cution of owners and agents ol 01 0 build ings used tor for such purposes senator rideout introduced an anti pass bill there already are two in fix the senate senate b 11 no a state law pro hi hibl biting ting spitting in c places and introduced by W mont ferry at the request of the state board of health was passed in the senate on febrey february 24 the first strictly party voting of the sess on in the house so tar far deN developed eloped on the in consideration of fie vie elections committee substitute for t e bill introduced by representative S L page of piute diute relative to the post tion of names on ballots in county and municipal elections three house bills became laws through the signature of the governor on february 24 including the bill by daniel mcrae of salt lake providing ahat hat all collection agencies be re quiren to file bonds with the secretary of state the bill by james monson of sanpete designed to prevent a cream ery cry company from boosting the price of butter fat in order to put a commet ing company out of business and the bill by J E cardon of cache limiting a lessor lessors s lien to six months rent establishment of a public service commission for the state regulation of railroads and other public service cor po rations is provided for in a bill in produced trod in the senate on february 24 by benner X emith smith who rho holds the record for the introduction of new measures president henry gardner charged that sentiment was playing its part in the passage of tl e senate on february 21 of the smith b I 1 appropriating tor for improvement and marking of the pioneers trail over the moun tain tala into salt lake valley the house on february 25 killed on th senate bill introduced by hansen mak ing it unlawful to circulate ceroga tory statements or reports about banks As introduced by senator hansen the bill made this act a tel fel ony and moreover provided that the derogatory reports must not be given circulation either directly or by in terence ference also rumors were placed on the same basis as written reports bills dills were passed by the house on february 25 amending state tion district laws to permit irrigation districts to purchase capital stock 0 of private irrigation companies creating state athletic commission imposing license on all trading stamp compan fe ies operating in utah amending law relative to larceny of water to include pipe lines making issuance of 0 check without funds prima facie evidence of intent to defraud amending law rel active to time for commencing crimin al at actions in justices courts four bills were passed by the sen ate on february 25 as follows senate bill no smith an act permit ting leasing of minin mining claims owned by estates house mil I 1 no 84 page an act permitting either party to dl di vorce action to obtain final decree house bills no 17 and no 19 car don acts making wages preferred debts senate concurs in house action stripping bills of senate amendments salt lake members of the house turned in and helped the members from the country districts kill the ve hide hicle license tax bill in the house on february 20 the measure was dis carded by a vote of 13 to 29 when senate bill no an act to segregate trust companies from the general banking business came up tor for third reading in the senate on febri ary 25 charles cottrell jr chairman of the committee which had becom mended its passage declared the corn coin cittee had been misled about th measure after some discussion the measure was killed Sheep men and cattlemen locked horns in the house on february 20 21 during the discussion of majority and minority reports on the bill introduced by J 11 hammond of grand county providing for inspection of all live stock before shipment outside the state the bill was designed to pre vent cattle and sheep rustling and in general met with the approval of the cattlemen and with op opposition position from some sheep men and the larger live stock operators the argument will be resumed later on unfavorable report has been made to the senate by the committee on county and municipal corporations on senate bill no 80 providing tor for the creation of a pew new county out of an existing county this is the bill designed to aid in the plan to divide wasatch county two more special bills affecting the handling of prisoners in the state pris on passed by the house on the one making it a felony to fur niah nish prisoners drugs explosives or weapons or to assist them to procure such and another aiming to provide for a more efficient and modern parole system and the appointment of a state parole agent with a modification of the penalty A L booth s anti dope bill was passed in the senate without tion amendments reduce the mini mint muni mum penalty for conviction to one month in jail or fine or both suggestion that the passage of sen ator J W funk funks a bill aimed to pre vent extortion by labor agents would make it impossible to secure foreign labor the only class that will take the jobs for certain kinds of rough work in the state led to opposition to the bill when it came up on third read in the senate the bill was referred back to the committee on pub alic ic health and labor tor for further consid aeration A child labor law aw that prohibits em ot of children c wider under 14 in almost any capacity and which pro poses reg ot of boa bo s a and girls in certain occupations until they are 21 years old Is proposed in abill a bill intro deuced in the senate by L B wight prof J F merrill of the school ot of mines at the university ot of utah be fore the senate committee on mines and mining urged passage of ferry perry s senate bill no making an ampro pr pria lation tion of 15 for mineral research and experiments if the legislature did not give another thing to the school the committee made nide a favorable re port on the measure two health bills introduced by senator W mont terry berry by request of the state board of health were passed in the senate on february 21 one requiring immediate reports to the health authorities of cases of tuberculosis ercul osis and the other providing tor for inspection of ice by health authorities before it s sold senate bill no 13 Is the one ing to reports of tuberculosis it was passed without opposition there was a me discussion of the other measure senate bill no 10 the ice bill senator senater L B wight endeavored to amend the bill to stipulate that only ice used for beverages drinking water and culinary purposes need pass in spec tion backing ice need not be absolutely pure he argued his amendment was voted down so the bill covers ice for or all purposes utah s link in the midland trail was passed up to the governor on friday through the passage of senate bill no 91 by the house with only three votes 01 posing these votes being cast by enos bennion of uintah county george II 11 robinson of R ch county end nd W L van wagoner of wasatch county senator iverson s senate bill no 0 o relating to preferred claims on school 1 lands aas ras passed in the senate on february 21 booths senate bil bill no 38 relating to issuance of patents on state lands was also passed |