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Show the MORNING victims fjfty-thre- Delaware thro:. an OF THE ATLANTIC IXiSHea city Disaster ihe mIuku:,-- ! Ihe elect Whoie F am ili Wiped Out the fay River. ooooooooooo NUMBER OF .g Whaiaaala and Retail SPORTING o o o o o o o o o o o o o : GOODS COSPANY GOODS. Jebbare of EDISON o o DEAD. o o ,u o hii: iv ,.y o I 'iH AliilUiie tl'x. O, ; hr.t- per-cu- .. I'. liLtiwii lo halt" lus; heir iu lire waters uf Thu: uni:!: tare an iltrinc .aividuj- wlii-i- i iraiu Jnmiifd i l,e ra.l ,ii tire drawbridge ovei tile wai.iway. iff tills number furl vevtu Hale been iiieiiritred. j sic end four remain in the The iwu morgue unidentified. iu have missing are known They arc uiuijj end Burch. SPORTING ireii-he- PHONO- AND GRAPHS RECORDS, Clark, Harrocka' Fiahing Tackle, Stall and Dean Athletic Goode. Phonographe Sold on Easy 351 24th St. Tima. y OOOOOOOOOOO o Atlantic City. X. .1., Oct. up. -- A- the details uf yes' wreck mi the eitcirie l,nt uf iln- West Jcr-i-cA Seaslun e rail: out developed during tlic night, the dressier became more appalling. The u:ul number whose live snuffed out a I marl with instantly Is probably ncarlv a score injured, several ef whom. It i ihougni. will die. At 11 ucluck today ,il biulit-had been recovered tnnn the two cars loaded with men. wouu-and which dashed into the ihurougli-lar- e mid one of he cars had nccu Ol' the. dead brought to I he shore. have been identified. twenty-nin- e if any, leiuain in die second car Is nut known, hui with ihe aid of divers who were brought here lroiu Philadelphia, i! is thought that the second cur will be completely surveyed before noon. The fact that some bodies were recovered oureide of the eara leads to Ihe belief that lmsstbly not all thoi-- drowned may ever be recovered. There were ninety-on- e person un the train. Twenty-fivof this number have been accounted for. which with the bodies recovered, bring the - HERE YOU ARE y xi-six, BOYS rhil-dre- Roller Skates How-many- Roller Skates Winslows Celebrated Line Trices From 50c to $5.00 e e Come QuicK T. S. HUTCHISON No. 306 Wedding always used, and especially In the line ot cblnaware. Our beautiful line of fancy and ornamental dishes in the moat complete An .inspection of any In the city. trill demonstrate this. See us before Are buying. Freeh ftulta and vepetablea, staple I and fancy groceries. Olsen, Grocer4 2259 Washington Ave.' Bush Gerta Pianos. & Newman H. divers ilia) througn the broken windows out Into the Thoroughfare aud were carried by the swift current out Into the Adamic. At police headquarter It was slated this morning that the effects found on budl-'were not mtlficieni to permit of Identification of more than six and the identification will have to be made by personal Inspection. All of the bodies are being embalmed. The early morning iralna brought many persona front Philadelphia and 'other points who were anxious to learn If a dear one had been swept to death by the awful disaster. identified The lint of dead thus-fafollows: Mr. Frederick Bonckert, Philadelphia. Clarence Benckerl, IS. and Harry Bene kert, 9. V. 1,. Walker. Philadelphia. David Fried, New York, P. Dempsey, Camden. N. J. j.Mra.' Lambert vllle, Ida Dcntpsey, N. .1. Mrs. Cora lilddlc Hrown, Kaalport, Maine. Mt. Selina Wotnfer, Camden, X.J. James Eagan, Atlantic City. ' Laura Ijiwretire, Philadelphia. Mrs. Kradiah, Atlantic City. Himttel lfTt'l. Germantown. Pa. Walter Hcult, Atlantic City. Frank Munme, Camden. N. .1. Vicente Donelle. member Toara'a Royal Artillery band. Philadelphia. band, PhilPasqualc Muzelle.Tosca' adelphia. Frederick I). Soeerearo, band, Philadelphia. Bros. Organa, Philadelphia. Mrs. Catherine Huridera, his wife. PhiladelDr. Paul Felsburg, 28; phia. Mrs. Frances Felsbttrg. Ills wife. Eddie Mea, five yeara old, Pliila-dtdphl- PIANOS ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Violins, Guitars, Accord eon a, Strings. tateit Publication Baa-jo- of Sheet Miuic. See the Wonderful Pipe Organ. 2376 e, Washington Avenue. Mr .Evslene McElroy. Philadelphia. Olivia McElroy, Philadelphia. Mrs. W. L. Carter, Philadelphia. Missing. Jus. McElroy. three year old. John Zimmerman. Philadelphia. Mrs. Ella Rtttenhoefer, Philadelphia. Ella Rlttenhoefer, daughter. .Miss Martha Hire, Philadelphia. William Edwards, Woodbury, Xew Vork. N. J. . Mrs. W. H. Riewrt. Wenona. William 8. Klyne. seven years old, of Wenona. Albert Russel. Camden. X. J. Albert Uettman. Philadelphia. B. H. Elnckelsteln. Reading. Pa. Frank Herward. Jos. llerward, brothers. Philadelphia. Constantine Yenrado. Philadelphia. Yleranzo Donlable, Atlantic City. George Turner, colored, Atlantic OGDEN, UATH. PICKETT Grocery Co. Is where you buy the Best the Market Affords fine fruits Vegetables Staple and fancy GROCERIES ALWAYS NICE AND fRESH 2344 Washington Ave. City. H. X. Burch, of Philadelphia, was with Andrew Taylor, also of Philadelphia. the two allting side by side. Taywas lor was saved and says Butch drowned. Gertrude Hayc. colored, Camden, X. J. F. Finclair Harris, colored, Philadelphia. Clifford Hands, his brother. John Koiier. Philadelphia. Thomas Culvenlce. Philadelphia. . Injured. William If. Siewan. Wenona, X. J.. .internal, fatal. Frank Decerl, Philadelphia, internal fatal. John Foitunato. Philadelphia, internal. fatal. Jos. Devito, manager Royal Artillery' band. Philadelphia, internal, severe contusions. Angelo Franxein. Philadelphia, serious. Andrew Taylor. Camden, fatally. Ida Taylor. Florence. N. J.. Internally. EdWrird Morgan, Scranton, concussion of brain. Al Reese. Scranton, severe. O. R. Natello, Philadelphia, concus- sion of bruin. H. B. Joseph. Camden, confusion. Jobn Donghfrty. Philadelphia, cut PLACE YOUR ORDERS WITH MITCHELL BROS. Coping and Dont buy from agents, Monuments, Ilead-ftone- a. as they get large commliroxi and you have to pay them. See your home people first. Yard opposite City Cemetery. I. i 'lo- ,ii, tr.oi. hmr an ii ,i rw lie in c.g'-.-l UTAH. S n toi a .ed wub lirt t 'ii in in ibe I cuimO hs i j'.sl- uia. .uni i. H started ai uss ii.c iron. lire the dirvcii.ti Il. w -- :ia into place. ill three draw hail cais which miv ruuuing at a biit'i DU Hie ticsl.e late of spt . d. djB-ieWith a Illicit tile forward car let: iln da-iu lalre ,:n i d ih'o Ihe gi.arl tail A' the car lol.cwiug the other ; (hiiui wheie the car jumped ihe ltd.-.iwi-in- .' the top of the trestle i.-n fet high. The first billwo Icalie l hi Ml car ?iau:y sabuieiged, of the train caught on an aiv.itiiei:' aud teinaiiitd susireudej. It ear from which near.; ail ot the injured escaped. The new of the disaster giuci.-ilelegraplird to tliis c:t aud iu les uf ieem bad than an hour the work lieguu. At ihe lime of the arcun ui the tide, which rise about uu tool, was ruuuiug in aim the work of tbe as not null! divers was slow. Il several I tour la'.er ibai ihe direi.-wer- e able lo make any progiv. Then the awful evidences uf the disaster became more uppaieui. W hen tbe twu cars si ruck the Ih.iiuiii of ihe waicr-wa- y they stood almost m end und the first man lo iicsccim ivior;id ili.it the victlais weie lucked ill Uie iowc: euds of the silbtlieiaed cars so ligiilO that it was dlficiilt in move them One b one ihe imdles well1 ciiil-to a wailing train aud Ini. sl.. by side, later to be liornc lo iki.- - c:t and placed In ihe Empire Thcale which was iisc.l as a lenipoi .o.y MORNING. .. GREENWATER STORY OF BURv ivCRS liiorl Oct. i. ci iigir ihe Koyal Ailiilei.' till- . ili"ii i: ii.i wi h we-ei- t.r-- . . . . . i -- , riid iui i Tl-.- '.hmr and ouly pel i We saer to .ui.i k 111. . JAMAICA RESULTS pi"i::lii-eii,'- t a.liieti lo li.l of 1 N ui- or.- ui - - 1 in on,!. 1.4 : Tii'. : tioni lio.ir in inidi-iii-.ii- l Kofi -- - K:i.uuu- tii-- tlrei nwaiei lie uic.iteM copn i iiiiuiua lerriiiiri ever I oil Ini ill 'lie Weilii ii'.ggei than M il e i hiagel' than Neal i tJi'.,,"ll.Mii h:i tin I i l IM. I'H-- won. Rn-e- MsiiiKai- et.Uil, - Hon lliiid. Time. WE iare. mile au-- a ix:cenih of I in, in sou. I.indaie cc (i.;ti-a;ktbtid. Time, . race, six tinl.inga Opiudan won. Smcliswai eivml. Jack Ikdau liuid Tunc. J l i 2 Kounh loci-- . I hi- Kenisen bainlicap. iu tu" c'.aiii.- - dur'.uji she Fraui. Gill Ami i lie men who five and a lull lir'long uioii.h lai have nm imcle.1 -- o va. a Mini aiv won. lraculuin xeivui.t. Rillak third. Time. 1 ev among i Iu iiioi piomi uu'.'! of l Fit ill race, one mile and u sixteenth :. me free'' ui iii mule owiii i ol ilii, c neiii ion. Gian 1 inches won. Tipping "lo lect'e ihe imj-'ol ii,c lac - aihait he Piiniqiii- - iln rd. Time. 1:49 OaiiJ. who returned t v buuiiiaa iiiliti nil evo:ii.i .,1 tl'eiii-wau-- r Sixth race, (nil and a kixteeath "Kveii.-iii in my c;.1 have to . oiii i l liii wii.di-- or in Beale ii Poquesi second. Till ihsliji'l u.id pijciUai- - l'resiii won. '..gill one ali- - Cieil.illly. raped :i they had no Time, 1:47 Stamping linmnd-third- . other " ly unkiiiWii. pracucally .iiiiAihiitd, .Mm t'lirii- -. roudm .. ol the I rain, wi.iiiu u stiuH a tune - Til years CHANGES IN NAVY. a mi reached this c lie ago It lie- - tar up .iniiHig lhe niiiuii'i Ilialie was ill 'oc.iid car crags of Ho- Kuneral rung.-- , li wa In: lainu.ii. i)cl. folkiwiug when i lie accident nt it. t'lirtiM in inipji iscd uiMl : I'hi hang aiming naval ulfieei id high lie and a ihe llie i Ii it an aoeipiair st ,ic sup' in limT: snk will be made ou! iciiii iu escapi ' m iln- - car. ply. Till lucre suggrsiiiiii l a Aiiiuii:il Hir Day lion. Uosauquct, raliiViid leading in ihisc of the North AinThEY BEGGED HIM NOT TO GO. lroiu wlucb. on the I'aiiimiiia side. 't ican aud Mesa Indian squadron, will e I here I an alllliml tl'Vip lo made ocmtminaeNu-chie- f at Ar.ni.'ic t'iiy. X. J I ' I"' - Fi tends IVa'.h va'ley wa- - pniuinly Ice ilnnral IhaJ lea -- Hcres-ford, li is unknown of Waller Sill. mo. ui..n if wuh ridicuie. the u comma inli'i Incliief of llie wreeteil uaiu. who I .iiuung Ihe dead, lli longer. It hs hern t'xplmed f.vui lleet I inuae coniniaiHler-la-clili- f told a Mor.r here hut uudlit iliaf end hi tud. Il will have a railroad morgue. of iln- channel fleet; Yk'e AdAt the morgue the scene was pa rtciMi had a quarrel wiili m- - l.ilher and and all the waier ii can uac early In miral Chaj'le tv Ditiry. lord runmiau-dthetie. Those who had friend.-- uu iln j moiliei ' in t'amdeii h. loi i.u'ing for ihe new year. Iu other wonts, aud of Hi aiimlraliy, wlU be eoninwvn-le- r wiiboiil exaggeration, ii has jumped ears crowded alioiil the IHir hi day wolk. Ihe Mediterranean station; The hither, an dd l.v'oiiiniiV troni olixcurity lo llie liiggeal mill- Vtro ofAdmiral and with difficulty woie Anneion G. Curioii-How- , u mu over tile ilian leas i liter ii.i uu icnnd. in from forcing their way iulo the bmhi ing poleniiulity iui;ed in ivmunand of th chansecuiid Ihe elect lie railway .'l'e nil sale a decade. lug. Due of the must lieai criinuundor of lb No nel fleei, Imhxnii eonie to I' i,iei' niining is expensive. instance, was furnished by Pivdcnck an.l iliat they were sure :o her Atlantic Heel, and Rear Admiral run oil ever .Mr. wa Sco:t hi.i.g up his loal grief entire opened copper who proposition fBiil.a Beuckert, Francis ( B. ltrldgonian, aervlug la wife and two cdtiblrHii. Beuckert was arm slid begged him uu: in take the by ouyihing except real inuney. Duly the Modiierraniwn dent, will be made i opHam him, bin the yumm Ilian a fool would not intonat'd of the accident until of Ihe now home fleet. conuuauder In tinlsd aside. and in and humid he this metal, a tialn eration catch to late p.irem ttoiui snick to hi controller and would have hi trouble for bla pain. here in an automobile. When lie saw BURIAL AT KACHAU. a- - bis threw train Tbe firm and individuals who have oil i he .ilrbraio aud wife two liis llt'e of bodies the i he 'racks. lift floor. into Bunivois and on ibe ihcir they ay side money side pm reputation by Isiys lying Bodies of Rakociy, Hia Mothar and infelt ilte gripping of Hie iron shies uu the future lireefiwuler pivisTiic Beuckert collapsed and bad lo be Sister Placed in Vault. like the and third the firma IT.irk, and and wheels, dividuals Patsy from the building. car H. ibe had Schwab, If was IL'Iuzc. ii t'barles slowed couplings up. the uiotoriuan. August Waited Scott, Kaachuu, Hungary, Oct. 29. The killed because of his anxiety to Mpend let gu, ii - probable ilial only llie ibe L. M. Sulllvau Tnisi company. lioily uf Fmuli Hakurty, the Hungaril off lie and have Him fslh'ii id A. would Munuraa coach Clark W. wife here. Hcnaior with his part of the day an patriot who died tu xil, audi ''Borax" Smith are making ill It wax Scott's custom to run only a hridg". bill the cuiiphng held fast. tluwe of hla inolker and son, Joseph, ilu-am liecausc ubauluiel) be swapped far a Millville, but today her thla morning on a ape-riarrived To LUNATIC. WITH mine. FIGHT Ihe invealiuent of his certain run with another niotornian and from Hilda Feat aud' were iraiu solid ibe and llie ovei linponuiicc death was the result. ih cathedral with great taken lo claim From Who of Gieenwaiei's up were foundmlnn mi Georg Shepherd, Escaped Hr. Hudders and his wife on a catafalque. and plaerd Denla Attacks Idaho on attention fully. a Asylum, public puie their way to tbia city In purrhuKc r i.okUirie celcUaied a Bishop tbe ol ver piVMUCtlon The total Couple. copper cottage and Intended sister-in-la-visiting Mrs. requiem maaa in llie presence of de-pI iiiit-- 1 Himes for 19u.ri was about inn. who German, the doctor' ui ton fivim all parts of tliu country. .ilii non half 29The M'tllenieiil of Oct. tminagi1 was ton. Fully icsldes In ibis city. The latter Tbe three coffins were then conveyed wen-sif llie a much lk'iivcr where had west miles uf came from Butte, al the station waiting for the arrival min' while a salute ion early yesterdsi illuming that best lopjier ore mined show value of lo a conaecraled vault if the doctor and his wife and when 24 guns was fired. of more :hsu uf which llie In resulted lynching she learned of tbe aceideut the woman nearly is:- cent, upon lunatic lliNi.ilnii.iiiiu ba paid Iu dlri roHapsed. Tbe bodies of tbe doctor Geoigc Bbcpberd, an JAPANESE PLEASED. Idaho. from deuiia. The (ircenwaier district baa and hi wife were among the last Ila Billie. At Elias and "f area Mr. wipper Have twice the daybreak Mr. brought in from the wreck. Faith That Matcalf'a Viait Will Prosecutor Albertson, t'oroner Gas-kil- l Sieffiui were awakened by soiumuiii' slutwlng run aa high aa fill per real Remit In Their Favor. Mr. lait ibe When door. The supply of ropper duriug and Chief of rollce Maxwell su- pounding tiu their himdemand of Ihe be found short year foil far perintended the removal of the bodies bteffaii ofiened the door Tokio, Oct. 3D.' The Japan cue govfrom the scene of the disaster. Tbe self gazing inui tbe tmiule uf a shot-gu- n to lie exget, while the Inereaae In ernment la pleased wllh the action uf In(1 lhe who In wa ihe handa of a stranger, per cent, only pivMlucilou valuables taken from that dead were Washington authorities and beencreased demand waa figured al 34 per the placed in packages which were num- demanded that he be allowed lo lieve that a aatlHfactary result may to a H need (Pies not diagram bered and a number corresponding ter ibe house and hide there during renl. be confidently expected from Recie-lar- y the duy. show why ihe Green water investor was placed on the body. Metcalfe mlsxlon to Han FraiH'lx-Mr. Rteffan grabbed (he muzzle of are confident oT stupendous profit, The divers were so completely excunneetkin with tha exclusion in en this Into not It gone away That they have gun and attempted to take children from arhnnla at hausted by their continued efforts that the was getting the lerprise aa a flyer 1 evidenced by of Japam-afrom tbe but man. an bethey were Compelled lo spend oper- worst uf the encounter when bis wife the fuel that have not pul ihelr feuded by while children. It Inla iby break. before ation a shdrt time the acute day lieved that the stag in hi anal stance. She removed slock on lhe market al penny prices, he Their work was particularly arduous none huwltand held and bv ibe further fact that they have matter has been paased and it can cx-lt because the wracking crews were un- the cari ridge, while her feeling had lhe arlnal coin m Ihelr trcasurlca for said that nu a It. in sustained and o doing di-rlck a here In any form. able to raise Ihe cars. The kuge arm un where Shepbndae the serious mining. right out which wa run upon the long . struck her. If tbe layman die mH iimleiwtand treatlc. with the added weight of the herd LODGING CAR BURNS. Hi own weapon having lieeu made the demand for copper coiiHfaut why from the wrecked car suspended he very the demand action of heroic may iiscle the the by ly Increases, bridge crane, waa more than the Bodies Lest and Foul Play Bua- -' The chief iihi struggled easily explained would susraln. and It was feared list brave woman, Bhcphord work pectad. electric tor la and room tried Hteffan the with copper pure imw stress would cause it to cullupnc. revolver which wan lying on I ued In the eoustHHiInn of dyna An attempt waa raudo to cut the to aelxe a 2i1.- -A H car D.. Oi-t- . are Rapid City, nma giul motor; great quaiiiltle first and second car aaunder and lift a dreiuwT. on the Milwaukee track used aa a man fo" wire was him. fur Inin too Mrs. Bleffau roll.! quick a single car out of the water, bill the first. 8he was Including lodging house for laltorera. Waa burned cables, long-il- l cable broke al tbe first stieinpi and getting ihe wiqpiiu transiniSNlon lines lnt night and thla morning the bodies and to the shorn afraid Intruder, fearing lane telephone on the second Ole already twisted that ahe niighi wound her husband, for Ighi mid poaer .gervlee. The of I wo men were found in tlte ruins car buckled. waa struggling with Fhepherd on kitchen tot and pane explain sunie Evidence of foul play waa devehiped The attempts to lift 'tbe cnaoiicx who Rhe ran lo the dsir and of tbe mu hiiui ilmn. He use aa an al at the tnqueei Ifaia after noon- and the floor. were then absnrioued and all effort are expected. Red brass is 90 ihe revolver in the loy is asiimlsiilng. fried to discharge were directed toward getting the d It was Yellow braes la found but summon cent atr to copper. help, per bodlea of the victims out of tbe wreckSTEAMER STRANDED. not loaded. M aniline, Hhephenl had. ropper. Of lhe finest gold Jewage. bold of s large jar and was elry nearly 2a per cent Is copper. General Manager Alterhury of the gotten 29. The W. Johns. X. F.. Oct. sliio propeller conlalne nwre copbeating her huslaind over the head Pennsylvania railroad, which own the with II. Running lo Lhe woodshed, slie per than anything else. And copimt steamer Elixir, bound from radia. which accident the line on occurred, seemed an az and tried to strike makes up h of the weight of Hpuin, for Gaapc. (juebec, ran aahoro la here, but thus far has declined to Shepherd wllh It, bill waa so weakened sliver coin minted hy the I 'tilt- In a dense fog near Cwpe Race early every to statement make any with reference with fright and excitement that he ed Hisie. inday. The vessel struck a sheer the wreck. In IMt roiiper sold for only 9 rents rllff and sapk within a few mlniuea eaatlyr struck the aeapnu Truin her A special train from Philadelphia bands. In iweniy fathoms of water. Tho crew a pound. Xow IL brings 32 ecu Is. leached the scene of the wreck this About this lime Hteffan got a hold escaped drowning. uarrowly morning, carrying among others three on bis man' throai and quickly chokCASTRO VERY ILL. divers, who came down to relieve the ed him Into Hiilimiwlon. Seeing that The identity of the knit erafl Is unmen who bad been working through her husband bad control of the man. for a Succeeeer In certain. Tbe only vessel named Elixthe night to recover the bodies of Mra. Rteffan ran lmnfgried and at-- 1 Ha Has ArrangedOffice. ir of which there la a record U a dlnas-tethree who had perished In the livid only in Iht nlgiitdrewi to the Hritl .h m earner, commanded by (apt. reThe efforts of the new men THrfet lunch, a quarter of a mile dis X-- w York, Oct. 29. A Philadelphia Horner, which Milled from Hamburg, sulted In the bringing to the surface tunt. where she juninkined help. relieratea the reinrt that Germany, for Charleston, B. (., on dispatch of three more bodies. When the men from lhe ranch ar- Preaidenl t'aatru of Venexnrla la a OeluleT 13 last. n All told, thirty-sevedead lay In the rived Die)' found Steffan still master very lck man and that a crlN la Improvised morgue and al ID o'clock, of the sit unt Ion. realthough he was THE EDUCATION BILL. wretched and eafferlng iieraous. seek- bleeding profusely from scalp wounds Impending In the South American public. ing lost one, were permitted to en- and from place about hla bands and laoudon, Oct. 29. Tha Ural vote iu R.mllxing that 111 time lu come, g ter the chamber of death. Most face where Khephcrd had bitten him baa ronmiliteo In the house of lords in siali', were the scene and the men The man wa scuiely bound and the President (astro. t.hc inHtory Alcan-isrGeni'ial lhe editruiion bill was taKen tonight picked hla successor who had worked with strong arms and Kliorltf notified. and ' hi suggcaiton, Hie bil- and mulled in tho defeat of the hearts to bring the .IssUca from of Sheriff tbe Before ibe aiiiial by a majority of 2nd. The ler I encamped jusl oiilsidc fiiraca, b the waves were moved to tears. there were ibroais of lynching, but with several hundred troops, ready for vote came un an umcndmenl to the One of the moet paihetlc cases cooler eomiKcl Hhephcrd bill. The amendwaa that of Samuel McElroy. of Phil- told them ihut. i liey could shoot biiu a roup il'ciat, sinitlar lo ihut which firat clause In the whirli w.--i offered hr laird Uiad (astro president. ment, found hla family wiped If adelphia. lint hadi thut be they wanHul iu, General Gomes, ihe RonKlitiitional Hdieage, JJhcrul, makes leligloua In otil by the disaster, bla wife and three serious tu hanging. When objenlon and aid lo lie lhe MrnrHoa rontpulMiry during a part of daughter lying dead in the morgue questioned by ihe officers he contra- vice presld'nl. a majorli.v of Vciuvii'-hinthe dully school lioura Hi all public and hi threo-- y ear-ol- d hoy mlaslng. dicted blmseif several time, first giv- choice ofprexld.-ncy. will have to light and eientenlary M'hools. Eurl Crewe, lhe for When tbe officials maklDg tlie record, O'Brien ami then ax hi name as ii Is muled. Alcantara for tbe speaking for ihe govemmonl, refiiM-of Identification asked for bla address, ing He claimed to he an esi a "-- t P'dut gradnam Bhcpherd. to aerept the amendmitni, out after :t Alcantara the broken hearted man repned: eonvin from the Idaho penitenmill a young man. Hu I the most luisinpss.iik delmlr, the amend"It was 2U92 Green street, but I caped- and said He wag Inilmate with and L. Aiean-tar- ment wax carrl'.l by u vole of 25D to Min of the lute Fratielswi shall never return there God only tiary. both Moyer end Haywood. He said of Venezuela. ufi. former president know where 1 shall go." while working on he made his IdentiAlmost as pathetic waa tbe the farm at the asylum. He said that A NEW ROAD. FEAR DISTURBANCES. fication of Dr. Felsherg of Philadel- foi some lime he had been traveling ar unand iutd lii'li'i'5 t'.v day phia by his niece. From midnight night Mexico City, Del. 29. The visil of Warsaw, Oct. 29. Fear that til dawn the brother pk'ad-fur ad- thought he could frighten Hteffan and will 'Sur tomorrow. Hi a group of Rock Island HtoekhoMens. mittance to the morgue, already sat- hla wife into shielding him and feedol Hi. uf lb publication of Ii.c headed liy .limits ('umpbfcll isfied f i om descriptions furnished ing him until dark. Hteffan had lit Hiinheraaiy manif'o giving a const I amis. In 'llie Western euaul of Mexithe officials and. while painful, imperial phvsiclan and hla wounds co. has giv.n rise to a riiiiior ibai. lo Rilsu Imve l. il to llie adopwife were nmng the dear). When the hey are not eiumidered dangerous, lo tb ihe Rock Island I contemplating the tion of vigorous nieasin-r-seta in. party were adtuliied they were pre- un less of CosHiroua const i uci ion nr a nsd from hhiic pelll pared for the slghL that met their In to Maxailan. The rumor W aud Infantry will jiatiol th sack gaxe. THEY HAD QUARRELED. With .piers to suppress Ihe apparcniiy li.ised largely on the siato-meStreet One among the rows of the bodies of B. F. Yoakum, chairman of lying covered with a sheer contained He Shot Her While Riding in a Cab. Hllgklcsi unciuptK at huking tliul whin liiu the Isoml ,f the corpse of Eddie Xleas, five yeara IliKk Ir.laml finished building road old, who waa drowned in the second New York. Oaten, JUDGE FOR CHINA. In Texas II w..uld bs.k lo Mexico, roach. He came to Atlantic (ity with uf East 28 yours of J, Drang. X. la his father, a ho lies Injured at the morwa a ship a:il it MOIR BEATS PALMER. home of hla brother In this city. The age. wounded Washington. Get. 29. LoIiIm-iiwhile riding In a cab he in wly Wllfb y. fatner, ill and distracted, could not go tally on Broadway. wlh I,oii:- - 1. tirwn, of the I'nlied SratcK eu.ii-- t for 1ndon. Oct. 29. In ibe light for to the morgue, but bis sister-in-laBoth are mcp.',s,i' ef prominent fam- Judge waa on of 1b call! uu lies-ideihe Identified the body. heavy weigh! chnniptonriilp of EngChina, m the police, Browrt of NewMi. Wililey land liciween Jack Fiilm-Roosi'velt t.slay. A few minute after 1b o'clock tbe ine. Aec.idir.g by atrornpilng will followed ihe Han Francisco on .Novemcastle. Hie present holder of ihr iltio. lave wrecking crew brought from the wat- to kl'l himself nu' waa prevented by Hi h' "Gunner" J,m Moir. for a piira er the first car of the train and car- an officer ho the revolver from ber 2mJi atfor China. nhile adhmtierol him) and a side bet of $2."M. to of ho H'langbai will ried It to the land. The car contained Brown i aii.ged to have said llie Xatlon.il Sporting belli et Csntoii. Han- night bfor will coiiit no bodies, but three bodies were him. lhe that the two bad quarreled over the mi'l otiu-- r trnuty ports. club. Moir bal Pilmer on a foul. Moir brought up with the lifting of the car woman's repeal'd refusal to marry kow, Tien furred Hip fis-i- I c: front the firat and from it bed of mud, which seems to the si niggle wa proity even until CONVICTION AT ATLANTA. bear out the theory that there may him. the final round- - in b ninlb Paimr have been some bodies floating out ia! iiniS and E. Ciein-euiMRS. SAGE'S CHARITIES. hit Mu'r luw Aliati a. Ga.. Dei 29 through the windows. xniiiy iiny to a wliiie. Among thoae who are mourning the ami l.i:ir in ki of relative is George L. Prewilt, She Will Give SSO.GOO for a Village charge of School House. KITAGAKI RECEIVED. n wiilii h r.cem rtois dml wa manager of the Hotel Walter, Phila, New Y'nvk. Dei. 29. Village Presi-den- i fined 82ou or iv mon'lis in jail by Mr. Waldelphia, whose eoittl. W. R. Rciji'H'1 of Bag Harbor. Judge Poult of ih Washingimi. Of. 29 -- Astu Kiisaaki. ter B radish of Eastport, Me., was Mr- -. Bradlsh was flic noiflod drowned. on I L. has behalf Japanese si'idMit whu reqit'.y of returning hgserd for full Hlgned from t !: 'iiival mePmB Tltsv had l',n froni a trip to Philadelphia when the Mrs. R:ik'-iHas, ibat xhe will ibe in M "tudhr. b th euca cirk. lie wax ii flru-nthe ereci ioix of a iliinv'niiuiio acrid nt occurred. nate ir.o.f.on lrei-deni- . Mis-- ; Martha Htinch of "I have a surpi.se in store tor you, waa cordially r r'l.c.i by the Philadelphia, new public sclu'1 building for the vilH.- - ix n d w'skdiir found today among lage.. dear." I.' said. I an rook All Uiday. whose body l Kilal-.i- l h piano.'' in tile insiiiutjou - w.ii as I cm the dead fcv her ai:er, was engaged Sin. Sage give the xclioul in nm-or- y uf ih Iresldeni ea he darling. friend a th is f i married fo Arnold Tedeseo of "Tlint being rent... persuuai and at lier r.,1. graml pi to and hi famil; being nwpe"lul!j wr-i-l wril f"r ua .IM I' New- - Yoik and the wedding was lo Mr. John JerTiiln They were life r Ilic l. ' alt coil kiouaru in ii.c 40 ; U." La'o lC".n celtma'cl in two wetka. lung rctiiliuts o! be village. heap :n the flout I . wl.icu wa he parr h a.-- I got ro a uu: o the water, I le I'll of il. Ml tOOt la ef tin wreikage. A g.vt- i.p lutpc a man iv pi . iiti hi hard pul uu li Ann.uuio, a in. Ulr'.-ee- " yaar lace, six Ilisl 1 'leiii'-ndiii- i Vt-;m- ; luk. . : .i i.g S roi a The i'.iIimiii:u. ,i tin. on , Drs. EllioltS Norris I.I : he i .-i ; I., 1 C i - li.o coini. .II. t..l n : e..J-- ' .l! iviii--- : m-- l :'T p ii 'ii Ca iii.i t'e; . ll.ani ,h II Help . , i iiiu:il: .ii.,, I'.itii j ir:i iu ol o !:: l.tuuc ji: ihi The ileum wove il i:i a lie aid. I I.eal.i i The - , jnu i: i T.- - ! !. i ('II.UIII .: iln. COPPER. Boom Talk un a Region Trat tamly on the Boom. A.. I'iiiia-ici.diiu- . (kToIIER CAN CURE . . - lu-e- : l - : YOU tit-- -- ! I -j- wi-e.lhl - r you, ia our guor-- We will cur 1-- a- . - i ww-.-- S-T- err' I Free. Conoultation young. des-ola- I'orla-luoiill- i: Medl-lerisiioa- Wo positively Trouble, Livar, Diseaat.. - n . I ii liru-lie- il Men's Cure Diaaascs, Blood Dieorflcra, Nee-vou- a Kidney and Stomach wild-cauiu- gui-nip- Hours Offic 10 a. m. to T p. m. cai-rte- d Drs. Elliott & Norris - SPEClALISTS-w- . oere-nnwii- 2361 Washinston Ave. FlM-lie- ii Plenty of Nice Pumpkins and tiubbard Squash m e a , For Halloween Te New Popcorn puns, e is That Will Pop Evans Grocery Co. two-thir- Ev-er- Toaca'a P. Angurofo, Tnaca'a band, Philadelphia. Dr. A. L. Hudders, Rox borough, WARDLE1GH C. It 1 the belief of ihe Mime of ihe bodies floated s Presents E. A. total u seventy-six- . This leaves fifteen person not accounted for and who are supposed to have been drowned. Street Twenty-Fift- h :ii- - biea-ware- OGDEN. M.-aii- e Electric Tram Failing From the Drawbridge Into tne PttOlDFlI EXAMINER: about head. George McGee. Philadelphia. Injured about body. .The wreek occurred at the drawbridge which spans the Thoroughfare, a small waterway, about one mile outside f the cily. just on the eastern edge of the Meadows, and was directly due to the draw failing to work properly. The schooner Slnhad, which was recently wrecked off Wimrqiiar-le- i shoal light, a short .Ii- -' ncc-- l;o:a onn-leni- r. beart-n-n'lln- ii 1 tli. The more you look at tha elasa of laundry work turned out by thla establishment the more certain we are that you will continue lo favor us with your order, for our price ara well within the reach of everyone. Ask for onr newt rate on family waahing. They will in ler eat yon. Ogden Steam Laundry 437 25th 8L Phones 174. dre'd. s b!oud-poi-''-ni- Ti-xa- demou-atratiuri- ure s Red-ma- n sho-'iin- :.k I' i' s. f con-nee- ii sister-in-law- THE uUESTION met. by a ye,'' neeesaHy of an Then, if lack Is ring. si 111 with you. a wedding ring will he iu order. If you require cither or both uo hotter place far buying YYo are can lie f'iunl Mian here. jiop. If I' von spells pm.ie.1 lares; out the in stile hv of -- Ute other high jur right. M:iide In thi- - and elh jewelry. Prie. ff. L BliSWELL, Jstveler 370 24th Street. -- Kiiis-rio- r ANNEXATION OF CONGO. ; i e pi' it- U- Leli' i. ia Hyman. Brussels, Oct. 29.-- .T. of th lJliera'.. I.iiia- - atutuiiuccil .he hi imtpti'.n tu intcT:',i!a:l, ..n th question uf the uf ihe Congo lniici.cadviit xti-- e ii |