Show Children Need Guidance By Ruth Millett MillettA A group of at boys brol broke e 62 wIndows windows windows win wIn- dows in the college gymnasium in a midwestern city the other night nigh 1 When the nation is at war when housewives are am saving kitchen fat when school children are gathering waste paper when the whole country is waste conscious conscious conscious con con- such reckless disregard for property is deplorable for many reasons Authorities In the city In which the window breaking occurred occurred occurred oc oc- oc- oc might have profited by bythe bythe bythe the experience of ot the officials of another city where youths of ot otwell well to do parents smashed several several several sev sev- eral expensive street lights one night while celebrating some event which they thought called for something special As soon as their identity was discovered bills for the damage were sent to the parents who promptly recognized the obligation obligation obligation obliga obliga- tion and agreed to pay It isn't much fun to smash street lights when dad and mother have to foot the bill especially If If- the parents insist on Juniors Junior's earning earnIng earning earn earn- ing part of the payment himself That city has been singularly free from such incidents ever since Of course we cant can't put all of ot the blame for such episodes on the kids involved Perhaps the major part of or it should be bo placed squarely on the shoulders of parents parents parents par par- who have failed to impress their children with the importance importance importance tance of safeguarding property especially the property of ot others Your Property Too In commenting on the subject recently a young naval officer told this story A group of boys were pl playing in the yard of his home when one of bt them knocked a ball that broke brok the windshield of ot an automobile parked n near ar by The boys boy's father promptly hunted hunted hunted hunt hunt- ed up the own owner r of the car made arrangements to have the windshIeld windshield windshield wind wind- shield replaced and paid the bill blU While U the breaking of the windshield was accidental said the young naval officer the fact tact that dad was so prompt to recognize recognize recognize nize his responsibility and pay for the damage made an impression impression impression sion on me which I never for for- got EHe f E fHe fHe He learned then and there that it is o other cr peoples people's property until until until un un- til you damage or destroy it Then it is yours to repair or re re- re place |