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Show fl j fll UiMlUN tiJtltyl'UKt. VjVm m i Jl Tiiumoat tiHentatiionzthe jtolntrti j ill lndlratlaeof the alatuaof the taatctn HBU Ma; unetlloii nro thocorrtoaixjudamit and HBV , A 1 1 tentorial roiiimcnla wbli-h lulrly ) H a t IS Hired lu the London ifumfnrcr, and VjH " ,1 fjjryll theramnk of thu (larnuu i:uiror H ' ...R wllhrryardtothu Itumlmi loan. Hie LHaVl Ht'ljl ilatemuiita of the Stanford might t BBB n regarded bidongliig to the alarmlat H 6 v onl,'r Hut they embody a algulllinut HBlf M i all ' fact tint Itnaaln baa Uhiii preaalug LHI 'fell' forward lulu rconqiioala In tho dlieo IBI I i! ,lj tlonofAaUfutlhoU.t lllty)ara, and BHi fi if In the t'Urault of nitlonil aggrandlie. HHX i J r maul ahe haa reached the outjaiata of 1 ' 2 lii lltllUh India. Thla we lately jjj (ulotrW out by defining Ihe q ,p looatlon of I'auilr, whire the tJT ooaaacka have ralaixl thu lluaalau V'M nalloiml embltm, That region, now pi'JH Iheiceneol Muscovite military opir Ij'jJJ a'lona, la alluated ou the uorthwtat t l. Hue of India. ll. If Hie Ciir'i occupation of that I; lijj tract nmalna unilliiU-d, i obuJy who T j uiidiritiuda the Uuaaliu jwllcy of uth fin nuliiicroAclimiut ran rejaoiiably be. j, VJ Hate Hut lie will limit hla muTemenU lii 11 tglhatipiarlir. Ilia motto, Irtuamll ji i'H tin! from n Hue uf predeceaaura, la ml- ' i vance, there beltttr, no twin at except It 1 Iw brought about by rompiiMiin. Nil. . ,ij la why Ihe 6finiifarifi;orreaunieutla 1 w, auxloua that the ord of r.uglaud be l'ttl iiii.hralhKl In Aall. HJK Iff j. Hr! With riapectto the atatcment f the HH 1 1 ' 'm? DnifnTor William about tl.a ltuialiu B rt III loan,lt Indlaateathat helalutyOaataalou H j Ip ' n nf liiforinatloiiai tolliuchiraitirof the H fcjj , J litely formed mllltnty agntluout vu- D 'liu i tcrnl Into betneuu France and Uuaala H llpi i UooaiirtM lliutdcrmanlnnloraooulu H lifl , 'j iloaalhellaaaed, but that the luiceaa Bl ff'lj I ' cf the loan negotlatlom meant war B Ltft 1 with ralherlaud, At a uiitut of Hi y((. 'I'i oourae, no kind of a war lu which BBl " 1' 1 Franco might vn ii(k would MtUfy (3 Hut cuuutry uuleaa Urniiny ahoulj BB Uaitlnclil ou the other aide, In j. i ( faol, neither ouoof thorn i outd engage Bj J ifi , In a wat uf uuy rmgultudu with. Hi T " ' BBWnfr ' TIaVV wkj$$k m aMMaJaL itM.. out I bo other Ing a pAitk. pant, aa an oprooent. The logic of thla ilau-mmt la ilcir. The one whoae force wete rngigaal would, when the opportune monwnt arrlveJ, become an eaay prey to the force rk tho particular nation of the two hor hiuda were free. A altnincant Incident (nlntlng to ptnpoaed Interference, III certain Mtli' luallllea, by rtane In connection wild theeiitetn iinallon wat the late arnat if a French epy within Aualrlau let tllory. It leoka aa If, lu the erent of war between KngUnl and lluaali, Uarmany almul I Interfere In comblna. (Ion with the Drat nami-d Kiwer, Franco woul I atep In on the other tl le If Kmpiror William It ootmt lu hi ettlniato of the oonaequelicea ol thu conaumtmitlon of the loan, then the jai of F.urope dependa on thoaucceaaof tk (ar Inprocur. Inglhoalnawaof war. If thla be the caw, the preaetritlou of a pacific condition con-dition could Ixat 1 maintained for Ihe lima being by lha purcutt of a llcy that will defeat Hie auecoea of tha ef-fjrtaofthe ef-fjrtaofthe lluailan I'.mpiror toubtiln money, -William rery bluntly lull citealhat inch li lilt ltw. t'onae-quently t'onae-quently he, In aubalance, tella the hauken of hla country tint they cau do aalhey pleat regatdlng the ltualau loan, butlftl'eyfurnlth theUir with j the nuney he wanta they are onemlea to their country. In that way hetclla the llnanelen that they can do aa they like on the aubjtrt, hut that, at the laniollme, If they ahooeo to futnlalr the Cur with Ihe money, they put a knlfolntn the handa of an enemy with whlih W rut the, IliroaU of ihilr naiolrymon, and that thvcotieUciieet would not be atrreeable to thoae who lima acti-l contrary to tho InUretlaol Fatherland. The tlrtman banker. will aunly not atbume ao graTo a reaponillilllly. |