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Show DESERET UCOUUE Q. CAN SO ST, EUlltar. of Sosta -'tif i Gsftsrit &n!nss M. .DESEBET - EtrMta . i 1 six month. WGUS NIWS BQOKtfltf 103 PRIM 'triAt to tit k H I ANTI-PAPA- to the American people. MlnUterNel Warren Haaaey, Fran's: Palmer, Cbaa T.,Tahler t FRANCE. ixmrer. son respoodeU. VlrctaiaCity. Temlor Io Lejada Cmfclaet Cbaar-CapD'E- Ut la Wpala 8altXakoCXvy. poke at considerable leneth. After Ifewa rrona Home Tbo omelal HTJSSEY, DAHLEE & Co Tellow detloitiR the relations of the Govern , - BANKEE3 sad DEALERS IN GOLD DUST, Dsek. ruent of Mexico States ctclcgrajjlu at L Turku-t.yptla- i .XH UK ELK.TIUN-- i J 1 X S foreftrn control aud every form potic government. Beward proceeded . (ogive an eloquent exposition of American republicanism, especially in its WASHINGTON. application to the Americau Continent, 4ublie Und la rlirornla.-- T rouble et.' and concluded by proposing a toast to lied btlwrfn Turkey And Firy pt.4 ual I'reaideut Juarez, whose name, he said, remaiu iudisdolubly connected Xortl Cierui.nty would .iipe from with the memory of Lincoln. ud (no patentTpi. Uwi. Tbi .New N publishes are- - olored negation Unit' TheEJinburgo'cotemaii ort, which it declares entitled to credit, lh frrlUriil. that LoTtl Clareuden will soon reopen Washington 11. SarK'eut,of Culifor-- j negotiations with the United (States for ?ua, et?rday introduced a bill provid-- 1 the settlement of the AUijama claims. uS' that the bubtio laud la The JicraUVj special at Naples, says n t mineral or reserve, uutUCalifornia,! for ulti-- : the council of Deists, or the anti-Papvatiuin bul useful for lumber, may be' radical assemblage, which met here on li not exceed lug 01 the ninth, turned out a dead failure. quantities acres t only one person or association;-nThe proposition in favor of another aeooud application to he ma Jo, uuUer French occupation of Rome, endorsing, the act, by the same party. to some extent, the last, met with eeri-oThe Turkish Miu-i-iWashington, opposition in the assemblage. a telegram from received hs The liev. O. U. Frothingham, who just tuo Viceroy, aJvlsiuir him that the agisted l)echcr at Richardson's marKhedive of Egypt had solemuty pro- - riage, has delivered a sermon on "the iued the Firtiiau, of which Xeroer foes of society," iu which he denounced K.Ieitdi, Kavoy of the l'orte, wm the editors and interviewers as the cold U aier, uud that the diOlcultic betwcpo blooded cuemiis of society and as the tho "iuittku aud Viceroy are detiultely perverters of public opiuion. aud sAtlfactorly adjusted. The U 4 raid's London special says ha Ciapp, Congressional l'riuter, lltr Mujeaty'a ministers have held ;'.illKttted m crd, chaUenii) the luoat thrcocabtoet meetings during- the week, luiiiulo critical exauituatiou into the at which the present critical condition tuauueriu which he has conducted the of public allAirs in Ireland, with the puntu.g ollke siuce it oauir under his' state of the blaud generally, were con u itiunUiratiou. sidtred and debated. At the last meet 'I'lid govemmeiit of tiie North Uer-in.t- ti iug it was resolved to proclaim the Confederation intends to bring be-i- r couuty of Tipperary, Province of Monu.s i'arliiiuiou t the much cou trover ster, with a portion of the county and subject of patents for inventions, to city of Londonderry and Ulster, as beaid the movement now taking place for ing Id a state of insurrection, as debringiug as much uniformity us possi- scribed In tho late act of Parliament ble into the patent laws. The Secretary providing therefor, so empowering ( North Germany hits tr them to act. Five thousand additional requested Martiu.of the Wa.hiugton Patent troops will be dispatched Immediately oillce, to furnish him with a report of to Irelacd, raising the total force of the tho American laws and rules aud their regular army there to about 30,000 men. eueral ell'ect on our natloual Industry. This is to meet the emergency at preThe Post Oillce reports it has completed sent. On the assembling of Parliament, t he select ious of designs far thenewseriee on the 10th or January a bill will be of pootaga stamps to take the place of Immediately Introduced to empower titoie ni,v la use, which were adopted the government to suspend the llabicit !y the late Postmaster Geueral about a Coryui in Ireland, by an executive ear n,o. The new desigu will be about order, not waitluz for an act of the Leg larger than the present stamp islature, when deemed necessary for uii'i will consist entirely of prohle busts the public safety to do so. tkeu from standard original marbles A courier from Paraguay, who arrit xtcuted by artists of acknowledged ved at Valparaiso, Nov. 0th. brings the reputation. Borne of the stamps have report that Lopez, on his ilight to the niready been engraved, proofs of which Uoiivtan rrontier, commttteu great enormities at San Ks pan ad as, where he have been approved by the P. O. and the President and Cabi- discovered a revolutionarylOUplot among of them to net. The engravings on the stamps his followers: he caused be shot. Ills forces were reduced to w ill comprise the heads of the followmen, with twelve ing distinguished Americans: The one 3X eut, Franklin, by Burton of the Frank- pieces of artlllery.drawn by hand. Ills lin Institute, Philadelphia; the two army chest was plentifully provided sinews of war, having In his vnts, Jackson, by Powers; three csnts, with the carts loaded with money. twelve train six cents, Washington, by llowdou; Lincoln, by Volk; ten cents, Jeilerson, The Tribune's Atlanta, Ua., dis by Powers: twelve cents. Clav. bv Hart: patches say that the Democratic papers uitoeu ceuts, Webster, by Clorenged; throflghoutthe Btate are unanimous in tvventy-tlvcents, Bcott, by Co dee; denouncing the letter of Tift, as being thirty-tiv- e cents, the Hamilton family- entirely unauthorixsd by the Demo bust; forty ceuts, 0. 11. Perry, by Wal- cratic party; they are a unit in oppos cutt. ing the reseating or negroes and the A delegation of colored men had an expulsion of members disqualified by interview with the President on Satur- tne utn Amendment, and strenuously tne aefeat or the 15th Amendment. day, aud delivered a highly eulogistic urge Tne Republicans lareelv endorse the to and complimentary address, which the President replied, expressing his President's recommendation and the ratidcutlon at meeting the delegates, people generally will look for and will ;uni assuring them of the interest he acquiesce in prompt action by Congress. took in the welfare of the colored peo j lot aip. j al ut li er - t-- ed Pro-tVH- A council of ministers Was held at fire o'clock this afternoon at the Tullleries. It was m mo red that this was an extraordlnarJSxieetiDg of the council, a&d had been summoned to consider and decide on an Immediate change in the cabinet. Private advices, received here, assert that Gen. Prim contemplates a coup d'etat, and will proclaim the Dukeof Genoa king; and then present a law to the Cortes making hi mltegent during the minority It Is said that he relies on the support of the army the generals behe will send ing In his favor, and that for the Duke of Genoa to carry out the scheme. On the other hand, a public dispatch from Madrid, announces that Prim made a speech yesterday in the Cortes in which he denied aoy intention to make a coup d'etat, declaring, however, that he believed an immense majority In the country were In favor of the Duke of Genoa. A telegram from Rome reports that the Pope has issued a decree providing, in case of his death, the Ecumenical Council shall not be dissolved now, and that the Cardinals shall take part In the election of his successor. The French oOlclal yellow book Is published. It glvoa a favorable just account of the condition of France and states that her relations with forelen powers and their, relations with one another are still more amicable since the conference In' the dispute between Greece and Turkey was held In Paris. The situation of the North German Confederation is not such as to cause France to change her attitude in Italy. It makes an important declaration with regard to the Ecumenical Council. This' body, It says, Is not beyond the or political powers, so theLmperor s resolved to use his incontestable right to interfere in its deliberation. and through their representatives, asks all the Cathollo powers to ,400. The course or Turkey on the Egyptian question Is reviewed, and effort are made to reconcile the Bul tan and the Viceroy. American affairs are treated as follows: The advent of Grant to thePresldency of the united states nas made no change in the good relations exiating between the two nations. France has assisted the efforts of the Washington Government to peace between Spain and the Pacitlo republic, but the sympathy shown by the United State and South America with the Cuban rebellion has unfortunately complicated the settlement of the above question. In wind book-say- s, "The ing tip this subject the French rorernmeni baa no reason to violate the laws of neutrality; the only aim of this government is to develop, peacefully, Its foreign relations and guard the interests of France. e pie. PENNSYLVANIA. NEW YORK. over to the Npan Arms and Mlnrater Amoannltlea lU Shipped Jtoatn American 'wa iirand lUuaucI to steward Alabama Claims ewa frons Xafilee O. B, Frothiughaua dawn om Ed I to re Startling Xewe-I- n- e and after llonday, Dec. 6lh, C O A O HES X?lsysioicin. u.uil A o-- At CUy Drag tore, kept by Ormsby where irags and Cneinloals can bo Clinton, l W holsle and lUsUUl. dis-ttOrviCK: - WUl leav Salt LsSte City dally A fonncct KIMBALL rcer of Kast an C LAWRENCE, . I -- First West Temple Street UOUy. .. ;omi, irr-- lee, Hard ware, llata, tlry i ill t( . AND GENERAL, S3.00. THROUCft FARE TO pGDEfl, Ito'jiN, htiom nud QnoesBaare. T. West s.i:e im- Temple SL, 8. L. City, Da, Gr)CEaiE3, LAkut - nit-- Aud a General STAGES LEA VE CORINNE DAIL J V. TAYLOR, . FOR MONTANA. .1 rtracnt of Merobsndlae A dlil-t- f GILBER -- C. . Jlautt. & AND SaUSBUnTl PSRI Proprietors B. JloberU. rr uoelbTs, dUOCERIES c and ir,v M FftrjllANDiSE. Whoiesalo and ktetall, V'et tidu iUJt Tom ule Street. OetUerit In UKNfclHAIi a DOPEll, m is it re-estab- lish OppoHiia IVckdo Telegraph Oflloe, keeps' con. for sale ox the mort reasonstuutly ou ahand, kooU supply of GOOflOi WAKE able iMkl uuailty theurui, H . F. M. ' - ! '40, 43 si 44 sUver WtreetJ CHICAGO, DM yannfaetarers of aud siurfjcou WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JONES;&;LiUGHLINS, and evtry variety. AMEIlSON, DEPOT. AMERICAN IRON VJ0RKS. . ?I. DOWf'.f.SON, ii o Of I STORE DRXTGr TL.ll. at Farxiiingtoii; H. W. Lawrence. J. B. KtnibrUI. th ctT. TrltU F1R3T-CLAS- at 5 sum., to r : We have on hand and ah all continue to kep In all varieties. .. ; 4ulce at Iteaidenee, IStU Ward. PATXHT HCDICIBTE9, (Uiktf W. C. CRECQ, i'AKVEJI AND U1LJKR, IXOITNU CHIASM nuii l'ICTUUE FRAJIE MAMKif HCRCIIAHT, BAH, ' FLATJE Two doors west of City Drag Store. Old Frames regllt. Picture cleaned and restored. Maps strained and varnlabed. dl21 tf ' - ' - i'' DTESTTFFH, ' a ' Bolt and Railroad Spikes". And Vanafaetnrsrs or Nails, Ship PAIimf, OILS, i COLORS, atitist, And Dealer in Views of Salt Lake City and Vicinity, east temtle street. ADjomx a wells, d305-3fabqo's. MEXICO. WrHTMW GLASS, BUTTS TIES, CARRIAGE HATtDWAH X3 "Wood Work for Wngons,Carxiagc3 &. Catteirs m Case, -- Kt. Etc., Prescriptions carefully attended to. AXLES, VISES, SPRINGS, rrans;ht and PEBFVltEBX. And Dealers hi CAltTER, , LIQUORS, TIRE,v PATENT SHUFTIRG IKO. PaTERT , rzxoxoazLLPZxzo - ! ' C. W. SHUT ICOIl, AHD t Anvils, Blacksmiths' Bellows, Reward Flow utaei, cast ana Bprtng steal, Reception. II. 31. POOLE & Co., NoU and Washers, Carrlsge Bolts, Next Door to Telegraph Office, 10th 1st. via Havana, City of Mexico Ooll Chain, Coach Screws, -e ward and party arrived on the 15tn DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Malleable Irons, Stock: and DI&, ult, and were received at the railroad MAIN STBEET. Thimble Pkelna,- Wagon Box straps, Dealers in Toilet and Fancy Goods, station by President Juarez and Cabi Files, Raxps, Bolster Plate, Skein Bolts, net and a commission or notables, in ei- ECHO CITY, UTAH IT. S. CLiAWSOX. Benders, Tenyer Iroas-Tir- o son, tne umteu Btate j Aim later, gave Tne Drills, Etc.,-- Etc Beward a banquet, at which Bcholes- - Cn try H tores Furntsned with Goods SCTT. il rders. sen, representitive from Germany, min am 3m at treasonable Hates. Speelal attention adven to d5m ster liomero. and other ministers and De were Teodore ladles presenL many 31 ECHO CITY, Liedga, President or tne Supreme Court, Bit O LEY HOUSE, U. the r. Near It. a name in speech, said that Seward's Depot, would be imperlshably written in the wx.nKfXKrxR, feoprixtob. DT1D MILD01D. traveling public can always be accommo G. ADOLPHE LOW & Co., history of an important epoch, from Tne wltb first dated tne class board or by meal, day, his services in behalf of humanity. weeJL. nuouu lur narDer onop m connection wltb theumuiea. Hotel. No. 203 California Street, d&Lf tl7-3- m -- CUL fl ATT PORTUGAL. Fear eriasirrtTon. Lisbon. Fears are entertained of the breaking out of rebellion In various parts of Portugal. J- - m ATTCIgCO, of Importer P. THOMPSON, chihesl: east, ihdia, TULOK, Pioneer Line of Utah. CiaX. japaiiese & .GE1IERAL CIERCHAnDISE; " T3ESFECTFULLY Informs his friends and hand the following XV Patrons tbat be ha on FIRST J.Lm--Have eonstantlyon JL . boOTH STREET, ball-blo' Hi east of God bo's, CII .' ' :l' A TEAS. where be will be pleased to receive their orders. re-open-ed NEW BRUNSWICK. ck ON AND AFTER " , . Crew Smothered. Baslnr Snlta made for $S.0e, and all CESTBIX AKEBICAH COFftE, . , - r ..JAVA COFFEE, 11. Last night was uuiuiuuuDU caai it enein. IT. Sr. Johns, B., v ennta, Work warranted and fit guaranteed. very cold; the crew of a schooner made . N . .. HUTJILX;S,and all other a fire In a stove in the hold, closing the hatches; this morning they were Cleaning land Dytingfcr SFlCS,te. found dead in their sleeping places. TENTS. BACKS and WAQOJI fOVElw mUa vu wo iiivoura, Hi Beat HOBDAY, DEC. G Hi, 1809, . hattisgs, The Utah Central Railroad, which is cw-o- m ff, t dv-l- ni HOME WELLS A DARKKR, 1 , r,l AI1U FACTU ill .:. iJ ; RE I basz2Z7 to rAnr.TTnbTon, 1 WILL SB . , f CUTLERS i nk G UTrSSXITUS, Seoond Boatb Htreet. Oppoelte Faast's Stabtes uu i.Tiuory itepairea on short notLoe- Proleco taken. dlittAalstk 1 t- - SO.OOOiPOTJHDS i.o.i it NATIONAL HOTEL VlUUL IJAU UU ll. And u Xosst-nxirntit- - FIR5T SOUTH .KTREET-DElWrSTREET AND THE KN nEATRE. 1 - n.L.S0TJTawORTn - lit; MAIN ;:-t.- ;, iAT J fljeii" for. FreifiLt "aM ;PamneK. I v. 1 I TKsTiSi' Trains will oonneci mi Farmingtoa ;with ; Stages from the Cirr at 8.15 a.ex and 4 . and arrive at Ogden in time to con--v nect with the Express train going East t 10.40 a.m4 and the Express train going .The renrn. trains win Weatatottpan leave Ogden at 1L80 aaiv, and 6 making close connections with theStagee as fannongion ioTCiaitiuteLTty'.' p-n-u, ; DESERET1 MILLS. For all In Ibrmatl sin Froprieter: rHH yylJ 0 nrm r.m n w "h 1 '- av Mi;,,!; i P, Ivate Dining Rooms or LddUs. LE AT TllEBKEnETi DlliS1 FOR WARM HEALS SERVED at AJTT IIOFR. iYounoi; , Doeskin, ; V.TT TJh.r.1 A rrmnmrmmmn t m wmA II mm enf Kln.U ri.nil.mMi . i K .nrii. It Tr v KA i u ..i . a . - a1. t wivu ivrami ironiiog on tbe vrnltcii1. street. Location most destrabt. IMnscTB, colored Nearest Hotel , ,.to tbe Theatre. j ftt..ji L MelY'A HT-- O PARTIES AND BALL FITRNIS'lED WTTil XI lef&SJITlUe, " .is r? n tASU i& t ' 1 Oartfen-DOUBLE. SUPPER JA SINGLE and BHOHT NOTICE. ,7 .4 14. to TIlOand of otoUra m CA9M v TlslysvUl Itert. n Jisew? me OYSTER STEWS. the Ti.iU.irOHY wUl OliF.flf MLT tEHT Fim JMUJtH and br BXflaVUU AHIH1LS ladlreneos to the ltocky Moantalns, a I Will WASTED 'X i sx u FrelrhJ. Arenls. OeSan. i ciadir PURCHASE them. If any preier to A good O IB CO NTH IK rsther than sell, they wiu. kot Also a Girl, experieQoed la ths Kitchen. i ? - r., f . Barber, stnl man prersrred. BBKrrrsco. FOBKIONandDOIf ESriCCV add tnd will of that every toh I'jnvrrini - f INTOltoXaed Uatf ULNIiiof IheMUSEUVI as rxcsxtxi) and properly, eared for and 5 0 Cords wili.WJXOK's ii&d Iti-X- : at Barlt Coleman ' ty nam I2CiUBEi on specimens the C02iTIUBUTEl. Beef Z t:Lclf-rt,f , , Mlf The PabUa ar especlslly reqneated to sn'W VariaplTS of, MOUNTAIN preaerv UVK BPECXMKN8 of MOUNTAIN LION. WOLVERINE, LYNX' i 'i Organlxed 181L j BUEEP, PANT H Hit and BLACK FOX, tbey it-- frcClo ' pxteat ea&sj liqJSricatlnx OUsT,; - so with. met rarsl beinx SO Ksv BTnEET, RALTIMORE iXtAXxPJf ' IS JQ , X A. 1 PA 7 S T O C TI . SOpnt farther partlcntsrs J nan Irs of O O. R.a, Yt I it- JLlthaJsaretn2li;TE AANQIeVAKNL at MUSEUM, or at my rttrDhasera or Copper Ore, paytns Cash for HaU. Ajrent ef Paelfia-rr Ptrw4 mils Blwitins-- and' City opposite tne mem. vt ana wais;ak tsy. t i i - JODX IT. TO UK CI. ; 2.'o.414 FRONT ST. it Bporttna PowdsT.; 427,44 cia-- t CAT. JOAH XiJAJT CISCO, Iff i.iiSf. a .4..4. ai j r t "J L f. , ty VX;t. i if & V" " joszph a; Aaraejreed 1 - wcu-Tcnu'si- ea h and - OOL i E - 1 n panics The Sac Canal. Londos. The Observer says President Grant's message makes pleasing In financial circles. impressions is reported that. Lowe, Chancellor ll of the Exchequer, finds lt necessary to raise a loan In the open market to pro? vide means for the purchase of the telelines, in accordance with the graph recent act of parliament. Do Lteseps denies that J the Saei Canal it in want of funds or requires International protection. He promliea that all the unfinished work on the canal shall be completed without Inter-t ferine wltn navigation, x. V TTTE take pleacnre In Informing th people or ff this Territory that w nave ed odiubt, Surffoon, 8 Dr. 1 -- at-teud- On r GREAT BRITAIN. The 'Observer and the Jlesaa Xjaan to bay eat the TelegranhJe I. .Wl- - TO FARGO & CO. WELLS, . Pan- - 2. C. . , Cuba. The Anniversary ence of the Isthmus wa of Independwith the usual demootuS ofT The steamship tWa joicing. from tne Central American coastRica ari rived at Panama Nov. 2) Lb, witu adlces rrom the Capital. Guatemala advices to Nov. 1UU state thst it was in contemplation to bniid a railroad acro&s the Republic to unite tae two oceans. The government had issued Important orders to secure the execution or tna laws. On the night of thef 7th ulL a graiid bouquet was given to Seward at the palace of President Jaarex. Tho mexn bers of the cabinet and other prominent persons were present. Juarez toasted the President and paid a compliment rOCCSOBS HISEK, tenders to Ine PutoUo his professional Mrvioea. 2d booth Street, Halt OrncK at bis Lake City, Utah. rosldence, Domi-stlCollections r.; and to. dJtfU at bus would remain at - :o:- - and Counselor, Attorney After an abseneoothre years la Europe, afala to-da- vts ;,.ttm tmt... T-a- A. A prominent Philadelphia, and in thU politician lawyer city, noted for nts secession proclivities, and one time Minister to China, it is reported has embsizled $30,000, sent from Eu to bo invested by him, and has rope aurrecttasi la Irelsed-Jfe- as Par- - tied the city. Theso fact have been fren asjuaj-Pub- lle reellas; iaCieorada. known for some days, but are only HOME MUSEUM New York. A large crowd attended published y. IMamater' works yesterday, a report were that some of the tipanLsh gun-boabout to leave. They were not quite TEXAS., , ready, but the work la progressing with Election Returns. Prairie; on Fire. sreat rapidity. Eighteen vessels will Galvkstox, 13th. Returns have proceed to Cuba In a short time. Seuor Roberts, the Spanish Minister, beeu received from thirteen additional Davis' majority, as far as arrived from Washington yesterday; the counties. SALT LAKE CITY iTuuboats had been informally turned heard from) is 7107. Flannlger, Radi over to him by the Government au- cal, is elected Lieut. Governor, by a ' The Legislature is Half-a-blo- ck . thorities. large majority. East of the "Deseret A quantity of arms was shipped yes- largely Radical. " A prairie fire is reported in northV'Newa'fr Office,' terday from the Fenian head quarters. eastern The steamship Alaska from Aspln-wa- ll Texas, damaging farms, stock, has arrived. General Williams etc. ate Minister to San Salvador re turned In ner. The Alaska brings Panama dates to Dec. lt. The steamer Every Day, except Sunday, from 2 to 4. lUsirca, arrived t Panama, FOREIGX MiWN. ?' Lt,wU'Francisco touchlngat aDaiSSlOa, 25C . CHILDREfl, 10c 13. 4i three mont & S&USBURY'S i. G1IUEB , An Arfatocratle Ttaler. rte iiauooats turned No. 20 . one-thir- Ie-prtme- nt, Qns Qppy on and EXCllAKUK, rjalt Mk City, U. nd Virginia City and Helena, Montana. Warren lioasey Co., Bankers', Denver and 47 U. Central CUy, Colorado. COIN Paris; i 'Ttirs rot TKEnnmy SALT LAKE CITY, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 14, 1869 Vol. III. S I TEmrCtmSOU-WCEKLY- On Copy on y r. I DBsJIRET Kr.WV.; r.fcXEPii-J- Tha DESEBET HEWB- -, WEEKLY TBUTH AND LTBERTY. Att. Seai-Wkal- dj: CTahltshod every To day and Hatnrday.) . aud the United i!i:xii:j. he proceeded to poiut out the resemblance between the laws and instituThs GanboiU Almost Heady to Start. tions of the two countries, and declared that in these respects and In the comUK COUNCIL A FA ILL HE. mon pursuit of liberty they were much alike. Bewnrd followed la a speech, . Am IrWioeratlr Einbesslrr disclaiming all personal interests iu lernup-dcoming to Mexico, lie mid the Mexin ;w oFsrtiNd run pohtaok stampj. can government wisely gsve their po litical positions to tueir own country' .m. frrant awl Colortd lMUjati-ilfjoiec men aud not to foreign adventurers. Ills sole ambition was to inspire the M K K Of GENOA'S PUOMPKL-TM U SPAIN American people with a thorough understanding of their destinies. This n Dinirulty Adjmted. country, although originally colonized by European monarchies, yet sooner or mutt ba made independent of S0S1E PROSPECTIVE TROUBLE FOR IREHND. later of des a DESEEEEl HEWBi 00 jO HQ 0fflC u'ricKton r inintin roa th nxxcxrrtos ALT. Kit 14 or HOOK A!D JOB FtlTl9U. THC f sai Eait Taayls Copy on year,. .! fiooeefT?er T tSrKocJty ; Uoastxla Regfr EVENING NEVrb i F - iMlfllORcrfrflMl . otrcod of qusM andXflllWcb.' Aillaywardnt ? " Da'OtrJlIL'nTiEXCEIOIllL nxw.iFm j -- - real-deno- - .- orresthyr i |