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Show Pace Ei;:ht CACHE AMERICAN L0; AX. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH .Mtimlay. October 7. 10.59 RALPHS HAVE 1940 FORDS ON DISPLAY Two, Ford Steering Column Gearshift on all 1940 Ford Cars Display Mercury 3 Sedan for 1940 Cars for 1910 , Presented V-- 8 . Enriched by refinements made possible by the manufacture under a single unified management i.of five cars which virtually brack-- M et the motor car market, the 8 Ford and the deluxe Ford 8 cars for 1940, announced ton,t day, present notable advances In " . ' styling, , comfort, convenience and safety. The new car are big, substanVo Aaw tial and powerful in appearance Body lines are pleasingly stream, IjSas&CA-lined. Front end designs are distinctively modem, with low radiator grilles, long hoods and THE Mercury S ledan for 19)0 li a provide entrance to the rear. A new deeply rounded fenders. The trimtil. roomy family car. with ample finger-tigearshift on the steering eat room for ilx to ride comfort- column la fast and easy to ly tailored interiors are big and operate roomy, with plenty of seat room, ably. Young children can be carried and coutilbutea to an unusually In the rear compartment away from quiet rldo. Other Improvements are! leg room, elbow room and shoul door handles. The front seut back a torsion bar ride stabilizer and der room. wingi Inward a It lips forward to controlled ventilation. Two V-- 8 engines are available, an 85 horsepower enginee in the 8 Ford and the deluxe Ford 8, with a 60 horsepower engine optional ln the Ford 8 Four Ford and five deluxe body types comprise the two lines. A new business coupe as well as In charge of Peter Keplmger a Fordor sedan, Tudor sedan and Personnel Training of the Forest D. C, Service In coupe are available In both. There Wasliington Is also a deluxe convertible club stopped of t In Logan, Tuesday at coupe with automatic top as stand(lie Cache Forest office upon his ard equipment. Three color choices return from a weeks inspection ' are available in the Ford six of the Ranger Training School at on Is in the line. deluxe Grove. Mr. Tony Keplmger New York Yankees ball club, An important new feature of hla a ay to Denver, Oolo., where f .A he wtU attend another training world champions, took the second the cars is a finger-ti- p gearshift school, after which he will return game of the world series In the mounted on the steering column cars tures kro a finger-tiHERE are the two Ford gearshift on go Washington, D. C. steering whec-Yankee stadium on Thursday by under the 1910. One is a Ford the steering column, a new confor presented on room This increased the training a score of 4 to 0. Monte for provides Commenting and the other a deluxe Ford Pearson, trolled ventilation system and program for Federal employees, hurler for the Yanks, let the Cin- driver and passengers ln the front Fordor Sealed Beam headlamps for safer Top, thb deluxe Ford new also hTere Mr. Keplinger stated that through cinnati Reds down with a is compartment. Tudor night driving. Two only two controlled ventilation edan; below, the Ford engines are June 24, scratch hits. This Executive Order 7916, system. New edan. Both are big cara with grace- available, an 85 horsepower In the by Sealed-Beaperformance a has 1938, the President given headlamps are used Pearson was almost a world's reful lines. Emphasis ln interior deluxe, the 85 horsepower or a 60 new Impetus to the training cord. It tied a record made In on all types, providing greatly InIs on fine appointments. horsepower engine In the Ford styling creased driving vision at night. employees. In this 1906. Among numerous important fea nodels. Cars with 85 horsepower 85 On the an order he places responsibility for cars, horsepower Both teams went to Cincinnati, job training on administrative of- Friday and there they will resume Improved spring suspension with emficers , and requires that all flexible front the series again today, with the a longer, more ple&slng color treatment ln maroon wheel, tire and tube; twin electric in the pep ployees receive training well taken out of the spring, and a torsion bar pretty work they are required to do. The followers of the Reds who have provide an exceptionally and sand duotone distinguishes the air horns; dual windshield wlpen Interiors of the Ford V-In de- with comfortable steady ride. The President orders further, that If been single sontrol; battery condecisively defeated In the luxe cars, window and door frames firmalso to contribute a department falls to give the first two In counters In New York. indicator: foot control for dition er, easier steering. Front and rear are finished ln dark mahogany, required training, the Civil Serheadlight beams, with Indicator knobs in rich hardware maroon, e cars are of vice Commission will plan a traindeluxe equip-pdsprings on instrument panel, and dimming The Tony Grove camp with plates ln sand, metal covers. Large and escutcheon ing program for them. The For- progress. control for Instrument panel lights. to contributes both fields. double-actimohair broadcloth with or striped est Service training program goes hydraulic shock abFord 8 cars also have a sun Thirty eight rangres from 24 sorbers with construc- upholstery also In sand. In the well beyond the required limit, and visor, two ash trays and arm rests door and window Ford tion are fitted on all cars. is generally recognized as one of National Forests of the in the rear compartment of the of the Forest features are emphasize! mgs are In bleached walnut the best In the Federal Service. servloe are region sedans. A foot rest is supplied in now chrome-platein at handles are ish. training In addition to training, the the design. Seats are rear compartment of the Forthe four Grove for weeks a Tony ln escutcheons also-the built for restful riding. Front seat with knobs and President emphasized dor sedan. need for providing educational op- field course on resource man- backs are of new resilient type. sand colored plastic. Upholstery Is Additional supplied equipment in taupe. Cushions have a new floating portunities for employees in order agement. harmonize on deluxe cars without extra cost Instrument that young men may prepare them edge. Driver's seats are adjustable panels two ways they rise as they are with the interior styling. Gages Include whel bands, metal spring selves for higher responsibility. To Study Clothing swivel-tysun visors, this feature the Forest Service Is Susie Sanford, clothing special- moved forward. Bodies are scien- are grouped ln front qf the dis- covers, two now giving particular attention, ist of tile college Extension Service tifically soundproofed, shutting out tinctive steering wheel. A grille two tail lamps, ash trays ln In and the rear trans- - for installation of radio speaker, strument panels and largely through cooperation w 111 meet with the Home and road noises. An easy-shi- ft rests with schools, but to some extent Community leaders on Saturday, mission, permitting speeds to be glove compartment with lock two compartment of sedans; arm rear drivers left and ln the at the curv. courses, are new room 20 October 7, a and the ash of correspondence design quietly; trays cigar lighter through County changed compartment of sedans, and a the desired educational opportun- Coairt House at 2 p. m. She will ed disc wheels and improved provided on the panel. robe cord ln the deluxe Fordor Is withdiscuss The Family Clothing as drums for the highly Other equipment supplied ities are being provided. This effective, a large and important field, but In an Important Part of Economic quick stopping hydraulic brakes al- out extra cost on both the Ford 8 due to Its Planning, and will give special so contribute to quietness. and the deluxe Ford V-- 8 Inpile of difficulties The interiors of the cars appear cludes: Front and rear bumpers FOR SALE Zenith Radio. John scattered decentralized organiza- help In clothing construction and schemes. A and four bumper guards; spare in new decorative English. 159 South 2 East. tion, the Forest Service is making the use of materials. ' t - E. V-- V-- V-- Forestry Official Inspects Tony Grove Train ing School V-- V-- 8. V-- Yanks Grab Second Tilt From Reds 'zJ V-- 8, V-- two-spo- ke V-- V-- V-- 8 V-- V-- m V-- 8 er 8. er ng V-- self-seali- Inter-mounta- in V-- 8, ' engine have Improved spring suspension and a torsion bar rlde stabl-llze-r. and five deluxe Four Ford body types comprise the two lines. A new business coupe as well a a coupe, Tudor sedan and Fordor sedan are available In both. There la also a deluxe convertible club coupe with automatic top standard equipment. V-- North Cache Wins The North Cache high school Friday afternoon took the Logan Grizzlies into camp by a score of 20 to 0. Prior to this time neither team had lost a game this season. North Cache by winning this game served notice on other region teams that it will bp out to win the championship. d, , pe V-- STYLE LEADER FOR 1940 . . . . . . With 22 important Improvements . . . s,' Q)oq FORD L E)3sg)Haisr && MERCURY o 0 0 LINCOLN ZEPHYR HERE IS AN OFFER TO TRADE For your cooperation and vote, I will assist an organization to obtain a State Welfare Board friendly to a dignified old age pension. Robert Crookston Candidate for Mayor. |