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Show j Business Barometer Consolidated Arisona Smeltlns; declared de-clared a dividend of 1 per cent, payapls December 17 to atock of record November No-vember 20. i . The National Lead company 'has declared de-clared a dividend of 14 per cent on rommon. payable Fecembcr II to stock of record December 13. A member of Pan-American union Just arrived from Klo Janeiro say a there is a two-year accumulation of raw rubber in Brazil, waiting ' for ships-. : Poulsen Wireless will soon issue Its first statement. Preliminary atatement as of August 1 shows cash, $60,000; contracta and accounts receivable, $4 1,000; materials and supplies, $90.-000; $90.-000; land, factory and equipment. : $220,000; outstanding atock, 360,000 Shares. ' mm Rapulpa Refining company's earnings earn-ings for the year 1918 should show $1 60 per share, or three times present dividend requirements. Seneca fopper company shaft Is duwn new fen, stiff sinking H K"tTig forward at good speed. Khattuck-Ariiona Copper company report for the three months ended .September .Sep-tember $0 shows -net Income, after expenses ex-penses and depreciation of $261,621, equivalent t ?1 cents a share. TMs compares with 83 cents a share In the pTecedina; quarter and 39 rents BTtinre in the corresponding quarter of 1917. Sout h Hecla's October product ion was 1 500 tons, an Improvement over September. sickroom, overcrowding of streetcars and the prompt reporting of cases a re the same Issued by Dr. Beatty when the closing bun was promulgated October Octo-ber 10. REGULATIONS. The opening and closing regulations follow: "All groceries to open at $ a. m. and close at 6: 30 p. m., while meat markets open at 8 a. m. and close at o p. m. All men's shops and shoe stores to open at 10 a. m. and close at S p. m.. except on Saturday, when they will open at 10: 30 a. m. and close at $ p. m. "All offices to open at 9 a. m. and close st 4:30 p. m. "All department stores, a and 1 0-cent 0-cent stores, specialty shops, millinery stores. Jewelers, music stores, furniture furni-ture stores, hardware stores, to open at 0:39 a. m. and close at 6:30 p. m.. except on Saturday, when thev w ill open at 10 a. m. and close at 8:30 p. m. "All drug stores, cigar atorea. restaurants, res-taurants, cafes and candy at ores to continue their present schedule of hours. "All other stores not listed shove are to conform to the opening and closing hours as applied to department stores. "All shops and factories employing 100 or more people will be compelled to dismiss their employes tn relays, so ss to avoid the congestion In traffic which occurs from 5 o'clock to 4:30 in tha evening. i APPROVED BY COMMISSION. ! "The foregoing schedule was sub- j mitted tn the city commissioners at a I meeting held In the public safety build- ing last night, and was approved by them. The chief of police was instructed in-structed to have his men watch for violations of these regulations, as well ss for infractions of any of the following follow-ing Isolation orders and streetcar j orders, which were approved by the cttv officials at the same time: I "The city board of health will en-! en-! force to the letter all orders govern-' govern-' ing the Isolation of persons airilcted 'with lnfluenaa. Under the law, physicians physi-cians are compelled to report all cases under their care to the city board of I health Immediately. I "This duty is also incumbent on a 1 family where a patient Is afflicted. PLACARDS FOR HOUSES. ! "Patlenta afflicted with Influenza are to remain at home until released by the city board of heslth, under penalty of fine and Imprisonment, and each house where the disease exlMs is to be placarded pla-carded by the city board of health, and the placard must not be removed by anyone except an authorised agent of the city boarti of health. "Overcrowding of streetcars is prohibited pro-hibited and the conductor in chnrge of each car will be held responsible for the enforcement of this order. Large cars are limited to seventy-five passengers, pas-sengers, while small cars shall carry no mors than fifty passengers at one time. "All cars must be properly heated snd ventilated. "AH social gatherings snail be discontinued dis-continued until further orders. "Special bargain aales are prohibited, prohib-ited, and merchants are forbidden to advertise that any such sale is to be held. "All store proprietors shall take proper precautions to avoid the gather-J gather-J ing of crowds In their places of business busi-ness al any time. "Business men and the public in general will perform a public service by reporting any violation of these , orders promptly to the health department. depart-ment. "Strict observance nf these orders I will aid materially tn reducing the numter nf Influenza cases to a polni where the ban can be lifted. |