Show I I I I I hm GEORGE OPENSHAW AW AWOlt DIED Olt I THIS I M MORNING NIN NINI I Aged and Well Welt Known Citizen Goes to lo the Great Beyond DUG GRAVE OF PREST YOUNG I 1111 Many Jinny Inn ca and amid lo lu Mourn UN 11 l Cut i no In to Ut u Ii In I ii 3 At th the Age ape of IC nearly Marl years yean lee 01 pa 1 from mortality at al an tin 1 I arl hour this Ihl at 11 th the homo of his hla daughter Mr Mrs I W V C c Squires S Canyon road roid Mr war iva 8 me ne of ut o Salt Sail it lakes Lokes oldest olden ohP t and mot most mo t respected na n He lie came caine to 10 nah Itah ni sue early earl arl a 8 5 ISIS and d tot for many man year thereafter woe was actively nellI In InI up Ul the hue commonwealth mo 1 II fa II h For ForIS Foru i ii I IS I year u he hI had charge char p of ot i t i Url Brigham m Youngs In ire city Ity canyon O ami afterward for or many TO nati n u ui VI nit 1 J o I ry system tem He lie II was tins H a man tunic tOUCh much beloved by It b a large circle cIrelli of oC acquaint He lie n wax wall generous stud ami kind kindhearted kIndhearted hearted and td ever ready to lend n a help helpIng helpIng Ing hand to any anyone one In n need e l of C c let Ane anco nce Mr r Up hal vas waa one no of oC tin th fIrm members of o the Volunteer tIre de department Mr Ir liAw bore borl the dl of or having dug dUI tile grave of his hI once onoe employer em President Brigham Young The Tho Immediate family of ot NI are rt George Gl Op Jr Mrs Dun Dunnier nier mer Sir Mrs Ir W V C Squire Joseph Jn Open haw alias ahA and Mrs Irs J 1 E i Ar M Arrangements Arrangements I I for tor the funeral hae not noty notI y yet t I been beau completed but bUI due dull notice will willbe be given of or the time lime and place of cit ser service vice Ic |