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Show . r , , , NT THE DESERET NEWS THURSDAY NOVEMBER i 8 30 &. .v v. r 1922 ( OGDEN - S KEIITMT.pl Sjf HW Otm TTrf..U-CitymmuU, r jMrk Hbibem. Vmgalar Meat, 1b !)"' B.1.U niim orrtes. Bwr AJfn4 6I4U R,rt I- (Special to The News.) MT PLEASANT. Nov. 10. Fire, believed to have been caused by a gasoline explosion in sn automobile, de- Canning Factory ; Fire Entails Loss 1 OGDEN. Nov Jn -- Tf ofrt. Van A!!e d' . nr Urr - Thursday to ths . m..t disasamount f HMW !re Tb ty trous f!r In tb l1'k,,lT'1' tream Origin of the ft re f.ghte.s are .till ptaylr rulna. the on smou'nering of In equipment the f.r rvlce .In Into were pre.eed. the ctty The the rove building. in to from nat- SUv elf n.n. et)JlpmenI ddlt.on to .11 the aqu.pion " V ' entral elation were mcht from fire hydrant TtVeet Z Tu it iia Tw'enTj'-f'r.- , ,UkhnrtTv,"f?er smoke to, roof, flame, a een ,ro artuln shot into the SJ. -- STRAND PUBLIC o-- "Vr .? used to discovered W ftr the Ureepun.ot 5r''ln! The' norA - av. and t BY ALL MEANS ARRANGE TOATTEND stroyed the George V. Bollard garage eerly this morning with a loes of approximately 20,(He. Nine care stored in the building were destroyed se well aa tools and machinery The building, owned by A C Madaeg and Nelson W. Anderson, waaj valued at $2,064, the cars in the garage at $(.000 and the balance wee la furniture. fixtures, machinery and tools. No Insurance wae carried. It is reported. Shortly after midnight Mr. Ballard drove into the garage in his own car and waa followed by Ieputy Sheriff J. W. Carlson, in his machine. Peter Jenson, who has a email confectionery store In a part of the building, heard an explosion and the crackling of flamee at about 12. SO a.m. It is believed the Ballard car's gasoline tank exploded. He gave the alarm but the building was a mass of flames by the tune the fire department arrived. Mr. Jenson to save of his stock. the greater proportionmanaged The firemen had considerable diffl esHy In preventing the flamee spreading to the opera house and other adat the jacent buildings, ftremaining scene until about Of About $150,000 fkctory Get Your Market Basket and Come ! . 8.1. IIJDHIEH SCHOOL- - w?t -- Jbfl of about ins feet. Theth two instantly oer spread elmoM warehouses hut were prevented by the "'" rrr a !? s J jor fireman from of tne canning department or the of. lUege R. Rodman, president of the he wUl not be able to tomnany, theaaloea until after a aurvey eeUmate completed before which will not a be which warehouse toma-toenew aald He night canned full was deatrojed wa. and of canned fruit of peaa, catsup 'd tbia season's pack This,a he email portion be a total loea. Only to entered by he laid of the product is Tha brick office la Intact end a em.ll canning machinery near portion of the destroyed, the office la aonly partially surrey made laatnight according to and the second floor, on the Machinery were burned, old and new warehouseswalla remaincharred the onlv with nf f ing. Lean than !. eral thousand will ba salvaged. It la Jn addition to the loss of canned wood, and the building, the nouao contained several thousand do-to llar.' worth of furniture belonging Ale as . Thomas Keogh and mother, Daggett. Gage Rodman ana other. - a. ,d' - -- BROFO. Not. $6. Thanksgiving services were held-i- n the Provo school and the Toung university high at noon Wednesday. Dr. George R Brim-bause the speaker at the Senior high school exercises From the lives of former students of the Toung university who are now leaders in scientific research, financial administration and educational thought, he demonstrated the factors necessary for success. Two comet solos were rendered by Rulon Morgen, by Clarence Allred on accompanied the piano. Mias Mood gave a Thanksgiving reading. At the Junior high school, Secretary E. It Hinckley of the Chamber of Commerce. gave on Intereating address on the spirit of Thanksgivtng past and present. Miss Iavieve Hutsh and Mist Alice Ludlow gavb two splendid readings. The students at the Toung university held a program In College Hall, the main part or which waa a tableau by the dramatic art students depicting the celebration of Thgnksgtvtng In the early days of Utah. De-hi- Retiring President of Mutual is Honored Provo Girl Missionary no DEN'. Nov. 19. Presentation of Edna Beua, retiring parasol toofMiss the Fourteenth ward T. U president was a feature of a special if. 1. A., program given In the ward hall Wedwas nesday night. The presentation who .mads by Mrs, Ellen . UladwelU n sucreeda Miss Beus aa bead of Mies Beua will bo married oarly In December. Tho program which waa In honor of tho parents of the ward Included eonga by Horae Whittier, Oscar A Oeertson and the Beehive girls. and readings by Mrs Gladwellthe and Miss program Following I. Thornton. games and dsnetng was enjoyed by a large gathering. thaor-ganlaatlo- , old-ti- Addition to Federal Building Again Considered MUSIC ll Injured in Auto Crash (Special to The Newn.) PROVO. Nov. 20. Miss Grace Che, ver. who for the past 1$ months has been corresponding secretory of the Caltfomia mission, suffered a fractured eault Jo an automobile accident recently. according to a letter received by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J E, Cheever. from Brest. J. W. McMurrin ot the mission-- . Miss Cheever was thrown from a machine when It waa struck by another car at Phoenix. Arts. She was thrown to tho pavement. Final Tribute Paid Pleasant View Woman FREE SOUVENIRS and OPENING DAY SPECIALS In Every Department CONGRATULATIONS SALT LAKE HOUSEKEEPERS You will enjoy food costs. great saving? on .This .is the big Public Market you have wished and waited for. You will be delighted with its wonderful c o n v e nience, neatness and Americas F inest and PROfO. Nov. t$. Funeral services for Mr Martha D. Ashton, who diod at the family home Sunday morning, were held in the Pleasant View ward chapel Tuesday afternoon. Bishop . B. Walk, cleanliness. or presided and tho muste wae rendered by the ward choir tinder the direction of Mrs E. B. Walker. A solo was sung by Mias Lillian Allred and duets were You will marrendered by Mrs. Welker and Fidnsy Cluff sad Ida Cluff and Mr. Clnft vel at the eleThe Invocation was offered T. J. Foote and the benediction bybyBishop gant appointJohn Johnson. The speakers were Wilments. liam 8. Faucett. T. R Cluff. and Patrt-arc- h Albert Jones. will like the The grave la the Provo city cemetery chase the site of the First Baptist was dedicated by Wllford Stubbs. courtesy and church at the rear of the building, which wtli be vacated early next year. sendee. "The Baptists are building a new church Salt Lake Man Speaks on Twenty-fift- h street and Jefferson To Ogden Rota riant avenue. The new addition to the federal OGDEN. No. SO. John D. Spencr building will probably provide offices Lake, dallvarad an addrana op. for the forest service, bureau of pub-li- e ot Ball -on rood,-grai- n at tha waakly PUrtnr inspection bureau and maattns ot th Gama a number- of other th, Oiadan Rotary club, federal bureaus bald In tha Weber club. Wednesday. which are located In this city. Frank X. Dngga. preatded and vocal J?1!3?01!!11 Iariet Merchandising. It means BIG FOOD SAVINGS. Many stores all under one Toof and each specializing to give you the most of k elect Iona aero rendered by Mitt least. New economies new methods thousands of Salt Lake housekeepers will Ware. ' Union Service Feature profit. The advocated a friendly the food stores contributing are the following Gardenier Cafe and Notably among Co. Consumers Of Ogden Observance aplrlt Inepeaker huaineea houaca between emConfectionery Grocery Co Rakerv hcateen-Ever- -Itt Strand Co Coffee Teas, Pickles and Olives-- Ful ployer and employees. Where thfe wae ton Fish and Poultry Marhet-vSuc- cess Meats-Dia- Tond Market, OGDEN, Nov. 20. Thanksgiving day the rule, be said, success waa obtained. Produ and Co., Fruits Is being observed here, with all Wgetables Strand Dairy Shop Every-Da- y There muat he a sort of famlly'.rrla-- t ,F resh Fruits and egetabies Kramers Quality Meats. of business and schools closed. Aplaces ton, hip, htMlnesa. affairs, in tbeas speeds! feature the morning celebra- days of fierce In order that We few choice tion was a Union Thanksgiving service a business maycompetition succeed, be said. Dolls, In the First Preebtertan church with the pastor. Dr. U A. Garrison, preLOW BIDDER ANNOUNCED, siding. The offering taken will be dlvWed equally between the Chil- OGDEN, Noy. 2ft. The Wheelwright drefte-A- d Martha so- Const ruction company of Ogden wax society antfr-th- e the lower bidder for txytng the sewer nursery. ciety The program Included: Prelude. Miss In district No. 14$. which Includes JefFather Fife; Invocation, the Rev. James ferson avenue between Tturty-eeron- d N. Kiiman. streets, and.. Twatt Congregational!! : hymn. end Thirty-fift- h Holy,- - Holy. Holyf Scripture reading, fourth street from Fillmore to Pierce the Ry. W. E. Bennett', Methodist; con- avenues. The bid was for $7,192 ss tralto solo. Miss Grace Matthews; compared with the bid of Tsylor-Chll- d e prayer, the Rev. John W. Hysiop, plsv company for $8,206 and the C F. fopaltan: hymn. The Church's One company for JIM 90, after lory, Miee Esther the president's in ELKS WILL DANCE. rife; the Rev. John E. Carver; proclamation, Presbyterian; OGDEN. Now. 2ft I Will Bless the Lord," and Elks of th! city A ill give au informal dance at .the - 3ood Thing to Give Thank united Selling rhoir; Miss Maude Stevens, director; clubhouse on Grant avenue. Saturday. Rav U L. Mllliigr. pas jeEmon-ih- e according 4o announcement of 'or of the First Christian church; tenor George Hue, chairman of the enterdo. The Silent Voh.e, Jav A. Smith. tainment committee. The Kiks will benediction, the He.. Mr.- - Enman. give a tormai- - dance ut theiv friend on orhooTs will remain closed un Dee. 20. and the New Tear'm party and ' til Mondav, Dec. 4. Special menus were dance will be on Dec. 20. erred to prisoners in the city and ZS253-55-5- 7 i jodirty Jails- - Patients at the Dee hos-itLICENSED TO W ED. were also rememoered and special The county clerk OGDEN, Nov 3ft llnnerl and programs were provided hr the children of the Martha eo-- 1sUed marriage licenses Thursday to long lllnexx She ae bon pany. treasurer. dav nursery and other chsrit-ij- e Harmony, ho OFFICERS irst.tntions. announced st the meet91 ingMrthatBarnes live there until three year, at Ogden la.M Tiie.day. - wae presented f i he will make appointment of jmuer of sperlal SAclala will be Rlakl ISTlia b ne when cm where Ith a carvir.g ret .in,! numerous other I Price, ,woL2. Jn--. s and J.;hn e!d this evening by various clubs and GroawIS wlrtha Cofe Sfth f at once committees and get the organiHoiden, had since resided with his different article for a new bnylict. Re Parry, Salt lake, and sation functioning thoroughly hurches. four diughters, E. L. Hs wtfa did laJiout 2 appropriate again. The Hotariann at their meeting wre ton U Parrla, Centerylllc: XI., Mn L.nd, Misa'jeir, E. Horr. Murra-.MrPhilip on Rev addressed the by Thanksgiving XI - Nell.e Holder., aU Dabb an Evelyn E. Butcher, both of Lmle and cfj . Mr XI a this- - Is aurvlred by a daugh-d,n- - Free lan Johnson Mist Lucutia West Dies Octogenarian Honored on one h,'rtrch, ter. XIrs. Pace, and hv three brother. L Ker.d.il of l.hi and three, anna. JamesJames and John A Mathias of New Railroad Birthday Suddenly in Sister's Home Mrs. Amelia M. Ccal sisters. !i mg ;i M J. n. Kansas. to Anniversary 'Price and Albert Mathias of New J. G B Hsrnct. manager of tbe Holden, hr hvM .n the mony eri r ,i Sundae 2ft Mix Nov. OfDKV, Lucutia Midvale About SO members of tbs Drc. 3. Nears KaysviUe Canning company, vsee prsi- Camp Completion family of Resident efxter of Mr A. L. BreWer. of Dies Midvale h'eu 12 m oVIritk , ln',rrr,-nat ill be vex found dead In her bed at the of the " Banking com- - Mrs Elizabeth Derrick Davis, wife of in the M,daV i?Rt LD'Je- - the ds- - Price Kiwanians Indorse to Tbe (Special Net,) Brewer home. 2131 Jefferson avnu. of (Special to The New ) vice and d of the Davis tr .pi rection P'tnr. F!wn Woolisy Davis. - uoZL president 3ft. at her ft'vdaexday morning. She retired Tue-la- v Laying of sjde-- j tand Heber County Canal company, was home. .94 north Second West U. P. and Rotarians Refer TRIcK. No. MIDVALE. Yov. 29 Mr Amelia a. street. and the night in apparent. y good health, Holden, wife of John N. Holden, a resto here DROKE tracks observs tho night compaction of.the ID RlMi4i( president of the Utah Associat- - leth anniversary of her birth. eightkecordng to Dr. Edward I. Rich xhe ident of Midvale for the past quarter Her Question to Directors Utah Central railroad to the Utah Cen- - .elected 3ft SANT ad been dead 10 hour before he IV, Louis ChrtIndustries at a meting of the board posterin' includes children, grandchila died wal0r after century, Hco-Wednesday mine iral Coal between t local company s dren x!covrrel l tenn. and said to have farmer, ifferr'i a broken leath to Tke News.) (Special club director Aita the at Wednea u it hi een from natural cauee. Mix Weat A program reminiscent leg MelnesIav field end Clear treek will be completed i'f team became of the life He gacreJ, j. dajr PRICE, Nov. 20 The Price Ktwanis Galigher, who Of Mrs. lot Having enjoyed good health for Davis was enjoyed by. thoao fnghtenei, ran ria ai.d overturned recently resigned. tftme time. She club Wednesday night indorsed tbe within the next few days. the xagon NOTICE a daughter of the ??d nht refreshmenu were held The luncheon vm for the speate Uhaunrey A. Wert of Ogden, Union Pacific In Its stand in the CenSmith. eon cial purpose of electing officers for and,Atwo features stxtr. Mr. Brewer, and the Tho Govornor of the Stn New Harmony Pioneer bv tral Pacific controversy and the Rotary New Zealanders Visit Here.- the coming year. Officers nere chosen presided, were a brief addressof by brother, Cfcarlex West. A. C 15 p from of the directors organixa-Phllithe proclamation has designated tho lh dub. Tuesday night referred the matprogress of dyllUatlon Dies f" V. Nlbley, vice at Charles tion. FeiveHome Bishop J. L December Jrd and W. to as week, Daughters Hayman th, birth ot Mrs. Davis, snd the ter to their board of directors. IT Five Aliens Fined for o of the president American Education Week. and Huger At both meetings Dana T. Smith, genpsper by, E. 8. Woodruff wrlght of the firm of Hayman Spei xa to The News) .company, vu chosen first vio presi- It has been suggested that the era! eounfel of the Salt Lake Route of School Law Violation By ,Mr- - Rees snd of Auckland, denuf M. K Eccle. president of the N wholesalers, PRIr 2" , K are H rr Mathias, pio- the Union Pacific System, and W. H company, Sunday evening meetings through. d ed Monday at Lee of the same road gave talks on the New Zealand aro victor. In the city j TlAnl Nov. J9. Guet Collin!,", out the wards be given over to neer V" .l to Utah bythe ea route to le be nto T rf l, 28, Aoigust- - t'orrallo, ftS; the of h - dasufcher, Mre. James benefits Pacific rt apeakere wbo wlll talk on the subEngland. The travelers manager of the Erv.es Banking rust roli!x7e. 24. and Nik .Oyniral Union going under the control i pan of the Thatch- God Th hod For and of. wa Prlden Kerr, Country. business a ject. f.acT conditions New to taken much of the Pacific, leald guilt in the citv efturt Wed nd turtmnny whtr Tbe Bishops of the wards should tntra services were The Klwan: club voted to take over Improved Jn New Zealand. Thov - 'LiS"n5r lesday, to not regietering as alien, n the bego 21 ilk company at' vird Chapel select speakers for thr occasion the annual short story contest in the. fhev aid fines of $JO Mr ! arMaha school and bom in tb! Weldqhfth. Carbon county high who will discuss the splendid suby Judge Dmil .R Robert. About (ft SfcS STV.' j SS3TS kSSS? h SaitrArtard' ani drovejrsnged for a bronze medal to the wtn- - fuming when - goer ahenv will face n oxi uan the court oi thg been Inaugurated bstwtcnl third vice pramdent. and O. E. Howard. ject which has been suggested: snd chemical prou.rtlw.of and saluble prises for second nod piajn8 jn me charge irr0.,h Uur ng during the coming week. president of the Walker Banking com- - meat. England and her Island possession. tr;p named Elisabeth third. i V a OtVbEX, Nor. 9 A further eonsld- ration of building fttf addition to the federal building In thi city, is under way, according to Postmaster Rufus Garner. An inspection of the building and measurements have been made at the request of officials at Washington, who have called for a recommendation as to the amount of space needed. Accommodation at ths building la Inadequate, it is said. Building of an addition to the federal building has been discussed for the past two years. It U proposed to pur- Equipped Public Market You The Utmost in Efficiency and Sanitation. New Every Shopping Facility Has Been Provided The Big Mission of This Magnificent Congress of Pure Food Stores Is to Reduce Costs and Raise Quality Standards - MU-dr- still have a ? r- spaces for Drugs, Kitchen Utensils, Toys, Stationery, Periodicals and Holiday Lines. Make application quickly. Greatest Economy Dins-mor- Buying and sn-be- SOUTH STATE STREET aj w.,. K Next to Auerbach's. ra con.lMSPj;; sZl cm . . i i vri i. , lr t atn-ere- i- l.t il ' , hr , - pre-gra- m -- L'tah-ldah- solfa-ln-ls- y CKjr-EV- corn-repo- . Sr . T '4. Ji - imner - i i 4! V a jy v, 9t :'y'r XT ; 'cl , ' j if |