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Show THURSDAY, APRIL 1 OREM-GENEVA TIMES GDrrm - Oknrua intra Published Every Thursday Office of Publication. Route 2, Box 276 B, Orem, Utah Printed at 57 North First West, Provo, Utah M. NEFF SMART, Editor and Publisher Entered as second class matter November 19, 1944 at the postoffice at Orem, Utah, under the act of March 3, 1879. MEMBER: Utah State Press Association Subscription Rales: One year, slricuy in ativauce $3 00 Six Months $2.00 Trie Icy "C Thrills f I r JEALOUS OF P. G.? We're a bit jealous. We'd like to be writing a headline something like this: "Orem To Field Town Team in Central Cen-tral Utah Baseball League," but we have to sit by and see the Pleasant Grove paper write it. In a reorganization of the league a few weeks ago Pleasant Grove obtained entry and will play regular games during the sunnier months with Lehi, American Fork, Provo and Ileber. We wish Orem had embarked upon a project which would provide inter-city competition in baseball this year. Certainly there is no scarcity of athletes, certainly, a place could be made available either Timpanogos Bowl, the city park or Lincoln high ; and certainly enough paying patrons would support the team to insure suits, transportation costs and other expenses. Mainly, however, the team would give to, Orem additional addit-ional unity. Another thing for the entire city to work for and to be proud of. ..' l : A i j ! . : .'. ' , - 4 -V. ' " ' s ' .!- . 7 .. ? v f, x . v k ' ; I. . . ft"-iii in (M By Ethyl N. Hair Weighing Value Hilt Hi-lt has been a long time in my memory since I sat down to this old L. C. Smith typewriter, to greet you friends and it seems 1 Beautification Group Named For Lindon Lindon members of the beautification beaut-ification committee met Wednesday Wednes-day evening and appointed Joseph Jos-eph Wadley as .chairman for the coming year. Other committee members are Kenneth R. Gill- can; man, Royal Hooley, Floyd Bez- the men were appointed to ,nnd bevond anytning i. ,.f r-M now. Friends, , zant family ties how little we value j the committee by Jean Fugal, them until sometning naypa . wno is in tnars-' beautification under the Smith- NOT BY WISHING , These five paragraphs we lift from Time Magazine's "Struggle for Survival," in the current issue. We doubt if the case is overstated. , Ten years from now a divided, stunned and defeated U. S. may be trying to adjust itself to a Communist-ruled world. Ten years from now a weary, mangled and victorious U. S. may be trying to salvage what it can from the radioactive wreckage of the world. Ten years from now a busy, peaceful U.S. may be helping; to push forward the frontiers of freedom everywhere in the world. The problem for Americans is how to make the second alternative more likely than the first and the third more likely than the second. Almost Al-most certainly, in those ten years, some Americans Ameri-cans will die fighting perhaps a few score, possibly millions. Almost certainly, billions of dollars will be poured out. There will be no safe course only choices between dangerous courses. That is tlje shape of the next ten years a shape which every decent man wishes were different. It will not be changed by wishing. FINISH t Promising to be exciting and spectacular, the first Giant Slalom ski race irom off the top of Rustler Mountain at Utah's Romantic Alta will be run April 10. The course is tricky and requires about 40 seconds to negotiate. Strictly invitational, the country's top skiers will compete for the "Rustler Cup." The event will be highlighted by the presence of a woman skier a famous radio program's "Queen For A Day" to be chosen in Hollywood April 8 and flown to Utah on April 9 where as special guest of the Alta Lodge and Mayor George Watson, she will reign as queen during the race. She will be met upon her arrival in Utah by representatives represent-atives of the State Department of Publicity, who promoted her visit to the Beehive state in cooperation with Hollywood's "Queen For A Day" producer, J. C. Morgan, and Master of Ceremonies, JackJSailey. . Will Orem Get U.N.G. Unit? A plan to recruit and train 1000 new national guardsmen was announced Saturday by Brig. Gen. J. Wallace West, adjutant ad-jutant general. His announcement announce-ment followed a conference of guard commanders at which the European situation was discussed. discuss-ed. "There is no need for thinking think-ing war is inevitable," Gen. West said, "and there's no point to hysteria. v but the best hope for the United States is calmly to build up many trained civil ian-military units. There now are 35 units of the national guard in Utah with a total strength of 1350. The state is authorized 50 ground and 4 air units, with a total authoriz ed strength of 1604. Gen. West has urged unit commanders to exert effort to recruit units to authorized inter mediary strengths "so we can maneuver at Camp W. G. Will iams in June with the fullest possible complement of troops." HANSON'S SHOE REPAIR 12 Block North of Park'i Super Market Orem Our Motto: "FIRST CL ASS. UP-TO-DATE WORK" G.I. Shoes - Limited time only $2.00 Pair OPEN SUNDAYS 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. FOR RENT 10 Acres of land with water, in Orem. Inquire 432 West Third North, Provo. as it has to me in these lasi iwo months. I've been flirting with St. Peter, and durn near made it. He's a tough guy, let me tell you. Take my word for it. I thought I was a pretty good egg until he closed the gate on me, and that's an eperience too few people have. Sometimes l am still wishing I didn't have that : -. J T fii'll i r-i ' f f i (turn experience m v.. - , , dean-uD cam- out the real from me tancy. iii : , nil so real. It was then that my paign the best in the history of Hughes system for the area. The committee announced that in the near future a public meeting meet-ing vill be held at which all the citizens of Lindon will be invited invit-ed to participate. Plans are being be-ing formed by the committee to friends and family fought for my worthless life doctors, nurses. (Gpd bless them) .they are as near to angels as can be. No, all of the angels are not in heaven that's on my honor. I have come out of that experience with a new set of values. My friends and family are more dear than I dreamed they could be.! Faith, that winged glory that is everyone's heritage, that healer of body and soul, you can't have enough of it in everyday life or in crises. I who have been like the One Horse Shay, (re member that poem' when I was Mrs. Cunningham's student?) I went to pieces like that Shay all to pieces. I was a mess; the nurses and doctors were kind enough to admit it, and I was too sick and tired to travel the long road back to health. But St. Peter closed the gate, gently the girl in the next room went through, and ran to meet her lover, a soldier. There were people I knew there, waiting. But the gate closed; the mn I took to be St. Peter did not seem to see me, the distance dimmed, and I was back in my bed. I opened my eyes. Standing over me were two nurses; one had a stethoscope trying to tmd a heart .beat, the other held h hypodermic hy-podermic filled with a fluid. "If that's adrenlin, I wont take it; I'm steeped in adrenlin," I said. "Well, you were gone, they said, it s wnat we use to start up i.ie heart again." "I know," I re- the town. CEMENT SEPTIC TANKS, Cesspools, Drains, Sewers, .basements, WalKs, Built, or Pumped Out. 1010 No. 1st West. Provo Phone 1350 plied, "I was trying to catch that pretty girl who was having oxygen oxy-gen in the next room but St. Peter closed the gate to me.." The nurses.looked more frightened fright-ened than before. They did not speak, "Well, did she pass away a little while back?" I begged. "No," said the one with (the stethoscope, "we moved her into a private room and she is resting now." I lay awake long after, iuy mind was clear. I'd have to get better. St. Peter wouldn't have me, but I was too sick and tired. And again, perhaps it was delerium for I had seen little birds hopping on my ice pitcher at times; but there was one way to be sure tomorrow, I would find out. I'd bribe the aids, or use psychology on them and find out if the pretty gal was in a private room. I did just that, and she had passed away about 2 o'clock in the night. Now I don't know what is real and what was delerium. That was in the L.D.S. hospital in February. I am some better and can have company for 10 'minutes the very nearest and dearest one person a day. This world looks good; my renters" just asked me if I'd like to climb to the 'Y' with them this Easter morning. You durn tootin' I would if I could. Geneva Plant Nears Peck Of Production Production of U. S. Steel cor-porta'lon cor-porta'lon set a new high record "ef 23.600,000 net tons of steel ;n 1947, according to the annual report released last week. Dol-'ar Dol-'ar receipts from customers rear-hod an all time high of'$2,-122,800.000 of'$2,-122,800.000 and net income, afler taxes, was $127,000,000, equivalent to a profit of 6c per e'ullar of sales. On Utah operations of the corporation, cor-poration, the report said: "At the end of 1947, steel production at Geneva was close to full potential capacity, thus aiding substantially toward meeting the steel needs of the west. The operation of this plant by U.S. Steel has also resulted re-sulted in financial benefits for western steel users by of the establishment of Geneva as a basing point for steel plates and structural products produced produc-ed there. A reduction in freight rates from Geneva to the Pacific coast similarly contributes to products to west coast custom. I A breakdown of the cornr,. tion's 1947 financial operation i showed that 42.6 of receim! I was expended for wages and i f arias SORT- fnr ryu... .... uuulis and services purchased, 5.4 wear and exhaustion, 6.4 fnr taxes, 3.3 for dividends aJ 2.7 for reinvestment in the E Average hourly earnings fot all employes were $1.55 and av. erage weekly earnings $59 64 . an increase of S9.73 over 1945' r Irvins S. Olds, chairman of the board, said the profit of 6 0( f suits was uio lowest rnr peacetime year in the history 0 the corporation when operation, were near capacity. MIA SPECIAL INTEREST TO SPONSOR FIRESIDE The Special Interest crmm , reason the Sharon Stake MIA will spon. sor a r iresiue nat to be held in the Seminary building on Sun. day evening following the pro. gram by the Mendelssohn chor us. A review of the book "Im mortal Wife" will be eivpn k" lower delivered prices for thoseMrs. Melda Hacking. ow IS THE THE To plant your Sweet Pea Seed We also supply garden seeds in packet and k bulk. Feed everything you grow Vigoro, complete plant food. Clean, odorless, sanitary, and easy to use. Economical, too! Enjoy greater returns from your investment in seed, time and labor through complete feeding. j A PRODUCT Of SWIFT J COMPIITI PLANT 000 ALWAYS CALL ON ROHBOCK'S SONS' OREM FLOWER SHOP Orem, Utah PHONE 116 FREE DELIVERY IN COUNTY DRIVE OUT and get your Flower Seeds at Rohbock's Sons. Garden Estimates FREE ft' srtTs WE WELCOME THE 10,000 PEOPLE OF OREM TO OUR BANK In eight short years Orem has grown from a small community to a bustling city more than 300 in population!! And today this bank welcomes every one of Orem's 10,000 people ... invites you to join with 250,000 other people in three Intermountain states who find the sign of GOOD BANKING friendly and conveniently close at hand. YOUR OREM-GENEVA BANK IS FREINDLY. CONVENIENT. COMPLETE. JLT- LET'S GET BETTER . ACQUAINTED I SAVINGS - CHECKING - COMMERCIAL DEPOSITS r 1 (Dinrnii wm ohbiiwi II SAWS FILED By Machine or Hand SCISSORS and BLADES SHARPENED WELDING CARTER'S REPAIRS NEW GENEVA HIGHWAY KELSCH'S COMPLETE SHOE FOOT SERVICE 156 West Center Telephone 707 AT BOOTERIE v Ptoto, Utah Utah County Mattress Factory COMPLETE-MATTRESS COMPLETE-MATTRESS and BATT SERVICE Only Factory In Utah County We are not represented by an; transient mattress worker, bo will call for and deliver witl out extra charge. JUST PHONE 345 Or drop ui a card 661 Wast 2nd North PROVO UTAH wiMiniiitiiiiiHiniiiiiiiimitntniiiitiniHiMiiMiiit,niiiiiH!iiMiti!iittH,i l. g. bailey; j 1700 SOUTH STATE Complete Plumbing! fand Heating Service! A: :v. . - V KdLA fvHf. VS.: f 7 1 f9 mi . 1 1 t-: m-v : ? r I &v Eft i i 2a it i I 1 . ;i7 ' ft -'X i M 1 If 3 A7 It's the HEW TRADE-MARK "Flower Queen1' mmmi Clever decorators bless smart shower curtains cur-tains for their sweep of dramatic decoratioa You don't need a decorator, of course, to tell you that this new "Krene" brand shower curtain is out-of-this-world dramatic! Look at those lovely roses tumbling over a frosty background. And all that loveliness lasts! These curtains won't go limp at the first whiff of steam from the tub I The wonder-plastic wonder-plastic that "Krene" curtains are made of resists the deteriorating effects of air, water and soap things that shorten the life of ordinary curtains. They won't stick together in limp, wet folds or take hours to dry. The colors are wonderful, tool Come in to see them today. . ' Shoiver Curtains Matching Window Curtains 1 m a si-' 0, . .1 j 1.1 1 EXCLUSIVELY AT 1 jGri ;)-- fat I Phone 013-J2 OREM I 'WNgSMTOWPA. iniiiimiiiiiHiiiimnmmnwuniiiuii: |