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Show 137 predated all her rights, turn wit me to the ... inspired. prophetess who dweJt "under a paira tmft between Ramak and Bethel in Mount Enhriam. and iudired Tsrael at that time, and the children of Israel came up to her forjudge ; J ' ; T ment." When the country was invaded by JabinV army under command ot that successful and skillful general, the famous Sisera, ehe sent for Barak, to' take command" of the Tosts6T d Barak said unto Israel. But the her-"thou wilt go with me I will go, but if if thou wilt not go with me I will not go. -- She answered "I will surely ero with thee, liotwith- etandino; the journey thou takest shall not "be for thine honor, for the Jborcl snail eeu ftisera into the hands of a ivomcm." And Barak went up with ten i thousand men at Jiis feet, and Deborah went u"ith him. Then we read the description of a terrible battle and ot the cn- tire rout of Sisera's army, and howSisera in faint-hearte- - 7 - v WOMAN'S EXPONENT , hi3 c&cape"on '.' foot e i i mercies oi a woman wuo iff i into tne tenaer could perform iieed3 of valor- for the liberties of; the nation if not for mer own individual rights. We read ''Howbeit Siseta fled away on his feet and came to the tent of Jael the wife of Hebcr the Kenite." And Jael went out to m eet Sis era a nd sa id u nto h i m, "Tu rn in my lord turn in unto me, fear not," and he alter many warnings ot precaution went into attempting to'make-goc- dl . . - all 'the congregation, before the door of the Tabernacle; men would have sneered and said, "attend to,househoId duties," "strong minded," husband and mother, and family in the loss ofso good a wife, daughter and friend. Resolved that we tender to her sadly bereaved husband . our heartfelt sympathy for so great a loss.- ' x Resolved that a copy of these Resolutions be sent to. the family of the deceased, also a copy be sent the Woman's Exponent, and the same be placed in the minutes of the , - "XJnsexing them"clamoring; for selves," "oiitof their sphere" &c. their-Tights- '' "Woman's 'sphere is bounded only By the talents God has given, And her duly lies wherever . Earth can be made more like heaven." V" i ,.,:;,l stilLrcmaius iulthe Jblounnjfintined byjus-succharacters as Miriam, Ruth, Naomi, Vashti, Esther, Susannah, Judith, and the woman" who was the mother of seven sons, with hosts of others both in the Old and New Testaments. ' ' Adelia B. Cox fefiJI)lo f """ PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH ; AT- -- ". nail-int- ; WhylionloUheaiame away from among his family because he had no sons? "Give unto us therefore a possession amongthe brethren of our father!' -- -- to-ha- -- . ability-araon- gst Jhese-associauo-ns ve .' -h- er-friends UNION TICKET OFFICE, . Main Street, Salt Lake City. " " -- jT"v. ' acquaintances, Resolved that we recognize the infinite mercies of God and feel that lie doeth all things well, and that we hold in remembrance her virtues and good qualities, in discharging her duties and we deeply recognize her loss. Resolved that we. the members of the vV. S. A. and of the R. S. Provo City sympathize with the" husband and faffliTfin iheir'befeaveincnt in theiOss of V llnd'ltf HTanir " " ' ' : "; mother. And that a copy of these resolutions be placed on the records of these Associations, and sent to the Woman's Exponent and the T. and D. Enquirer for publication.. - ' 1 ' ; Wwf4w . .' .. Mary John, Marrila Daniels, Asst. Genl. Pass. Agt. . 26, 28, 30 arid 32 East 1st Sontli St, X ,v SALT tAKE CITY. The Leading Retail Caroline Pratt, ' ,' PARKER,ZZ" rK;TH Electa B cllock , Committee. OBITUARY. ID 1 Died at Burrvilie January 3rd 1800', of heart disease Josephine Crandell Kirkman, wife of Joseph Kirkman, well and hearty apparently, took supper with her family at hulf past four, and at five o'clock she lay a corpse. Deceased was born Jan. 18th 1857, at Springville Utah. She was the daughter of Myron and Susan Crandell aged 32 years 1 months and 15 days. Deceased was a true and faithful wife aHd a lovin? mother we greatly mourn her loss. She was a faithful member in- our Relief Society, was lastly called to the .office of teacher, and the day Jefore her" death took atf her fami!v" to Fast meeting,- ' eniovpd ,Z i hprplf trrtu, kJU J J J j tesUmonies that were given by the brethren and sisters, also in the afternoon at the Society meeting she bore a faithful tes-- " timony, talked about the trials past, present and the future; wished and prayed to be" faithful to the end, and she has ' died a faithful Latter-da- y Saint. - rp: This importunate demand appears somewhat discomfited the great Israelitish lawf giver;; he family of yoang and beautiful, but determined aQd;dau,nti8;'giF)3.''Moees knew not what- to do until, as the - good book tells us, "He x brought the cause before the Lord." "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying The daughters of Gelophahad, speak right." And commanded an inheritance be given them. Thus a precedent was established which wa3 ever afterward. regarded as a law in Israeli Now I dare, venture to asseit;if Malah, Hogleh, Noah, Milcah and Tirzah, had lived in " these day?, and - had dared to assert their claims before Moses, Eleazer, the princes and Sarah Jane Clouert, " '' . X ; . the tent and she "covered him with a mantle. Then when he had "fallen asleep from weari- - --endured many trialsyand spent her life in" His Oufc'han'"d"' ncss," Jael, Ueber's wife toot a nail from thel Kingdom on earth, and has gone to join her friends behind tent, and took a hammer in her hand and the veil, x- ."T'TfX""' XT X o went softly unto him, and smote the W hereas we the women of the W. S, A. of Utah Co., his temple and fastened it to the ground. and of the 3rd Ward R, S. Prpvp City, mourn her loss in Then fellows the sweet song of Deborah, which and her and for vividness of " description is unsurpassed, permit me to recommend it for your careful perusal ladies; I will quote a few sentences, the insentiment of which my heart echoes. habitants of the villages ceasedr . they ceased in Israel until I, Deborah arose, I arose a" mother in Israel. My heart is toward the. themselves- -j governors of Israel, thMflei willingly among the people, bless ye the .Lord. Blessed above women' shall .Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be; blessed shall she be above women in the tent. He asked for water and she gave him milk, she brought forth butter ". in a lordly dish' ..." x.. She smote off his head when she had pierced and stricken through his temples." We find also in Holy writ, a most forcible and brilliant example of what women -- cardo towards securing and maintaining their "equal rights" wi th man, by the undaunted and courageous manner in which the five daughters of Gelophahad stood bv the door of the Tabernacle before Moses, Eleazer, the princes and all the congregation, demanding their Tights of inheritance; say ing, "ourfather died ini the wilderness; ;and he was not in the company of Korah, tbat - gathered- - themselves- - together Against the Lord, but died and had no sons. ", Counselors. X X To the memory of Mrs. Mary Jane Tanner, who de . parted this life Jan. 8th 1890. . Sister M. .J Tanner has been Pres. of the Relief Society of the prd, WardTroyo City since its organization in May 1868 being over 21 yearsr bhe was recently sustained by unanimous vote Pres. of Utah Co." Woman Suffraga Asso-- " ciation which was organized Oct. 23, 1889. Whereas bur Father in Heavea ia His Divine wisdom, and Providence, has seen fit to remove from our midst, a good and noble woman, a useful and honored sister, a mother in Israel and champion of woman's rights 'who has ' ff .Presldfnt. 4 '.. Anna Andersen, 1 :.. h Sid well. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT, X , .; ... - . ": - : Sarah Burr, ; Now Mrs. President and Ladies we do not Jack - material for lectures so long as there ; - Society ; 2. JL SOMAS Special to the Ladies. TE EL'S Will bo found th latest stylos and piodactlons . -- To the family of the deceased. Memorial of respect to the family of. Josephine Crandell Kirkman teacher of our Relief Society. Whereas.our esteemed sister and fellow laborer ToseDhine Crandell Kirkman, has by Divine Providence been removed ' " from our midst by the hand of death, and W hereas, by her regular attendance at our meetings we have been enabled to know and appreciate her good char FANS, GLOVES, PARASOLS, RIBBONS, COLLARS, TIES , IDttT GOODS; Special department for Ladies'' Misses' and Shoes. " 112, 114, 116, 118 East Temple Strtet . acter.- - - ' Therefore be It resolved, that we the sisters" of Burrvile deeply mourn her loss and sympathize with her bereaved And an elegant assortmenf of I ; DAVID ; JAMES In-laut- 's CO. TINNERS CAS.WATER & STEAM FITTERS -- Ageatiar4WJ SUET'S celebrated OFT and FO PDMPA. Pumps Repaired on short notice. Orders m?r i ae 7 fo. coriitrj promptly rsponJed Vr.kiixi. Eex SCS.-SAL- LiSE CUT. -- - |