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Show FOR THE VOTERS Dcpew and Reid Traverse Three Counties AM) Ili:MMt Sl'IFAHFS. Senator Hill Talks on tho Domlaant issue ot tbe Campaign, .MllilM I N lltll ltrKID1 l'olliliilrr.lriiriil It nnnmsKre III liiklrrs I'rrsldeul II nt tl.oll' tdlilliiUlrnlliiu JAinarmiN, N, V.,Nov.2.-Cbauu. cey M. llepow and While! tw ItrlJ Imvirird thnu counties toilay. I.trgu bo Hi a of voters uerunddrevud ty thu s taken at llrlniont lu Alleghcu cjuut),at riiilatnnnca In Cuttatatigus count), uud Jamestown I u Chautuuijua county. Them weru two meetings here, onu In tho afternoon, main!) attended by farnicrs,nil the bthurinlhe evening attended by lliueity resUculs Thouaaiulo n' uun i;rceted tho pair w hen they arrived here unit tiny wtu Immediately eeoalltii to thu wiganm where every foot nf ajucu was occu I lid, lhu chairman of tho lljpubllcau city committee lutro3iHed Held, who ilt-t ictcd thu ej lunula condition of the country unJir llarrisiu and tall the Demucratlc lullc) cf maklui;nchangi, If adc ted, would lead tu eoinmertlal dlautler. Deiei. opened hla reccli Willi thu statement that every wueru he traveled lu western Niw York hu looked uu new factsrlrs which weru making votes lor Harrison and llcld. Cuncernlor Cleveland's Bjiicli Hit night Dejew mlj Iniart: I read with great Interest Clove. lajj's sieechluNeu York Hat even lug. It wai characterized b) tho un uausl rlcniuesa of state mcnla and lhu dlrectneaa of charges. It calmly tg. note all lending latuca and tuts to thu front n liuw tjucutlun. lhutarlfria onl) incldeutnll) referred to. riiuforeu bill, statu bank ciirteuc), inntity i lo. lion aud reulproclty weru list lu u tloued. It la uvlJent that tlm I) mo. emtio leader rugarja his p-iny alrea I) beste u ou thosu sul Jects, an I abandons them. Thu attention of the country In iliullcnged by lhu ex. 1'resldtnl ot thu United htates and caudldatu lor ro election, tu the corrut Hon ul frnticlil.es and the largo su ms whleharu raised fur Qimialgii urj oaes, aud thu uuutier lu which they aruexjieuded Uiilhn t,eu. eral ioposltlou of thudaugeratid Immorality Im-morality ut thifu vsst uxieudltures lu ricsldeutlalcampilgiis, tucro can be no division of oliiloii, lhu lleiubllcau I arty woul 1 bu glad to meet Cleveland Cleve-land and thu Lkruocratlo party half way lu any legislation which would maku tmj o-ialblu by rot er tunal enact meat the raising unJ dlatriuutlng of inone) by candldatea and caminlgn touimtttets. rtiu ttartllng thing shout Cleveland's address Is that, haling slated thu evil, hu charges that tho moiie)a raited mid distributed aiu solely sole-ly by the committee! and throughlhe agencies uf the lleiubllcau party. The accusation Is so absurd that It would leuulro neither mention nor refutation exec 1 1 for thu eminent authorl!) . Uulortiiiiatel) It la truu llml largo sums are raised by both atllo. Clove-laud Clove-laud liluiaeirintholamtcanvaas.thougli the l'realdent of tho United mutes aud c mraratlvcly a poor iimn, contributed JIO.UUU to lhu Dciuocrntla fuud, and has done thu same this lime. 'Iheru were at leait half a dozen gentlemen on the platform with Cleveland who knew the amount alleged to hae teen contributed nud to bu In thu possession if tin lleiubllcau natlouai commltteu for caru ulgn purposes Werugrotaly exaggerated, ex-aggerated, wullu thu hums raised ty thu Democratic comniltteu weru ccTii ttaully undtrritlmutcd. Neither srly is abiu to ralsu as much money na waa collect! it in lbs. This It notably truu of lhu ltetiblican canvais. lhu sum nacrlbed toCarniklc, 1 rick un I friends Is fictitious uud cumralgn Imaglna-lions. Imaglna-lions. Neither really contribute I u dollar. Thu Demoorata weru ablo to rulaotho.tiaual amount of money lu 1BS3, regardleis of lhu civil aervlcu rules AeseMsmenta wuru neier so remorselessly re-morselessly pressed, l.very lie mo-cralid mo-cralid olllceholder waa taxed II) (er cent, or hla salary. While federal onicoho.dcraooiild nut bunsehul and did not contribute, tho Htatu olllclals of New York weru In thu clutches of the Democratic campaign cimmllteu. Thu pay roll of tho city of New York amouhiH to auvcral millions yearly, whllu thu statu roll Is largu. Aasess-luenta Aasess-luenta Irum tliesu tourcca nlouo worn greater than tlm entire sum In thu hauls of the ltoUbllcau rommltttu eui plenicutud by ut leaat half u million dollati. I thrriforo don't btsllato to claim and certainly no well Inhumed Demi-crut Demi-crut will deny thut tho Dcutoorallo committee la In posaisslou of li er cent mom lutia than tile Itepubllcuu committee. If Cleveland Is Ko t In Iguorancu by thu party managers of liiuexl.tlugcoudlllois tu order that ho uia) maku such statements nu ho ill I last night thu Democratic committee la ilicottlng him to decelvu the country nud shotil 1 rucelvunt thu pol.a tho puu-Ithmuut puu-Ithmuut the) deserve. A lilg 1 araduof thu lle ubllcan clul a waa held tonight, lull) J'J.UOU men wito In line. At thuuouclualoucf thu meeting ltohl UepatloJ for Nuk York uud Dcou for liutlalo. Timightuud-ed Timightuud-ed tholr runt) alnsenklng for thu present pres-ent contest. ni s.noit iiili. l'cii.T Jaui id, N. Y Nov. 2 Sena-tor Sena-tor Hill tpoku lu the opera huusu he ru this afternoon. Kf rcteiitntlvu Drniii-cratiweru Drniii-cratiweru rifnt from thuaurrottud-lug thuaurrottud-lug country. .Senator Hill ujolto In (art aafolluwc rhuijucstlou of I'odcral taxation Is tliudomluaut Itauu of tiila catu sign, lhu power to levy taxes la n despotic but a necessary iower In utery well urgmlnl givcllimellt. The IJum-i ( rntic (oily htlucm.lu thu atil i iiin i strietl ti film Ktfinl ooriniluiuii, llin llejutllosn pally livln ven in tint lootn eoiiatlllct un of II at Iti'tru uisnl rite riUl llentK nru wihlnit 1 1 confi r evi ry itsll In jiowcr ii o i the gocernmeut The Drmuirats ur r r oiiitlnliig thn govprnmeiit Ii etriut cin.tltullonril IPiills ilcrullli iiiksi) taxi a should I levlc-l fur ihe in eta- it) r-eoi-es of the govcrnmei i linn wengreu with them Tuiill- uhleli create unnecessaty ruvanuu an uiieuii Htltutloiial I nlmlllliat tin lint i u groan euactud n ruvetitlu I III with a protection iroambr. Congress wst cuercnt lot" thu naiigu nf tin I III I y thoflllall retibs)lvniilaiir. lie tic-eietllngiongreairsullrlug tic-eietllngiongreairsullrlug the danger of tho) rice Jentnuil to guar I against future vlointlona of thu com uuti m of tlo aatuu tialiiru eunct d nit nmeiij-metit nmeiij-metit irovlllni; that nil I iwirt nit expresal) grautcd to tho gciuralguv-erninenlwero gciuralguv-erninenlwero renrvcillo thu statea. All latlll hills psstc-J aluco that time havu been paiwud ns tcvenun bills wlllicut a recital of tho protective Intent. In-tent. rteiibllinna, btcanilldan Ihrnwoir all etirgulae, psta a bill solely and ex iriasl) for irotcctlon. The cry fur I rutectlon wis u growing tvi' Until recently It uiualwayaducruid a torn-porar) torn-porar) nccrs-lty to e'U03itrai.e lu'atit InluttrlcM Now lhu tlimvti r this hue rrasnti. In all my travels I Invti i t found n man whose wairs wun Increased In-creased 1) thu McKluley till I challenge) chal-lenge) our llcUbllcnn frlelnlilo shuw a aluglu manufactureel artlch on whlrli duty enough w is not left I) thn Mills bill ti n rescut Ihe dlllcrehce tclwiuii American and foreign lab ir 1 detonator rent lhu freu list un thu MclClnli) blllaudarguid thatthulai lug on tho freu Hat of the attli les in ii-tlumd ii-tlumd dll not bene II tthuluan.es. lhu Democrats pniposu tut fico trade, but moderate Inrlll revision with Incidental Incident-al irotcctlon. Hill mado only brief ullualon lolhetforcu bill. MAtllMAItl It. I'ltAtkloHT, InJ, Nov. 2 Ureal crowds gnlheri-el from thu uir ul ling country und re viral thouain.l voters greeted 1'natmaater Ueuernl Wana maker ou his arrival litre, this morn ing. At thu Columbia lhrultr, which was :n ked to Its utmost capaelt) , Mr Waniinskcr s-oku at length in c ml. uieiidatlou ot thu President's intent aliiilutslrntlon, and admoDltheil till hearers nf lhu Imiurlauco ot every lnJIana ltepul licuti doing his duty fur tuullojalcrson. Ilri.iliill.iu In Ha) Ntn Yum., Not. 2. the sleiiuer Atlas nrrtved today from Haitian pirls ntul lhncutnlu eontlrmatliu reports r,f lmnillng revolution In (hit couutry. I ti tho Couth Islands hu said the l soplo weiu loyal to Hlppolylu but in lhu north tueyoru anxious to oietlhroir thu government. Asklrnilih wai ru-ported ru-ported In thu northern art of thu Itlatid but artlcular-i had not been received when thu Alias tailed. ehliir.ri Itrlusr.l ''pnrls Tacoma, Wash , Nov. J. Thirty Chluesu iMscugeis nu thu Northern 1'uclflo steamship ami est weru refused re-fused patiorls tuju) nt l'qrt Townt-end, Townt-end, It cause their celtlflcatea did not havu holographs attacheJ us thu law rcuulies. 1 hey were bound for Port laud, Ur. Tile llroorli (use. Ix)Ni)ON,Nov 2 Htokei.lho Jeweler, uuxt te.tllltd that Mrs. Dialer called at his Jnen of builiiipt Henitember 21, 1SJI, twudais teforu Mrs. Deader callud uu Mrs. Smythu nud svut aomu time In lhu lattur'a bedroom, frum which thu broock Is alleged tu havu been stolen, und olfcircd lu sell him n broucli. Hu idle red It allow her 1 lor It, but ehn did not think llin amount itilllcleut and declined, rills concluded con-cluded thu evidence for Mrs. Deadir, and Kir Ddward C'lurku begun the speech for thude cmc. Hu said, when rtts.Bm)tliumvJu thu remarks forming form-ing thu aulject of thu action, thu le-IIuichI le-IIuichI tho brooch alio aaw uxioectl for tain in Dlbden'a ewclry shop to bu hers, and continuing, Hlr Hilwsrd declared de-clared that Deadcr'sauiualntanconltli Ca tain e ronch w ai rather odd Now that Ca) tain P ronch is dead, Mrs. Dcatlereutsupatlor) that thu brooch wiuj a Lilt ironi hint Mrs. Hm)thu next tiatltlid that the hud been un most frleudly tetiuaullh Mra Deader nud know what Jewelry ehn had. rihu had rctnonttrideil with Mrs. Leadur about her visits to Captain Trench. Whllu tcstlf)lng Mrs. Mmylhn nskud to teu the brooch. It waa shown her, and asahn examined itihuexclulmeil: 'I notice that that point had beeu ilralghtened " In troM cxauilnlug Mrs Hmyt hu Mr. Dockwood, Mrs. Deadut'a counsel, asked. "Do you mean that this brooch le dlllercnt from yonra?" Mrs. Bmytho again examined Iho bruoch, and Iheu saldt "No, It Is mine." "llut)OU wern inlatoken at first?" Interrogated Mr. Dockwood. "I uin not nuvi,"wssthunntwur. Mrs. Bmytho admitted that Mra. Leader's scorn I lady'a mull, whu la now married anJ living In Cairo, unit to come to her houic. Mrs. Bmjtho liad wrltltu to her, but received nu nily. riiu court licru udourued for tho da). Nlaietiulil llasrilite. Nui YuitUi Nov. lhu ateam. Blilp"Marchloneas,''tendti)s overuuo from ttiu Port ot H aln, arrive I today, Hint waa dela)ed Icy temiiesluous weather an I badly U-.mm.ti l. rho captain said the hurrlcauu which swe I over thu Port of B alii while hla ship was there sunk ten lighters. Aiinllirr (umblne. TonoNTO, Nov .'.leu ofthnlargett manufacturt rs of wrapi Ing npor havu conipleted arraugemeutsfnr tho organ. Itatloti nf a coml Inu designed tu limit iroducllonntid keep pilcus at paying llgures Onoflrnils )ettandliigout, 1 ut It Is excted that It will bo brought Into the arrangements. The Imilt ( .. l'maiimiu, Nov. 2 Nothing cf Itntoilatico waa dovolo-eil lu (he lama caau up to adjournment for lunch. ., . , . Nothing of articular Interest was adduced llili afternoon exeot thu ttatenunt uf Dr. Ullum thit when Inma was cut down hu told hlui to feign sickness so that thu regiment woulil havu thu lmi rcsilou that hu waj tovureiy unlshed - -JaaMaaaaTaTfJSeggl |