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Show PROVO EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1928. OUT VUIi TAY THE HERALD . PuLOsbed by Ihs Herald' Cirporattoa, E."C Bodjera, prealdsat, at auUer tst W. Et. lteto, 1 UX dally. Entered at secoad-dapoatofflceTirrovo, Ru." Member of thet'nlted Press aasoda-Bo5EX StHTfirTitBt COTDrtir Bf f Jaw . fiertppa ' ' Newspapers. 60 Bo. At U '." ai l,Tlartt "- rfr-- - . ' TaleiBtMiee B8 i.oua L3Aiinn:n nnir- - - irrr: TRAMP, GET, Our OF 1 .. , rf miss 'ifT 1 1208. ofSiA 95 i Society reporter, 107 J Editorial If yo da BoVreeels year paper before p. m. telephone SuaiDeisa and a copy will be del '.vered to your residence.- - y-- . MiuftS ' PRACriCE OuT OF ' ' ' L OF VlrtAf la J WXtV-CAS- , --VOWS 0U6rtT JASri oF A IbOCrl -- Pd AW VEA 1AS5 IM, HE UWA VilLP PUCkTokF A "PUMP rWiXL!-- 4. MERE MEJWOei cr ALLTriwiesj of ft4 A-- CfFWbUUAMg, so arfeRuV BcrV 1$ kUCE MBtHUSELA!? BL0SS0M5 LAST purrHPAv Utu "FbfcNbd! . A4T HK'tVES GLOUl' mm.o MILO ,dbkl46,--fr- lf VOCV & 73 TTRFEC-fL- V e A V10MA4 A -- tnrf-dXk- - - ft0 ... I. , EC CLEOPA-mA- Babaerlptloa terms B carrier U the eeoaty, 45 eeata the aiouth ; outside count, (3.00 On year la ad raw i; by mail la the count, 13.00 c4aRCrl, HooPLE HASA a. ' roots, ; - CAKTE N. Gunner Rasmuson, editor and manager; N. C Hicks, county editor; V. K. Singleton, business manager; Jesse Clark, advertlalng " ' . . r manager; R. W, Goodeil. rltv editor. dr Huge Glass the huge two- The Bureau of StaatLrJa is justly proud ton disk of glass recently uncovered, after nearly a year in the making. Most of the long period was occupied in cooling Tien the class, after it had been poured into its mold. finallv completed, the glass was found in perfect condition and will eo into a "fireaTconcave mirror tSfTTie Perkfns Ob servatory at Ohio, YVesteyan University, Delaware, Ohio. The Bureau's first proposal to make a telescopic glass wasmet with scoffing. Expert glass makers ifl Europe had Hiffirultv enough in turninir out good glass of the sort. scientists It was inconceivable that inexperienced American .mil,! pnnal the work of these old hands- .- Nevertheless, the went ahead and DoureiUeZ2ialLDnng months of cooling, which must be done very slowly to prevent cracking, the skeptics still expressed doubt as to the final result, - The makers may well be proud, tnereiore, oi me ieai, accom' .,' ;. plished, miirfv-Hch- t wonian are out for seats in the British Would King George like to have our Mr. Kellogg parliament. over to "pacify" his election? 4. VV 5 11 iH'ii;: A 4 -- - OS nra lr A H i t I WASHINGTON TUHBS rtY CRA NE r 60 fOR UMPS RKte BAP., rr rr V00 1 A FLOP'H&OVC Crk.RVCH OUST nNHiN" US FOR tHSH. f0oiAMWrMtttt, tORS MOOf ?HCi OVt, a.M9 MOSOtN Wfkvrtitu. Ufl KHOW H Iftl VeW. aAAP. C M.OR8M ta ar an aaaaaa44aa444t4 4,44 r5 6 if neteo 1 lLp'46 ov JU$T A viwwtt 1b oot t00,60TM? fuJvtr f ootfA 1909 v.him.nou-- 'CiJI5 Yl-rrr K r Wtce arfiEM 401 c poor ( (WttER -- AND r AtfTvOOC." Wicfi Thoimu Hickman, father of William Edward Hickman, arrived li s iu in a ix.a Angelea cell, where ha awalta trial for the Muitior of little Marion Parker, young Hickman waa ill from the effecta oi rejnovinB ipinaj nuia lor an Inaanlty teat The picture ahowa the iy What's Underneath a Warship re -- jl, ja '1 . Wot 'e Ifci.wi' oo.ftMi Been 'roowo feA? wecO 0ajiTY leLLitt y etTreR wout TH' stick aroono t we woai 3 to,ooo nr store'. THERe evefof &ocry VC" -- BY SWAN OF A OAfiX OR LI6HT? WHMT KIMO 6lW &OTH' He Wr CPANtARD, J I - -- TXlrJK' i J ! lilttS t- - (TO A .4.1 a4 ALKSMAN JAM a. g-- " LOOKIH' fOKYft-SfM- O W6RC EKPeCTlM' -- . Zip! fees aaxfther tuck- - POM-LA- SCIENCE This la Basil i. dcStatle, noted rVntiet, who-ha- r eT i radio recepThe war department spent $199.- - tion la the Vntted S&0.000 during the past six months SUtea. Mr. Wa don't know where all that Is the of the demoney went Perhaps the meat acr- f eant Is buying orchids for his best vice which, Surtia gtrL. t a 'nulla se4 DON'T HIM O DOWN THE Ct'R- - when eoloratara aaprano alngs. TAIST TONIGHT My Head Beneath a Roae.T "lay A Ballad of the Footlights) Photo by "Doc" tipvvleaa." ' little maiden up before the foot. There Is this tq be said for radio. Waa earning her week's wages oa When you listen to an orchestra. aer toes. you don't have to look at the or While the censor board debated chestra leader. ' I hail eomplatat be THE BELLE THE OF BAWL On tan mnrJojLW eJotbeat The dancing over, the gin waa We maat protect the younger fen all rone, ;. . i eration. The last ruoats were leaving W"haf wa have aeen wa must not let haste. them see: But one girt remained, most exBut the manager had heara their pensively gowned. conversation. With diamonds at neck, wrist and And with teara In both eyes he waist; made thla plea kha was worth, aa site stood, ojalta (CHOKL8) ten thooaand, She's mora to be pitted than coo-herself la her pride. sored. A young girt asked: "How DOES Toa're rot the wrong lowxlowa oa she de It?" And to her a yeans: u replied: Wa went in the bole on oar very . last show dear, she's the Belle of the Bawl, Where bm women all wore crino- My nne rnes ror aer feat aad her hose. line. She bawls aad she weena kill aha Have a heart Dont ring down the get then for keeoa. . asbestos! fthe sobs for hunrions clotbea. The not offanslve or bold. ex ureas ion hi Her fav-rlThe reason aha shivers like broken-- Her aoseand has no show "Glramol at ail down fllvrera. aign and a tear mean a new kv The poor little flapper la cold! vau era McW. That's why she's the Belle oi the - . Uawt rU Ja' belter for the people to make their own mistakes than to wnen uaorlera horn Bounds on have someone else make their mis- the last day, pome radio nut la gotakes for them." President CooV hj aena oim a postcard saying Idge at Havana. wur program coming in fine. ' ux;raiuiBllona. That loud snicker yon just heard waa from down Nicaragua way. Art Shannon. I have maoe this ienrthv aipm across the Atlantic sometime dur-in- g NATURELAND the fimt tew months of lu life. This is the most remarkable recA smoke stack at Great Falls. Mont, was kept lighted at ord yet to result from the Sur eight with flood lamps and was veys sapling process. ' OL er valusuch an attraction to birds during able data have been discovered, the migrating season that hun- however, and thla aeemlr.gly simple dreds of wild geese and ducks were plan of bird marking Is proving a killed every fall snl spring by fly- remarkable help to scientists seeking agilnrt It The Boy Scouts re- ing the unknown secrets of bird quested the company to keep the Ufa shaft lark at such seasons and tht ' request waa granted. aato-matkvl- lv UtTJSf:. rre te SOS-fo- .u a .n. w 7'.. . jar dry dock at San Francisco. i ... paiwaniptBh. . , - a . CaJilo.n, 1 Maa.aaaaaMaaawaaaawaaaa t. otu iw ewn out f the im iiafsnin on th hmi.,', aa overhauling. Biff a they aaa on the turf ace, the "battle wacohi" have utill mnr. .v. , dg Uie U. u ncre ' n. ....,..,.iUwlilI HC WAS UOHT? 6PAr4fARt6 1 ARE --J AM' SO Wr5 HC- - "BOTHECOULpT n t . ' S iMrTand WSTOlIflsKey f -- tt ' . Napa County, California Announce the opening, of the PROVO at 10 HEALTH eaves. methods' will be Uiel Electric Cabinet Baths, and massage Hours 9 to 6- .- Hydrotherapy, be given. wUl Evening treatments may be arranged. Phone 5l7,for appointments. 'YOUR ENGLISH .... .Doat ........ .i .aay n ,., f a have reached the final completion of my wor. Tfee invoivf a iinamy. Don't use "contln sl" when you pivuon mran,.."font -- s , llcv. Joseph. A, Vanoe, Detroit: , "One need not compromise op principle in the slightest degree to be courteous In discussing differencea of opinion la church theology and nalilv. Courtesy Is, mti.r .11, pniy Mat eharrty commanded - : p irom', i 4AT h-- 'The Bobber Shop Mornings? Too Of tan This Warn of Sluggish Kidney. . XJ Prof. Diggondelves, wjo know! nearly everything, says that college bore are going to wear garters again, but the dads will continue to be the principal supporters, aa usual. Pete, the porter, w"..o has beea hoping somebody would steal his dog, now believes that what the country needs most la a wave of dishonesty. , . High heeled slippers may look stylish, butlT they are of practically nTSTMf TCWtfng TT SafiT" af-g- NEXT! In Smoking: Room I w ; "As I waa nurchaaina m tfeket today," declared a clergyman,' wha was enjoying a smoke through the eoaitesy tif --feliowtrayelerr"" nice old lady stepped up to the Pullman window and Inquired the berth rate for the Twentieth Cen tury "Wrong window, lady.' said the Intelligent clerk. 'Tou want Government Vital Statistics at the Infor mation place over there.'" NEIGHBOR DTJTY . ' "Now, Elsie," said the Sunday school teacher, "what la our duty to our neghbor?" "To wait till they get settled and then call on them." Boston Tran- script , INFLUENZA As a preventive, melt and inhale night and aaorning , I ' mocks V VAPORUB Jmr, Vl Ytmrj, Qf IT Milium (M):- For Valentine's f February Send The Artstyle SILVER KING Here is a box of chocolates ' which Is truly wonderful. All the most popular pieces . are offered In a better and more expensive quality than ' ever.before. . A FaO Pound J DOAN'S ..Tnatk Rumor, ' de mer la sunny Kranfe, V $1.50 IIEDQUIST DRUG 9 " ""Conya iaP fifteenth century. - 14 ei -- aa Mt j Tired and Achy nnWaa. r.nm-TiM- the - iJr ting find too stiff, achy "all worn out?" UO) (eel tared I sunat nagging backache. anddiowiy headache aad diary apeUs Are the The U. S. Biological Survey baa kidney secret ioos scanty aad. buraiag in been advised that a bird, known in passage) Too oitaa this indicates France as the sea swallow, was re atuggiaa hidaeya aad shouldn't be slat tail. cently found near La Rochelle, lAson ' PiS. a stimulaat diaretie. on Its leg a tiny aluminum carrying ir.e&na "contiatioua" was their first aaeei together ring, inscribed: "Notify BioL Burv. iaereasa the secietioa of the kidneys It recuiring; -after the twa weeks' hoaeymoon. No. MSSS4. 1 ia survey i records and thus aid hi the elimination of She proudly broufht ta the first disclose that ring No. MS.soe waa waste impurities. Users ywliie used i but often Adgf porulr.riy Wis. : . dish. new-bor- n a tera oa . Arctic clamped JmUquotcd: "Where there is bo knew yeVre folng ta like this, at Red Islands, Labrador, last July. nuch cmoke there must be some sweetheart.' aha cooed. afnUir From the Labrador to the coast of fire" wa "There caa be no eroat W.v. that tried rhlrksa France aa Lindbergh weald fly H. l too! c ffiefe oius'. be eonWTWf are the beat A JTIMULMTT PrtmETK A KIDNEYS is 4200 miles o- - open scaaJhelltr make." I thing nre. vr jonn i.y.X wrote It, in the j "WW on a thla, dartinf He tern, which becomes "hirondelle Ca HlgCaea MitalT: 1 - y- acripturea" BOX TsOES SCIENCE INSTITUTE West 1st North, one block north of the fountain.' Sanitarium The Oaark mountains In Arkansas are merely shells of mountains. Their Intertc! are largely. If not mostly, caverns. These hills are composed of limestone. Most limes Rotting vegetation 'on the Osark'l tope and aidss produced acid and the streams can-vin- e fhi e the flanks of the Ozarks. carved ridgea and holes la tne udhm, that Became wider and deeped as the centuries passed. So large are many of the paaeages that rivers run deep la the Interior rut theae mountains. Oreat numbers of blind salamandera, lizards, snakes, bats and other animals live In the Ozark aduale Nurses of St. ITplpna Sanitarium and HosDital of ; Rev. Ilarry Emerson Fosdick: "Ood Is' not a eosmic bell-bo- y for whom we caa press a button to get Me-SUt- kj f 4. pF TONGUE things." ... (Copyright. 182S) Howdy,, folk! The Natioaal Defenaa wUl eo Da $3t ee-n-d thla year. It la announrmi. iaut think, every 1 --400th ef a, SAV '"TH aw .: PROVO-CATIONS- il ... . .1-- 6 i Hrf.fcuilurttcfil GV4 VIOftA, I ara a a mt . orr. aeea4, t tie" OF ; Hickman and Fatlier Meet V HALF Zfrte K0MAMCE ' .' It . P'S Provo Utah f |