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Show .J i jj.. Theres in the 1 0.3 t football pane 7 didn't even open nouth once, huh? your That's fine, not nany peoI beg your Oh, ple did. nost everybody did pardon, only not at the right tine?. Oh, you You thing loso his gun Did ony.ody I sat know, excited, but an.aaay I got up cheerin'' violently, but tho Page Devon. IfT i J Lvi ..u-- : another strange hoard. Out on burnt some of the boys without we get actually being died hour up -- nd at tho a. m., cf ghastly to start lookinr for their 4 the on row, and I was mo- and yelling around, and I front rtally scared to death the thought, at last, but it running water and the hard to bo an bods out on tho hunt, or enemy was advancing, and I all turned cut stutctcha all the Dixie "Dears" argument ever a bottle of maybe we just on the bleachers lost pop. If I hod been nr e n t a s at t r a c t i v o . dents wore about as glad as mere obliging I might have Tn crnclusion I'd like Coach was when Dixie retold them it was down my to say, "I'm glad this time earns but onco a year. trieved the ball only back. so a nor get Oh, yes, once they didn't say big guy It's terrible to be nea in front of me steed up, glected up and give tho for "big brown boys out a "pair of hi5 and good yell. pulled big red eyes" The game vras getting hot, and I was nearly rued started waving frantic. it frantically. me ed the guy next to I guess too, 'cause he vras, bandana chewed I expect- horns '. " D "That will your father really to sake for Dixie's ing say to ycur low average?" rous- something but no dad sees I'm down "Then, his fingernails, thou co vc him, warnranted to borrow mine. (I suddenly and withrut t: zero, he'll warm me up, didnt have any to spare.) ing he blew his no so rnd I guess." I (Lots f colds L'aybc it was fho sun in sat down. my "That little chicken is eyes, and maybe it was going around this year, That vras a glutton," aurinc and Blanche out aren't there?) off fr-T- i i looking so cute and tho ring to get a good cheer there tr rit-k-t-hf- D DEYR past band-- I loft . "''fes, t. i aw . " it t-k- es a peek at And he 'tlYBEI? HU!Tr'IiTG The e last straw. so nany been away from week have and because cf the drastic shortage nf boys beys school to begin with, we girls set rbout to fired the reason for their strange diso'. just could not figure it out we were still spending three hours ap V.Te every amir, morning combing our ere still brushed our teeth with "Iparaa," and we nev'-'left heme without a r lieerel application of that cnee Hither" perfume really mystifying'. "Come 'Tus Then, every 'Dear" Dear" V;G found year tho eve It boys go hunting instead f hunting. Boy, wore rolievedi (Continued column 3) U56 -- The, riOO8(?rO UiiJ |