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Show t pcS "- c , esdir. " -' PEOPLE'S . Ptfmber215S - II. L0CAI, ikNP OTHER WATTEia. ,.hxxTi vrrttlris lor publication are ! 'tett to trrlto on one aide of the paper only, 'v . .atice 'can be taken of anonymous com- their comma tiisunc accompany r r not for publication, but sh a EMPORIUM OH1AHA TRADE. WAEITBIJ ! ALL will expire that our partnership we therefore "Great Xortlxwest! Stove Store." on the First ofand January, next, and knowing them-- request any everybody SZ. F. CSTJTlCZIII.Ii. selves Indebted to us, by, note or otherwise, to settle within (60) sixty days from this date. U ALL THE NEW KINDS OP save expenses, as at that time all claims must HEATING COOKING AND STOVES, be given Into the hands-of- , our attorney lor ' . IMMEDIATELY! THE ELEVEN COMMANDMENTS L Thou ahalt not make use of any kind of roods, unless they are bought at Auerbach & ; Bro's btors. , 2. Thou ihalt not use gloves, hose, handkerchiefs and fancy good, unless they couie from Auerbach A Bro's Store, 3. Thou shalt not allow thy wife or daaghter to buy dress goods or domestics, unless ttey are ! Inco al bought at Auerbach A Bro's Store. XBICAUIst night unless the walk streets, 4. Thou shalt not thy most outshone herself as Medea. Her boots and shoes axe bought at Auerbach A Bro's was of the character Btore. thrillingly In Monthly. fc.Il SS 5. Tboa shalt not be allowed to visit ladles was me ana oiceuem. y suppon r .wprlul, A comes from Auerbach unless clothing thy a should draw "Ilamlet" Thi evening, Bro's Btore. j n, o ood bouse, for many havo expressed a de- -' 6. Thou shalt have no covering for thy head Quarry-me& unless thy hats are bought at Auerbach Bro's Tiro to see Mr. Davenport as the "philosophiBtore, c Daue." Mrs. Davenport plays Ophelia, 7 Thou shalt not walk Into thy house, , unless Adams the Queen, Miss Alexander Mi IlInNom rugs and mattings are bought at thy carpets, mrifk, Mr. MeKenzio Polonius, Mr. Llnd Auerbach A Bro's Btore. ,tv the King, Mr. Ilardle tho Ghost, and g. Thou shalt not allow thy female household there is a full cast throughout. to go walking, unless their shawls, yrtoth or silk parasdls, fans, sacks, basque, furs, evening Miss Inco will appear cloaks,skirts, and allsrtsof embTOldery Isabel Lnbbrerai, and the dual of character in Lady are purchased at Auerbach A Kip's 8 ore. Madame Vine, in "East Lynne," supported 9. .Thou shalt not fco to bed at night, unle iy Mr. McKenzio as Archibald and a good thy bedroom walls are covered with flnewvui with paper and border, and thy ?ad covered TO VOHK ON fine California blankets, purchwsed at Auerimch Jox.n-Underwood and A Bro's Btore. Yeftterday Jamcj I men Lyr.rb. having been indulging in little 10. Thou ahalt not make thy toilet in the tooth and t .iaor, displayed their thy soap, perfumery, belligerent disposition. morning, unless & Bro s. at Auerbach are brushes hair bought aud tiajio do attended to separately. In the Store. .etaocm. Alderman Clinton held a levee.wben 11. Thou shalt not boy 2od of any that imithe for pMJiainto treasury city tates Auerbach A Bros. nn bynchpaid fid .,.Mutiiaim'uni, ir.i-5- jr to "put a hole" tbrooxh Xonc but ootl Men neeci apply &! BRO'S, AUERBACH j rtucLstarwawM also nneil r- &t for being F. .mm , L Opposite Wells, Fargo A Go's Bank and Express v. .rreston xuR'.vri'. istsQop yr. called in to Office, East Temple Street, Salt. Lake City. ir Apply linmellntely ni tlie 9foutI morntnsr. arrived 'Jtom bii having uV attention pr Id to the Whole ol tVeber Knnyou. ltiulo3' i2o lert for England May 2oth. 1S60. sale Trade, at the lowest flgnres. Come and ee dlsi-SiCljoa arriving in Liverpool was appointed to for yourself. & YOUNG. where U!;or la tlie NeWcastie-on-Tyn- e District, rrcuAinea lour monin. lie was men called d2ltf ..rn Liverpool Ofnee. and was engaged there t,ul ttie time or his departure ror nome. lie ier:Kulandon the 1 th of July. lu charge of the :utMuy of saints whicn sauet on the steam 1233: I. mere was one ueain on nip to:rni. HMd oue on tue train up to lien ton. lie tr:veUltn Captain Molen s ox train from sut la yesterday evening ahead of the .ji nwe-wHrtl- -- A - :. Of San Francisco, California. and Importers. a XF.IJ. 229 DOUGLAS ST., OJIA1IA, ' riiHIS dS33 3ax HusronD T.. a. " & IRON, X vTa 3BEXS! Li AIIi, All Looses adjnsfc-- and paid eral Agency. .STESEl, IBTSB) sa "TBVSa HBHB. that some p Art let were prospecting about k a$ In the mountains, forty miles 8. r Cheyenne, when they discovered a v.", 'y"W. i.atrai a tunnel, a"out nrty feet In length. ir,.rHun seuge of rocs- - ilia wonders In this vxt western country are only beginning to beand there is not much ristt In saj-ti.'vreJ; lu-.win oe louiui to aoounu wiwi the '.,; cut natural curiosities in the world. 1,1 te- .,f SftO.OOO! Tho (nialm7Aruor n. a .single drunk to ''Kot ujs: in What tho matter with tho in thi city? Something ncodn nniuirin into there If tho 375 saloons are r.n:oniMi So;iKK. ;rtv-i!xri- 43- - Insurance effected on Farm Property, Mills, .Merchandise, R'sfes and Dwellings at Reduced Rates. . "( I.. HUNT, A. J. RALSTON. 3HR3 u u fn i patronizovl than that, civiliza- will rit!ro in disgust, and tho good I 1'CtttH- At ' PROGRESSING, of that urg become th "Mormon ! rue - barharouslvl a-- V t... i in .luAi!. Hon. S. lMtchforth, ritina: from Nephi,'Juab County, says, the 'i-s v. TEETH l.l i.ju.its have returned iat'ountlesis numbers .iif nn asratn depositing their eggs. Thev i.u.v. a largo amount of corn. XIXKTV TIIOl'NAND UOLI.AUS i'oCHi.K Mraw:r. asd SriciDK. The Vlr F WOIITII nu: trespass iirs uie parxicniars; of a j uorrlble murder and subsequent suicide of the Hi urderer, which occurred between Oold Hllj "ih J American Flat on the ntht of the Cith ult . i e mnraerer wan a watenraan named 1 "V who had been sent to get the keys of llawler. a hoate J uui was aooui io do vacarei, lie asked for the Key from a Mr. Hawstey, brother-in-lathe wnoe family was leaving, and upon of being informed that the keys would be delivered to or the overman omce houe Jn the i:.te!?i-itie urew a atxshooterand hot Haws.lioruin, er dead, the ball taklnjsr effect in toe head. A uaiued CooU ejccialtneU Oood gractons, did do what you that for? when he Uawley, around and nred at Cook and shot him neat inroasa 'the breast, llawley made for the luonitialn. PQd when found was dead, having Comprising. not luuiseir through the brain. Cook may yvisNibiy live ith the loss of one lung. Imjx tiiU morning, at C o'clock, George, son .i r;ard and Klizabeth Stevenson, aeed 1 DRESS IATTElSXi. tur, t monlba and 15 days. The funeral will l nn w c CT.OTI1S ami in. Captain Molen'sox train got ;i with 61 wagons and about 300 pas They left Benton a tho 12th ult., :md. consequently made the trip in L'l davs. Thty traveled from Denton to tho Sweet- n:aftr, some a .miles, and struck the old inisrrant rojvcl up that river, about SO miles t'coni lndeieadenco llock, making the journey about 4X miles. Thoro was one ka:h among tho passengers, from Ilcnton ro this city, that of a child who died on the Captain McArthur's train of til wagons w! iu thh afternoon. There were 411 started with it,- - of whom five died the !y way. The deaths wero children. uptain Mc Arthur left Bentouon tho 14th of Auyu-:and followed tho saino rotd as 1'C, Tn.AiNd io-u- . IT , Molon. plug-go- One Door East cf "Df-,er- or all kinds, COAI. Oil in Rarrcla and Safely Cans. ditSTm dis-"ver- td, and charged her huslaud with tho deed. This ahe subsequently ommitting li nied, that she had done it herself. stating A fter the arteries had been lifted and the wound stitched, she tried to tear the wound -ten. Jealousy was the cause. l kk I dent It. You no U expected home in; cjvening. vss East. The Colorado Tribune of the w cotues 19 us wiiii me account or muian :tra?s In that Territory. It seems that the l.NDi - iavaes, alter their recent raids in Western Kansas on the Solomon and Saline rivers, had onttnued their depredations in a westerly oirseat City, at Wallace, at Lake button and atHays tho last named Bljoa Basin, within forty-nv- e On miles of Xenver.place a week eight lueday,the yesterday urove oir2th the slock belonging to a Mr. A. mUes south of Kiowa Station. The wirt,jdx euier attempted to recover it, and the fled eaitward, abandoning their captures. on tnsir way. ""WHuauiunj ucpreuaiions The same morning Indlaaa drove thirty sixty .adof stock frem Kiowa and prisoner a woman and herStation, a boy took fire rears old named Diedennan.child The husbaad Ql utter was iu Denver at tho time. Tho 229 1'ARXHAM ST., OTIAHA, NEB. d2J9 3m If 2 WOT In-'a- WHOLESALE. BRANCH OF ALEXANDER STRONG HEATING fc CO., DOSTON MASS., MANUFACTURERS OF ' Calf, Kip, and Thick Hoots, Fine Shoos, i V, EAST TEMPLE STREET, uiz&iy lMongh Shoes, Miners Hoots and Ilrograns, and Ladies. Sewel and yiHes, and Children's tVorli. Iegrered We intcud to hcep the best of Goods and a ! CASH First-CIas- PAin FOR IT.. JJAVE just Ladfcb A Children9 Also Nhoes diJJ t 'insisting at 97 and '.") Pearl Street, Boston, Mass. ALEX. STRONG A CO. Gin 13 TAILORS THIM.1IIXGS, ItAItLiKY, SCHOOL BOOKS, W..IOELicCO.. Auctioneers. j CORNER DOUGLAS end 11th STREETS, Dealers in L'omprisiiij wiioriT!, LIQUORS, CiROCEKIES, ( IOAHS, TOBACCO, PKOVISIOXS. WARE. WOODEX CORDAtiE, Ac. 6 t ORDERS n MvcciMl nt ton tic trivoit from UTAH. I sORN WILSON'S READERS Choice Apples, AND SPELLL'RS, &e 9 "aB"a"""''"""""",, GEORGE G0DDIARD. Wro. Stephens. Elemenlary Spellers, SMITH BRO'S. Wm. SLOAN & CO.. EG ns TOIJi'EBK, VIilel we vtlll . M9- - Staple aM Fancy: DRY GOODS, CALL AND SEE. dl23:ly DINWQODEY'S NOTIONS & INDIAN GOODS, Also all Itlnds of BOOT! Wholesale aud lie tail Manufacturers and Dealers in FURS & BUFFALO ROBES, Xo. 23 ramham St., OMAHA, NEB. rinueo's Grammars, yiven to Orders from Special Attention Utah. tK) RAY'S ARBTHaiETI CS, 6m FURNITURl- d2-'.- ; OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. & Shoes, Soots or ocn outv make, And in any Quautlljr, at very ... .Gil more. We keep constantly on hand and Make to or. agow. . We are determined der, at the Shortest NoUee, DOORs BASH. - . .. . Mitchell. elve aattsfaetion both BLTNTW, MOXTLDINOR. KU., Etc. QUALITY. . & TN?ma? ESTABLISHMENT, HARDWARE STORE, M. B. CALLAHAN, i v SUPERIOR ARTICLE . b Vaa Wyck. Henry Arnot, Montgomery. J. S ILwrl"1:819 rubcocx.oen. Horace Porter. i'Jr raC,y an1 lBrw D. Bar-- u Eew FOR CASH OR GRAIN. P. Wilcox. , to-da- y sell Very dc, STE1MEXS A WILCOX, GEOGRAPiriE, AT THE SIGN OF THF R P E N T E 11 S V-- Wholesale lealers in MOXTEITH'S SOOTS, SMOE8, ly dllftly e V'-- .. WHOLESALE GROCERS, r.v CA CjtoocI 0?CAHA, XEBRASIiA. Ac, in lm of SIENTtY S. JACKSOX A Co., llr. Diedennan got back captured, t3Vnt tw hours after the capture BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER, ro"owod the trail and foand t1??1' bodU-three horribly mites mangled, Met. Read. Half RIoeU Kcrlli ttf Em I. uom the house, lie brought hand a Large 6took of Leather n i the utmost excitemont them to Denver, HAVING onown when prevailed and from late A arrived. was meetlnsc toy and was addressed organ-'-e- d rrstfsn K4nare, speedily we Tanning" are prepared to Importations, Governor by acting Hat), who called for mn with horses on t rovisions to start tofifty the relief of the settlersand rcMisn city axd coustry dealers ti jou; and a company of fifty-al- x man Inune-taei- y tbeno-elrto enrolled for the purpose. AK. prepared Contract for BUILDING and y thrt dispatches recelTcd it is evident m cheap as the the work ennal to the beat and cheapest. Having lntnahathe Indians contlnuo Uielr outrages an dlsratch stating that they drove off'the wood choppers on the south side cf the Platte Ol fctt Saturday and burned 5.000 cords of wood nd a Denver dispatch declaring that a famllV were foand Persona murdered the same y n Jennings' Camp Hoa-i- ' 6. i . nv stack.-- rcccivexl an excellent Assortment Jobbing Stocli, s CEXTKAL BLOCK. 22 Fa mam i Storo inStreet, up Stairs, OMAHA. Ac, Rccnlar Sale Dnvs. Tumdar. ami Saturday at 11 Thursday o'clock. AUUIVALS AXD DEPART I' It US & W. TAYL0K The best West of the Missouri River, which we offer at the Very Lowist Kates, and guaran- satisfaction as to Price and Quality. Deal Jtee ers are iuviieu tu cau. uuu cuiuiuc. LINEXS A MTSLIXS, B. V OOKSNC,AXD PARLOR 0XX?. 'tu fxitiiHisi & Co. ii'AKaS or STOCK EXCI-USlVLI- iY SROGERIES. ri. - Have Just received their Ilroft-au)r- & I wei4aa was trying to escape with her boy when 'Qey were d. & ix-tc- In-lu- O- ! iituity, in Sacramento, killed her eighteen months old, and then cut her 'vn throat. She was not dead when SIT0E STORE ROSIN, TAR, Etc., Which we offer to the Trade at New York and Chicago Prices, Freight added. Newt." Evening; ' OITJS Surgeon A Mechanical Dcntifct. lth W;d lvT. e Also,' W. H. K. SHARP, S.D., Which we are selllne at Private abd Public Kale A VwAutuYv- - On Lower than any other Hoose in the Territory. tho .Mrs. ult., as the entire Hfoeb most fee rloaed out In lit Nlingrr, wife of Charles lleidinger, in a the NEXT THIRTY 1AYN. ,!r. Co Si i ASSI3IERKS, ct.otiiixc;. rs pas-auge- Nfsj t f SlIEETIXCS. DEAI3IS. CO.. r.VRNISHEK. RRUSIIUA, The Demand ror Tickets increases and PAINTS. CLASS. WINDOW n still greater linnet as will now be slven to the ENTERPRISE by thoarrlvnl of Ami a!: Articles ur d Jy h Cliofeo and well selected Btocb: ol Willi GOLI, I'l'ItE PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. SHARP, Dentist. TEETH Extracted with Nitrous Oxide-Ga- i. without pain, j Also Electricity. Chloroform and Etherial Spray, or Frees Ins: Process nscd. But I recommend Nitrons Oxide as the most plea fcant anil surest way of having: Teeth Extracted WITHOUT PAIN! -- yf V't-u- C .ft'' TT-- Y.'hoI'V-n'- -- at - o clock cfc Xr WOLC'OTT - taie p;ace General Agents for Utah. 3 , C t NOTION'S AXft DfDIAX GOODS, Mi BROADWAY, Opposite Pacific House, Council Bluffs, lovrn. Orders from TItnh carefully filie.l at sr. Louis Kale. di6m TEET1I Inserted In GOLD, SILVER, and RUBBER PLATES, at Prices from 810O down to 8 to, per SET. Office ; m Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BIS. MILYER, and WM. II. II. IIARP AMALGAM. "Warranted to (rive satisfaction. NEW YORK STORE, X S. A. MKCsILlTIt m m W.H.H. WK' re now opening at the WALKER BROTHERS, d211-"- ' call on - lreUt"vt Secrete i'lt. No. 382 BROADWAY. Those wishing their Teeth preserved Fhoflld s wni dZ 3m LOOK TO YOUR TEETH! wi Gen- Carernl attention priven to Orders from Abroad. . Id hi - at the ' AuBUTHTBAIj iHPLEMLMS (ifiiiTallv. . Ren-(.n.H- it ual. Xcnseu Ttir Cheyeaue leader : INSURANCE COMPANY n .V CLASS, PAINTS, OIL, , BARGAINS!!! too non ni dft established a General Agency in Salt City, for the Territory of Utah. Policies issued, payable either in Gold or ? Currency as may bo desired. Council Blnffs, Ionn, J well-know- J has Lake s no.. WHOLESALE DEALERS SHARP BARGAINS!! nu FIRE ANDMAHIBBIMUBAKEE! TA-Partic-ular mum;' - - t snip-iioaa- ...a- Gentlemen's Furnishing- Goods, Enterprise" I" Katee. Ecalet in Proprietor, WW At onr Wood a shall SALT LAKE CITY. Tools, Mlaera' and Sloves.Also GALL AND SEE Itlacksmith'a and Car-- 9 Implementi, pcntcra Ealce Salt Housr, STREET, Opposite CITY. fj; SAM? tAIfE to. Orders promptly attended ! STREET, EAST IROX, STEXI, XIX PIRATE, MAIN - ; : ..? :o:- - t d239;6m Fire Proof Sale and Feed Stables, In IKICK . IW Second South St., B.L.Clty. are prepared to accommodate the Public tttE! W with Livery and Feed, in all Its branches. CONSTANV Stock BaJes promptly attended,, to. -- - S- children. A. aatro. dlOtily TERAOI to BU1T CUtiTOMER3. HEXTft FRENCH CAXF1IMTSA HHES FINE SHOES sad LADIES' Made to dl23-l- y UC t Gt liS. n.J. PAUST. I SHELF HARDWARE, MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING, And ami rm I ;. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in THE RAILROAD! -- . INSURANCE COSuPANY 03IA1IA, NEBRASKA, d23ySaiv bal-mor- al . :dl96:s4&2mea PACIFIC , We buy all our QOOD3 direct of Manufacturers Commercial c ruJi-rwoo- ', . 4 N. 8. BANSOBLOFF A Co. Salt Lake City, July 9, lm. At Wholesale and Retail, Will Kelt at CHICAGO or NEW YOBIs. PRICES, wltU rreight addeI. Stone gs .. GENERAL f trini-mln- 6m. i . To-morr- col lection . AB, SHEET 1R05 and fOPPERff DOUGLAS STREET, OMAHA, NEB 23S d239 "Grand HIGHEST WAGES PAID Cali, a A. 'TIS, HARDWARE AXD CUTLERY, No. y im-,?ronat- ion NOTICE OF rtfS. RANSBHQFF & CO" WHOM IT MAY CONCERN we notify j.s.tioutz due OPKBATION -- 3 V I V |