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Show OFFICERS ACCUSED Eleven Iron Workers Present When Dynamite Jobs Were Planned Indianapolis. Ind , Nov. 20. Eleven officials of the International Association Associ-ation of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers wero ncoused by Patrick J. Dugan at the "dynamite couspiracy" trial today of havinn beon present when blowing up non -union jobs was discussed. Official Hold Caucus. Dugan, former treasurer of a local union, testified that shortly after a building in Detroit was dynamited In Juno of 1907 tho union olficlals held a cauncus ovpt tho election of officers offi-cers At that time. I he witness said, Herbert S Hockin announced ho had lost his position ou account of having Induced Ortlo E. McManlgal to blow tip tho Detroit job "Hockin said bpcause of this he ought to bo given a place on the executive ex-ecutive board.'" said Dugan. "Ho said he was going to malti hip campaign for ofllce on the strength of thu Detroit De-troit job " Dugan said President Frank At. Ryan and ton other oiricors wuie present Dugan testified that an Indlanaiwlls local union had destroyed a nou-nn-ion job for $25 and when It was learned the International unlou was payig $200 for each job blown up, complaint was made to J. J McNa-mara. McNa-mara. People Learning Too Much. "McNamara replied that people were learning too much about explosions," explo-sions," Dugan testified. He said that District Attorney Jerome in New York had learned the Iron Workers' union was behind tho dynamiting jobs in tho east and they would have to be careful." While J. J. McNamara was in jail in Los Anteles and before he pleaded plead-ed guilty an effort was mado by Iron workers in Indianapolis to buy certain cer-tain papere, testified Mrs. Mary E. Carroll. She testified that Fred Walker, a representative of the Iron workers, offered her $100 for certain papers I of Dugan's. Mrs. Carroll said, on the promise ' of getting $100 for the papers, she went to Dugans home and attempted attempt-ed to induco Mrs. Dugan to give them up, but Mrs. Dugan refused. |