Show G A R excursion minneapolis and return tickets on sale stile Augut tit tind and loth loop 1104 Ilin limits its U 0 A 11 II special headquarters train salt lake august ath vin via ascenso c colora do our berth leser anions cow row with ith commander it 11 G sleater St cater south wt at temple sali salt luko dike city or write L 11 II harding general agent colorado midland ilan od salt bake lake for f tuther uther particulars an and itinerary of trip EIGHT PER PEI CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON I 1 ARMS plent plenty ot of utah mone to loan on Imp improved farm property erty with good water righta rights also on de town anil and alq att ctt pro porty port no easteau red tal tape appraise ruenta ments made by the tile borrowers borro were neigh bors call on or address II 11 W CROCKETT price utah W kemem ITHE 0 T ahu E BEST B E SAO T THERE THER IS sa we have the things which will loosen your purse strings hut but while we sell the goods that are worthy we save ou money on every purchase our steady business is caused by the steady way in which we look 41 m for bargains and give our friends the ad 0 hantge of them S everything in general merchandise I 1 PRICE TRADING COMPANY 5 NORTH OF FIRST NATIONAL NATION kL BANK COFFINS GASKETS AND BURIAL complete line always in TELEGRAPH TELEPHONE AND ORDERS BY MAIL GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION HARMON OLSON mercantile TILE COMPANY PRICE UTAH 4 4 44 4 E 44 I 1 castle gate hotel I 1 t t under matlager Mat iager d ef of the utah ufah fuel Com company paly i j CASTLE fil GATE tea UTAH 1 1 3 most jost popular louse i with commercial men t ue ticen provo and grand junction y ibo t steam team heit hett he it bath and modern table the ver vest best t esq two dollars a day K K M i i iu i 1 u 4 4 the I 1 e mint saloon opposite klo itlo grande depol price I 1 tah FE personally R S DNA L CONDUCTED BY JAMES DUMAYNE B best st BI brands of whiskies wines cig cigers irs al and id F eastern beers lately refitted and refurnished pool table handy a nd api place for a smile or a smoke while waiting for the train 4 4 4 4 P PROVO ov TAI TAILORING LORINe CO t provo utah guarantees you a pei feet tit fit the latest and most correct styles honest and thorough workmanship Nork manshil every garment cut from pat i terns drafted for you seo see our cutter and t manager manai or E A MITCHELL WHO VISITS CARBON COUNTY TOWNS EVERY THIR TY DAYS OR WRITE PROVO COMPANY COMPAN i provo iteli i 4 4 44 4 4 4 44 4 4 44 4 4 M M hl H 4 4 i i i i 11 l i fr i i M 1 at rooneys place y HELPER UTAH will be found the best in town to drink and smoke ke t fine old kentucky whiskies 4 eastern and salt lake city beets bee bottled goods in fact E grything ory ery thing thin desirable in tho the refreshment line plenty of time while the train stops el 1 our oy trip for P 8 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 44 4 HH r 4 J M pres G MILLER vice vicenre rree A mcgovney cushler cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL TD A OF PRICE UTAH CAPITAL J 7 31 whitmore A W G miller geo 0 whitmore and L 0 IN ALL ITS BRANCHES exchange drawn on principal eltas of the tile unit united a accounts of 91 firms Stack nion ind and h me t ions consie consistent tent with con avat banking T 1 1 i va i M H t H 1 fitzgerald ac CO I 1 in S OLD WHISKIES WINES BEERS AND ALCOHOL I 1 seven year old stonewall whiskey t 95 per cent pure alcohol 1 arate stock stuck to select from UTAH NO j to mall alai order orders PRICE eimil 44 4 14 1 4 it i t 1 i i ka yuya M magnolia agnolia 1 1 all IV IV castle oate utah 11 14 I 1 I 1 4 F LIU of old whiskies wines bottled goods it 9 41 clitu will huy kept it in acock 9 1 qa california WINES especially FOR FAMILY it all IAMO atno AND 1001 2410 a X 1 jevat COMI a tp 0 t tal |