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Show WOMAN'S I AM HUMAN. EXPONENT. 75 that first divine law given in the beginning Gen. Heb. 13: 4. (6) Those contemplating marriage should possess a proper right fair! I bave never had what belonged to me, and they knowledge of the laws of life, and have a stole from try scanty share. reverence for God's laws concerning tha I have suffered oh, how I have suffered! Outrage marriage relatim. Key to Theology 165-16and loss and pain! (7) Kind of marriage approved. Doc. Are the Heavens deaf? Is God a lie, that such & Cov. Sec. 132: black wrongs remain? Key to Theology 162. page I was deprived in childhood robbed of my birth- 1: 28. (2) Cause of unhappy marriages. (3) Desirable traits of character in opposite sex. (4) Domestic happiness. (5) Fashions and frivolity of Babylon should be discouraged, Why? 6. 15-1- What matter! ah, what matter! what shall it count to me? These things that "I" have suffered what is that I to :'VVe"? life that is old as We we who are human Time Life of the blended nations; life that is now sublime! Life that has buried billions and poured forth billions more Life that has suffered for ages, and rejoices as never before! Life that carries its evils, disease and sorrow and sin. By the power of eternal progress the progress we all are in; , That bears with its weak and little, its errors of church and state, By the strength and truth and virtue of its all uncounted great! Human! am I not Human? is not the world's life mine? Shall the fate of a single creature disturb that calm divine? 'T' The little that suffered was but a part of me A fraction slight as a wavelet light on a world- - encircling sea. may sorrow for it, as for others; there is pain man should not bear. But the joy and power of Human Life makes that an easy care. We may mend it and remove it we may make all men glad, So soon as we turn our common power to help the separate sad, When we lift our soul from the microscope of personal concern And let the light of Human Love have room to shine and burn. I Lecture II. 9. Wifehood. and home. fulfill his commandments. (3) How do women of Latter-daIsrael compare with those of Former-da- y Israel in fulfilling the most imfunctions of wop an's life? (4) portant sanitary Proper clothing during maternity conditions. Evils of the corset. (5) Diet, etc. (6) Condition of the mind. Proper books to read. y III. Parents. Responsibil.ty to God for their minisMaeser's School and Fireside. try (2) Child's best heritage honorable birth. (3) Purposes bent to prepare heart and mind for embryonic molding. (4) Cultivation ot spirituality. (5) Parental influence, example. Child of faith. (6) Beginning and duiation of parents responsibility. Lecture IV. (1) Ref. A child's welcome as a heaven sent gift. (2) Proper clothing. Benefits of woolen clothing. (3) Proper feeding and evil effects of patent medicines and drugs. (4) Care of children during teething. (1) Lecture V. Childhood. (r) Bright looks and gentle tones, the childs birthright. (2) The care of the child, I have rejoiced through the ages. Since life was a careful study, (3) Prayer taught it the made, I live, In the wealth of power and the peace of power mother's knee. An early impression of faith in God. (4) First principles taught obediand the joy that power can give. I have climbed the way of the ages in the steps ence, truthfulness honesty, and respect for that must be trod; Priesthood and those in authority over And I stand 01 the very threshold of a world that the them. (5) Faiih in ordination taught by knows its God. precept and example. (6) Childhood its Hark! was some one crying? Does some one yet joys and trials. (7) Good seeds biing forth fcood fruits. As we sow, we shall reap. (8) complain? We cannot go on to our splendid day while any in Duties of mothers in instructing sons. want remain. Hush! it is easy to aid you; the power and the instant will, Wisdom and limitless love are mine, bring me your cup to fill! Come! To riches and beauty, and freedom that none can bar Were you myself a thousand times see what you really are! C. P. G. Boston IVoman's Journal. Lecture VI. (1) Cooperation of parents necessary for future welfare of child. (2) Special teaching necessary when child leaves home to attend Di trict School. (3) Example set by others not always worthy. (4) Care taken to guide children in choice of companions. (5) Bad effects of continual (6) Parents should control themselves before controling the child. (7) Cultivate spirituality and develop by constant care. Ref. Fireside Talks by Dr. Mseser. fault-findin- MOTHERS' WORK. SEVIER STAKE, 1905. Lecture I. Home. Lecture (1) g. VII. Nature has no secrets. Lecture X. (2) How to "A home should be of one's building av id transgressing the laws of being. (3) Man erects the building", woman enshrines Know thyself. (4) What beauty depends (6) The upon. (5) Result of it." How to avoid base mothers influence. (7) Home, sweet home. thoughts. (8) The mother as companion to (2) the daughter. (6) The danger that besets (1) Home the kingdom of woman. How to obtain the highest type of womangirls. (10) Motherhood, woman's sweetest hood. (3) Learn' the will of God concernjoys. ing woman. (4) Love and marriage ordained of God unto man. Doc. & Cov. Lecture VIII. Sec. 49: 15. (5) The great purpose for which marriage was ordained, was to fulfill (1) Marrying out of one's natural sphere. Word of Wisdom and Prepara- tion of Food. (1) (1) Woman's duty to husband (2) Love of God and desire to Lecture Lecture IX. Evils of Race Suicide. Health, wisdom and knowledge are promised to all those who observe the Word of Wisdom, and the destroying angel shall pass them by. Doc. & Cov. Sec. 89. Dan. 1: 6 21. (2) The Word of Wisdom was given first as a principle with a promise, but, since that time it has been given as a commandment. (3) Show the injury and disadvantage resulting from of this commandment. (4) Food should be clean, wholesome and well cooked. (5) Avoid the use of fermented liquors and strong spices in seasoning, lest an appetite be created in the youth for strong drinks. Lecture XI. (1) Necessity of self culture for mothers. (2) Choice of good Literature. Ref. Stand- ard church works. (3) Proper Language. (4) Patience. (5) Home amusements for the family. (6) Music in the Home. Lecture XII. The necessity of Unity in Home. United we stand, divided we fall; in unity there is strength. Devotion in the home, Ref. Doc. & Cov. Sec. 65, 4586, 33. Juvenile Instructor (January, 1905 ) (2) Love begets love, and this virtue cultivated will be a source of unity both in families and communities. Love thy neighbor as thyself Matt. 19: 19. (3) How does the habit of prayer affect the lives of boys and girls in uniting them in their important moves. Prayer, Doc. & . Cov. Sec. Pray always that you enter not into temptation, that you may abide the day of his coming whether in life or in death. Ref. Doc. & Cov. Sec. 6139. Committee. (1) 68-28- R. S. ANNIVERSARY. The Cannonville Relief Society and members of the ward met in the Cannonville hall to celebrate the annual anniversary of the organization of the Relitf Society, March 17th, President Alvira A. Henderson presiding. . Program. Singing, "An angel from on high." Prayer by Jacob Graf. Singing, "Ccme listen to a prophet's voice." A welcome was given by President A. A. Henderson. Comic recitation, "The Barrel of Butter," S. Johnson, Sen. Singing by the choir. Remarks, William J, Henderson, Sen., on the snbject of the "Relief Scciety, past, Song, "We are present and future." Sextus Johnson and the River," Waiting by of Bathsheba life the of Sketch RoseSugram. B. W. Smith, Emily Spencer. Song, Mrs. Mrs. Eunice Ingram. and Duffin Adelaide Closing remarks, Nephi P. Heward. Singing by the choir, "The happy day is rolling on." The remainder of the time was spent in dancing until ten a. m., when picnic was served, then dancing was resumed, until dismissed at 12 p. m. Emily B. Spencer, Sec. - |