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Show 4 . BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY JULY 30, 1S31 j ; 1 Frozen Desserts Start 0ff Culinary Gossip Garland Personals Mrs. Wesley J. Carter, of Wednesday evening of last week for Qgden to visit with friend and relatives before leaving for her Califor-:nia,'lef- t" '0"W H turned home Friday afternoon from a fisring trip in Idaho. ( did our grandmothers ( minutes, stirring continuously. Press through a coarse sieve or poco tato ricer. . There should be pulp. Add orange Juice, then poor; over well. beaten egg yolks, stljv ring vigorously. Add salt. Cook ta boiling water about 15 minute, stirring occasionally. Cool In pan of water. Scald milk in top of double boiler. Cool, then chill ta a bowl surrounded by chipped lea and salt Whip until stiff. Add tbsp. whipped milk and vanilla to date mixture and blend until smooth. Fold lightly into whipped milk. Freeze in tray of automatic refrigerator. Pineapple Mint Sherbet ffli Miss Vida Peterson and Mrs. J. W. Garret attended the funeral services held for r Mrs. Garrett's father, in Wellsville, Thursday. Miss Marjorie Glines, of Ogden, who has been visiting here for some tune returned to her home Thursday. 1 cup so pur Mr. ' and Mrs. Mark Nichols and 1 cup chilled Few fraina salt evaporated milk daughter, Marilyn, spent the week end 1 cup water ( dropa oil of 1 tbsp. lemon in Bountiful and Salt Lake City. peppermtnt Juloe Green coloring Mr. and Mrs. J J. Shumway and fam 1 No. I can crush ed pineapple ily motored to Garkston, Friday. (314 cups) Mrs. W. R. Van Fleet and Mr. and Add sugar, salt, water and lemwere not so much Interested in the Mrs. Grant Van Fleet spent the week figures of quantity production as on Juice to pineapple. Sot in a end in Salt Lake City. they were in speculating on the cold place 20 minutes, stirring ocMr. and Mrs. C. Bigelow and childjoys of this modern convenience casionally to dissolve sugar. Chill and the variety of dishes that it evaporated milk in Ice cream can. ren, of Denver, are guests at the home Pour pineapple mixture slowly Into of Mr. and Mrs. George Nye. Inspires. It took each one back to her own milk, then add peppermint and Mrs. Oneita Shurtz and son Howard kitchen and prompted the exchang just enough green coloring to delileft Sunday for Southern Utah where of recipes. Saiadd, cately tint sherbert. Freese with ing relasome will time with spend they dinner dishes prepared a mixture of f parts chipped lea beverages, V tives and friends. after breakfast, and frosea des and 1 part salt Yield: IS serving Mr. Glen Archibald returned home serts. When pencils and note book Black Tea Ice Cream were brought out they recalled the 1 last week from Boulder Dam, where he t14 ear yolks etrp evaporated indoor sport of all travelers abroad has been employed for some time. mux cup lemon ever of addresses. 1 water that Juice exchange cup Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gaddie were Crated rind 4 were counted on re I tbsp. black tea tallies When 1 cloves Salt Lake visitors Friday. lemon cipes we discovered that frosen 1H cupa sugar S cups evaporated Mr. and Mrs. Val Bone and children desserts were well in the lead. U tap. salt of Ogden, spent a few days last week Then one Epicure argued ardent Scald milk and water, and add turn-the-at the home of Mrs. Bone's parents, ly for the tea and cloves. Steep 3 minutes. crank freexer and coarse Strain. Add sugar, salt and wall Mayor and Mrs. A. R, Capener. salt, maintaining that no smoother beaten egg yolks. Cook m top of Mrs. Martha Kennard, of Salt Lake ice cream was ever produced than double boiler until thickened. CooL City, was a guest last Thursday at the the elbow grease fashion. Then add lemon lulce and rind and by ; home of Mr. fd Mrs. George Nye, the argument Cor evaporated milk. Freese in a 1 to prolonging Mrs;. R. J. Stayner spent a few days smoothness and satisfactory con 6 salt-icmixture. last week in Lewiston, at the home of sistency in ice cream another Black Walnut Ice Cream remaintained that she had best Tier sister, Mrs. Wendell Budge. sults when she used evaporated 114 eupa J4 tap. vanilla . ' Mr. and Mrs. JD. Gunderson were eup ground vaporatea mm milk because It was creamy all the black w&lmxtS autar ' Salt Laker visitors Friday. cup near way through. Too, she said that If or tsp. The'deacons of the ward held a swim tsp. black wat you used fruits that the flavor was ew (rains salt ' ers ast extras accentuated In the Ice cream, ming party and weiner roast at the Scald mOk in top of double botV mousse or sherbet made with evapXJdy Hot Springs, Wednesday of last er. Mix sugar, floor aad sail and milk. orated jVeek. add to scalded milk. Cook taa 'Miss Verona Hales, of Salt Lake, Date Orange Mousae minutes, stirring oeeasioMllT. Poajf the week end her with relatives over wen beaten eggs, 4 err roots cop dates ttteg vt U tip. salt (4 oa. pitted) and friends. orouslv. Return to doable boUaf 1 1 water cop ' cup aporaUd aad cook 5 minute. Mrs. Wendell Budge, of Lewiston, Oool, add milk cap ormnra Jnte top. Tullt voriac and aata. ussb treess) with her parents, Mr. spent Thursday Chop dates, add water and cook l ta l salt-tesatxlsva, ...and tits. 0. L. Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton came up . from Salt Lake Sunday and spent the and refreshments served to fourteen early Wednesday morning. Miss Phyllis Haws will leave Sun :,f ore part. of the week with relatives guests. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holmgren were day for Salt Lake where she will at and friends.; tend Business College. .Clayton Francis, Ralph Bishop and Salt Lake visitors Friday. Mrs. J. W. Chambers, Glen Palmer v,Earl parley; motored to Ogden Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hodges, ef Lo and Mrs. Mabel Chambers and daugh gan, are spending the week here with Mr.; and Mrs. Frank Roosendaal ters, of Nevada, spent Monday in Og relatives and friends. Mr. George Nye and son, Otto, of spent the 24th and Saturday in Logan. den Canyon, Mrs. Nathella Griffin, who has been Salt Lake City, left Monday morning Mm and Mnr. Glen Baron, of Brig- ham City were guests Sunday-a- t the attending summer school at the Uni for Yellowstone Park. home of Mrs. Baron's parents, Mr. versity of Utah, returned home last week. and Mrs. George Nye. y Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kirkham and fam Mrs. Jesse Lillywhite and Miss a Lillywhite motored to Ogden Mon- ily returned home Tuesday from Lehi where they visited with relatives and day, returning home Tuesday. Mrs. W. R. Van Fleet will be host- friends. Toronto, Ont. Julien Hyer of Fort ess lot the members of the Ladies Self - Wallace Wise was a Salt Lake vis Worth, Texas, the new president of Culture Club, Friday, July 31st ? itor Tuesday. Lions International is in Chicago this :Mr.?and. Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite had Mr. and Mrs. Parker Coombs, of Og- week formulating and working out the as theil' week end guests, Mr. and den, called on friends here Monday. details of policies adopted by the board Mrs. W, B. Barnard, of Hansel Valley. Mrs. F. J. Limb and daughter, Myrle of directors at their meeting in ToronDr. and Mrs. J. W. Chambers heve were Ogden visitors Saturday. to. 4One change occured in the Interas their guests this week, Mrs. Mabel Mr .and Mrs. Lee Isaacson and Mr. national Constitution and Chambers and daughters of Nevada. and Mrs. Millan Peck and daughter, one active member on the Mr. P. C Petterson motored to Salt Sherry Jean, returned Tuesday night permitting Board of Directors from any country Lake City Monday. from a trip through Yellowstone Park, with forty-fiv- e or more clubs in thai Mr. Wallace Wise and Mr. Glen MaMr. and Mrs. Roy LUlywhite and As a result of the amendcountry. son were Ogden visitors Monday. family, of Spanish Fork, are spending ment, Jack Connell of Toronto, CanaMrs.. Thomas Lee entertained Mon- the week with Mr. Lillywhite s parda, was voted on the Board to repreday evening in honor of the birthday ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillywhite. sent Canada in the International AssoMr. and Mrs. A. D. Rich are happy ciation. anniversary of her daughter, Lucile. Games were played during the evening over the arrival of a son, born to them The Lions International convention at Toronto, Canada, July 8 proved to be the largest and most eventful in the history of Lionism. The approx imate 10,000 Lions in attendance fail ed to follow the platitude of complete pacificism typical of the. present day service club, but adopted a platform st active economic resistance to the methods and policies of Soviet Russia. The resolution passed by the conven. tion is ps follows: i "Be it resolved that the delegates of this Convention go on record as being opposed to the practice of any of the citizens from the countries represented in this association lending (heir aid and assistance to the communistic and soviet policies of Russia." v ' The resolution was in part prompted by the brilliant address of Colonel Alvin H. Owsley, of Dallas, Texa.?, Past Commander of the American Legion, in which he lamented the fact that American industrial specialist! and engineers were selling then.se! . e.s to Soviet Russio and making it possible for that country to compete with us through our own methods and the added advantage of conscript labor. ' t - 5 hot-weath- er Ice-crea- m - e -- - . I bi -- ft fay'Pox. Elder e - J Er-m- By-Law- s, ;4-- CLUB KEWS, H m - a delicious sewing, after which eon was served. i ', i ii it- - KITCHEN QUEENS - . The K Q of the club met Thursday, July 23rd, at the home of Bernice Stokes.. They had a demonstration on muffins. Afterward a delicious lunchClub Reporter eon was served. 4-- H , r " '" Friendly Fives They Fit and Keep Fit $5.00 far-reachi- PAIR TRY IN Mrs. Kendall Burnham and family, Mrs. J. L Burnham and daughter, Lulu, of Salt Lake, visited Wednesday in Malad. is ill 7 Owen "Hook" Johnson, of Ocrden. is visiting at the home of his brother, Guy Johnson. ASK FOR THRIFT Mr. Melvin Randall of Salt L1cp visited over the Twenty-Fourt- h with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Ran dall. - SCRIP Hnmeirncaim W&:4Sftiwi nunc TREMONTON, UTAH GARLAND, UTAH Fri. July 3 1 - Specials - Sat. Aug.1 st Local Spuds 1 0 IBILJELSD for Tomorrow To assure today's satisfaction and comfort, build for tomorrow. To build for tomorrow use lumber, the lasting material. Complete specifications and cost estimate for any building you may be planning will be gladly supplied. Just phone 11. We are here to serve you, carefully and welL It Is Our Purpose to Use All Local Products to the Fullest Extent - i '' Everything to Build Anything Phone 1 1 Tremonton, Utah BE SURE AND ASK FOR YOUR SCRIP 3 e - a t. - . a , Miss Grace Sorenson, of Arimo, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Joe Burgess. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgess spent Sun Mrs. Clara Crockett and children, Alice and Junior, are spending the week In Smithfield. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wyatt visited In Tremonton over the Mr. Fred Gephart Lake Thursday. Mrs. Buel from a two-wee- Twenty-Fourt- h. left for Salt Frazier returned Tuesdav vacation to Canada and the north west. k's Full 6 for SOAP SP. WHITE LAUNDRY OATS MOTHERS (China) Oa, 29tf SIZE 10 BARS LARGE MALTED MILK BORDENS AQw TJK LARGE SIZE SHRIMPS DRV PACK CANS 2 OCkfi ... . BEETS or CARROTS Hired Ready to Starve 3 CANS A ... AQ ." Ncx iVi CAN COFFEE A.F.S. SPECIAL t LB. PKG. ... . Pot RoaStS LARD PURE OPEN RENDERED SHORT RIBS POUND 1 V lOQx PKG MALT SYRUP BLUE PINE bars POST TOASTIES LARGE SIZE BECCO PICNIC DELIGHT 3 PINTS TUNA FISH CHOICE WHITE B. P. POI ND PACKAGE LB. SOAP Velvet Skin for Toilet or Bath, 5 2 CANS POTATO CHIPS .. POWDERED SUGAR 1 KITCHEN KING Matched Slices 2 No. 2 Cans Boxes Carton BLACK TEA Tremonton Locals day at Arimo, Idaho. Wilson Lumber Co. Bordens PINEAPPLE MATCHES MILK 2 j 9c pounds 13-1- " ' ; A large crowd from this place were girls met at governments. . 11,148,904.79 paid.'an-nuall- y the hoKfc of Miss Nelda Peterson, among those who attended the Coverby the Union Pacific for, taxes Thursday, July 23rd, for there tenth ed Wagon Days celebration last week .' in Utah.- - Employees, themselves, on meeting. The afternoon was spent at Salt Lake City. their homes and personal property pay an additional large sum. ' "Lack of support of the travel and ship by,rail movement," says a state ment of the Union Pacific Employes Booster League, the organization of employees who are fostering the effort to get business back to the rails, "strikes directly at every home in the state. .Not only will loss of business by the 'railroads which always have been prepared to handle it mean a curtailment of man power and its resultant reduction of purchasing power by employees bu in You've been looking for a addition there is a direct reflection possible in tax receipts. shoe like this, one that will "It is noteworthy also that the huge trucks which now have become give you comfort from the a hazard on the highways pay exactly the same tax per gallon on gasoline first day you put it on and wii! as does the lightest fliver, namely, four cents per gallon.' Obviously the give you those extra added car of the average citizen, weighing miles of wear. Because perhaps about two thousand pounds, does not do anything like the damage FRIENDLY FIVE SHOES are to highways as do the large trucks weighing, when loaded, as much as designed from the finest of thirty thousand pounds. To the' extent of protecting the highways and leathers, and fashioned over of maintaining the present standard combination lasts for comfort. of schools in Utah the interests of the average citizen in getting business They have justly earned the back to the rails are just as great as are those of the railroad employees." enviable reputation of being "Taxes paid by Union Pac.tic in Box Elder County are $72,943.70. Of shoes that fit and keep fit. this sum 141,187.34 go directly for school purposes and $31, 756.36 for in maintaining the cost of govern-nen- t A all its forms." AND COME , - lunch- Reporter. ' The V and V clothing girls went to the ' encampment at Logan Wednesday, July 15th. There were 12 girh aikl their leader. The time was spent in swimming, shows, dancing and excursions. They returned Saturday, July 18th, all having had a delightful time. Through the medium of taxes which are paid by the employees of the Union Pacific in Utah andj the huge sum paid for the same purpose by- the cor--' poration itself, there is provided one of the principal sources of financial support for the 'schools in the state ,,i as weir as for the county, and state JThe V and V clothin New Lions International President Makes Plans : M ;larerjSimp In Taxes 10 ever get along? That was the anerv made by someone as we passed several carloads of automatic refrigerator on a sidetrack routed from the manufacturing plant to Everywhere. The women travelers ... - home. ' Miss Florence Petterson spent last Wednesday and Thursday with friends in Salt Lake City. Dr. J. W. Chambers and son Max re- . U. IU. 97rf Always Fresh 7 OZ. SIZE 19c Fruit Jar Rubbers TWO LIP 6 PACKAGES PARAWAX FOR CANNING SALMON ALASKA PINK LB. PKG IOC TALL CANS 25tf 1 2 TOMATOES No. B. P. SOLID PACK 2 Choice. Heifer, pound 34c HAMS PICNICS V 25c 10e 29c 39c CAN 10c 1 0C LB. GEM SQUARES LB. V op |