Show STRIKE RIOTS RITS IN Fierce Fight at Verviers Between Between Be Be- Bp- Bp tween Workmen and Gendarmes I POLICE CHARGE CROWDS Mob of I live o hu Strikers cIs cI's Attacks At t tacks s Station Starlon In Effort In-Effort Effort to Liberate Lib erate Lenders Brussels June Julie 11 Serious 11 Serious strike riots are aro reported throughout hout all Ui 1 Belgium l disturbed conditions prevailing prevail prevail- trade The Time center ing big In nearly every of activity Is 18 at Vcr lers where the time yarn arn sl spi spinners n machinists lusts brewery brewen and other tradesmen ore are striking for a shorter work da day and Increased cd pa pay Time The They planned a mammoth demonstration On Ott n Sunday Sunda and auth announce announced their Intention of parading throughout I the time principal streets of the city and amid holding a ma mass time the meeting on the time square near Temps monument The Time authorities prohibited this but the time strikers gathered gathered gathered gath gath- ered early carly In the day tiny and attempted to parade Time The leaders were ai arrested arrest arrest- rest rested ed d by the gendarmes and amid conveyed to the police station staton after oCer a fierce tight fight in itt which a number were Injured on both sides of Stones A mob numbering near nearly five thousand I people ople then attacked ell the police station In which their leaders were wele confined hurling volleys of stones at It I and shattering every window In Inthe Inthe inthe the structure The Tho gendarmes charged ed cd with wih drawn swords amidst a a. hall hail hai- hai storm of or stones hurled from windows and roofs of neighboring structures and from the side streets Th They I ly my dispersed the time mob but only after many man other othel casualties had ha resulted Police Hold Their Own It I was as then decided to cone convey the time prisoners to the time city prison an anti and I they were put Into prison vans ans and start started cd for there under a heavy cordon codon of oC po po- po- po lIc lice The rime mob attacked the time escort and tried In vain to get to the time vans The Tho pollee held their own however and amid got their prisoners prisoner to a place of or safety Thc They then lien charged the tho crowds in all of oC the time streets and made manIc many arrests arrests Rioting Is al o reported from a number number numer num num- ber er of other 1 points In the time kingdom but In every case the disturbances e cr were quelled by hy prompt action ot the time authorities |