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Show THE ' MORNING u EXAMINER OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY DECEMBER MORNING W. VT, 1$ real old, tot Ihter said fliat he point was appartet arm had nos keen selling the trade Bock- - man. dec.lmiwd rreon that the ulr wae Bs wse represented Us: I BJ 1100 n. $4.64. 50 AND! wih pucracatkia. H. S. Tanner and Judge J. by E. pnek at $4.70. il'ij Coffee. and Sugar Bowers wnd Marionesux apuesres Chief 1.000 at Ur.lo s. 16. Haw. Sugar York, IVc. X (he defendants Judg 4c. 5.oo0 at 4c, seller thirty day. JONES LOSES LIBEL SUIT. centrifugal ! PARDONS. tair isfining 3 THREE BOARD GRANTS Haw were Frick Boada oppostr! Judge the 500 York active at 14c. Thompson 3 moiaasts ugar 3 OF Wabash ICO at $1.11., c. sitorueys during the trial. Tbev r. S. refund lag 2s, registered. .. .l023i Tribune 16. for the Three Finds Dec. steady; crushed 5.40; duuted Salt Jury Cempany examination of n tf,', the Lake., pardons Iu6 I', B. refunding 2e, coupon on Every CeunL were granijifa thin morning by the nueser. argued all the law poih: v 1 4.i"; granulaiod 4.70. Total Sam. B. V. 3s, 7 registered 8. COKKEE Steady; .No i Rio t made the leading arguments. state board of pardons, and ooe parole U. B. 3s. coupon Regular, 6.500 aha new for $4,461.75. allowed. Alfred Mauley, who wss ass The suit grew out of the sire. 1 6- B. Dec. 12.550 old Salt William R shares for 4s, Lake, open, $11,060.75. tegistered I. Chtcago Cattle. committed jo the county jail on No- Jones, Jr superintendent of the Salt Tie political campaign of lscv 10.050 shares for $16,060.75. tf. old 4s, Total. V. on the Tribune made a series of bitter sim-i k 130! vember 15 I'or ninety day Chicago. Dc. 16. I'at lie Receipt Weeks totals, 210.665 shares for L. S. new 4s, registered... infirmary, has lost his oa cowe wan given a Lake county of Mr. Jones, charging him with pepy lareeny, charge 130's 3up S rady; breve $5.15) 6.75; new libel U. suit A 1125,666 $105,421.45. 4s, coupon against the Salt calve la bis tutu emeu-- . $1 ;i:.jn.:;5; heitwr l3.15h4.6U; ku patoou. Tue others were; Lake American Tobacco Tribune, and Joseph Lippman New Tori, Pee. 16 There was I11' : poor mediuni $5J3lffB.la; con wiUi Earl i.V5Uit Wiiktnaoa, Juncph felony, coUectlng money cw t 115Vs fWTrit. move-ljenI. After SYsnh about tri e hours' jufl,'irY. Amoriean Tobacco 6 CHICAGO FUTURES. ooufuon in the price 5; stock-ei- s ln- y. vk'iej by district court of Bevler ooua-t- deliberatioa th Jury in the case return- .103 good to prime ,:err $5,254(6 living inf rU,: geu-r- al j 4s stock Biar 4.16. and weniencwi to two years in Kate ed their Terri in about 4 o'clock food, including rotten mutton, to th atid fet'dei durlr.g today' aiive 4 Atchison is adjustment yesterFutures estimated The Leading HJOtiu; Ranged ai Atlantic Coast inmates of the infirmary, and Iog- - Knvip: and sentiment in rpci'iilume ,1017s prison by. Judge Chidester on Beptem day afternoon as follows; Line 4s Follows: Sleady- - Mixed and ber 26, 1664. reeuU. 1 heir Juoudav 52.0iC. 102 We. the jurors impaneled in the making false affidavits to collect monkiiseuW a Baltimore Ohio and 5.oti; good heavy James George Foster, grand larceny, above case find for defendants. ey fiom the county. These charg Baltimore aud Ohio i!1.. 06a aenteuced strength butcher $4 war S4.7utt4.8U; po: of progressive were made the bar-i- s of political to two years in peoitemUary M. 1L R. WALKER, Foreman lul cunv. 4s T. Brooklyn on ihs RepuLiicss county dl principally among: industrials 1131 on April 26, 1965, by Judge Armstrong. Central of Georgia Tbs case was placed in the hands Pardon to lake effqect oa February 1. 93 Vb aad aome of the bih graie railroad, inc 1st of Central Georgia of the jury immediately after court ssheep-Rwi-- ip' llr. Jones took ao action la ifc 1966 . uiall. 60 of which The Ooatiiig supply i Central of Georgia fid inc. 19 o'clock yesterday fore- matter unlit after the eieetioa of IMi et A was opened Frank WUsaa, parole granted 75 ...... tin the other hand, ihwe was active Ctntral of Georgia 3d inc. convicted of arson by Judge Mario noon. The jurors retired at once and The suit was filed Dec. 9. V04. m a', one or two . quids Lion Chesaptwke and Ohio 4La. ....... It'S Fseitlc neaux on April 28. 1904. and sentenced were not heard from again until 8:45 asked for damages In the sum of in Southern notably 66 points Chicago and Alton S1 o'clock, when It was announced that vue. The complaint a separated ij, Ruck Island sBiliati-i- l to fiv years in lh penitentiary Mid in lh MHVk Burlington new 4s they had reached a verdict. They were five counts, on each of which jurtI was A Brigham The official iiptuiaiuiu that granted rVwL rehearing Ruck Island R. R. 4s h!,j into Judge Ritchies-'- ' court- meat for (25.060 was demanaad. Ar Lyon, charged with criminal conduct, brought ihe iiock island preferred dividend s9 lsi&ud K. R. ol. 5 Rock room. and attorneys for the plaintiff tides that appeared in the Trlhues was coo case Hawoffh f Nick the and wa to he suspended m Jjnusrv wa, Ajax C. C. C. end Bt, Lou id geo. 4e. .. .1621 Hawonh was and defendants were notified.- - Judge during the Isle sr.micer and the fi of sufficient explanation of the weakner ; U'lllton-lbcColo. Industrial 5s. series A..... 76;, Uuued for ninety das. of a man at Thomas Markinasux. of counsel for the 1904 were incorpointed in th The murder IblHOd of convicted heavy the r.iriwi ja tie Rook 754 Colo, luduairtsl 5s, series B In support of Jones c!nm for - ' defendants, and Judge H. 8. Tanner, Layutm. foil. Merrill' reliiug of (tom item Jacifio was niirihColorado Midland is 777, A pardon was denied Joseph Buttery representing Jones, soon arrived, and damages. lited to prcuUi ive hinders. who hail j Usiy u ua a ( lOalg the verdict was rendered. Both attur-- , These articles charged that he had w as denied John H. Holli- tonnred upon an early ettablisbmo j luly-jivd1014 and a parole Denver and Rio Grande 4a ney waived the polling of the Jury. padded the infirmary payrolls, ibai ht of dividend payments on that nock- j Daly We. . 82 Distillers Securities 5a The length of time consumed by j had committed perjury by sweaitug u nd who found cane for the abandon- j Eagle and H. Hell.a. 101 Erie prior lien 4s their deliberations indicated that the I false pavrolls. that hr had merged hit j I; iu lap'-es- , the their DRAPER of AT language rand Cmual FIELDS COAL joeni Erie general 4fl (1 jurors were not unanimous. Six votes j private arcounts with the county t(.. f the annual tepori to the stockhol- Horn Silver lOki are required to reach a verdict. It ia j counts and had thas made 'hr nonmy Hocking Valley 41j was i l.i.Jle lb 11 der. lu t be body of the Hat lhi-rBsU Lake, Dec. 18. One of the said thst the jury stood seven to ona j pay for the support of his family, that Misnouri, Kan. and Texas 4. ...1607 Mautiuo'ib .. evidence of free selling to take profit latest moves on ibe part of the Manu- from the sum and that the time was he had given rotten mutton, ekine sissotiri. Kan. and Texas fids.... 68 under rover of lhr various poiut or I Maamuith .. 8o Nat. K. R. of Mex. con. 4a. facturer and Merchants asaociatioi tic- occupied In large part by balloting, med milk and other inferior food to Au advance incipient strength. May Day of the ooal fields separate ballots being 'taken for each the inmates of the infirmary, w hile be 134 York Central goo. 5a Ne for up ihe opening of the the after uppearanco Uutario veioped 165 Northern Pacific 4s at Draper. A oounaluea haa been defendant on each count, making fif- bad choice food served to himself, end ha&k gtaiemcnt, but. price S:lvT Kmg 77 3s chosen by the association to inspect teen ballots la all. Northern Pacific that he had sold stock and produce bethe aud lowest the weakened to 101 Norfolk and 4s conaol Went, the territory and report aa to the prosThose who have followed the case longing to the county without render the from not ShlcM Silver losing was irregular aud $6 Oregon Bhort Line rf. 4 pects of capital developing the district. ctoely are satisfied mat the difference ing any account for them. thr a Siar Consolidated . low level. The hanks showi-Mr. Lippman wss general manager A regular meeting of the asaooletloa must have at (sen over the allegation 1023 Pennsylvania conv. 37s hUahiuem of a surplus in tesorves Swsnsea will be held this evening at the 1037a of perjury made against Jones. In- of the Tribune at the time the arReading general 4s amounting to nearly $4,066,996, the im- Smith Swansea .... of the organisation, 1$ West terested person on both aides ef The ticles were printed. Mr. Sefrli wi Iron Mountain consol 5s ...1167 provement in their condition was prin- I'nited Siaios .... Second South street. Plane will be case agreed la private conversation the political writer of the paper it Bi. Louis and San Fran. fg. 4a... $7 cipally due to ilie scaling down of 1 tah , Bu L. South western Ism. 4 dimuaed for increasing die advan-tage-a that this charge waa the moat difficult that time, aud both were made parties 60 their deposit which nulid in a loan Tucle Bam of Vtah. 89 one for the defendant to Justify. How- defendant with the newspaper. They Seaboard Air Lias 4a .,1 contraction of $11,765,560. Victoria 94 Bouihern Pacific 4s Manager Place end President O. II. ever, the verdict aa rendered is a a ex- declined to make a retraction. In their Thr rash increase of $3,120,860 Boston Consolidated Hewlett are now oondooting negotia- oneration for the defendants on all an ewer they asserted their lurendon So. Pacific let 4s, certif 97 .. .. proved about as expected. Yesterdays Huiler-ldherof Justifying tha papers courts by as follows: wera for tha esuMVhment of a paper of the five couate in the complaint. 5a tions Cash 110 Bomharn quotations Railway of 1st., government Heck Tunnel January payment waa proving the truth of the charge. Thi this tn to winter of the None Flour Texas the $3,659 city. suit Pacific finite and e e e es 122 patent a bag factory Easy; parties f merest slid of iutionsnt dividends, .627 .614 Ingot The following lias become members present in person when the verdict was waa the baeia of the defense of th 63 4.76; etraiKhti, $3.6563.85: spring pat- Ted., 8L L and Week 4a Oil Mttl.- - Chief ....... .01 including the $1 0,600, U00 Standardbane-liof (he asaoolatloa: Cher W. Hall, D. rendered, and no notice of motion for suit, which ended miereastully for the Colon Patfiflc 4s t ents, $3.7564.10; sir sights, $3.60 to .....166 accrue the .17 ilMbnraemciita. will New York W. Irvine. Utah Packing compsmy, a new trial was given. Judge Tanner defendants yesterday. 144 8.80; bakers. $2.25 3.20. Iniou Pacific conr. 4s f next weeks market and figure Tnro .1$ 96 Yogeler Seed and Produce company. stated last night, however, that auch Spring wlieat No. 3, 854J Mc; No. Vnlird Siatea Steel 3d 5a But Vivior Consolidated .04 la next week's bank stalenw-n- t I. 836 87c: No. 2 rad, 87687tc. Wabash flrvts ...... ....1157s The Ust haa now nearly reached thr a motion would be filed within the re1.1S a very heavy demand has developed Wabash PROMOTION OF JEWISH RIQHT8. Con-N- oi and wlfoln the next Thirty quired limit of five days. 76 J, 477i648'c; No. S yel- Wabash deb. B .33 lhr remittances to London by next Yankee The jury that tried the case consist87 low, 47c. Western Marylaud 4s days K a expected that KIt will he .67 Wednesday's siVamer, which Is the Jim Butler doubled. ed of James R. Asher. Herbert Gedge. Oats No. 2, 30c; No. 2 withe. 33c; Wheeling and I Eric 4s 92 last to reach lsmdon in lime for the Montana Tonopah.. 3.3775 San Franelaco. Cal, Dec. J. "Ths No. 3 white. SliffJSTwC. 95 Wisconsin Central 4s George 8. Smith, A. Greenwald. R. W. 1G.00 end of the year settlement. Theta Tonopah coniimvn.. Ballard. Fred J. May. M. H. Walker Interna kwal Society for the PromoJOHN SAUSH MAY DIE. Rye No. 2. 67c. are large aaioinii of exoitange bills Tonopah . . 2.17 and Thao. W. Partridge. The trial tion of Jewish Rights haa just bees (food fording barley, 3S7 638 7vc; SAN 6. 09 manuring at this time, which were put Tonopah Rxttn. ... FRANCISCO MINING STOCK fair to choice Utah lag, 414Kc. began Nov. 27 and the testimony eras founded by ihe Rev. Dr. Jacob Yoo tot early la the period of higher money Toanpah Midway .. 1.62 Piiyalciaaa at (be While Cross bars voluminous. It ia estimated that a ranger. It ia the outnome of the pe$12.756 bill., 12.87. par pork, to toko advantage of profit able rate Mjt of Ban Francisco, Dec. 16. The official grave doubts as 10 the recovery hoe-pka106 lb., $7.62 of the fi 7.55. testimony would re- rsecution to which the Hebrew coni, par Inrd, transcript here. The poaslbllity of gold going oat John Bush, who waa takan to the Farenoan Salta folios of typewritten mat- imunity of Russia has been subjected. 1,500 Shrtri riba sides (loose), 6.877467. closing quotation for mining stock quire next work is therefore under Tuesday' night la a The object of this eociety la to Util Bl I 50 at $4.50, 260 at $4.70. ter. Short clear aides (boxed), $7.12 today were as follows: 1 BlackBauNh a condition. wealthy 2109 at $4.65. assist oppraraed Jawa throughJustice. 5. The verdict ia the case places the Alla, 7.55. Total sales of bond, par value, from Is man It that aaid Wyoming. Iaiwer Matmoolh 590 at 41c. J. Wash. Con, 2. burden of the court costa amounting to out the world to secure their rivil basis of high wiaea, $1.30. Alpha Con., 5. Whisky, . haa he drank while the in heavily city Silver Shield 5t'0 ai 19c, BOO at 19v.., Mexican, fl.35. several hundred dollara probably, on rights and to begin a political propAndes, 29. Clover, contract grade, $13.75613. Th speculation of iho week has and he has thus far barn unable to Mr. Occidental Con, 8$ overcome: Twine) 1,600 at 51c, 200 ul Jones. aganda looking to the elimination of sit Batcher. 22. showu great animation and Targe ac- i of elf celehrotlua. nets the the B. and Bel, $1.40. Ophir, $6. 55c, 1,0116 hi 5 6c, 2U9 at 57c, 30 at The trial of the case was Interesting. class legislation from the statute books and will whether live ie doubtful tivity. but has been centered In individbe Shipments It Receipts 25. In addition to the sensational charac- of civilised nations. Overman, 13. ual stooka which bar besn brought 56 c. - l.Uufl 17.500 Bullion, 26,690 through the day. Flour, barrel 9. at 2c. Calutloula. 58. Dr.Vooraanger will call a mass oen-hiter of Home of the testimony; whk-Ingo! Iotoai, forwsid Into prominence to the specu24.300 42,00ii -- 150 at $l.l2t 260 at $1.10. Wheat, buehela Welmi-19. Savage, 51. of the society within the next tvo interest on tb pert of much aroused Con, Challenge lation in socurlllea connected with 433.066 122,300 ONE BLACK EYE, $29. Corn, twhel 12. 18. weeks and authorises the itiitarM the quasi the legal Cholhir, Scorpion. generally, public these Industries. The prosperity re- 360 at $1.11. Dale, hnsoele ..,,,..268,664 227,060 Confident. 85. lions developed held the attention of that in all probability the oomlig Sag Bt'leher, 9. vealed by the Vaion Pacific annual re5.000 7,000 C. C. and live, bushels Socket-son'- s Beard Sales. For $1.35. Sierra Nevada. 87. Jasnes menfoers of the bar. The case wag spring will witness the aasambltog of Open eye blacking Ya, Imms that for the has pushing tain 97.104 hurfacls 63,100 Crown Point, 13. with a Bel, Herbert Bakes waa found conducted in able manner by attorney! an international Jewish congers to Silver Hill, 85. Biwk Tunnel 599 at Sc. 269 sc 58c, Bariev, hira-record price. to a nt-Union Gem, 58. gtiilry In Judge Diehl'a court this morn- for both sides, in the Opinion of th deliberate upon this question of trnr-inKxchenuer, 38. Bunds have moved irregularly and buyer 69 daye. Produce Exchange. civil rights of Jews living la Usd G. and Currie, 14. Vtah Con, 5. ing of committing arastrtt and bauery lawyers who watched it closely. The Columbus Cun. 1.099 at $4.02. have not slut red in lira ' ucLiviiy of and was fined $25. Batne la 19 years earnest and vigorous manner in which where anch rights have not yet teas 159 at $4.95, 100 R1 loo ai On the produce exchange today the H. aud Norc, $1.10 Yellow Jacket, 13. $4.12. stock. old. At first he told the court he wae the opposing lawyers fought for every secured to them.. I tii'i-States 3 and the old and I f 4.20. 160 at $4.26. 109 at $4.39, 100 at. butter market closed steady; creamer- Julin, 5. ML STREET d percent on call declined new 4 on '.he MAMETS BOO I $4.46. !0. 139 ah $4.45. 175 at os $4.50. (. 7--8. 1718c; dairies, 17I9c. Eggs (heady; at mark, Caere included. l$9 at $4.65. 22c; it rat 20c; prime flrato, 34c; extras, 29c. Cneeim rtrgdv to firm: 3.'i at at lea. $4.55, 109 . llftlc. SALT LAKE AND STATE NEWS a.T' 1 o., d pow-de.e- IW TOE - le Au-hiso- ......... r ;6 somis-istrstio- ........ $i. com-plai- . ...... ...... 1 head-quurte- ................ ........ ltHi-roar- l 1 -- H-- rA 1 g of The Story 0-0-0 O 0 O 0-- 0 0-- O 0 --0-0 0-- 0 -- 0 0--0 0 0 00-0 0-0- -0 5 In o-o- ooopo-o-o-- o -o 000 ? 11 ls i !:nwrw hH - a bhM I shout forty cnur-.ar- In thr niagur.iues. Miss a Bohemian, hut Knight Ciilis lieisr-lshe could take her sort of Bohemlan-Ist- n stialght to iwaven allli her and not be criticised there for any eccn-n-lcil- y or hejiaiior. Jack loved tier, poor Vi'lluw, pint li!s chief Jov and pride ips In ii r growing ainvce, which war lifting her farllu-- t.nd farther rihov the lei cl of an-l- hopes aa Ms worldly would permit, him to indulge. I hud iesrucd from lilni that she waa an excellent adtivr. auj perhaps it waa from Ills hahit of to tier judg-n.rupon a vast vnrlety of questions that be now submitted the problem of lam.i ttllhen. Tiis rryult waa mlrac-ulouKgood. uWhv. yes. T know this man. eatd she. "Hi- ha been posing for P.iUy Ab- t wl,r-:r- ' 1 the kr-.r- r . i criidr porn ait. of a man sai. ir h f hricrinnioii rvlt. t.nt i,,t h.H, . W.tMout l .1 l'. rouv'i and at the first plant-- I had a 4u,li of c r'Crilioii. 1" tvbr a.--d ciurii-llnoan- etnd to me tli'. I who the tiihii was . hsd seen but thr as ispiifly as it had It rhOirif say at T on- ly hi-n- evtnt - said I. . Mih i,. Jisn c.lthrit !,'!. lie J ti:i ilr,ui'r if n.rrrli, th rt ri.',i irnf:. ssld 1. "arul yrf Is . h, "Anu ouiiosd f'owrll "It's ihs T. with me. A (tMiple of y mst le tii o' - it r- - o- I - - I thf rt n'l, aiui iIs1 Tm!, : 1 Ads lfjut-- Imt-uv- . 1 bp-t!a- r.' to ic:(! . r-- is H 1 a gvo5 ! I h photorra;,n. -Vy friend Keyhoid." cr.tir je-- J Ihi e l '"pdve Toe rTfil.',i ri Ij-O' ?l- -. (i!.1ert's e:r.;i ir.j., o' i? rir !e ,r,r .S l, r. "1 bf--t h-- atn-fytu- P. L hi t IVIiT, TER I KNOW THE MAN." SAID HHK. r rs . eei-ba.,- ;.u-- 'ti t n vrairt-.n.r- I f.e thi s.vrl.-r.iry ti u tm ht ,i.u. - pj1. r a i rout' .i.-i- .. tl. to i.h h.: - epi , ,a ti.ift,: r. iji.,r. ; iiu'.irril r-- : tMf y it,-!-.- ti to ,'. ilioiia1 , n rou-pi- ;. tr.is i? tiiet l- pv.-ir.- in,. IVi'-ii ! 'Till nv s fS p.,, of c.irrcijr fair pine iji 10m-p::ri- Inweit'a. tn whice th" fitnr n ot'd i.g ot th mnum . jr ch r, .td .iOvj Uroes htimiI Jn .. i,d-- r rrPt s.toh s vat to Yti-i1- rspcct 10 , "" - l light from the window I saw eniy two figures of men. I could have made ostli that there must he a dozen. The game was up so far as I was concerned. Let me therefore now shift The srqne to the other aide of the door, which had been closed the Instant that I entered. So quietly had I been disposed of that Powell hsd received 110 hint of any misadventure. He wax surprised - window. The man nee rest me uttered thing betwtp an oath and a Thee and I saw him draw a revolver. I wee as happily inspired aa ever iu vf I . Trussed up as I was ard prw upon r.,y back. I allli liad some str el my Dgi, ud with all my toroe I Wb) that mans feet from under Mm. Th mult waa Indescribably perfect, in avail turned completely upde dv and atvuck upon Ills heed berida bn. rolled aoroos his body, but ho madr" movement. He lay limp beneath At he same twetent Powell' arm wung tli old cutlass, aad If i M. turned a UUi I weapon hand I II ink be would have cut Mtwf please. penent lengthwise lute two mouth wa minute later my Half free of the gag. and my agonised low ,r received th vital air. Tha tight turned up, and we natniaed wr 'ie victim of W prowm prieanere. waa already wiving and mast he cured with ths rope taken ftomjri own "mb, but ths man whom F"" had struck down needed no auch teuton. We knelt beeide him. a ' surely seemed to us that Denny a hert, the burglar, had gone to hi oount. In a wall of Iho room tlier v In tr pronlsliig excavation which course of a few more hour wouai h been enlarged to give eecees Into where upon the I SATV HIM DRAW A REVOLVER. adjoining building, floor are the offices f c nanus Wtegand. dealer In find the door shut. H shook It by This fact sufficiently explains th the knob and called my name in vain. It will be admitted thst my friend vert'irr. It remain unly lo be arid turn hail reasonable cause to think that he of Bohemians wae hsd met with something unusual in little circle at a great banquet some the w ay f an reperlenra. Billy Ab- tslr.ed later to crlebrate the phi1., bott tied disappeared and left, no trace, weeks the Sl.ZM, and upon th' ocraw"1 ami tioiv 1 had varlihed In a manner of announce t even more remarkable. Poasibly a man was my pleasure to from ths rewe the that of a highly nervous temperament might company Gilbert have felt some vague eusplcjoa that pltal regarding Danny Knight ww at Amy his own turn waa next and that the Tor hie. Thn we drank to Danny's gestlon -of street the wee open safely prefers reformation In that mild ree r M to his present position. No such which Julio serves by ibe notion, however. ws pneslble to Jack j crag Powell. He drew back his foot- and of wine. kicked the locked door ao hard that 1 Do Wot Be SeesItlT. felt, the floor tremble under me, and a w hile he We frsquraUy sra unfortura' prepared ter another assault stances of extreme omtaUteeness the door slowly and s:ientiy opened. Front Powells position he looked families Ii rhlch the mother or quiver straight across to th broad, fainlly the uhildren la ait the lime some per shining window. Not a human form foont the pa la inflicted bymade was visible; i,ot a teurd disturbed ths Cerily fnnoi cni ven ark quiet of that loom, which seemed de- brother or a staler or one of thaofpar" sfaulted and hushed amid the noises of Thousanue of people are out the city. It seemed liiut Invisible deni-setiona and cannot keep good piacea vne of the place invited him lo enter, they get them because of this weaknes for thre siot.il th open doer. buslnera men haa Many a rained by hia u11" " his experience my i kept back or tiness 10 take cirr.-- or lo had ;eti-- i ,u"i-..bout . .1 .c'F" V live f violet. uni!. he :nfd a slight. Theiv t many ai.d ahte, who fmr gtotw or ij.r tut n.r 1c this tuan. well i .1 :CM..e. It Hg 1.' serriT'Vc that b cal .cot kern a 1" From hia d'slortrd vie,".'1'1 there ws a :pon ich sid vf )s.. thst tlHr waiting for libn to eutn ; aome brother or iir.tr in Lite churi'h t waiting also to rain out If he shuuM always hurting him, raynig or tuiuL-nrefer ht vole la an alarm, and as he unkind thtrpm or thron ing nut hlrt h,. n tea, ca',ci.lail ii injure h'n -wss W utOM ; of kn orart,Katl(M- art rf by a sein th . nd 'l'-r- omii-navir- wU-dot- -' 11 hr ing object on the wall beeide the It was an old cutlass, a part Billys haptmaard decorations. The next instant Pgwell waa ciesi across the room. The two men eprerg out. They nisiied against each oth and nearly fell, hut they wera no iV ices in brigandage, and within a fraction of a second they had recover! But meanwhile Powell themselves. had got the oword. and ht must hats looked desperately formidable, his tali and heavy form outlined against tLe" na iS-- "iu.m'.--c. ,, d . , v,-- f'i -- Ab-lwi- had In onut. Its said I." ts uijiii for Dai.uy 1 lbr:. r 1 f'r the dentist appeared at the t he of E'.hsrt Tcdjj lme nsktd bin hw -- ! him. door, mid to him we explained the sit tint iun. He thought It very odd, end, know-lePowell by sight, lie let its in. We ascended the dark sUIra, but found "Thats it no trace of Billy, nor did he answer te "Vou've solved the riddle." our cell. we both remembered havipg sei, for "He' used to Wave a key hung up tJar.ny liilhert wtth Abbott Ht the alongside the easing." raid "By Jove, s1 mot dtior of th building in which he row ELI, THREW IT WITH A GOOD it's here! We'll look in and see whethhas hi stiidlOL We luid been riding ly er anything Is wrong." AIM. l. in an nien car iind bnd called to I turned the key In the loek and en10 het ai-wilt, oiieie she Uveil. from tered. Powell at . that moment may but hud not succeeded in attracting his attention. Beyond a doubt the across the stre,, we watched the llghi have been ten paces distant toward the Individual with him was the burglar Bars In her wh diw as a sign that ait j front of the building. He had seen a window open on an air shaft and hsd upon whose head a price was set. The wus well. Do yon kno-- i ' said PwcU. there s been aized by the absurd idea that hui.ter that Is in the breasts of all men might hare fallen out. arose and became' dominant tn us. We something to il- i,fc of a big city thst Billy For my part. 1 had made up my a man r.'irrtcs iui must k to the primiprocrded to capture Danny i4,lbit tive hirtlnrl 0' had been taken ill and mind that his .at lire. I nerr wss siltingKilly whit we ate our dinner, aud we thers in the dark until lie ' from ho and he looked upward should feel bettor. I had no serious the reward many linies and iu iiu.reaii-iogl- y pint - dow "without that toward t.h attractive ways over the coffee. apprehension, surely not for my own d:i sense g- r of wl.ieh must have safety. I stepped into the room as cerMiss Knight, indeed, expressed a tatunlrJ early ii,,-- when all the world much at ease aa evar in my life, and tain pity for the mnn. If he bad iak-- i was stianae ; every c re tare hostile. the next inat.vnt I was infolded, as il or so arduous on up a village occupation in sm.illtr eities a seemed to me. iu uncountable arms, nil hni at least mrait to he certain kins.!: .. i:,s ih Hople. You strong as Iron. Deadly taiona liad me s 49ror A stipe began In do ,oi rav '.' ; inciK' ,.d leav Ary stigg rectify li' by i:e windpipe. atoe.i-ni h'g:' ti' Pun-!- : j wss 1, id-lHni ;( Aicg j,!. rpw wist aroand my body, a if I had ber. I il-liiem! S j VI I'al :ii r" to 011 tli'nl:"' sni . way there a luMi'n 011 wlihb it was wound no bv I'lie aiiitnaia that whirling machinery. Something soft, pwosios tin lag to m. roved i!i were rinre akin lo unlimited yards of it. wae thrust into j iriy planning "I think Dnnr.y is cava ..m1i than tho peopla ir.y i.?uth, and presuntly 1 was lowerauoth,r robbery," at-- I or ,o une .iiintber. They do ed gn.tiy to the floor. Then the g are to Hut he qan.'l mb t..;:y Alfo.tt pro-- j rot speak the sense tn my waning vuiiseton-- r Ijiutuoae,. ihuik tb I'owwll. a lajnUord seme Itioi.aV"Vf levied Oh. wll. what's tha wh sniMMMI that i the ilim 1 tv , I cd this Powell and I suddenly faced each other open rnouthMl, amt wc spoke e same instant in r'end!. . or r sre.- . t!-- i lo''im - rn At iur?" pi I i..i,iri. i bott." p,,,. 1 Sc r. trim. ,i'itl rpcemly. Ihjt TJ , ll'l J o, ritun i,- - ; 1 11, burglar 1 vw witness of my friend's gentlest possibilities, for Jitsl then we arrived at Julios, and there, dining alone, sat Mf-Atny Knight, whose name you will see quite often upon f l po.-fo-- r. arkir-u to ' e in n,, to .li,i-i- . a nii(r. whr a riinrr While we were on our nuy to Ihe re'tHUi-anrl us. a ar-- pl:oto- graph out of hi, :,rt jinxed i J revelation of his ap-- 1 Jank's was a change pitlte fur .ihle counteiuuire, however, despite its look of ftimneKs, and within n minute ufter I had made my little joke aliout the likT,eM to the Iron visage of the - rirrtrirri l ,9a to accentuate can rob Billy for mere than tba first use of kicking? I want to protect her; two months. Then Billy begins to rob tliat's all. 1 Just want to watch and the landlord, presently lie has to guard her every hour. Now. keep still. Not a word. Eorget my foolishness. I move." to have said 1L Let's go and He's getting along much heller oughtn't see If we find Billy Abbott. now," said Miss Knight. "He's taken it may hare been in o'clock when w up a really clover tine of work for pot came to the building where Billy had hulling, I moan. He ia making designs Iita studio. There was really no chance t. nil of for stationery and that sort of thing. finding him. for he lived In The last time I was in his studio he the suburbs, and ihia was a business was working on the design for a check, Mock in which he hud established his The door waa kicked; the workshopand II was very artistic In its way. all waa dark. There was no bell, and "A check! cried Towell. "Aha! The fn all tit front of the structure only a explains It." window was Illumined. So we fell to discussing ihe pmwfMTI-tie- s single waa 011 the second floor above Thlj the in of crime that direction and had door and was lettered with a dentist's evolved many impossible sehinea sign. Bui when we walked around to Danny Gilbert could win the side there was a light aura enough. whereby In Dllly's window upon the third floor wealth by stealing the design of somethe extreme end. body's check alien Miss Knight tnter-lupt- HtTVs celled, but without hope that lie ns hy announcing thst It waa hear our voices amid the thoutime for her In go home. IVe walked would sand noises of the reeUess "city. Then Ifoill broke off a small fragment from a worn curbstone and threw it with a good aim so that it glanced from the sash, but without much noise, eo far as wc could Judge. Instantly, .however, the light In the siwdlo was extinguished. Evidently Billy was juat leaving, and we hurried arouud the corner 1e the door. There we watted, at first with unquestioning confidence, then with considerable surprise. Half an hour passed, and be did not appear; pnr was his window lighted. IVe knew that Billy Abbott bad not retired to rest at such an hour, and moreover, be never slept tn the studio, where. Indeed, there was nothing to sleep on except the floor. It was possible to figure one chance in a million that he had goue Into the dentist's office for professional attendance or a social visit, hut no sooner hnd this Idea come to us than the light in that window went out. so that the Inillding wa now totally dark. Unless our friend hii'l fnllen downstairs and fractured some v.iiii hinge of his machinery, we not guees what hod become of' - 31 11 n report!- ! had a dollar or too In h.s pocket, hit etnre he hi gun lo devote hlmwlf entirely to lHcr.i-uhe liar probably boricpvod mur imry than he has kmnt-- rven insi r .,.n- non set. I Me F.thngi 0-0 not yet forgotten, and but thi affair Huts tn a Trust'd of about for the capture of Danny." At II' mnilioii of tins noble sum uf resiiet-tfijiljiintoved my nioi'ey nd wh'n my esnclion Imd sutn-iriiiT subsiri-'i- l cured I'uiiKrily ul the picture of lMnny tiiibeil 1 a a fiioriil tn.il T haie fcreti this fellow wltlilc a unonlh." said I. Fosrell waa equally certain oil Ms own pert, and hi- rani that, singular'-enough- . 1 was ass ichifcit closely In IiIk into ft with thr vag'li'K remembered tillage of the buiglar. I hm-- the same iitiprcssinn with regnrd t o von.' 1 rejoined. And t wti true. 'Hut if n sy be only the re- - ; eenlr, so 00 i A 05, 0 HAD ro pop-- i, which ua lisrdly ruoujih for di!inei. so wittil over lo Junk InwcU to li:iiirp bout ll:e tlnani-p- . state of Tim vl.iiu. a nut Wh--I'ciwi'il good. (n Cifynght, i Charln ff. ! o 00-- 00000-- 0 -0 0-0- JViUis Emery 0 0-0-0-- r iP A Windfall . Literary Men and a 'Burglar Thvo j - en bJ rct-en- - f W-i- 1 j j ! |