Show UW TARIFF balk the der bill to take tte tie tax from wool L DISCUSSED BY i I 1 the sophistry and chicanery of the Protect ic r n ATI Party ff ill 11 WASHINGTON kl march larch 9 0 in the pat past year year the day for the opening K debate upon alie tarifa bill has been up a red letter d day ay and almost ill all the have been in attendance and t the he galleries have been throng thronged thron ged edwith with spectators but tile rule met ft with its exception this in morning orning f when the speaker called the I 1 louse to order ii not 0 t more 6 than loo members were pr present besent and the t gal leiMs did not contain more or e than every day audience aj q representative Ic lillin in his speech gitlic debate on tile tariff tari flin in the majority of 1 the collin litte ways and means mans referred to th elwork of the last congress V bilode iio declared blared it imposed the hig liest ever levied in in this cour itrel I 1 i nade the most extravagant ca appropriations ever made here in t cmelo f peace this Coll congress 0 ress 11 lie sent gent here to correct both tb I 1 s by imposing less taxes and ly y spending 0 less money m continuing lB abaid said aid tile tariff law had now 11 ow be bein in op operation cration for a year and five months IN where here are tle the beneficial dif c ft t th eliat t were vere to follow from is is that magnificent ant pric ethe farmer and wool grower realize from it NIli where cre are the wages wages the labon laboring nm man mail get et e I 1 say nay the barmer lias realized 0 o ed front from two to tl percent c delit logs 1 an the pound 5 tan 1 ne M e did before and I 1 challenge any representative hereto hero to a single line of manu manufactures fractures fac tures in il which the laborers wages have been increased by that law mcmillin said the bill was it passed a sed under pretence predence pre tence of a desire to benefit the laboring man mail but what benefit lias has it been to him ile he then lookup took up wool and said the whole matter may mav bo be suni summed nied up in the tact fact that after years of experiment with high rates of dut duty y on oil wool the result lias has been a reduction of one half in the number of sheep in the states east of tile mississippi mississippians and missouri ri rivers ve rs I 1 and a reduction of about one half in the prices of wool nor have the results been encouraging to the wool manufacturers they than i have been restrict restricted od as to the quality jua lity of wool they could afford to buy in arease by of tile tariff the they y have been restricted in markets substantially to their own count country rv therefore tile they have been forced to use uc shoddy ay as a I 1 substitute for woolen 0 goods 7 and tile sheep ailts lilts husli ban dinen derived no substantial ben belle clit fit the speaker declared d now that more than two thirds of the expenses incurred during 0 the late war bad been paid and every legitimate excuse for an increase in rates had disappear eJ el but not only had there been no reduction in the tariff ruey eliut lit they had bren been vastly increased crea ed touching on oil s sugar cpr g mcmillin said tile authors of the bill take much credit to themselves for having in placed sugar 13 on the free list they did it is true place sonic some and most 6 grades rades of sugar 0 on oil the free lit liet the are arc taxed heavily for the beneat of tile the manufacturer mail u fact aurer and he is left with more protection by that bill than 1 by the alie mills bill true fifty odd million dollars ni were ere taken off 0 ll 11 tilt sugar tax but this is no free will offering ofle ring fur for the same inc amre c provided for a payment of twelve millions to the producers produce ry of ugar ra as ho bounties unties while lifty fifty odd millions of dollars of dollars of tax was taken off sugar increased duties amounting 0 to about sixty live five millions were put put on other thin things 0 anil and generally r on oil the necessaries neves saries of life they removed the sugar tax which yielded eight nintha ninths of tile b benefetto benefi ell edita tto to the treasury and butone ninth to the manufacturer only to litael many millions more than the sugar tax on other tiling thing where but one fourth of the laws exactions went into the treasury and three fourths fourt lis went into the private coffers of favored manufacturers it will le be cen that the tax is still a burden of indirectly y to the people cople and instead of getting sixty millions nil lions reli relief ef by this change of taxes they hardly barlly obtained ten millions benefit fit the whole bill is ia characterized by conscienceless conscience lesl favoritism for the few and merciless oppre oppression ion for the many in ill the consideration of the bill the manufacturers alone was favored and tile the consumer was never considered the exigencies preceding n tile the campaign had biad required a vast amount of money to carry carry of the election it was raised by arousing the apprehensions of some borne and promising 0 benefit to others the promises of that campaign 0 were put into statutory form every class except those who need it ft worst irive been benefited by the various laws passed by our opponents on the alie subject of taxation sine in regard to reciprocity the speaker said I 1 am astounded that in a free republic where the right 0 of taxation is through r all climen clio cn representatives bought i blood such inch a tiling thing is possible as the surrender of this right to one man mail the most sacred right a free man mail lias is to determine the extent and manner of liis his taxation the speaker denounced the rebate feature of the INIc mckinley Kinley bill by this ibis means lie declared very many agricultural ID implements and products of american manufactures were sold at a much lower rate to ti foreigners 0 out of th the e united states es than to citizens in it continuing mcmillin declared another isoif mot t serious objection to tile the ilig high ra rates of duty is the destructive tive influence it ft lias has on our commerce and added that many mally friends of high n protection pretend to believe and have blied themselves to show that the duty collected is ia 11 not ot a tax upon the people the claim I 1 is a premium or tax paid by foreigners n whose manufactures fac tures are arc sold in this aliis country for the privilege of selling them here those I 1 li to this view insist that the tariff is not a tax when in american citizen buys here an all article manufactured t fired abroad he be pays not only the alie original cost of transportation to this country and the duty auty collected at the port or entry and when lie he uses and consumes the article lie he pays the tax imposed upon by the government upon it it makes no difference who whether lie he or sonic some prior dealer handed money money to tile customs officers collected fr for duty when an american c citizen bua buys S goods manufactured here which are daiby sold in commet competition with goods of like character that have lave similar use imported bioni abroad lie has to pay the cost of production here on oil in many instances amount equal or nearly equal to the rate of duty fixed on oil tile the foreign 6 goods so competing if foreigners and not our citizens pay alic alie duty autv why did we relieve him from pa paying yi millions I 1 lions of tax for us on n su sugar gar why not let him continue to pay this fifty odd millions if no other el pod good resulted from the mckinley McKin lcy bill it taught the american people that tile tariff i a tax and a i tax upon the people who consume consul ile tile article upon which it is levied the day the tax was removed from sugar the price went down in all the american market to an amount about ell equal nai to tile duty removed on the other hand band when tile additional tax of f 12 cents per pound was imposed on tin till plate tinplate tin plate went up in price all over the country so on pearl buttons button u upon on which the duty was increased so on oil linen glois whatever may have been the situation before the ami am rican people have come to know tint the tariff marillis ta rillis is a tax and have dealt with those who increased the tax in the lat congress accordingly 1 by admin adain isterling to till the authors of tilt the high bi II rati nili we now have to pay the greatest rebuke that was ever administered to any party in this COLi country turning a republican majority into a democratic majority of almost three fourths there is another provision of the present law that should be amended it the one allowing those who are opulent enough and have leisure to go abroad to bring in ill free of dunja duty a quantity of clothes clothe as wearing wearing a apparel in closing the speaker said tile the people have resolved and they will make that resolution good that they will have a reduction reductio ji in the rate of taxation or a still further reduction ian of 0 f the those 6 e in COD congress pa resa who alio favor high taxation this ri battle is on oil and on to the finish on one side are arrayed the democratic party in favor of just j list taxation and on oil tile the other side its opponents clamoring for unjust and excessive taxation in the course of his speech mcmillin 3 was interrupted by raines haines of new york with a su suggestion my estion that new york state elections election s have not been of a character to encourage age the democratic party mcl retorted that the ex speaker on iN monday fonday referred to the triumphant march of truth that march was by the fact that the gentleman fro from ill maine NJ ain 0 reed no longer occupied the chair but was relegated to tile the floor where he could do nothing but curse and cry loud applause the cit city odthe of alie gentleman eitleman ent leman from maine had had gone democratic the other day |