Show to place first marker on old morman trail henefer july 16 the utah pioneer trails and landmarks association has approved lug ot of eight markers and monuments this season in ID honer of historic places events or individuals first on the list Is placing of a iw trapper at bear river biver city on on xay may 9 others are marker at port fort hall un the old oregon trail june 1 tablet designating salt lake base meridian morl dian south temple and main streets salt lake city june 11 or 12 first marker on a old mormon trail brail at benear Bene fr july 16 monument i at ab mormon terry ferry on an platte platt river near casper wyo june is 11 marker at mt dell on pony express trail sometime in july monument to pioneer catholic sisters who established one of the first hospitals in salt lake city date to be fixed later markers at pipe springs and fredonia ariz sometime during sep ep ethber |